ERM group assignment

Question Description

A professional services company wants to globalize by offering services to businesses and governments in other countries. What are the major risks in globalization of services and how should the company address those risks in order to move forward with their plan?

Note:I have attached the rubric.please take care of it.

I have identified below risks:

1.political Risk/evaluation of political climate and operational process

2.Intellectual property risk

3.The erosion of Trust

for the above Risks please add below points in the case study.

1.Risk Assesment and Risk response

2.monitor the Risks

3.communicate and report the risks

Discussion question one main post 250 words and 2 replys 100 words each

Question Description

Discussion Forum 5

How would you explain the correlation between the amount of corruption in a country and economic development?

This posting should be at least 250 words. Respond to at least 2 other postings on separate days in each forum by 11:59 PM (Eastern) on Saturday. Your primary posting can end with a “tag-line” or a related question of your own. Your secondary postings can either answer another student’s question, or comment on their answering my question. In addition, please ensure that you answer all of my questions.

Developmental growth Psychology

Question Description

Consider your developmental milestones that have occurred in your life. Choose three that you will be able to discuss in the following ways:

  • physical aspects
  • cognitive elements
  • psychosocial

As you explain your developmental growth in the three milestones you have chosen, be able to recognize it not just as a change, but the scientific factors affecting the development. Specifically include what part nature and nurture played in your personal development. Think about physical/biological (nature) and environmental, family, social (nurture) as you complete this evaluation.

**I attached powerpoint noted related to the discussion**

ENGL102 Abortion Ban, Toulmin Method

Question Description

This essay should be between 900 and 1000 words, excluding the required annotated bibliography. This essay must include a minimum of five sources.Three should be peer-reviewed sources, preferably from the APUS databases.

Make sure to include the following sections in your essay:

an introduction and claim,
and a conclusion.

Within the body of your essay, make sure to include the following in any order:

support for your claim,
opposing or alternate views,
the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents’ claims,
and your rebuttals of their claims.

Please make sure your essay is written in third person.

diting, Writing and adding parts as per the highlighted text.

Question Description

I need to finalize the paper now and below are my required edits.

Editing, Writing and adding parts as per the highlighted text. There are some sections that needed additional texts. Also edits and rewrites on the same

Ihave added highlighted text about the additional required materials.Some of the additional stuff are there already, just need to movearound. last parts of section 1 is also needed to be completed.

Attached find the paper

Would you please kindly read instructions carefully.Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you

Research writing assignment about the comparision between U.S. healthcare vs. other country

Question Description

This assignment has 3 parts and I already have part 1 done.

I only need help on part 2 today. But I will need help from you on the rest in the future.

I have submitted the requirement docs below. Please read them all to get the detail information about the assignment.

This assignment has 3 parts in total, and I only need help on part 1 today. But I will need help from you on the rest in the future.

Now you can start working on it.

Thank you!

Core Understanding

Question Description

Discussion board question:

Step one: Read Chapter 2 in its entirety. There is much in the form of “common understandings” in those pages. You are asked to find one important principle and develop a two-paragraph expansion in order to make the concept clearer. As well, indicate why you chose that principle to discuss. Take your time with this one just to make sure your points are well taken. Remember, do not use any direct quotes from the text or other source. Your paraphrasing will do the job nicely.


Question Description

This project consists of taking several free assessments and writing a 4-5 paper in APAformat, not including the title and resources page. You will be creating your ownflourishing wheel and vitality life span looking through the lens of positive psychology,the Blue Zones concepts, and weaving in theories and lecture content pulling together asuccinct presentation on your own personal development and lifespan. Including imagesand strategies for future forward development are encouraged. Be prepared to discuss thisin groups. More details and required guidelines . you must use this resources.

Human Resources Resume for recent college graduate

Question Description

I will be graduating in October. I’ve been going to school full time and that is my only gap of employment. I want to highlight my abilities as a recent graduate but really I’m not sure how to list it. But I need to show that I was active with being a full time student and not just at home doing nothing. The job industry I’m pursing is HR. Please ask questions to make my resume highlight my abilities. I have six years of military service as well

Product Development

Question Description

Please help to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the differences between the roles of the Product Manager, the Product Marketing Manager and the General Manager in an organization?
  2. Draw Sigmoid Curve. On the same curve, plot the steps that are upstream and downstream in a product life-cycle. Explain your response.
  3. What is the difference between the Waterfall and Agile development methods, and when/why would firms choose one over the other?
  4. Complete the table below. Then draw the burn down chart with the completed data.




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