ABA Treatment Plan for ASD: Part 1



For this assignment, you will use the treatment plan outline from the CASP 2020 document (pages 23-24) to begin developing your treatment plan for the behaviors listed in your DSM-5 intervention matrix. This is Part 1 of your ABA Treatment Plan for ASD assignment. You will submit Part 2 in Week 9.

In preparation:

Review the following document, especially familiarizing yourself with the necessary elements of the treatment plan.

Week 7: ABA Treatment Plan for ASD: Part 1Links to an external site..

Download and save the ABA Treatment Plan for ASD Template [DOCX]. Please add directly to this template for this week’s and the Week 9 assignment.

  • For this assignment, complete Parts 1 through 6. of the treatment plan, which include the following:

Patient Information.

  • Reason for Referral.

Brief Background Information.

Clinical Interview.

Review of Recent Assessments/Reports (File Review).

Assessment Procedures and Results.

  • Remember that your information here will likely be hypothetical, though you can use elements of a real-life case as long as all identifying information is removed (this is extremely important and must not be forgotten; no exceptions). See the CASP document for more information on what to include in these sections.

While the template is in an outline form, make sure you are writing complete sentences and paragraphs to address each section. Lists, incomplete sentences, and partial paragraphs are not sufficient for this assignment.

Alignment of Assessment and Behaviors: Remember that for purposes of this course and this assignment, you will be aligning your background and assessment information with the operationally defined behaviors from your DSM-5 Potential Intervention Matrix assignment in Week 5. The behaviors you included there will be the basis for the treatment plan and will be expanded on and discussed in the background and assessment portions, as appropriate. In a real-life situation, you would conduct assessments and then align the plan to this information. Because we have to target hypothetical behaviors specifically related to ASD, we will target those behaviors and then make sure everything (including the assessment) is aligned from there.

  1. Additional Supports for ASD: As you prepare your assessment results, remember to consider what interviews, observations, or other assessments might reveal for a child with autism, based on what you know about ASD. For example, research and/or review some of the common additional supports that may be helpful for individuals with ASD (keeping in mind that though common, supports should still be highly individualized, as they would in any ABA program or intervention). Examples include visual supports, structured teaching environment, clear boundaries, items or areas to increase or decrease sensory input (including the ability to appropriately engage in self-stimulatory behavior), highly motivating items/activities, adaptations to assist with communication and social interactions, and adaptations to reduce anxiety (choices, priming, breaks, et cetera).
  2. Overall, your assignment submission will be assessed based on the following criteria:
  3. Present relevant and reasonable patient, referral, and background information for an individual about whom the treatment plan is being developed. (Template Sections 1, 2, and 3.)
  4. Describe the results of a clinical interview, providing performance levels, operational definitions of related behaviors, and relevant possible functions of behaviors for all seven criteria. (Template Section 4.)
  5. Develop relevant recent functional behavior assessment results, cognitive testing results, or progress reports, along with a summary of important findings. (Template Section 5.)
  6. Develop compassionate and inclusive assessment procedures, including the purpose of all assessments and a summary of findings. (Template Section 6.)

Convey purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.

locating credible database and research


You are supervising three nurses working on the medical-surgical floor of a local teaching hospital. This hospital is nationally recognized as a leader in education and has a computer lab with an online library where staff has access to medical research databases (that is, CINAHL, PubMed, Medline, and Cochrane library) and online sources of all hospital policies, procedures, and guidelines, and computers at nurse workstations that also have access to these resources. (For this scenario, use the Capella University Library to simulate the hospital’s online library.) You have given the nurses their patient assignments and you have all participated in shift report. A new nurse who just completed orientation and training a week ago approaches you and tells you that one of the assigned patients has a diagnosis he or she is very unfamiliar with. Knowing that patient-centered care based on best practices is imperative to positive patient outcomes, you want to assist this nurse to find research that can be utilized to provide the best care for this patient. Describe how you would communicate with this nurse to encourage him or her to research the diagnosis. Assume you will assist in the quest to locate evidence, then describe where you would go within the facility and what resources you would look for. These resources may include websites, journals, facility policies or guidelines, or any other sources of online information.

