Discussion 6 Information

Question Description

Transforming a business today means redesigning business processes. Two techniques used to transform a static business process are (1) radical process redesign, which is sometimes called business process reengineering (BPR) or simply reengineering and (2) incremental, continuous process improvement, which includes total quality management (TQM) and Six Sigma.

Why was radical design of business processes embraced so quickly and so deeply by senior managers of so many companies? In your opinion, and using hindsight, was its popularity a benefit for businesses? Why or why not?

Reference: Pearlson, K., Saunders, C., Galletta, D. Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach, 6th Edition. Burlington, MA. Wiley, 2016

600 words

apa format

Management of Network and Support Operations

Question Description

What is meant by “the future of networks lies in the cloud”? Explain the answer to this statement in the context of development in this field. Focus on the advantages and disadvantages. Point to research and development which substantiate research in this field. Correct citing of resources is essential.

Textbook: Frazier, M., & Hearrington, D. (2017)

Chapter 4- Network Operations (117): Network Infrastructure, Wireless Network and IP Technologies, User Account Management, Email System Management, Email Archiving, Backup Procedures and Disaster Recovery, Remote Management, Intranet Management and Website Development

Recommended Readings

Examples of network infrastructure: http://www.connectivitycom.com/technologies-2/network-infrastructure-design

10 Intranet trends for 2018: https://www.elcomcms.com/resources/blog/10-intranet-trends-for-2018

Intranet design: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/intranet-design/

Big Discussion: The Danger of a Single Story

Question Description

Watch Chimamanda Adichie’s

TedTalk. (Links to an external site.)

Adichie sees stereotypes as complicit in the perpetuation of single stories: “[T]he problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.”

Please think about your own life and experiences. First, what is YOUR story that is not a single story? Second, discuss a time when you were guilty of reducing someone else to a single story. Finally, how do we move past the single story?

Make sure to reference the TedTalk in your topic reply.

Unit 11 Assignment What Makes an Effective Agile Coach?

Question Description

The Secretary of the Insurance Department notices your ability to work with others very easily. She asks you to consider becoming an Agile Coach for the entire department which you readily accept. Before getting started, the Secretary asks you to prepare a paper on certain aspects of being an Agile Coach. She asks to you specifically describe the following:

What makes an effective Agile Coach?

What abilities have you noticed in other Agile Coaches that helps them to succeed?

What competencies should an Agile Coach possess?

What other abilities does an Agile Coach need to support agile at the team or organizational level?

Describe the tasks of an Agile Coach

Describe Descriptive music, Programmatic Music​, and Symphonic poem.

Question Description

A variety of 19th-century musical types that are the forerunners of film music.

Describe Descriptive music, Programmatic Music, and Symphonic poem, including their basic qualities, important composers, and similarities to film music.

Descriptive music: the term descriptive music is often applied to music that either depicts a general mood suggested in a text, title, and program, or mimics specific physical movements and natural sounds, such as wind, thunder, and animal noises.

Programmatic Music: Instrumental music that tells a story, suggests an image, or evokes a designated mood is referred to as programmatic.

Symphonic poem: a piece of orchestral music, usually in a single continuous movement.

learn more about your stakeholders( Human rights) by reading news articles about them and the activities they do to improve their communities.

Question Description

Hello, my stakeholder is about ( Human rights). The instructions are listed blew please go through them.

You will:

  1. Read TWO (2) news articles about your activities that one or both of your stakeholder organizations have done.
  2. Reflect on the activities in the news articles any way you like. Maximum word count 150 words.

I need some help reflecting.

If you need help reflecting, then think about these questions. To be clear, these are optional questions.

  • How are these activities improving/not improving their communities?
  • How could you sponsor similar activities on the USF (University of south Florida) campus?
  • Why do you think that organizations do these activities?

Process Costing

Question Description

The following categories represent types of process manufacturing industries:

  • Soft drink beverages
  • Chemicals
  • Food
  • Forest and paper products
  • Metals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Soap and cosmetics

(The list intentionally omits petroleum refining to get you to think of other industries)

Select one (1) of the categories from the list above and:

  1. Identify one company involved in the manufacturing of products in that category.
  2. Identify typical products manufactured by that company.
  3. Identify typical raw materials you believe are used by the selected company.
  4. Identify the types of processes you believe are involved in producing the products.


  • writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing all sources referenced
  • Write 4 paragraph essays (Introduction, body and conclusion)

Enjoy your search.

Read chapter 2 and 4 and watch a mini video and answer two questions

Question Description

1. Read Chapter 3 and 4

Textbook foundations of American education eighth edition by l. Dean Webb , Arlene Mehta. I will attach the chapters if needed

2. Think of your schooling experience, which of the philosophies did you experience in your K-12 schooling? Use Chapter 4: Theory to Practice as a guide.Give examples of things you did in school that lead you to believe those were the philosophies you were exposed to. (One paragraph)

3. Review the attached video on progressive education. Answer the following: What , if any, of the activities, practices you observed in this video, would you implement in your classroom? Why? (one paragraph)


I want an essay to the below topic in 550 words using APA format and at least 3 academically reviewed articles for reference

Question Description

Using a web browser, perform some research on a newer malware variant that has been reported by a major malware containment vendor. Using a search engine, go to the vendors web site; this could be Symantec, McAfee, or any of their competitors. Visit one malware prevention software vendor. Search for the newest malware variants and pick one. Note it’s name and try to understand how it works. Now look for information about that same malware at least one other vendor. Were you able to see this malware at both vendor? If so, are there any differences in how they are reported between the two vendors?

(RR ) The answers should be on the average 2-3 paragraphs long

Question Description

You are going to answer TWO of these questions and are going to use theessay material in your answers. The answers should be on the average 2-3paragraphs long,by only using the material in the essays in the reader book. You cannotuse any outside sources, but only the reader book essay information.Makesure you have the reader book for those essays in order to answer thequestions

3.. Brudvig Essay on Forgotten Heroes. Describe how these individuals described in this essay are forgotten heroes.

4- ..Gonda Essay on the women’s movement since 1945. What are the major trends described in this essay for the women’s movement since 1945?