Discussion 5.2: Nursing Home Compare

Question Description

Go to the Medicare.gov website (http://www.medicare.gov/) and search under the Quality Care Finder for Nursing Home Compare – type in your zip code. Detail the results you found for 5 nursing facilities in your area and how they compared based on the overall rating, health inspections, staffing, and quality measures. Do you believe this an accurate snapshot comparing facilities in your area? Would this information impact where you might place a loved one if he/she needed skilled nursing care? How do you think this tool would impact quality improvement within nursing facilities?

Week 7: CDC Wonder

Question Description

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Informatics and Surveillance website contains a number of resources nurses could innovatively incorporate in care delivery. The CDC Wonder site could be utilized by nurses in a number of ways. https://wonder.cdc.gov/ (Links to an external site.)

For this discussion you will:

  • Identify one of the resources at the CDC Wonder site above and describe how a nurse might use this information in practice.
  • How might nurses utilizing telehealth benefit from these resources?
  • Address what you find innovative about the link.
  • Feel free to share some of your nursing innovation ideas!

examine discretion, specifically police discretion, and learn why discretion is the bedrock of the criminal justice system and how essential it is to understanding the police as agents of social control.

Question Description

examine discretion, specifically police discretion, and learn why discretion is the bedrock of the criminal justice system and how essential it is to understanding the police as agents of social control. Please watch the video titled Dynamic of Discretion-the Traffic Stop. What do you think about the Sheriff’s assertion that character determines how a police officer should approach discretion? How does this relate to your own personal experiences with police discretion? Finally, why is the narrator doing this video from a Mexican beach resort? (ok, you don’t have to answer the final question, but it does make me curious…)

Email assignment.

Question Description


Basically, my professor asked me for an email assignment. This assignment worth 100 point from my grade. So, it’s important anyway, she asking for a poorly written email like an email that unprofessional at all full of grammar mistake and stuff like that.

And the correct version of it. it can be an email for a college professor complaining about grades or exam.

one page the first half is the poorly written email. The second half is the write version of the email.

pleas be professional in what i’m asking for.

full page. no copy from the internet.


report with annotated screenshots of instances of bias you found in various information security “reports” and “white papers.”

Question Description

You are to create a 3-4 page report with annotated screenshots of instances of bias you found in various information security “reports” and “white papers.” Any such report or white paper that you are using should have a publication date on or after 2017. Annotate each screenshot to show the issue (e.g. use a red circle + add some text to clearly highlight the problem you are pointing out). You should be exploring at least THREE (3) reports.

Format : Formatting: 11pt font (or larger), 0.8in margins (all around), single line spacing is fine

Using insert footnote

Lesson 06 – HR Technology Discussion 860

Question Description

No unread replies.No replies.

Complete the following after reviewing the lesson material.

  1. By Saturday at 3pm (EST): Write an initial post of no more than 500 words with respect to what you believe was (or is) the most unethical use of technology you have personally experienced at work (past or present employer). In this initial post respond to the following:
    • Describe the technology and its purpose; and,
    • Explain why you believed its use was ethically improper. In this regard connect your answer to at least three concepts that we have studied to this point in the class.

​Chapter 6 presented the approach the LEGO Group used to implement ERM, and chapter 9 presents a discussion and case study on implementing ERM in a higher education environment. Please explain how ERM adoption and implementation in the higher education en

Question Description

Chapter 6 presented the approach the LEGO Group used to implement ERM, and chapter 9 presents a discussion and case study on implementing ERM in a higher education environment. Please explain how ERM adoption and implementation in the higher education environment differs from the for-profit environment. Cite specific examples from last week and this week’s readings.

Assignment Requirements:

  • As indicated above, explain how ERM adoption and implementation in the higher education environment differs from the for-profit environment.
  • Cite specific examples from this week’s readings.
  • In your explanation, discuss at least three points or aspects in which the implementing ERM in the two environments differ.

Watch the video case of “wellbeing” and discuss wellbeing’s SWOT

Question Description

wellbeing’s strategic planning and marketing

Watch the video case of “wellbeing” and discuss wellbeing’s SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis and use of the 4-p framework in their strategic marketing and planning.


In the address bar, click on “Not secure” on the left to allow Flash in Chrome browser to watch the video.

If you are having a problem with opening the video, you need to enable Flash in your browser.

To enable Flash, open your Chrome browser and type chrome://settings/content in the address bar, then click on Flash and add the video link under the “Allow” list.


ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

Question Description

The attached case study lists some of the goings-on at BitBucket Software (a fictitious company I made up; if there’s an actual BitBucket out there, it’s not the one I’m describing here…)

Analyze the actions of the company employees according to the ACM Code of Ethics. Cite or paraphrase the section of the code backing up your arguments; try to identify as many of the sections as apply.

No outside references (other then referring to the code within your paper) are expected. EthicsScenario.

And here’s the Code: acm-code-of-ethics-and-professional-conduct

Discuss what security through obscurity means with examples.Examine how it is relevant in the context of discretion. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of security through obscurity, specifically within the context of national and critical infrastru

Question Description

The principle of discretion involves individuals and groups making good decisions to obscure sensitive information about national infrastructure. An essential component of discretion is utilizing the security concept of security through obscurity. However, the concept of security through obscurity is contradictory in the security community.

Discuss what security through obscurity means with examples. Examine how it is relevant in the context of discretion. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of security through obscurity, specifically within the context of national and critical infrastructure protection. Ensure to identify scenarios where security through obscurity would be beneficial and scenarios where it might not be beneficial.