To select the diagnosis for the patient in this scenario, review the three diagnoses presented in the Assessment 01 Supplement: Locating Credible Databases and Research [PDF]  Download Assessment 01 Supplement: Locating Credible Databases and Research [PDF]resource and select one. You will use this same diagnosis to complete the next two assessments.

Create a list of at least five sources that could be used to find evidence, with the best source listed first, and explain why the sources you chose are best to find evidence for the diagnosis you chose and the clinical scenario. You are only evaluating the sources of evidence (database, website, policy database or website, journal article, et cetera). You are not actually completing a search and selecting evidence. Consider the following examples: a nursing journal in CINAHL may not be the best source of evidence for information on how to administer medications through a central-venous catheter, whereas a hospital policy database found on a website may not be the best source of information on caring for a patient with a rare chromosomal abnormality.To help ensure you are prepared to complete this assessment, review the following resources related to the Capella library. These resources will provide you an overview of the types of tools, resources, and guides available in the library. This may be useful in forming a better understanding of the library to apply to the hypothetical situation laid out in the scenario of this assessment.

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Health Sciences.

Databases A-Z: Nursing & Health Sciences.

Get Critical Search Skills.

Remember, it is also appropriate to look toward databases and resources outside of the Capella library, such as organizational policies, professional organizations, and government health care resources.

Nursing Process Worksheet


Fill out the NPW, please. This it the scenario: Traumatic hyphema

Astute triage leads to an evidence-based treatment plan.


BRIAN WRIGHT*, a 34-year-old man with a cein staining. Aside from a Grade Il hyphema, history of essential hypertension, is struck in the ophthalmologic examination is unremark-the right temple with a bat during a softball able with intraocular pressures 16 mmHg on game. Mr. Wright’s teammates drive him to the the left and 19 mmHg on the right.

emergency department (ED) for evaluation.

The ophthalmologist prescribes pred-

They wait 3 hours to be seen.

nisolone acetate 1% ophthalmic drops four times per day, for 7 days, and oxycodone, 5 mg

History and assessment

every 6 hours as needed, for severe pain. Mr.

Jane*, an experienced ED nurse, completes the

Wright is discharged home with daily outpa-

triage for Mr. Wright, who says he felt dizzy and tient ophthalmology follow-up and instruc-nauseous immediately after being hit by the bat.

tions to limit strenuous physical activity and to

Mr. Wright says he also experienced right eye

wear his right eye shield at all times.

pain (10/10), photophobia, and blured vision.

Mr. Wright’s vital signs are temperature 97.5° Education and follow up

F (36.4° C), HR 106 BPM, RR 18 breaths per

Traumatic hyphema is most common in men

minute, BP 142/78 mmHg, and Sao, 98% on and children with an incidence of 12/100,000 room air. While obtaining Mr. Wright’s vital individuals. Penetrating or blunt ocular trau-signs, Jane begins her triage assessment. She ma, which typically occurs as a result of athlet-notes the presence of blood in the anterior ic or recreational injuries, requires emergent chamber of his right eye and assigns an emer- evaluation to prevent vision loss. Patients fre-gency severity index score of 2 (out of 5) and quently experience vision loss, eye pain, photo-takes Mr. Wright directly to the trauma treat- phobia, nausea, or vomiting. Sickle cell disease, ment area for immediate evaluation.

anticoagulant use, and clotting disorders in-crease complications associated with hyphema.

Taking action

Diagnosis is primarily clinical, although globe

Jane assesses Mr. Wright’ visual acuity (left eye

rupture must be ruled out.

20/30, right eye 20/200, and both eyes 20/40).

