​Your paper should be 5-7 pages

Question Description

Your paper should be 5-7 pages in length, and must cover each of the following points to receive maximum credit:

  1. Read and explicate the assigned excerpt of Aldous Huxley’s essay “Heaven and Hell”
  2. Choose the Senior Seminar guiding question that best relates to the essay’s theme, and explain why:

Guiding Questions:

  • What does it mean to be good, to lead a good life?
  • How does what I do relate to who I am?
  • How does one reconcile self-interest with a broader sense of responsibility?
  • How does one negotiate conflicts between social norms and personal convictions?
  1. Provide additional examples from Aristotle’s Ethics to support your assertions in question #2, as well as one other reading from the clas


Question Description

answer each question 120 words

Why does creating equal opportunity frequently get presented as being to the detriment of “white people in America”? Explain.

Why does women’s safety often get viewed as a “plight” or “something trivial”, as opposed to being viewed as a “strongly government-backed legislative priority”? Explain.

What do you think would be some effective ways for some men to have the experience of being “unsafe” based on their sex? Provide specific examples.

How do emotions and empathy play a part in stereotypes and stereotyping?

How does religion get used to suppress groups of people (e.g.: women, African Americans, etc).? Explain.

Ethics W4 D2: Is it possible for individuals to flourish if others with whom they are connected are not also flourishing? 200 words total

Question Description

Discussion Topic: Is it possible for individuals to flourish if others with whom they are connected are not also flourishing?

Consider this with respect to Aristotle’s account of Eudaimonia and MacIntyre’s account of practices, as well as the other readings and media. Identify a community or practice in which you are involved in which the flourishing of the individual is tied to the flourishing of others. Does this require that we limit certain rights pertaining to the individual (for instance, the right to free speech or to pursue monetary gain), in order to promote the flourishing of the group within that context? Be specific, and use examples when appropriate.

ethics and professional responsibility in the context of database security of atlassian applications

Question Description

NOTE : This week we will be examining ethics and professional responsibility in the context of database security.

Question : From your work experience evaluate this weeks reading assignment in 500 words or more.

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Cite your sources. Do not copy. Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.

Cite your sources. Do not copy. Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.

Use references here :


2. file:///C:/Users/harikanth/Desktop/NEC-SEM1/Database/Atlassian_Shared_Responsibilites_For_Security.pdf

3. https://www.atlassian.com/trust/security

[Anthropology] Please watch the “Nature of Culture” video provided in the YT link and answer the following 5 critical thinking questions

Question Description

the link:

1. Topic-PurposeWhat is the topic/purpose of the video/article?

2.AssumptionsWhat is an assumption that the video/article makes?

3. Gaps and absences Can you think of kinds of evidence, arguments, or interpretations that seem missing or even avoided?

4.Authority Do the authors explore alternative possibilities and interpretation that stimulate further debate and analysis?

5. PersonalWhat is your personal reaction to the video / article?What did you learn from the article/video?

note/ try to write between a minimum of 3/4 the page and a max of 1 page single spaced. also, orgnize your writing under the provided 5 headings.

jimmy’s world assignment

Question Description

“Jimmy’s World”

Reaction Assignment

After reading both the “Jimmy’s World” article and the article

about it’s author please write a

2 page

reaction/opinion to the

article and the situation surrounding the author and her story.

Make sure your paper fills a FULL 2 pages or you will lose points.

You can always write more than 2 pages.

Grammar, spelling, content and sentence structure count.

This is a formal writing assignment so make sure

you have an

introduction, body and conclusion.

The assignment must:

Be typed

Be double spaced

Use 12 point font

Be in Times New Roman font

Include proper spelling, grammar and sentence structure

Include paragraphs

Implement proper essay/paper format (introduction, body,


What factors led to the rise of Fascist and Communist regimes in the 1920s and 1930s?

Question Description

What factors led to the rise of Fascist and Communist regimes in the 1920s and 1930s? You should address the long-term origins as well as the short-term (i.e. immediate) causes of these totalitarian regimes. Think about why fascism and communism took root in the time and place that they did. You have a good degree of flexibility in this essay, but the main goal is to be as specific and thorough as possible. This is not a formal essay, and you are not required to include direct quotes or citations. However, you must use very specific examples from both lectures AND supplemental source readings to prove your argument.

Create an outline of 2 to 3 pages for your Criminal Prosecution Paper due Week 4

Question Description

Create an outline of 2 to 3 pages for your Criminal Prosecution Paper due Week 4.

Be sure your outline includes a section that addresses the following regarding the case you chosen in Week 1:

  • The purpose of a grand jury
  • Grand jury reform
  • The elements of both the crime and attempted defense
  • The requirements for bail in the state and whether or not the defendant received bail
  • How the defendant was charged (grand jury or preliminary hearing)
  • Whether or not there was a plea bargain and the type of plea bargain

Submit your assignment.


Please complete research paper in APA format

Question Description

Please see below topics to write
You will write a paper of 10-12 pages in length. The syllabus provides a list of potential topics. You must include 6 references, two that must come peer-reviewed journals. Include an Abstract, introduction, and conclusion, as well as the body of content. The paper must follow APA.


Select a topic from the following list on which you would like to conduct an in-depth investigation. The researchpaper is valued at 100 points:

• Information systems infrastructure: evolution and trends

• Strategic importance of cloud computing in business organizationsBA633 Information Systems Infrastructure7

• Big data and its business impacts•

Managerial issues of a networked organization

• Emerging enterprise network applications

• Mobile computing and its business implications


Research paper basics:• 10-12 pages in length• APA formatted• Minimum six (6) sources – at least two (2) from peer reviewedjournals• Include an abstract, introduction, and conclusion• See rubric for more detailed grading criteriaSome good questions to ask yourself before turning in your research paper:• Is the paper of optimal length?• Is the paper well organized?• Is the paper clear and concise?• Is the title appropriate?• Does the abstract summarizewell?• Are individual ideas assimilatedwell?• Are wording, punctuation, etc. correct?• Is the paper well motivated?• Is interesting problem/issue addressed?• Is knowledge of the area demonstrated?• Have all key reference been cited?• Are conclusions valid and appropriate?• Have you included some graphic or table?

Questions and Answers

Question Description

Task 1:

Read “Customer service at Pret A Manger” Operations in Practice case on page 18 of the course textbook and answer the following questions:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Pret A Manger organizing itself so that the individual shops make the sandwiches that they sell?

2. How can effective operations management at Pret A Manger contribute significantly to its success? And what would the consequences of poor operations management be in this kind of organization?

Note: Please refer below text book in google.

The course textbook is Operations Management. 2016. (8th Edition) by Slack, N., Brandon-Jones, A., & Johnston, R. published by Pearson.

Your Answer should be Each question 250 words