Karthik research paper — I need a research paper on the below topic

Question Description

Develop a Complete Disaster Recovery Plan to be submitted to the executive board of your company.

Only MS Word (.doc, .docx) and Adobe Acrobat (PDF) formats are acceptable. Please note that this is a formal writing, all references (peer-reviewed) mostly must be cited appropriately within the text and clearly avoid plagiarism. The paper should have a minimum of 10 pages, 1.5 spacing and Times New Roman font. A minimum of 5 peer review references must be provided. Reference style is APA. You can also have some web references alongside the stated requirement. Please see class syllabus for additional details

picture this essay (plastic pollution)

Question Description

i need a complete essay based on my rough draft and fulfill all question below. The essay had to have introduction the point and conclusion.

you do not need to say if the product is a good one; that is not the point. The task you are doing is to analyze HOW the ad makes its case, to persuade the reader that she should buy the product, or take some other action, like give to a cause, or not text and drive. You do not need to tell your reader ABOUT advertising. Discuss the ad, not advertising as a subject.

​Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

In Week 1 the differences and similarities between organized crime and terrorism were explored. It is not always an easy task to define a particular group as a terrorist group or an organized crime group.

  • Domestic and transnational terrorism exist throughout the world. How do such labels of terrorism differ from the label of organized crime? What kind of similarities are there? What is narco-terrorism? Explain.
  • Why did Russian organized crime choose legitimate businesses as part of their operations? How does the political machine play a role in criminal enterprise?

GES Discussion Questions

Question Description

Answer the questions below at least 150 words.

1.The phrase “the present is the key to the past” is significant from the standpoint of geologic history. How does this statement support physical, chemical, and biological laws that exist today?

2.In 2011, a major earthquake struck the eastern shore of Japan, resulting in loss of life and damage to the environment. Based upon the information provided in lecture 14, explain whether or not a similar event could take place in California.

3.Subduction zones are dangerous places. What might be the reason that so many people live near them?

EWRT 1A ​Reading Journal

Question Description

Reading Journal 1

By the end of Week 2, you’ve read 12 chapters of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. (Good for you!).

For EACH of the chapters, I want you to write a brief (2-3 sentence) summary of what happens in the chapter.

After you have done this for each of the chapters, then you should also find:

  • at least TWO examples of a character being marginalized or treated badly. Describe (in your own words) what happens in that situation. And then include a quotation from the scene that demonstrates the character’s marginalization. Include a page number with that quotation.

Vinay disaster paper — I need a paper on the below topic

Question Description

Develop a Complete Disaster Recovery Plan to be submitted to the executive board of your company.

Only MS Word (.doc, .docx) and Adobe Acrobat (PDF) formats are acceptable. Please note that this is a formal writing, all references (peer-reviewed) mostly must be cited appropriately within the text and clearly avoid plagiarism. The paper should have a minimum of 10 pages, 1.5 spacing and Times New Roman font. A minimum of 5 peer review references must be provided. Reference style is APA. You can also have some web references alongside the stated requirement. Please see class syllabus for additional details

Hotel Marketing Mission Statement Critique.

Question Description

Mission Statement Critique

Find the mission statement of a hospitality or travel company on the Internet. Provide the full description or link for the mission statement you find.

Compare it to the mission statement of Four Seasons, https://www.fourseasons.com/about_four_seasons/service_culture/ (Links to an external site.) to identify similarities and differences between the two.

Then, critique the mission statement of Four Seasons against the guidelines for a good mission statement, as stated in the text.

Your write-up should be 2 pages (single-spaced, 12pts font size) in length (excluding the length of the mission statement that you will find).

How these subjects related to my Job Role

Question Description

I am a Splunk Developer how mentioned below subjects are related to my job role

1. Telecommunications and Network Security

2. Information Security and Risk Management

3. Cryptography

4. Security Architecture and Design

5. Operations Security

6. Business Continuity Planning and
Disaster Recovery Planning

7. Legal Regulations, Compliance, and Investigation

8. Physical Security

9. Access Control

need 100 to 150 words for each subject

grade this report

Question Description

Read the Sample Technical Report (attached to this assignment) about a research experiment. Grade this report using the rubric provided in this module (also attached here). Type in the value for each box in the rubric. Then in the comments section write a few things the report did really well, and some areas that don’t follow with the technical report rubric. Please be specific in your feedback, i.e. don’t just say “the introduction was good”, tell me what was good about it.

Please name your rubric file with your Last Name_Full Name!

Assignment due Wednesday, Sept 18th by 11:59pm

Week 5 Discussion infotech

Question Description

familiarizeyourself with the CASE STUDY 4-2 tagged Social Networking: How Does IBMDo It? You can thereafter discuss and give answers to the followingquestions based on the case study:

1. How might My developerWorks leverage changes in the way people work?

2. Why do you think Alice Choucarefully monitors the My developerWorks site? What would be an exampleof an insight she would gain from the data she’s collecting?

3. Why do you think Alice Chouthinks a rewards program is necessary for My developerWorks because somany profiles have already been developed. Do you agree that a rewardwould be necessary?