Traumatic hyphema requires prompt identi-

Before notifying the attending ED physician

fication and ophthalmology evaluation. Indi-

about this traumatic injury, Jane elevates the viduals with a Grade II hyphema (less than 50% head of the stretcher to 45 degrees, applies a of the anterior chamber occupied by blood) can right eye shield, dims the examination room be managed as outpatients, with daily ophthal-lights, and instructs Mr. Wright to remain on mology evaluations to assess intraocular pres-the stretcher.

sures, administration of ocular glucocorticoids

The ED physician affirms the presence of a

to prevent rebleeding and control inflamma-

hyphema and consults with ophthalmology.

tion, limited physical activity, and eye shield-

She orders an I.V. and 4 mg of morphine sulfate

ing. Grade II hyphema typically resolves within

and 4 mg of ondansetron before transporting

7 days. In Mr. Wright’s case, Jane’s astute triage

Mr. Wright for a computed tomography scan

assessment facilitated timely implementation of

of the orbits and maxillofacial bones to rule

an evidence-based treatment plan.


out fracture and globe rupture.

*Names are fictitious.


Fortunately, Mr. Wright didnt sustain any maxillofacial or globe ruptures. He’s evaluated by ophthalmology in the ED with slit-lamp ex-amination of the anterior segment and fluores-

Access references at myamericannurse.com/?p=369784.

Aaron M. Sebach is dean of the College of Health Professions and Natural Sciences at Wilmington University, in New Castle, Delaware, and a nurse practitioner at TidalHealth Peninsula Regional, in Salisbury, Maryland. 



What is a good sample in qualitative research? It is NOT about size or generalizability.

The answer lies in how clearly you articulate the criteria for selecting data sources; (b) your ability to purposefully select cases; and (c) the extent to which those cases are “information-rich… for in-depth study” (Patton, 2015, p. 264) with respect to the purpose of the study.

As you prepare for this week’s Discussion, consider turning your attention to the variety of purposeful sampling strategies you may consider in developing your research plan. Also consider that qualitative researchers seek a threshold or cut-off point for when to stop collecting data. There is no magic number (although there are guidelines). Rather, saturation occurs as an interface between the researcher and the data and (b) between data collection and data analysis to determine when enough is enough.

For this Discussion, you will critique a sampling strategy used in a research article.Prepare a critique of the sampling strategy used by Yob and Brewer (n.d.). Include the following your critique:

  • The purpose of the study
  • Research questions
  • Site selection
  • The type of purposeful sampling strategy the researchers applied.
  • An alternative sampling strategy that the researchers could have considered. Explain your choice in terms of how the strategy is consistent with their research purpose and criteria for selecting cases.
  • Provide a data saturation definition and evaluate the work of the researchers in this article regarding their efforts to achieve data saturation. Note what the researchers could have done differently to convince you that the relevant and important themes emerged.

Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.

  • Ravitch, S. M., & Carl, N. M. (2021). Qualitative research: Bridging the conceptual, theoretical, and methodological (2nd ed.) Sage Publications.
    • Chapter 4, “Design and Reflexivity in Data Collection” (pp. 105–122)
    • Chapter 5, “Methods of Data Collection” (pp.124-163)
  • Rubin, H. J., & Rubin, I. S. (2012). Qualitative interviewing: The art of hearing data (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
    • Chapter 3, “Qualitative Data-Gathering Methods and Style” (previously read in Week 3)

week 5 disc 1 reply to Yosef L


Q1. Which classes of diabetes medications are either weight neutral or cause weight loss? Please give one (1) example of a drug’s generic and trade name in that class.

A1: A class of diabetes medication that also helps with weight loss are Glucagon-like peptide 1 agonists. An example of this class is the generic drug exenatide, with the brand name Byetta (Van Gorp et al., 2020).

Q2. Based on the current guidelines of the ADA, it would be appropriate to treat her with monotherapy since the patient is hesitant to take any injections. What agent would you recommend? Please provide the trade name, generic name, the dose you would start the patient with frequency, and route.

