For each assignment select and discuss a total of 10 key points/elements/concepts (from all chapters).

Question Description

Times New Roman. 11 pt font.

Hope and Healing in Urban Education

read chapter 6,7,8

Singled -spaced. About 2-3 pages. For each assignment select and discuss a total of 10 key points/elements/concepts (from all chapters). In addition, for each one of the key concepts, include and explain in detail: 1) messages of the author 2) your interpretation of the messages 3) the impact on you and why? 4) offer specific examples. number the 10 keys concepts. number each point 1-10.


The purpose of this major project assignment is to develop a well-researched project planning document based on the overall parameters of a project and establish the appropriate project management and quality environment required to complete the chosen pr

Question Description

The report should include the following:

  • The cover page must identify students’ (name and number), teaching staff, and assignment.
  • The assignment must use 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font with appropriate section headings.
  • The report must include executive summary, table of contents, introduction, discussions (with heading/sub-headings to address the requirements listed above), conclusions and recommendations, references and appendices.
  • Reference sources (APA style) must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list.
  • Make a discussion

    Question Description

    About 350 words

    1. What is your favorite social media platform for personal use and why? Explain your answer.
    2. In your own words, describe what the FCC does and its importance to electronic and digital media.
    3. Of the social media platforms mentioned on pg. 269 in your textbook, which do you (as a consumer) look to the most for business influence? Which platform do you use to follow, review, and/or interact with businesses and brands online?

    Be completed by Thursday, October 3 at 11:59 p.m. CST.

    Write a discussion on the below given topic.

    Question Description

    Chapter 22 presented a case study in creating value from uncertainty, and chapter 25 presented the use of efficient frontier analysis in SRM. Assume you are the project lead for the analysis team that uses Efficient Frontier Analysis to evaluate risks of the portfolio presented in chapter 25. How would you explain the results of the analysis to non-technical decision makers? What recommendation would you make, assuming the risk appetite presented in chapter 25?

    Please find the attached documents for your reference.

    Discussion please read the requirements

    Question Description

    Chapter 10 presents six case studies where the trustworthiness of data were at varying levels with high margins of error. Pick one case with high trustworthiness of data and one with lower trustworthiness and compare and contrast them, clarifying how the “lines of authority” dictated the outcomes.

    To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

    A) Create a new thread. As indicated above, select two of the six cases and compare and contrast them, explaining how clear authority affected the outcomes

    MBA Strategic Marketing Unit 2

    Question Description


    In a company or organization where you may have worked or served, reflect on your observations about the company’s direct and indirect competitors. As a part of that observation, describe the most relevant categories in which those competitors were grouped. What were their similarities and differences with your company or organization, and how did you see it affect your company’s competitive efforts? Why, or why not?

    Your entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

    Interpret one example from two of the following

    Question Description

    Interpret one example from two of the following:Maria Tymoczko and Laura to suggest similarities shared by or differences between their or their family’s lives during world war 2 on the “home front”(it’s a video that can be find on YouTube) Do not use any sources except those indicated in the question.use 12 point type, double space,paginate your paper and give it a title that suggests what it is about

    I’ll send the reading and the rest of the information via me

    150 words reply

    Question Description

    no plagiarize, spell check, and check your grammar. Please use the references below

    If you reduce the social security payments which are already pretty low for many how would you supplement their income if they have no other source of retirement which is the case for many?


    Ross Finnie, David Gray, & Yan Zhang. (2013). Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) Status Amongst the Retired Population: An Analysis of the Incidence. Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques, 39, S65. Retrieved from….

    Weekly Discussion log

    Question Description

    After reading and reviewing Chapters 8 and 9, reflect and discuss the following questions:

    1. Explain how order management and customer service are related.
    2. Describe the two approaches to order management. How are they different? How are they related.
    3. Explain why inventory costs and inventory levels have declined relative to GDP over the last 20 years. Is this beneficial to the economy? Why or why not?

    Use the following headings to organize your paper: Introduction, Question 1, Question 2, Question 3, Conclusion, References.

    550 words

    apa format

    What Motivates you? How do you apply Motivation theories?

    Question Description

    What Motivates you? How do you apply Motivation theories?

    Online discussion messages should be significant. There are a variety of ways to do this,including:

     Providing concrete examples, perhaps from your own experience

     Describing possible consequences or implications

     Challenging something that has been posted in the discussion – perhaps by playing “devil’s advocate”

     Posing a clarifying question

     Suggesting a different perspective or interpretation

     Pulling in related information from other sources – books, articles, websites, other courses, etc.