choose a research topic after a video

Question Description

Paper should be in APA format and include Running head, abstract, body, conclusion, and references.

Choose a topic

  • Identify a problem ex. Problem: Unsecured video surveillance systems
  • Provide a solution: ex. Encrypt transmission and hard drive using 256 bit
  • How would the solution be executed ex. public amid private keys, TLS,
  • Conclusion: ex. The data would need to be backed up an Array would help with data retention and SFTP data dumps on another server that only accepts transmission from the source IP and block all others.
  • References

Below is video url :

I need a tutor for my CRJC 370 watch to videos

Question Description

Hello! I need a tutor in my CRJC 370 class to watch two videos and write what ever it’s pertaining to the video and questions no big grammar due to my instructor knowing how, I write I would love to get my same tutor and that’s Duke, I know you have my other assignment, but I really would like to have you if it’s going to interfere with the other assignments. I understand thank you so much. I will send the directions as well as the videos that’s asked to be watch

Based on your own research ad outline, write a first draft of your part

Question Description

This is an individual assignment. Based on your own research ad outline, write a first draft of your part.

  • Synthesize all the sources throughout your paper; it must be organized along a point-by-point model.
  • Paraphrasing is most often used to blend the ideas of another writer’s text with the prose style of our own work. It must contain attribution.
  • It must be a minimum of 8 paragraphs in a Microsoft Word document (Times New Roman font, size 12 point, 1-inch margins and single-spaced). At lease 200 words per paragraphs. Total at lease 1600 words.

piolet testing, two part discussion 350 word minimum for each section.

Question Description

Error Variance [1 of 2]

Sources of error have been known to affect a test’s reliability and precision. Identify the four sources of test error and six factors related to these sources of error that are particularly important to consider. Develop your own examples for each of these.

Pilot Testing [2 of 2]

Explain the importance of conducting a pilot test. Make a list of problems that could arise if a clinical practitioner, a human resources department, or a college (choose one) used a new test without carrying out a pilot test or validity study.

Its a case study

Question Description

So altogether i have 13 case study question and a project. The project is not due until novemver. So u have plenty of time to do it. For now i will only post one case study question and can u plz comeplete it ASAP. I need to submit it tonight and the rest i will post other later tonight. It due In about 2 weeks. Thankyou so much! I will also upload the requirements of the paper. i will put 45$ right now and 20. $ i will increase it tomorro.

Compare and contrast two difference cloud computing services (Amazon Web Service and Microsoft Azure). Explain the differences and the similarities and select your choice of providers if you had to make the decision for your business. Write up a compariso

Question Description

Compare and contrast two difference cloud computing services (Amazon Web Service and Microsoft Azure). Explain the differences and the similarities and select your choice of providers if you had to make the decision for your business. Write up a comparison on the services offered (2 pages maximum). Once again, it is essential that you use your own words (do not just copy and paste from the Internet).

These two links may offer some additional information for this assignment but you are encouraged to use additional sources for your project/assignment.

Christian Servant Leadership as a Way of Life

Question Description

Submit final paper. Paper must include research articles and ethical perspectives fromThe Tracks We Leave

The paper is the capstone of this class. Your topic should be centered on the transformation of/tohealthcare servant leadership. The supplemental book for this class, The Tracks We Leave,should be used as a reference for your paper.

-The paper is a key element of this class and should not be taken lightly.

-Topic of paper Christian Servant Leadership as a Way of Life

– 1,500 words

-APA-compliant formatting, including title and reference pages

-Minimum of five scholarly references

Husan inform Gov q 2 — I need a discussion on the below topic

Question Description

In chapter seven (7), we have learned from “The Path to Information Value” that Seventy percent of managers and executives say data are “extremely important” for creating competitive advantage.

In addition, it is implied by the authors that, “The key, of course, is knowing which data matter, who within a company needs them, and finding ways to get that data into users’ hands.”

Looking at the Economist Intelligence Unit report, identify the three (3) phases that led to the yard’s rebirth.

APA format and references are important. 500 words

I have attached the text book

Reader Response of《Boys and girls》by Alice Munro

Question Description

1. why was I interested in this work? Was I emotionally moved by the work?

Why and how?

2. What is the theme of the work, and why is it important? Did I learn

something from the work? Did it make me think about the world in a

different way? Are there ideas I agree with or disagree with in the work?

3. Was the work formally challenging? Did it use language in an interesting

way? Was it beautiful? Would I read it again?

(Attention: It’s a reader response!!! and please make sure you know this short story)

Thank you!

AWS and AZURE research Assignment

Question Description

Compare and contrast two difference cloud computing services (Amazon Web Service and Microsoft Azure). Explain the differences and the similarities and select your choice of providers if you had to make the decision for your business. Write up a comparison on the services offered (2 pages maximum). Once again, it is essential that you use your own words (do not just copy and paste from the Internet).

These two links may offer some additional information for this assignment but you are encouraged to use additional sources for your project/assignment.