A2: Based on this patient’s medical history of obesity and hyperlipidemia, her reluctance to injections and the ADA guidelines, I would suggest Jardiance, generic name empagliflozin, a type of SGLT2 inhibitor. This medication not only helps against type II diabetes, but also has some medium level efficacy against obesity as well as decreasing the possibility of Major Adverse Cardiac Events (MACE) (“Standards of Care in Diabetes—2023 Abridged for Primary Care Providers,” 2022). This medication, however, can be expensive, depending on her insurance. Depending on how obese she versus how much her insurance covers would be the deciding factor. The recommended dose for Jardiance is 10mg, once daily in the morning (Ingelheim, 2023)

Q3. What are the contraindications of your selected diabetic therapy?

A3: Contraindications for Jardiance include: pregnancy, renal insufficiency, bariatric surgery and any surgery in general (Empagliflozin: Drug Information – UpToDate, n.d.).

Q4. What lab workup should you obtain? What sort of results will you see in patients who have hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism? 

A4: to assess for either hypo or hyperthyroidism, I would obtain a TSH lab with an additional free thyroid hormone T-4 one. If the TSH is high and T4 is low then the patient would be diagnosed with hypothyroidism. If it is reversed, with TSH being low and T4 high, then we would diagnose hyperthyroidism (American Thyroid Association, 2020).

Q5. What is the treatment of choice for hypothyroidism? What is the mechanism of action? Please provide the initial dose, trade, and generic name of the drug, route, and frequency.

A5: Choice of treatment for hypothyroidism is Synthroid, a type of levothyroxine medication. It works because it is a synthetic form of thyroxine, the endogenous hormone in the body. Dosing for Synthroid depends on patients medical history, TSH and free T4 levels as well as patient’s weight. So the initial starting dose would be 1.6 mcg/kg/day (patient’s weight is unknown) and increase the dose by 12.5-25mcg every 3-6 weeks based on lab results. She should take it once a day, early in the morning, without food (Dosing & Administration – SYNTHROID®, n.d.)

Q6. What are the adverse effects, and what important teaching will you provide this patient on thyroid replacement therapy?

A6: Adverse reactions of Synthroid are symptoms of hyperthyroidism. This includes: increased BP, dyspnea, diarrhea, weight loss, sweating, vomiting, anxiety and headache, to name a few. Teaching for this medication include: not crushing the medication, taking it on an empty stomach, early in the morning and not within four hours of any calcium- or iron-containing products or bile acid sequestrants. It should be stored at room temp and that she should tell her provider if she plans or becomes pregnant (Levothyroxine: Drug Information – UpToDate, n.d.)

Extended definition and rationale


For this two-part assignment, you are responding to the following real-life situation: 

Northwest and Southeast campus course offerings in the next few semesters will include an increase in blended sections as well as a new option for synchronous online sections.  To ensure new and returning students choose the modality that will best meet their needs, a resource document that includes extended definitions of each modality is being created as a resource for advisors and students.    

Part 1 – Extended Definition

Write an extended definition of one of the following modalities: a) blended or b) synchronous. 

Begin your extended definition with a sentence definition.

From here, there several definition strategies you can use to write your extended definition. Use at least two of these strategies.

