Home Assignment

Question Description


1) Discuss why countries like the US and Britain would rather pursue bilateral trade deals than participate in regional and multilateral organizations like the EU, TPP and WTO.

2) Select a multinational company and discuss the challenges it may face in global marketing, for example, on PR, ethics, organizational structure and leadership.

3) Select a foreign country (non-US) and discuss some of the cultural challenges that you might face in entering and marketing your product or service in that country.

artcle review.

Question Description

Please, review the article linked to below: https://www.netspar.nl/assets/uploads/026_Gaudecker_-_revised_version.pdf

Create a 1-2 page review of the article. The review should summarize the article’s key findings as well as the authors’ methodology. Each article review should then briefly describe the strengths and weaknesses of the article authors’ methodology.

Your paper should contain the following sections:

1. Key Findings (what did the authors find?)

2. Methodology Review (what research methods did the authors use to reach their conclusions?)

3. Application (what are some ways in which the authors’ findings are relevant to a finance practitioner?)





Essay about “MINDSET” book by Carol Dweck

Question Description


My professor wants us to write an essay about the mindset book

First choose three ways how “Growth Mindset” help people (Choose from the activity pocket options) Also use quotes from the book to support the topic sentences “also provided in the activity pocket pictures”.

Also please make sure to include a title and thesis that explains what the essay will be about. Lastly the fourth body paragraph should be why you advice people to read the book or what will they gain as a benefit from the book.

Thank you

Module 8 Discussion Computer Ethics in the Workplace (1-2) page

Question Description

Reflect on the technology-minded “ten commandments” and the key elements of computer ethics you learned about in your module reading. Considering what you have learned and your own personal experiences, complete the following discussion activity.

Research an Internet source that addresses computer ethics in the workplace.

  • Summarize the main points of the source.
  • Identify what aspect of computer ethics the source relates to and comment on why this topic is of significance.
  • Share any experiences you may have had with these or related topics.

Provide the link to your Internet source in your post.

rewriting/ rephrasing! make it not plagiarized

Question Description

I have finished a research paper however it is plagiarized, I need someone to read what I wrote synthesize it into their own words. It is 50% plagiarized I needed to be 0%. I will provide the text, it is 2 pages long. I will run it though a web page to see how similar the paper you return is to the paper I gave you. The paper needs to make sense, and contain the same meaning. I AM PAYING MORE FOR QUALITY!!! Document will be provided after accepting my offer.

Odyssey, IV . . . Helen and Menelaus narrate their versions.

Question Description

This is to be a breakdown of what happens in book 4 with a focus on what happens to Helen and Menelaus. However it is to be told what happens throughout the entire book 4 of the Odyssey, somewhat like a summary BUT NOT. Do not summarize, instead describe what happens with detail giving good adjectives and giving emotion and passion to the writing and what is going on through the passage, and please watch carefully for grammar mistakes. Should be about a page but not more than 2 pages.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of testing. When is each type of testing appropriate? Are there situations that preclude the use of a particular type of testing?

Question Description

Discussion Question: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of testing. When is each type of testing appropriate? Are there situations that preclude the use of a particular type of testing?


Please address in a (400-word) response and provide two critical evaluations of other students’ posts after you post your response.

initial post must contain a properly formatted in-text citation and scholarly reference.

Remember not to copy any content from any other source – all work needs to be your original work, but remember to also include citations.

Attracting and Retaining the Best Employees

Question Description

Please answer the following chapters’ discussion questions in form one or more paragraphs with full citing.

Chapter 9- assignment, (Discussion questions 9,10,11,12,13, pg267

Chapter 10 assignment: Discussion questions 9,10,11,12,13, pg295

-Need: All questions are not answered (In YOUR OWN WORDS)

-Need: All answers must be numbered

-Paragraph, Needs to be (THREE or MORE sentences.)

-Not Allowed: Statements starting with opinions, “I feel, I think, I believe, in my opinion, in my view, etc” Start with facts then state your opinion.

-Need: Citation of sources on the bottom of page-

Paragraphs must be double spaced

CDB 7 – Camp Grant Massacre

Question Description

CLASS Discussion Board 7: Camp Grant Massacre

For the chapter 6 reading, kindly focus on pages 116-118 for the purpose of this class discussion board.

What is the Camp Grant Massacre?
When and where did this massacre take place?
Who was involved in this massacre and why?
Please analyze to what extent was race and/or ethnicity a factor in this massacre and what other factors contributed to this tragedy.

In your replies to your classmates, be sure to discuss the other possible factors that contributed to the Camp Grant Massacre and how it was being justified.

Guidelines for Qualitative Research Study Critique

Question Description

Complete the followinginformation. Be specific in your responses. You must present arationale for ALL items. No yes or no responses are accepted.

This is a criticalanalysis of the article. Copying of information from the article withno analysis or rationale will not be accepted. If there are areas theauthor did not address, you are expected to give potential researchquestions, theoretical constructs, etc. If for example interratorreliability was not addressed how could it have been addressed in thestudy? This critique is to demonstrate your synthesis of researchcontent.

APA Format: Use template for answers