women in leadership

Question Description

“Women in the Workforce and Gender Diversity” Please respond to the following:

  • From the textbook readings, analyze the significance of the recent trend of more women in the workforce than before, and then determine three (3) factors that may contribute to this trend. Provide support for your response.
  • Go to the Biography Website and read the article titled “Sandra Day O’Connor,” located at http://www.biography.com/people/sandra-day-oconnor-9426834. Next, determine three (3) strategies that men and women utilize to lead others then propose two (2) similarities and two (2) differences between each gender’s strategies. Justify your response.
  • Initial response should be a minimum of 120 words with a reply with a minimum of 30 words.

3 case summaries for 3 civil rights or liberties.

Question Description

First, find three civil rights or liberties that you can exercising. For each civil rights or liberties., you should locate one (1) U.S. Supreme Court case decided since 2000 concerning the right or liberty involved in the picture. You should write a two-paragraph summary of the case in which you explain the facts of the case (what happened?), the Court’s decision (who won?) and the Court’s reasoning (why did the Court decide as it did)?

In total, there are 3 case summaries.

There are many places on the web to find Supreme Court decisions both summarized and in full. Two of the more user-friendly sites with search features are



This is a case study.

Question Description

I updated the textbook and all requirements of this assignment. Please follow the rubric to complete this assignment. This assignment need to keep original, and will be checked by Turnitin.

This case study is belongs to Chapter 12, you can read the chapter 12 and then complete it.

I also updated the criteria of this case study. It’s very important!

We need to follow the criteria to write this assignment.

The professor said to me: ” if you use sentences in textbook which I gave you, then you need direct links to the chapter content (including page #s)

The essay need to provide multiple references to specific information presented in the chapter and/or learning materials.

Information systems

Question Description

In a 3 to 4-page APA formatted written report, address the following concepts by providing in-depth analysis and details pertaining to implementation and strategic planning:
1. Differentiate between Information Systems (IS) and Management Information Systems (MIS). Identify some research areas in MIS, and provide an example.
2. Describe how IS can play a vital role in the competitive strategy of an organization.
3. Explain the importance of having a cross-functional enterprise architecture.
4. Describe how a data warehouse is created and utilized in an organization, and explain the challenges and value of big data.
5. Describe the relationships between the concepts presented in this assignment, and how they contribute to the strategic direction of an organization.

A Doll’s House Discussion

Question Description

A Doll’s House Discussion

Can readers or viewers identify with any of the elements of the play today considering the play is over one hundred years old?

What subjects are still relevant today?

Does anyone change in the play? If so, who? When can you tell?

Reading or seeing the play today, is there any way we can see why it was originally banned in England?

Why do you think it might have been banned?

Is the title important? If so, how?

Do you think the play can still shock audiences today?

Can you think of a movie with a similar theme that might move audiences the way this play did when it first appeared?

How should one deal with one’s desires, needs, bodily limitations and mortality during the living of one’s life? To what extent can our minds know and control or improve our bodies?

Question Description

4-5 pages, double spaced, font 12, times new roman, 1250 words

Compare the views of 4 philosophers, at least 3 from the ancients and 1 from the moderns (Plato and Socrates should count here as only one philosopher. Descartes are the modern.)

these are the links that can be used to add outside information


http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1656/1656-h/1656-h.htm (Links to an external site.)

http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1658/1658-h/1658-h.htm (Links to an external site.)

http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1676/1676-h/1676-h.htm (Links to an external site.)

St. Paul and st. augustine

http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/120114.htm (Links to an external site.)


http://selfpace.uconn.edu/class/percep/DescartesMeditations.pdf (Links to an external site.)

M2 Police and Prosecution

Question Description

Use the following resources: Race & crime 4th edition Chapter 4, Gabbidon and Greene: Chapter 4 The new Jim crow: Alexander: pp. 59-72 of Chapter 2; pp. 114-119 of Chapter 3 U.S. Department of Justice Investigation of the Ferguson Police Department,opens in a new window 2015, pp. 9-41, 62-67 and 69-102 (PDF formatopens in a new window) View:: How does police and prosecutorial discretion allow for racial and ethnic discrimination in the criminal justice system? Is allowing such discretion desirable, when used fairly? What are some ways of curbing or checking this discretion to make the system more fair? Do you think these things will be effective? Why or why not?

Need help on research paper

Question Description

After reading this scenario and doing internet search, compile and submit the assignment as Word document comprising 3-4 pages, double-spaced and APA formatted highlighting the following:

1. What are HIEOs (Health Information Exchange Organisations) and what are their functions?

2. Which government Act mandated (hint: HIPAA, HITEH) establishment of HIEOs and when?

3. Who provided financial support to HIEOs (state/federal government) to begin with?

4. Who are usually the members of HIEOs and what benefits they derive from the membership?

5. What is NHIN/NwHIN (National Health Information Network) and how is it related to HIEOs?

Need to include atleast 5 references within the last 7 years, with in-text citations.

Government Project Impact on Budget Paper

Question Description

Resources: Internet, Governmental websites (city, state, or local policy agencies), Media, News articles

Locate state or local government’s project and the effect on the operating budget.

Conduct research about a state or local government project, such as adding a building, park improvements, road improvements, or adding to or building of a new police station, and the related effects on the operating budget of the agency.

Write a 175-200-word paper in which you include the following:

  • Describe the type of government project and implementation process.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines to include, at a minimum, the APA cover page, Introduction, level headers for each required assignment discussion point, Conclusion and Reference page.

​Your paper should be 5-7 pages

Question Description

Your paper should be 5-7 pages in length, and must cover each of the following points to receive maximum credit:

  1. Read and explicate the assigned excerpt of Aldous Huxley’s essay “Heaven and Hell”
  2. Choose the Senior Seminar guiding question that best relates to the essay’s theme, and explain why:

Guiding Questions:

  • What does it mean to be good, to lead a good life?
  • How does what I do relate to who I am?
  • How does one reconcile self-interest with a broader sense of responsibility?
  • How does one negotiate conflicts between social norms and personal convictions?
  1. Provide additional examples from Aristotle’s Ethics to support your assertions in question #2, as well as one other reading from the clas