One page essay about global warming

Question Description

The issue of global warming is receiving considerable attention these days.. Write an essay(no less than 1 page,, single-line space,, times new roman font,, 11 point)) with at least three referenceson the subject of global warming.. Explain what is meant by the term global warming and discussobjectively the scientific evidence that is cited as the basis for the argument that global warming isoccurring.. Determine the respective contributions to the electric power provided to customers by theelectric utilityserving your locale attributable to coal,, natural gas,, oil,, biomass,, nuclear power,, windpower and solar power,, and summarize your findings in apie chart. For each type of contribution tothe electric power,, evaluate its effect on global warming..

Food in world history

Question Description

The essay question:

Has the mass production of foods that were once luxuries but are now commonplace (sugar, white flour, meat) benefited humanity, or harmed it? Explain, using specific examples.

I recommend completing outlines for each with a first sentence, thesis statement (your main idea), three paragraph ideas with specific examples, and the main idea for a conclusion.

(Please do not use any outside sources.)

Use the source provided in the attached files and use specific examples and please provide the page number as well one the source is used.

It is important that you read and understand the question and use the sources I gave you to answer clearly and in detail.

Discuss how the security principles that we learned this week Diversity and Commonality can help to prevent Botnet attacks against EnergyA

Question Description

Let us consider a company EnergyA that is a global leader in producing energy from diversified fuel sources for the U.S and U.K consumer markets with approximately 8.9 million electricity and gas consumers worldwide. Recently, the company’s website was under attack from a botnet titled fringe47. The company is under major scrutiny and is under pressure from several sources.

Discuss how the security principles that we learned this week Diversity and Commonality can help to prevent Botnet attacks against EnergyA. Ensure to discuss why the concept of diversity and commonality is paradoxical. Discuss the challenges that are involved in implementing diversity and commonality at the national infrastructure level. Please provide examples to support your discussion.

Write your own argumentative analysis of why you think humans create monsters with two clear examples and at least TWO quotes from the readings

Question Description……

Write your own argumentative analysis of why you think humans create monsters with two clear examples and at least TWO quotes from the readings.

  • Please write this as an argument with the argument statement being the last sentence of the intro
  • Support coming in the middle paragraphs
  • The conclusion wrapping up your ideas
  • Should be 500+ words
  • Please include an in-text citation and Works Cited for any material you quote or paraphrase

4. Please make sure your response takes an argument stance, use 3rd person, and incorporates at least two quotes with proper MLA citation and Works Cited.

Unit 1 exam essay health

Question Description

Directions:This is the essay portion of your Unit 1 Exam. Click on “Open” belowand answer ALL of the following questions. Please be sure to answer thequestions completely by writing at least one paragraph response foreach. Click “Save” when you are done.

  1. Cory’smom has several non-controllable risk factors for breast cancer,including her age, race, and heredity. Describe to Cory’s mom the thingsshe can do to decrease her risk of getting breast cancer.
  2. List the 6 dimensions of wellness and what you can do to improve each area of your health.
  3. Tysonwants to stay out past his curfew to hang out with his friends. Usingthe decision-making model, summarize what he should do to decide whataction to take.

definitions and essay analysis

Question Description

Research the Internet to find definitions of the following leadership terms:

  • Aikido
  • DELPHI Analysis
  • SWOT Analysis
  • STAR
  • GROW approach

Research the above-mentioned definitions and their differences

Choose an example of a decision that did not bring expected benefits to the described organization, based on your own research. Briefly, summarize the wrong decision and its consequences and present an alternative while describing the new decision-making process and listing possible positive outcomes. Please write an essay about your analysis to the task and include also the 6 definitions of the above terms that you have researched including a brief summary of the differences.

The paper should be between 2-3 pages, organized and referenced in accordance with APA format and in OWN WORDS.

Choose a topic

Question Description

Here is the instruction:

The final paper needs to be a minimum of 20 pages (not including title page, abstract and references), in APA 6th edition format. Topics need to be submitted for instructor approval by the end of week 5. This is the opportunity to delve into a topical area addressed in the course and develop an in-depth understanding of the situation. Students can pick either a contemporary or ongoing disaster or one well described in the literature. Topics to discuss can include but, are not limited to the following. How is the disaster cycle used? What management model was applied? Discuss disaster management models, logistics, political and capacity related topics as applicable.

Argument Overview Essay

Question Description

Using your notes and textbook as references, write an essay that explains how argument functions according to Nancy Wood. Be sure to cover issues such as Main Claims, Subclaims / Reasons, Evidence, Warrants, and Fallacies, and the different types of arguments, claims and evidence. I am looking for a demonstrated understanding of how the components of argument work together to create a cohesive whole, so be sure to relate the components of argument to each other, using concrete examples to demonstrate how they function to create an argument. You will have 75 minutes in class to prepare this essay, and no essays completed outside of class will be accepted for this assignment.

Memorandum about government

Question Description

Hey, this is a paper about Government and politics. Please read the instructions CAREFULLY and step by steps. The resources you are going to use are listed in the instructions. Please use these sources to complete the assignment. This assignment asks you to do a memorandum. The format of the memorandum is attached in the question. This is a memorandum, so it will not be a complete 3-pages paper, this is why the price is not for a complete 3-pages paper. Again, you must use the sources that are listed on the instructions and read the instructions and the format very carefully. Let me know if you have any question. Thank you

Comparing News Media Coverage

Question Description

Comparing News Media Coverage

Submit Assignment

  • Due No Due Date
  • Points 50
  • Submitting a text entry box

Either late tonight or on Friday, find three stories online about Thursday evening’s Democratic presidential debate from a mainstream news media source that is usually considered liberal, one that is considered conservative, and one that is considered alternative news media, then answer these questions.

first three are 10 points each.

1. Which candidate or candidates did the best?




2. The debate on what issue was highlighted the most?




3. Which candidate or candidates did the worst?




20 points

4. After reading these reports, how would you summarize how the debate went, in 100-150 words?