Discussion 3 300 words max

Question Description


Watch the short video on Furman v. Georgia (Links to an external site.)

What did the Supreme Court decide in Furman v. Georgia? How was the death penalty soon reinstated? Do a bit of independent research on the subject and then discuss your views on the fairness of the application of the death penalty in the United States? Can we justify the fact that the death penalty is more likely to be applied when the victim is white? For example, are white homicide victims killed in ways more likely to warrant the death penalty?

Csci 415 writing quetsion

Question Description

Hello giys

This is my csci 415 paper. I will be posting you the quetsion. Can you please write two different sets of answers for both please. One for me and another for my friend. I have about 8 hrs left for the due date. I need about 380 words for each.. its should be APA format, and there should be intext citation and website link citation too. I will post all the instructions below. If you do this paper right i will be giving my all other similar assignments for you to work on every week. So please do ur best. Thankyou

(“Accessibility”) Exercise- Depending on the situation, decide how to fix these accessibility issues and write a short memo

Question Description

You work at a company that has been critiqued for having a website that is not accessible. The website has poor color contrast, is not fully keyboard accessible, and does not provide text alternatives for non-text content. You have to do the following:

  • Decide how to fix these accessibility issues and justify your choices.
  • Write a short internal memo to the rest of the company providing your proposed solutions and your reasoning for them, keeping in mind that some of these changes might take significant redesign, investment, or labor hours, and you need to convince others in the company that these costs are worth it.

Review the following videos as well as the PowerPoint presentation for this week

Question Description

Review the following videos as well as the PowerPoint presentation for this week:


In a minimum of 450 words, write an APA formatted paper addressing the following questions:

  • In what ways are FERPA, COPPA, and CIPA similar and what challenges do they face regarding protecting children on the Internet?
  • Who should we trust to block certain content and protect our children: government, the private sector, or the parents? Why?
  • N/B: Paper must have correctly formatted APA Citations and References. For a paper this size, I expect 5-10 sources.

Write two paragraphs analysis of the video attached below. Follow the instructions below and use academic language.

Question Description

  • Why does this piece stand out to you? briefly (1-2 sentences) explain why this particular piece “caught your ear.”
  • What are the piece’s unique characteristics? BE SPECIFIC and use your textbook as your reference! This should be the main part of your mini-essay. This is not opinion – these are facts that you have researched.
  • Cite your sources (Links to an external site.) – including your textbook. Points deducted for not citing references. You may use MLA format. (Links to an external site.)

4.Response should be one-two paragraphs. Use full sentences, no abbreviations, and check your spelling for full credit.

Video attached:


White collar crime

Question Description

This scholarly activity will include further research on white-collar crime.Visit the site below, and explore the different components of white-collarcrime:

Federal Bureau of Investigation. (n.d.). What we investigate: White-collarcrime. Retrieved from https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/white-collar-crime

Then, include the following points in your scholarly activity:

  • different types of crime that are categorized as white-collar,
  • the victims of these crimes, and
  • the reasons why you believe it is difficult to enforce these laws.

Your scholarly activity must be a minimum of two pages in length (notincluding the title and reference pages). All sources used, including thereferenced website for this activity, must be cited and referenced using theappropriate APA format.

Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers in 60 Small Steps

Question Description

Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers in 60 Small Steps

Read sections 1-13, Then answer the questions.


1. Explain why it is important for a Crime Analyst to be a “local crime expert.”

2. Explain the Standard Model of Policing.

3. According to “Section 3”, there are two elements necessary for successful policing. What are the two elements, and how do they help?

4. Why is Problem Oriented Policing said to be much more effective than the Standard Model of Policing?

5. In terms of the “Problem Analysis Triangle”, explain the roles of the “Handler”, “Manager” and “Guardian”.

6. Explain “Diffusion of Benefits” and “Displacement”

one page analysis of the corporate governance

Question Description

a one page analysis of the corporate governance of Samsung (if you want to add tables, you can add them later in the appendix).

Check the external rating of corporate governance in your company you can go on yahoo finance either under profile or sustainability (here is an example with IBM). The story you tell should be in accordance with these ratings.



Damodaran also provides a framework for analysis of corporate governance in the live case at the end of chapter 2. You can use this framework to guide you in your writing.

Can you please help me to edit my email and turn it into more professional?

Question Description

Can you please help me to edit my email and turn it into more professional?


Hello ___,

How are you doing?

I am __________ and a contractor for IBM as AMP Content Operations in Metadata Operation Support team. I am very interested in the Support Engineer position.

I just came across the post on linked a couple of days ago. It’s showing as of July 31 it’s still open for hire?

One of the job requirement: Excellent verbal and written proficiency. I am deaf and using American Sign Language. I hope that would not be an issue?

Thank you for your time!

Write two paragraphs music video analysis of the video attached below. Follow the instructions below and use academic language.

Question Description

  • Why does this piece stand out to you? briefly (1-2 sentences) explain why this particular piece “caught your ear.”
  • What are the piece’s unique characteristics? BE SPECIFIC and use your textbook as your reference! This should be the main part of your mini-essay. This is not opinion – these are facts that you have researched.
  • Cite your sources (Links to an external site.) – including your textbook. Points deducted for not citing references. You may use MLA format. (Links to an external site.)

4.Response should be one-two paragraphs. Use full sentences, no abbreviations, and check your spelling for full credit.

Video attached:
