You’ve to rephrase a paper in your own words, a One Thought Paper which is simply that – student is to write down a question or problem that they had with the material. For about 250 words

Question Description

You have to rewrite this paper, I’m providing the content, bullet points. Just rephrase points you find interesting and make it a new paper. If you find any mistakes which can be grammatical, sentence structure, spelling make them correct. This is about world religion course so if a sentence sound offending then please change it.

It should be about 250 words, take those points from the attached document which you feel are important

I have uploaded 2 files, one is my paper and other is requirements for this paper.

Discussion Board and replies

Question Description

Respond to the following prompt:

Read an article that has been provided or section in the optional textbook for the primary purpose of generating questions. Only when you are asking questions as you read are you reading critically.

  1. After reading each section, or every few paragraphs, make a list of all the questions you have about your reading.
  2. Identify the questions as questions of fact, preference, or judgment.
  3. Then see if you can answer (or begin to answer) the questions.

Write at least ten questions.………

S-Discussion 5

Question Description

Review NIST’s guidelines for Patch Management at… . Next research the Equifax breach that occured last year. Analyze the breach in the context of NIST’s recommendations. What was Equifax lacking that contributed to the breach? Research and discuss how much this breach will this likely cost them? What steps you would take if you were tasked with managing that system to ensure that this didn’t happen again? What policies might you need to create? What controls in those policies


take care of plagiarism

Gorgias, pollus, callicles

Question Description

In Plato’s Gorgias, Socrates engages 3 different rhetoricians on the nature of rhetoric: Gorgias, Polus, and Callicles. What are the basic claims about the nature of rhetoric by each of these characters, and how does Socrates respond to their claims? Why is Socrates so interesting in understanding the nature of rhetoric? Does Socrates get the answer that he desires?

quote and cite the text of the dialogue to support your position.


Week 3 Discussion Infotech

Question Description

Pearlson (2016) said thatinformation resources may be used to gain a strategic advantage even ifthat advantage is fleeting. When information systems are chosen as thetool to outpace a firm’s competitors, executives should be aware of themany risks that may surface. Some of these risks include the listsbelow. Please pick two out of this list and describe what they are andtheir effects.

1. Awakening a sleeping giant.

2. Demonstrating bad timing.

3. Implementing IS poorly.

4. Failing to deliver what users want.

5. Running out of the laws

Answer questions at least 7 sentences total your thinking no plagiarism

Question Description

Some people believe that “all you are” is determined by the types and amount of neurotransmitters that ooze through your synaptic gaps and the electrical current in your brain.

  • Do you think that all of your thoughts, hopes, dreams and aspirations are results of physiological processes; your love, hate, anger and memories are only at the synaptic level? Why or why not?
  • How is the ability to form new nodules of thinking useful to us as human beings?
  • What are some functions that this ability might allow us to perform?

NUR3002 Avoiding medication errors as a new nurse. I need to write the introducction and purpose statement of this paper.

Question Description

I need the introduction to be well stated, with three well defined sentences, (could have more sentences, but at least three) and the purpose statement be clearly defined and reflect the assignment criteria.

APA format

The tittle of the paper is “Avoiding Medication Errors as a new Nurse”

1 page

Please cite at least one of the articles attached, those will be the ones I am using as sources to write the paper. Feel free to cite any other source but at least one of the articles provided.

attributes and collaboration two question

Question Description


1-The author of the assigned article, “Shattuck Lecture: ASuccessful and Sustainable Health System — How to Get There From Here”

( that a sustainable health system has three key attributes.What are these three key attributes and what recommendations areoffered to ensure efficiency, sustainability, and optimal functioning?

2-How can a crisis situation make collaboration and trust stronger in a group? Why does this happen? How can staff development improve rapport among colleagues and build trust across departments?

Three part question

Question Description

Why do you think voter turnout in the United States is lower than that of most well-established democracies in other nations? What do you think could be a way to increase voter turnout? Use facts to support your opinion.Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Outline the issues and challenges that affect voter turnout.
Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Distinguish between delegated, denied, and concurrent powers.
Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

I have a paper due and I really need help with it. It’s on the describing the political and social impact of the end of Reconstruction on the nation

Question Description

The requirements are

  • Your essay should be approximately 3 pages, double-spaced (~ 750 words.)
  • As evidence to support your argument, you must demonstrate your familiarity with Exploring American Histories (Chapters 14 to 19) by citing specific passages and page numbers.
  • You are also required to include and analyze at least three (3) primary source documents that you have discussed in your respective Friday Discussion Sections.

The paper itself has two prompts, but describing the political and social impacts of the end of reconstruction seem easier than the gilded age.