GDB 4 – Class Trumps Race – Success Group 9

Question Description

GROUP Discussion Board 4: Class Trumps Race

Discuss TWO concrete examples from either chapter 4 and/or chapter 5 in which class trumps race. Be sure to clearly describe these examples and elaborate on why class status was more important than race. Also, does a wealthy class status protect folks from racial/ethnic discrimination? Why or why not?

When replying to ALL your group members, compare whether you have the same examples and/or explanations. Also, be sure to expand on the intersection of class, race/ethnicity, and gender.

Summarize important points of the reading.

Question Description

Answer the following questions:

1) Give your own summary of the important points concerning the Core Jewish Beliefs and the Temple, Priesthood, and Sacrifices. Answer should be a half-page long (double-spaced).

2) Give your own summary of the important points concerning the Synagogues, Scribes, and the Study of the Torah. Answer should be a half-page long (double-spaced).

Formatting: The paper format should be: typed in Times New Roman font, 12-size, double-spaced, with one-inch margins all around. No added extra spacing between letters, words, lines, or paragraphs.

Complete 2 Discussion Forums (Crutchfield)

Question Description


Darwinian evolution means that the gene pool is changed. Do you think the human race is continuing to evolve in a Darwinian, genetic sense? Are the genes of our species changing? Do not just write “yes” or “no,” but explain why you think so. In addition, include in your explanation of how the mechanisms of evolution, such as natural selection, would be at play.


What types of recruiting activities could an HR professional engage to attract, recruit, and retain a diverse workforce?

Clark v. Ohio Timeline and Map

Question Description

Create a chart that maps the appeals process within a case from the Ohio v. Clark case. Details from each case can be found on the Supreme Court Opinions page. Include a timeline of the appeals process, and describe the facts of the appeal and the outcome at each stage. How did the outcome change as the process unfolded?

Must be in APA format. Must be in text sited and references. Must be plagiarism free.

I need both a map and a chart.

Karthik disaster — I need a discussion on the below topic

Question Description

Include at least 250 words in your posting and at least 250 words in your reply. Indicate at least one source or reference in your original post. Please see syllabus for details on submission requirements.

Module 3 Discussion Question

Search “” or your textbook. Discuss the technical skills required to have a CSIRT response team consisting of employees with other job duties (i.e., not a full-time CSIRT job category)? Why or why not? What factors will influence their decision?

APA format and references

​Review the Form 10-K for the WALMART company.

Question Description

Review the Form 10-K for the WALMART company.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on the following:

  1. Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
  2. The Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
  3. The Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm’s Report on the Financial Statements

Explain the purpose and content of each of these reports.

Assuming the report you review is an Unqualified Opinion, express your thoughts on other types of financial statement reports such as Qualified Opinions, Adverse Opinions, and Disclaimer of Opinions.

current news–leadership

Question Description

please find a piece of CURRENT NEWS, analyze it and write up your suggested five lessons in sequence and priority from the most important to the less important that you as a leader would want to learn from.

  • Minimum of 300-words for your original post, use your own words only and reference your sources.
  • Comment on your peers submissions offering your own point of view while respecting differences in styles and learning. Be sure to respond to anyone who responds to you.

own words and reference

Watching TED and reading article, then write 250 words discussion

Question Description

1. Watch:

2.Read: “Humanity in the Age of Frankenstein’s Cat (Op-Ed)” (Links to an external site.)

3.Read: Chap. 1-2 in Frankenstein’s Cat

Write a 200+ word answer to this question: “How should people responsibly deal with all of the challenging questions that biotechnology brings to the table?”

  • Please include one quote from the book or article
  • Please include one quote from the Ted Talk
  • Please include an in-text and works cited for all sources you use

details attached

Question Description

Gun Safety

  • Identify and evaluate two real-world examples of regulation to support your assigned point of view:
    • One example showing why a particular regulation is not needed; and
    • One example showing how a particular regulation effectively does not work.
  • Conclude with a general statement indicating how much and what types of regulation you feel are necessary, arguing from your assigned point of view.

800 words apa format

Helpful references:


Chapter 11, “Government Regulation and Administrative Law” (pp. 460–504)

Milakovich, M. E., & Gordon, G. J. (2013).

Chapter 7 discusses situational awareness. Much of the security efforts of the past have been centered around prevention and protection. The increasing sophistication of cyber attacks have shown that no controls are 100% effective, and some compromises do

Question Description

Chapter 7 discusses situational awareness. Much of the security efforts of the past have been centered around prevention and protection. The increasing sophistication of cyber attacks have shown that no controls are 100% effective, and some compromises do occur. There is a rising realization that in addition to considering prevention and protection, controls that address detection and response are necessary to improve security posture. Please describe how situational awareness is a driver for detection and response controls.

minimum 500 words. No Plaiarism