  • Visuals: provide a graphic representation of a topic. For example, for a definition of the water cycle, the writer might use a visual illustration of the process to supplement his or her written QUESTION.
  • Examples: explain an abstract or complicated topic. For example, for a definition of compound exercise, the writer might provide several compound exercises as examples (squat, bench press, deadlift, etc.).
  • Partition: divides complex topics into multiple categories. For example, for a definition of diabetes, the writer would want to partition the three kinds of diabetes (type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes) and discuss them one at a time rather than try to define them all at the same time.
  • Principle of Operation: defines a process or an object involved in a process; as such, it is likely to appear in documents like a user’s manual or instructions. For example, for a definition of four wheel drive, the writer could explain, step-by-step, how four-wheel drive works.
  • Comparison and Contrast: useful when the topic consists of two categories with clear similarities and differences. For example, for a definition of electric current, the writer might want to set up the definition as a comparison/contrast between the two types of electric current: alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC).
  • Analogy: draws a comparison between the topic and something likely already familiar to readers. For example, for a definition of central processing unit, the writer might want to draw an analogy between how a CPU works and how the human brain works.
  • Negation: defines the concept by what it is not. For example, one way to define automatic transmission would be to explain how it is different from manual transmission, its predecessor.
  • Etymology: explains where the name of the topic comes from. For example, for a definition of tyrannosaurus rex, the writer might explain that the name comes from the Greek words meaning “tyrant” and “lizard” and the Latin word meaning “king.” Typically, your extended definition will proceed from general to specific; start with the broad information—the “basics”—that your readers would need to know about your topic. Gradually make your paragraphs more and more specific, but remember that your larger document and your audience will determine how specific you need to get. 

Part 2 – Rationale

Write a two-paragraph explanation to your instructor of your choices.  In it, include: 

  • why you chose the modality you did
  • if you conducted any additional research, how you did and what resources you consulted
  • why you included the content you did
  • how your audience affected the way you wrote the definition
  • why you used the definition strategies you did
  • why you used the specific language you did (word choice)

Technical writing


Project 3 Redesign Portfolio

  • This unit emphasizes document design based on audience need, rhetorical situation, and design principles. In Project 3, you will be responsible for compiling a “Redesign Portfolio” of three technical documents to demonstrate your acquired skill and knowledge in the following areas:
  • Appropriate Design and Document Formatting: this includes applying theories of design, particularly with respect to balance, alignment, grouping, consistency, and contrast and implementing these design choices in design software, Canva.

Rhetorical Awareness: this includes tailoring your redesigned documents for a particular audience, medium, and purpose.

Creative Thinking: this includes analyzing and solving problems in the original documents as you consider your redesign choices and implement them in, Canva.

  • Writing Conventions: this includes writing with clarity, concision, and correctness.


  • Your redesign portfolio will include the following deliverables:
  • Introductory Memo In the introductory memo, you will explain design choices for each document: (1) discuss the design of the original document and what needs to be changed, (2) detail the changes made to the new document, and (3) defend the new design. The memo should be well designed and well structured. (1-2 pages long)

Document 1: Adapting to Your Audience You will choose one of the provided technical documents, each written for a particular audience, and redesign and rewrite the fact sheet for a different defined audience. Consider choices in content, language, formatting and structure, visuals, and other design principles appropriate for the named audience in your redesign. Choose between Option A and Option B.

  • Option A SAMHSA. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services administration prepared a fact sheet for adult survivors coping with grief after community violence. If you choose this option, you will need to rewrite and redesign the document to be appropriate for 8th grade children (12–14 years old) who are survivors of community violence. (1 page front and back)

Option B WorkCare. This technical document about avoiding and treating insect bites was prepared for employers and workers who are at risk for such injuries while on the job. If you choose this option, you will need to rewrite and redesign the document to be appropriate for parents and their families for at-home care. (1 page front and back)

Document 2: Adapting Content to a Form You will choose one of the provided brief reports, which rely primarily on written text and a deep-reader audience. You will transform the content of the report and turn it into an infographic, relying primarily on visual design principles to appeal to the skim-reader audience without sacrificing informative power. Choose between Option A and Option B.

Option A International Migrants. The United Nations published a report on number of international migrants in 2019. Access the report click here

  1. Option B Homelessness. The National Low Income Housing Coalition summarized a 2019 HUD report estimating homelessness in the United States. Access the article click here
  2. Document 3: Implementing Design Principles You will choose one of the provided flyers, whose poor designs frustrate readers’ access to content and fail to achieve its purposes. Identify the purpose of the flyer and the intended audience, and redesign the 1-page flyer, focusing on design principles of balance, alignment, grouping, consistency, and contrast. Choose between Option A and Option B.

