Issue proposal

Question Description

Prepare a 1-2 page issue proposal that introduces the issue you have chosen to explore for the first half of the semester. Your proposal should include:

A statement of your issue question

  • What you know about your issue already
  • What you think you NEED to know about your issue to write this assignment (possible sources might show up here, but are not required.
  • Why this issue is important to you—what is calling you to this particular issue for this particular assignment.

This assignment will close at midnight before your Exploratory Essay, Draft 1 is due.

Needing assistance on assignment below. I have attached of what I submitted but was incorrect

Question Description

Here is the comments from my professor and attached is the paper that I submitted. I needed redone according to his comments.

The assignment was: Dropbox: Submit a review of the literature chapter of your thesis to your professor in the week 3 dropbox. A few things for you: -I’m not sure what thisi is, but it’s not a lit review. You need 5-8 pages, and need to actually review literature -include your references with each assignment, especially a literature review…. -you need to redo this for your thesis paper

write 300 words

Question Description

Please visit the web site for ISA ( (Links to an external site.)) and within 300 TOTAL words or less answer the following questions:

1) How do you think that you could technically benefit as a member of ISA?

2) If you were giving the opportunity to select your Technical area (Topic) in your first engineering position, what area within the ISA topics would you like to work and why?

3) When and where is the next event scheduled by the ISA Tampa Bay FL Section?

Complete the following assignment

Question Description

!!!! APA Style !!!!


Write a four to five-page essay describing your philosophical understanding of the role, scope and functional mission of community colleges in the 21st century. Do you think the community college is able to fulfill the promise of access and quality? How successful are community colleges in remedial/developmental efforts? Should community colleges be the only institution to house or offer remedial/developmental courses and given what you have found out about the remedial/developmental success rates, should the community college continue to maintain an open door policy?

Write an essay describing this individual’s background, his/her contributions to computing, and what this individual did later in life (assuming they lived into old age), or what he/she is doing now (if they’re still alive). Include a section discussing w

Question Description

Write an essay describing this individual’s background, his/her contributions to computing, and whatthis individual did later in life (assuming they lived into old age), or what he/she is doing now (if they’restill alive). Include a section discussing why you feel this person’s contribution to the field is important.Cite three different sources for your paper. This may not include Wikipedia, although you may useWikipedia to begin your search for credible sources. You may use whatever citation format you choose,but I recommend EasyBib, or a similar service, to simplify this process.

People of Haitian Heritage People of Iranian Heritage

Question Description

Read chapter 15 and 32 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations. Read content chapter 32 Davis Plus Online Website. Once done present a 800 words essay discussing the Haitian and Iranian Heritages. The essay must contained the following;

-Geographical localization and topography

-Politic and economy

-Health care beliefs and the relationship with their religious beliefs

-How they view the health, illness and death concepts

You must used at least two evidence-based references (excluding) the class textbook. A minimum of 2 replies to any of your peers are required.

history reflection paper

Question Description

••• Instructions •••

1- in 500-750 words, answer the pertinent question and explore the relevant topic. Defend any arguments you make using the source at hand.

2- Be certain to let me know within the introduction the argument you intend to follow.

3- Then, give evidence for your belief, analysis and interpretation of that evidence, and your conclusions.

•••Paper layout•••

1- paper must be cited throughout.

2- You should do this in Chicago Style (author, title of source, publication date, and page number if you can find one) or by footnote[1].

Ethical Violation Paper

Question Description

Use the internet to locate an article where a police officer violated ethical law enforcement behaviors such as unethical practices against police procedures, use of force, or investigative protocols.

Write a paper in which you address the following:

  • Describe the role and value of ethics in policing.
  • Identify the punishment or consequences of the unethical police practices.
  • What key points did you take from the Police Ethics Discussion with your collaborative group this week?
  • What methods or training are in place or should be created to prevent the unethical behavior from occurring again?

EDU555 W1 D NO MORE THAN 400 WORDS Your Approach to Curriculum”

Question Description

EDU555 W1 DNO MORE THAN 400 WORDSYour Approach to Curriculum” Please respond to the following:Review the six approaches to curriculum (e.g., behavioral, systems,humanistic, etc.) and discuss the approach or approaches you (or yourinstitution) follow. Provide reasons and examples to support yourresponse. (If you are not in an educational environment, discuss how youwould prefer to approach curriculum.)Describe any roles you have had in curriculum design and / ordevelopment. (If you have not had experience in this area, discuss rolesyou would prefer to have in curriculum design and / or development.)

MGT506 Visionary, Transformational, or Both?

Question Description

Visionary leaders often set themselves apart from all other types, though they do utilize characteristics from a plethora of other styles and theories.

Given the following three leaders, write a post placing three given leaders into one of the following three categories:

  1. Transformational Leader
  2. Visionary Leader
  3. Hybrid (Transformational and Visionary)

Please give clear, research-backed reasons for your choices, and openly discuss your personal preference by stating which of the three leaders you would most like to follow.

The Three Leaders:

  1. Steve Jobs (former Apple CEO)
  2. Richard Branson (Virgin Atlantic CEO)
  3. Sam Walton (founder and CEO, Walmart)