Read Carefully, Follow instructions to the T

Question Description

Solve the case study by analyzing what is presented and stating which specific actions best resolve major issues. These actions must reflect information in the case and the environment facing the firm. Paper should be about six pages in length, excluding cover and reference pages. Please follow APA guidelines for citations, quotations, and references, and use at least five scholarly resources that are dated within the last ten years. Research methodology and problem analysis will be emphasized in the grading of this assignment.

K-Discussion 5

Question Description

Review NIST’s guidelines for Patch Management at… . Next research the Equifax breach that occured last year. Analyze the breach in the context of NIST’s recommendations. What was Equifax lacking that contributed to the breach? Research and discuss how much this breach will this likely cost them? What steps you would take if you were tasked with managing that system to ensure that this didn’t happen again? What policies might you need to create? What controls in those policies

words :300

Letter of Recommendation #2

Question Description


I would like you to write a letter of recommendation for me. I am a business women who is a office manager for 5+ years. Attached you will find my resume and I would like if you could write a exceptional letter of recommendation. You would be writing the letter as if you are my collegaue and you worked in the building that I managed.

I am applying to a Doctors office for Plastic Surgery.

Please let me know if you need any additional Help.

IaaS, PaaS and SaaS

Question Description

Write at least a 500 word essay comparing and contrasting IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. Give an example application where each would be best applied. Highlight at least three public cloud providers and whether they offer IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.

Apply APA Edition 6 formatting to your paper with the exception of an abstract.which does not need to be included.

Use at least three references not including the class PowerPoint lecture slides.

Remember your paper must be your own work.Your paper’s originality will be checked by SafeAssign.

write down a question and write your thought

Question Description

Ask any questions you may have regarding the former in class tomorrow; reading the latter is optional, but will surely be useful for students interested in the ideology and propaganda inseparable from the Asia Pacific War.

Please also write down a question regarding Some Prefer Nettles that you would like to discuss with the group. You have to write down how you would answer the question you come up with, and think about it and come prepared to share your thoughts.

Initial topic exploration with journal articles

Question Description

Please upload a document with an annotated bibliography of at least five journal papers that are related to your topic of interest. An annotated bibliography is one which includes the reference followed by a short summary of the article. In this summary, please note how useful (or not) the article is. At the end of the summary, note whether the reference is a primary, secondary or tertiary reference.

Just for Five references writing note with 3 sentences as I said on the top.


writing one paragraph

Question Description

In one paragraph, discuss the consideration you gave and the shifts you made to transfer your paper from the audience of your peers and Instructor to a public audience. Also discuss the role of formal, academic conventions and expectations and how they impacted the two texts. Then discuss the specific changes you made, and explain why you felt the need to make those changes. Finally, state whether or not you decided to upload your revised narrative and why you decided what you decided.

Competitive Strategy Write-up

Question Description

Following main simulation round 3, each team will submit a two to three-page Competitive Strategy Write-up (double-spaced,12-point Times New Roman font) including a summary of thevision/mission statement, external environment analysis, internalenvironment analysis, a SWOT analysis, a description about thebusiness-level strategy behind your decision making, an analysis of theconsequences of the strategy selection, and a statement of what yourteam will do in the remaining simulation rounds. This is a teamwork. One submission per team is required and have the teammates’ nameon it.

short few summaries.

Question Description

short few summaries about a specific topic in a freshmen style to get a B+ or A-

I need you to look for 5 sources about JFK assassination different theories with citing the sources, the sources should be articles, 5 summaries one for each article around 150 words, and cite any important information or data.

better to be peer reviewed, free plagarizm

in an international freshmen style to get B+

I need the first and last name of the author, date of publication and citation

​Address the following based o

Question Description

Address the following based on the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (2018) reading for this week. This reading provides a real-world example of purchasing and bid requirements.

  1. Evaluate the information provided on managing bids and negotiating prices, competition/bidding, and price analysis techniques.
  2. Discuss how this information may be useful on a project with which you are familiar, or on one that you have researched.
  3. Support your positions with at least one current (no older than five years) scholarly source, beyond the course materials and textbook