Write two paragraphs music video analysis of the video attached below. Follow the instructions below and use academic language.

Question Description

  • Why does this piece stand out to you? briefly (1-2 sentences) explain why this particular piece “caught your ear.”
  • What are the piece’s unique characteristics? BE SPECIFIC and use your textbook as your reference! This should be the main part of your mini-essay. This is not opinion – these are facts that you have researched.
  • Cite your sources (Links to an external site.) – including your textbook. Points deducted for not citing references. You may use MLA format. (Links to an external site.)

4.Response should be one-two paragraphs. Use full sentences, no abbreviations, and check your spelling for full credit.

Video attached:


Logical Fallacy Real Life example

Question Description

Look for one real-world logical fallacy. This can include a speech, an advertisement, a conversation, and article–whatever you choose. You may not find your real-world example of a logical fallacy by typing “logical fallacy” into Google’s search box.

Please include

  • A description of the event, claim, image (whatever it is) that you think is a logical fallacy. If you have chosen a YouTube video, please include the URL with the description.
  • Several sentences in which you explain WHAT fallacy you think the thing represents and WHY you think it demonstrates that fallacy.

Logical fallacy

  • and more…

discussion communication in RICE Power Currencies and Relational Power

Question Description

After reading the conversations, answer the following questions:

1. Analyze the role power plays in this relationship. Hint: think of distributive (either/or),integrative (and/both), or power denial.

2. Identify Chloe ’s RICE currencies.

3. Identify Colton’s RICE currencies.

4. Who occupies a higher power position and lower power position in conversation 1? Make sureto give concrete reasons to support your answer.

5. Who occupies a higher power position and lower power position in conversation 2? Make sureto give concrete reasons to support your answer.

6. Suggest ways the power might be better balanced in this relationship. Be specific.

Reading is attached in PDF.

Bill Maher/James Corden discussion

Question Description

Bill Maher/James Corden discussion


  • What are MAOI’s? What is Gleevec? Metoprolol? Do they impact weight? What about insulin?
  • What is Cushing Syndrome? What is the leading cause of Cushing Syndrome?
  • As aspiring health professionals, do you agree that shaming is an appropriate method for the treatment of obesity?
  • What other thoughts do you have?

responding to prompt

Question Description

Module 2 Initial Post: For your initial post, respond to the prompts below (400-600 words – points WILL be taken off for not meeting this requirement) which includes the following:

1. What are some of the different identities/roles that you have and manage in your life?

2. How might people perceive you based on your impression management? Give an example of a time when someone’s perception of you did not align with how you see yourself.

3. Have your perceptions ever been wrong about another person? Share an example of a time when you realized that your perceptions were wrong about someone else.

Ecommerce and high cost of shopping.

Question Description

As Wu and Hisa (2004) explain, the concept of e-commerce helped in solving problems such as high costs of shopping, limitations of time and distance, and lack of sufficient retail space.

Elaborate if you would on how e-commerce may have helped in solving the issue related to the high cost of shopping? For example, many Walmart’s across the US have grocery pick-up. You order online, you pick it up, you go home. However, the prices are still the same as if you go in. So how might e-commerce help the issue related to high cost?

APA, 200 words at least on scholarly reference.

adult health assessment

Question Description

APA style

1. A new patient has presented at a local clinic for treatment of a “red, bumpy rash” on his hands. The patient is 47 years old and is accompanied by his wife. The nurse is preparing to take a health history.

a. Which type of history, comprehensive or focused, is most appropriate and why?

b. Identify and discuss the various components of the appropriate history.

c. What sort of information will be documented by the nurse?

d. After the patient is treated for the skin problem, what type of health history will the nurse complete when the patient returns to the clinic, and why?

Write a one page essay answering a question about Buddhism

Question Description

Write a one page essay discussing the following

Please discuss the following prompt: The Buddha was known to have said that if women had been allowed into the Sangha from the start, the impact of the Dharma would have only lasted half as long. What do you think he meant by this? Do you think the Buddha was against women, or were there other factors that the Buddha was addressing?

It should be straight forward and easy, please make sure you discuss this question only in the essay, and answer all parts to it. will provide a good tip and review.

please watch the video and write 1 page with the following requirements

Question Description


The link to the vedio will be provided and the requirements are as follows

 Discuss your initial thoughts about the challenge presented in the video

 Present what you would do in terms of a solution to the problem presented in the video

 Relate the content of the video to one of the CLO’s in the course

 Approximately 250 to 350 words in length (minimum of 2 paragraphs)

 Include the industry example demonstrating the application of your researched video

 Include the in-text citation in APA format to properly reference your article

Transcription for teacher interview

Question Description

Hi Buddy,

I need you to do a Transcription for teacher interview.

The question :

❖ Interview a principal and teacher and ask them to describe a “moral dilemma” in which they were engaged.

❖ Describe their response to the dilemma.

❖ Evaluate their response to the dilemma in terms of acting fairly and being sensitive to the diverse needs of all students.

I attached to you an example that can make you understand what I want exactly.

please just do work similar to the example attached to you.

you will find the interview blow in the link: please use it to do this homework.
