proposal writing

Question Description

proposal, you will address your research problem with background on the problem (history, solutions tried before, the context of the problem today); possible solutions that use at least two different disciplinary ways of thinking and methodologies; and what resources you would need to solve this problem (agencies, funding, etc.). This should be no longer than 2-3 pages single-spaced. You will need to produce evidence and demonstrate your interdisciplinary approaches to the research question you focus on. Please remember to cite sources using MLA OR APA format, with a Works Cited OR a Reference List.

Proposal topic is: Nutrition in Farming

i attached in files my initial proposal topic

Discussion 5

Question Description

Throughout this course we examined development through the lens of the life-span. For this week we took a closer look at older adults. The perceptions about growing older into older adulthood often do not match the realities of being an older adult. For this assignment, explain some of the myths regarding older adults and some of the realities they often face. Put special emphasis on the social-economic and the physical factors that you have found in your readings and research on this topic. Based on your experiences how would you interpret these myths and realities of older adults? Make sure to justify your answers by citing relevant sources.

Analyze 3 rhetorical strategies in this reading

Question Description


  1. Complete the assigned reading.
  2. Read the topic below carefully.
  3. Format your essay using Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double spaced, 1-inch margins.
  4. Essay should be a minimum of 500 words (about 2 pages, excluding reference page).
  5. Use APA format.
  6. Submit your journal through Turn-it-In


In a well-organized and well-developed essay, introduce your reading, the author, background information, and three rhetorical strategies used by the author. Conclude your essay with a personal association that you connected to the reading using your freewriting and looping exercises.

I will upload the reading once you accept this assignment. Please do not copy from Google because I need to turn in on Turn-it-in. Attachment is Rhetorical Strategies.

Lab 1: Intro to Excel and Financial Statements

Question Description

For this first lab you will be downloading the excel template below.

Please save the file to your h:drive on campus or some other device with the file name ” Your name lab 1″ substituting your registered name for your name.

Complete the first and third tabs. Save the file, then submit it here in Canvas.

You may only use Excel, do not use a different spreadsheet software, like “numbers” for a Mac, because I will not be able to grade your work. All of the computers on campus have Excel.

To get credit you must use cell formulas or functions in each cell. Do not just enter a number!

Hussain IG q 2 — I need a discussion on the below topic

Question Description

Chapter 13 – According to Franks and Smallwood (2013), information has become the lifeblood of every business organization, and that an increasing volume of information today has increased and exchanged through the use of social networks and Web2.0 tools like blogs, microblogs, and wikis. When looking at social media in the enterprise, there is a notable difference in functionality between e-mail and social media, and has been documented by research – “…that social media differ greatly from e-mail use due to its maturity and stability.” (Franks & Smallwood, 2013).

Q2: Please identify and clearly state what the difference is?

450 words, APA format and references are important.

1000 annotated bibliography MLA

Question Description

You have to include 7 articles in the bibliography and write about 150 words for each article = total 1000 words. The citation itself is not included in the word count. MLA format

Please don’t use books as resources, follow the instructions in the document below. Please read the instructions provided in the document. In addition, it should have 7 citations.

The topic: is about a book called choosing civility The 25 rules of considerate conduct by P.M Forni; I choose one rule as a thesis and it’s Acknowledge others. and I agree with rule that it does bring lifetime happiness.

Write a three- to four-page essay in which you explain what climate justice and/or environmental justice, cite each source

Question Description

Paper #1

Write a three- to four-page essay in which you explain what climate

justice and/or environmental justice is. Use specific examples from two or three of the sources

we have examined thus far to articulate your understanding. You may draw from videos,

readings, and your internet research. Make sure to correctly cite each source according to MLA format, including both in-text

citations and the works cited page. BRING YOUR SOURCES TO CLASS!

Please make the essay about this article preferably and you can connect to anything else that has to do with Climate justice or Environmental Justice: Whatever is easier for you


need ppt [ 13 slides]

Question Description

I need PPT on these

My topic: Falls prevention in community dwelling older adults

and you must cover that points that i attached in image. so check points in attached image.

For leadership and assumptions follow below articles if you want or else you search other articles for best leadership qualities

Reddy, KS, Mathur, M, Negi, S & Krishna, B 2017, ‘Redefining public health leadership in the sustainable development goal era’, Health Policy and Planning, vol. 32, pp. 757-759.

Carlton, E, Holsinger, J, Riddell, M & Bush, H 2015, ‘Full-range public health leadership, part 1: quantitative analysis’, Frontiers in Public Health, vol. 3, article 73.

13-14 slides

With speaker notes

Harvard style referencing

Need Help in Cloud Computing Course Discussion

Question Description

Read the case study in attached chapter 15 , Based on what you read and if you were in the real world, discuss what information you will need to complete a total cost analysis for on premise equipment vs.IT resources vs the cloud resoruces.

part 2: we need to respond to two of my classmates posts.

Required Text Book

Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture by Thomas Erl, Ricardo Puttini, Zaigham Mahmood, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 9780133387520.

Recommended Reading:

  • Yeluri, Raghu., & Castro-Leon, Enrique. Building the Infrastructure for Cloud Security Gendron Michael. Business Intelligence and the Cloud
  • Chandrasekaran, K. Essentials of Cloud Computing
  • Newcombe, Lee. Securing Cloud Services, A pragmatic approach to security

Discussion 6 Information

Question Description

Transforming a business today means redesigning business processes. Two techniques used to transform a static business process are (1) radical process redesign, which is sometimes called business process reengineering (BPR) or simply reengineering and (2) incremental, continuous process improvement, which includes total quality management (TQM) and Six Sigma.

Why was radical design of business processes embraced so quickly and so deeply by senior managers of so many companies? In your opinion, and using hindsight, was its popularity a benefit for businesses? Why or why not?

Reference: Pearlson, K., Saunders, C., Galletta, D. Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach, 6th Edition. Burlington, MA. Wiley, 2016

600 words

apa format