Option A Film Fest Flyer

Option B Animal Clinic Flyer

  1. Your portfolio should include four documents—Introductory Memo, Document 1, Document 2, and Document 3—saved as a PDF file.

Summary & Critical Response


Major Paper #1—Summary & Critical Response (Part 1)

We will be working on this assignment for the next two units.  In this unit, we will focus on the summary.  In Unit 3, we will focus on the critical response.  The paper will be due at the end of Unit 3.


Most of us use critical reading strategies everyday to effectively process all of the information we are consistently bombarded with.  This assignment allows you continue to explore ideas of reading and writing rhetorically, as you will use different strategies to write your summary and your critical response.

The Assignment:

This assignment will have two parts:

In this unit, we will be focusing on Part 1:  The Summary.

The Summary

Summarize in 150-200 words the article your instructor has chosen from the assignment.  Please use “To Seek Common Ground on Life’s Big Questions, We Need Science Literacy” provided below.  In this summary, you should relay the article’s main points, completely and accurately, in your own words.  If you find yourself in a situation in which the author’s words needed to be quoted directly (perhaps for emphasis), you must make it clear that these words are the author’s by using quotation marks appropriately.  You will not want to quote anything over one sentence in length, and you will want to limit yourself to no more than 2-3 direct quotes, if you use any at all.  Remember that the whole point of this portion of the assignment is for you to restate the author’s points objectively in your own words.

In general, I recommend you structure your first sentence something like this:

          In “To Seek Common Ground on Life’s Big Questions, We Need Science Literacy,” Jonathan Garlick argues that…

This will function as the thesis statement of your summary, so this first sentence will need to convey the main point(s) of the article to give your reader an overall view.

Please be sure to review the Submitting Your Assignment of Unit #3 section for specific instructions on how you should turn in your work for grading. The Summary & Critical Response Essay with both required sections is due at the end of Unit #3.



Major Paper #1—Summary/Critical Response (Part 2)

In the last unit, we focused on crafting the summary.  In this unit, we will focus on the second half of this paper:  the critical response.  The paper (including both sections–the summary and the critical response) will be due at the end of this unit.

The Assignment:

This assignment has two parts:

In this unit, we will be focusing on Part 2, the Critical Response.

Critical Response

Write a two page response to the article your instructor has chosen from the assignment. Please use “To Seek Common Ground on Life’s Big Questions, We Need Science Literacy” provided below.

Before you even begin drafting, you will want to decide on the terms of your response.  Once you decide on the terms (or grounds) of your response, you’ll want to figure out how you can support your points—using logic, outside evidence—whatever is appropriate.  Your response cannot be based on simply your opinion about the issue.

Please be sure to review the Submitting Your Assignment of Unit #3 section for specific instructions on how you should turn in your work for grading. The Summary & Critical Response Essay with both required sections is due at the end of Unit #3.

Web article draft


My web article topic:

My persuasion article, based on my previous submissions, is about how individual differences in personality and experiences influence a person’s dream content. My purpose of this persuasive article is to push this information and evidence forward so more people will believe in this statement. I hypothesized that a person’s dreams directly correlate to their personality and what they have gone through and experienced in their lifetime. I will price this to an audience with evidence and persuasive writing techniques. This is the thesis I decided on because it leaves a side for people to argue against my findings and use evidence and other opinions to combat the claim I made. People may hypothesize against me and argue that dream content may correlate with different things, such as medications, anxiety, emotions, sleep patterns, or some may argue even external temperature. Based on my findings I believe in my previously stated hypothesis that it is the most affective way to predict dream content. I will include graphics of both people dreaming/sleeping in peace, paired with different charts and graphs that prove my thesis correct. I want to share this information in a persuasive manner by stacking evidence to sway the audience into backing me and believing that the most affective and prominent deciding factor of dream content is based on personality. I want to remain formal to show scientific proof of my thesis in a manner that influences people to believe in expert analysis.

