Ohio v. Clark appeals process

Question Description

Create a chart that maps the appeals process within a case selected from the list below. (You may use Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, other similar word processing or spreadsheet programs, or online tools such as Bubbl.us.) Details from each case can be found on the Supreme Court Opinions page. Include a timeline of the appeals process, and describe the facts of the appeal and the outcome at each stage. How did the outcome change as the process unfolded?

  • Ohio v. Clark (2015)

Must be Spa formatted. 2 references, spelling and grammar free. PLAGIARISM FREE

“advertising design” discussion board

Question Description

Select two different brand advertisements from a magazine, TV, online, outdoor, mobile ad, etc.,…any advertising vehicle is fine. List the brand name and what they are selling. Then…identify the message strategy(s), type of appeal(s) and type of executional framework used. Next, explain if you feel the the ad is designed effectively? Explain your reasoning either way. Your example(s) must be “new” and not a reiteration of the example(s) discussed in class or in the video recordings – points will be deducted for lack of originality. The application of sources/citations increase your score significantly. See rubric for details.

Week 5: Discussion Board: Sun Tzu – Part IX The Army and Part X: Terrain

Question Description

Week 5: Discussion Board: Sun Tzu – Part IX The Army and Part X: Terrain

The Army: The followers maybe substituted for the army. Summarize Sun Tzu’s general concepts and how they would apply to followers. What do you think are the most important parts of his advise? Why? What are your thoughts on his 41 through 45 points?

Terrain: Take a look at the six types of terrain, how would these apply to organizations today? Look at the 6 calamities, how would these apply to organizations today? How should a leader address terrain and the calamities in organizations?


Question Description

For this assignment you will compare and contrast, as well as assess the usefulness of SWOT and PEST analyses, which are frequently used by healthcare organizations in their strategic planning efforts. Your paper is expected to briefly describe each tool and explain how each is used in formulating strategy. In addition, you must describe the strengths, limitations, and challenges of each.

The paper should be well-written and meet the following requirements:

  • 3-4 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages),
  • Formatted according to APA 6th
  • Include at least 4 current references from peer-reviewed articles.

Choose a program in your state or local government.

Question Description

What type of training program would you institute that addressed ethical decision-making? Is there one already? If so, what are the components? Are there “best practices” that you would like to see included? Would you require an oath of office? What audits or evaluations would you put in place? What would be the enforcement mechanism for violation of your code? When and how would this training take place? In person, online? Through role play? Test? Conducted by whom? I would like to see you think through the process of how to train public employees on ethical decision-making.

The essay Should be Four to Five pages in length

Question Description

1. What are the main features of Representative Democracy?What were Major Outcomes of the Reformation and Glorious Revolution in England and What did the American Revolution do to Further the concept of Representative Democracy?

2. What were the Causes of the Industrial Revolution in Britain? which of the Causes,in your opinion,were the most important? Historians have long debated whether the industrial revolution was a blessing or a disaster for the workers who lived through it. what is your opinion?

3. What were the main causes of world war 1? what was the impact of the war for western Civilization?

Environmental Impact

Question Description

Discuss how the office where you are completing your internship is influenced by campus environment, and how the office attempts to influence the campus environment. Be sure to use specific information from the Kuh (2009) reading to support your position.

Your paper should be 2–3 pages long for content. Be sure to follow all APA style guidelines when completing your paper. Support your paper with references from the textbook and other scholarly resources such as peer-reviewed articles from the Library.

This Assignment addresses the following unit learning outcome:

  • Analyze the influence of campus environment on student affairs offices.

Module 6 Discussion Internet Controversy

Question Description


The Internet empowers enhanced communication on global, national, and local levels. With all of the positive aspects, by its very design the Internet is very difficult to control and over time various societal and legal issues have arisen. For this week’s discussion:

Select an Internet controversy and discuss why this issue is significant to society. It will be necessary to research the issue before writing. Feel free to take a position on the issue and include arguments to make your point.

Here are some example topics (feel free to select something different from this list):

  • Bandwidth Caps
  • Censorship
  • Climategate
  • Eavesdropping
  • Filesharing
  • Net Neutrality
  • Pornography
  • Wikileaks
  • Google Books®/Copyrights
  • Fake News

Bus3382 written memo

Question Description

write a short memo about about :You agreed with your parents (or spouse, partner, relative, or friend) that you would submit a report at this time describing the progress you have made toward your educational goal (employment, certificate, or degree).

This memo should be formatted as follows:

  • Memo template format
  • Left and right margins should be 1.25”
  • The font should be Arial 12 pt.
  • Standard spacing (double space guidewords and single space body of the memo)
  • Length should be no more than two pages
  • Headings/subheadings should be used as appropriate to the memo content
  • Five-point deduction for not following these instructions for each item

edits essay

Question Description

This is very solid work. I likethat you’ve put in a little extra effort to find additional sources on thetopic, and you do a fine job of asserting your own position in opposition toCarr’s. The one main shortcoming of the paper at the moment is that I’m notconvinced you’re really addressed the central element of Carr’s argument. Hedoesn’t worry about the internet damaging our ability to memorize, but ratherour ability to read deeply. I think that you can successfully rebut thisnotion, but you’ll need to acknowledge and respond to it more directly than youhave so far.