K-discussion 6-operation security

Question Description

Select one of the case studies beginning on page 256 – 259. Find at least 2 articles relating to the case study that you decided on (Dark Reading is a good site for security-related articles). In a minimum of 250-words, summarize the policy and process failures that allowed the breach to occur. Address the impact to an organization when this type of breach occurs, and discuss the steps that you would have taken to ensure that this type of breach wouldn’t occur in your organization

note:I have attached chapter 10..please refer to chapter 10 end of pages for case studies.

Select 10 – 12 articles behavior/ education-based interventions were implemented

Question Description

Literature Review Paper:

The Lit Review paper gives a broader overview of the literature on the topic.

Students must select 10-12 articles where behavior/education-based interventions were designed and implemented.

You may include other sources as non-intervention related articles background material, but you must meet the 10-12 intervention articles requirement to receive full credit. The literature review paper must be 8-10 pages in length. All reviews must be carefully written, adhere to a professional writing style, and typed (double-spaced) in 10 or 12 pitch fonts, with 1-1.5″ margins.The literature review needs to follow APA formatting guidelines

Signature Assignment: Public Stewardship Paper

Question Description

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper outlining the critical need for public stewardship in budgeting.

Detail the needs and methods for training public officials and staff members for ethical public budget preparation and maintenance strategies.

Include the following:

  • Detail the need and importance of public stewardship in budgeting
  • Ethical requirements for leaders to consider for proper public stewardship
  • Consequences of unethical or poor public stewardship

Consider utilizing a recent current events article for reference to a recent incident of unethical public stewardship of budgetary monies.

Include at least two academic sources in your paper, including one from the University Library.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Discuss Winfield Scott’s campaign to capture Mexico City. & Discuss the Battle of New Orleans and Andrew Jackson’s role in the campaign and battle.

Question Description

Question 1

Discuss Winfield Scott’s campaign to capture Mexico City. How did his campaign impact the war? Why have some historians and military leaders viewed his campaign as one of the finest in the annals of American warfare?

Your response must be a minimum of 500 words.

Question 2

Discuss the Battle of New Orleans and Andrew Jackson’s role in the campaign and battle. Why was Jackson successful? What impact did the battle have on the war? What impact did the battle have on U.S. politics?

Your response must be a minimum of 500 words.

What’s in a Name of an Ethics Code?

Question Description

  • Describe how the title of a company’s ethics document affects your attitude about the content?. Do you find one title more attractive than another?
  • Describe the message that the title “code of conduct” conveys?. Does it reflect the purpose of the document to provide employee guidance on expected conduct?
  • Propose creative titles for ethics codes for a pharmaceutical company and a restaurant. (Gonzalez-Padron, 2015).
  • Identify two other company ethics documents and share the titles of their ethics documents (consider your own organization or one that you are familiar with for this question).

Your response must be a minimum of 300 words.

Essay on the movie The Last Emperor

Question Description

Film Option 1:The Last Emperor

– Does the film present a positive or negative interpretation of the end to China’s imperial period? Do you agree with the film on this point? Give specific reasons either way.

– What Chinese historical events did you notice, and how did these impact Pu Yi’s life?

– Do you think the changes China underwent in the 20th century have been positive or negative (or both), and how does the film reflect on that question? (For the second part of this question, remember that the film only covers Pu Yi’s lifetime, until 1967)

Trump Speech / United nations

Question Description

Go to UN.Org, the website to the United Nations Organization. Explore it and learn about the organs of the United Nations in New York as well as the Specialized Agencies that have their headquarters in different parts of the world. Each of these agencies are autonomous and have their own webpages. Explore these as well.

Select at least 5 Specialized Agencies of the UN system and write a brief summary of the activities of each of them citing a major achievement of each agency.

Write a summary of President Trump’s speech to the General Assembly of the United Nations. APA Format

Intro Behavioral Sci Crim Just Discussion 7

Question Description

Respond to the stated question, including any relevance to and implications on the field of criminal justice. Be sure to discuss the issue(s) to which the question pertains. Remarks can include your opinion(s), but must be based on experience, research, and/or prior learning. Use this exercise to foster a rich dialogue with your colleagues about issues that are important to the field of criminal justice. If you use outside sources, be sure to cite and Reference in APA format.

Your initial posting must be no less than 600 words.

Active Learning Assignment: Should rehabilitation be a major component of incarceration?

healthcare management annotated bibliography APA format

Question Description

HI, I UPLOADED MY INSTRUCTION FILE AND MY 8 SOURCES. YOU WILL NEED 12 SOURCES FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. I ALREADY RESEARCH 8 SOURCES FOR YOU. YOU WILL NEED TO RESEARCH 4 SOURCES BY YOURSELF AND Sources can include books, article, monographs, websites and other documents. All sources should be substantial in length and content. All articles should come from appropriate professional journals. PLEASE LOOK AT ALL FILES WHICH I UPLOADED. I don’t know how many pages will have for this assignment. I think It will have more than 4 pages. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION.

This assignment is aimed at taking a look into the complications of eating disorders.

Question Description


  1. Please watch “Thin” which is available for streaming on Amazon (free for Prime members or $2.99 for rental.
  2. After watching the movie, Please read

Things to consider for your discussion

  • Which girls/women interested/concerned you the most.
  • What are your thoughts on the different treatment methods presented in the film and the articles?
  • This assignment usually raises a lot of emotion. Please feel free to share any other thoughts you had on the film/articles.
  • Your post should be at least 2-3 paragraphs