This assignment asks you to lay out some ideas for your web article. If you are still stuck or unsure about how you’ll approach your article, it is okay to use this assignment to explore a couple possibilities or start planning an idea that you’re still figuring out how to approach. As always, it is better to submit something on time that is a little unpolished than it is to turn in nothing because you’re worried it is not good enough. 

Step 1: Explain 

Discuss your purpose and audience:What do you hope to accomplish with your web article? Are you trying to persuade your audience to change their behavior? Take action? Argue in favor of a particular solution? And who is this argument is directed to? Be as specific as you’re able to with your audience — since you’re writing persuasively you should think about who you’re hoping to persuade, to take action based on your argument. Take some time to explain why you have decided on this purpose and what you really want to say.

  1. Discuss your thesis: State the working thesis that you will assert in your web article, and explain why this will be the stance you’ve decided to take. Here, it is a good idea to also reference some of the research you’ve done, showing how you plan on incorporating different sources in support of this stance.

Step 2: Draft

Provide me with a short draft of your report – at least 300 words (between 1/3 and 1/2 of the final draft). This can be of any section of your report but it should be as well written as you can make it. I want to be able to comment meaningfully on it and understand the direction you are headed in. 

Topic Proposal Summary – Communications


Research Question: Is gender an important defining factor in how people communicate with each other?

Independent Variable – Gender

Dependent Variable – Inter-Personal Communication

Utilize only approved communications journals for the proposal. A list of approved communications journals is attached

For this project, you will begin to create a pathway to original research on a communication topic of your choice. By the end of this course, you should be able to identify communication concepts and propose original research surrounding communication for both academic and proprietary purposes. This assignment has you begin your research journey by identifying a topic of interest, justifying examination of that topic, creating research questions and/or hypothesis to explore, and providing resources that can be used in your literature review assignment.


The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success:

           Create hypothesis/Research questions for Communication research.

           Identify the variables/concepts associated with Communication research.

Compose clear conceptual definitions to identify the variables that you will discuss in future papers.  

To do this, you will propose a topic of interest and begin researching that topic.

Step by Step Guide

  • To complete this assignment, follow these steps:

Requirement #1: Cover Page

You need an APA (7th edition) cover page. See the resources at the end of this document for guidelines on APA.

  • Requirement #2: Introduction
  • The topic proposal is the first phase of your research project.  For the first part of this assignment, you will write a short introduction (1 page) on the topic/question of interest.  These pages should introduce your topic.  You will want to have an attention getter, justification statements, thesis and preview of your main points.  Your topic proposal must focus on communication behavior.  You need to make sure that there is some sort of message focused behavior being discussed.  If you are unclear as to what this means, please ask! You should be using what you learned in COM 207 when you develop this first paragraph. If you did not complete COM 207 with ASU, please look into these resources
  • Requirement #3: Hypothesis and Conceptual definitions
  • After providing your introduction, please provide the following:
  • Preliminary research question or hypothesis. This may change as your paper develops, but please provide the RQ or H as you are currently thinking about the topic.

Conceptual definitions for all IV(s) and DV(s).

Please use third person (i.e., avoid “I”, “me”, “you”, etc.) to help get you comfortable with this type of writing.

Requirement #4: APA Reference page

After you have your topic defined, you need 6 peer-reviewed journals for your bibliography in APA format. Please use journals from the Communication discipline.  An easy way to find these journals is using COMABSTRACTS through the ASU library. This resource should be helpful: Library Guide,  See the list provided for approved communication articles. Approved Communication Journals List.doc

  • Please keep these journals recent.  You should search for articles that:

Help describe the problem you are studying and why it is important

Define key variables or concepts

Provide a theoretical foundation for your argument

  • Help establish the links in your argument/explain why you think something should happen

Describes previous research on the key variable, population, etc.

Address the same question you are interested in only in a different setting, population, etc.