Abortion Discussion

Question Description

Expectation of discussion:

“Abortion is one of the most difficult and controversial moral issues we will consider. Listen to both sides, even if it is difficult to do. Both sides have important moral insights, even if ultimately these insights are outweighed by the insights of the other side. The goal of this discussion is not to convince you to accept one position over the other, but to help you to understand both sides. As you consider this difficult issue, it is important to distinguish two questions:

  • Is abortion morally wrong?
  • Should abortion be illegal?

Choose one of the questions above and argue both sides with supporting evidence.”

This assignment is a discussion so please remain within 250-500 words if possible.

HLHT 550 Application of TPB to improve preventive

Question Description

Select a scholarly, peer reviewed article based on any health topics of interest where a targeted intervention took place. Your review will be 3 pages in length.

An article review provides an overview of the background, materials, methods, results, and discussion of a scholarly work. In addition, students are expected to add a critique about the value of the article to the health field and how the article research objectives could be extended into future projects/applications.

All reviews must be carefully written, adhere to a professional writing style, and typed (double-spaced) in 12 pitch font, with 1-1.5″ margins.

Citations MUST follow APA guidelines. The instructor reserves the right to require students to supply a copy of the original article.

Essay: Why Study Philosophy?

Question Description

Please write a 250-500 Journal entry / Essay on the topic: Why study Philosophy? This is an opportunity for you to express your experience of philosophy so far, and your thoughts on the importance or lack of importance of philosophy as a student at ….. University. What topics do you find interesting? What idea made you think the most? What topics are you least interested in? These are the topics that we have read … I am going to upload them as power point. But I am muslim and I believ in god so please do not write anything that related to atheist

I need someone to write a small essay to two transfer application questions

Question Description

We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. We are particularly interested in knowing what motivated you to apply to NYU and more specifically, why you have applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and/or area of study? You may be focused or undecided, or simply open to the options within NYU’s global network; regardless, we want to understand – Why NYU? (2500 character maximum)

My interests are the school of professional study with a major in Real estate. Other interests of area for studying are psychology and marketing.

Thinking about the wide range of video or electronic games.

Question Description

This assignment is intended to get you thinking about the wide range of video or electronic games — both the wide range of types of games ( e.g., platform games, shooter games, role-playing games, etc) and the many types of devices that people use to play games (e.g., consoles, PCs, smartphones, etc.)

For this assignment you are to survey at least 20 people on their use of electronic or video games.

Present your findings in a written report. Your report should describe your findings in narrative form (i.e., paragraphs of text) and use charts or graphs to illustrate your data.

Text must be Times New Roman, double spaced, and 12-point font. One-inch margins are required.

Reply to discussion board about the Family last weeks paper was done on & Week 3 reply on discussion board to students

Question Description

1. This needs a response it is based on the family you used for the paper you just did I need this soon if possible post this independently of the second task. This should be a bout 150 words

Reflect back on your family interview completed for last week’s paper. Which system(s) was the most important to assess? What surprised you about the family you interviewed? If you completed this assignment again, would you pick the same family? Anything you would do differently?

2. Week 3 DQ responses to other students these need to be about 150 words for each response there are 6 of them and no references needed.

I have attached the student questions to respond to

Discussion AOJ 200

Question Description

Each unit, you will submit a QTIP (Quote, Thought, Interesting Point). The assignment is designed to assist you learn concepts in the class. Your post should have factual information and YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR PERSONAL THOUGHTS and OPINIONS on the topic as well. If you do not include this, you will not receive full credit.

Each unit, you will submit a QTIP (Quote, Thought, Interesting Point) involving the topic for the current discussion. The assignment is designed to assist you learn concepts in the class. Your post must have factual information and YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR PERSONAL THOUGHTS and OPINIONS on the topic as well. If you do not include this, you will not receive full credit.

Case Study 6

Question Description

Please read the attached case study very carefully and answer all five questions in a brief and concise (~one page) essay. It is not important whether you format the assignment double- or single-spaced, however, please make sure to answer all questions in enough detail, and make very clear which part of the assignment answers which questions (for example by using appropriate headlines).

  • What would be the key factors in choosing a cruise holiday rather than a holiday in a hotel?
  • Why do cruise companies offer excursions?
  • What is the reason for including food in the price?
  • Why might somebody prefer a small ship rather than a large one with more facilities?
  • Why do ocean liners offer entertainment and gourmet food?

Walmart case study – Half a Century of Supply Chain Management at Wal-Mart

Question Description

1. What attributes demonstrate the effectiveness of Wal-Mart’s supply chain?

2. How does Wal-Mart’s performance compare to its competitors? Is it performing better or worse? How?

3. Is Wal-Mart’s supply chain strategy and performance sustainable? What recommendation would you give to James Neuhausen?

4. Is Wal-Mart’s supply chain strategy and performance sustainable? What recommendation would you give to James Newhausen? Why (explain)?

The case write-up should not exceed four-pages, double-spaced, font size 12 Times Roman or equivalent, excluding exhibits (note that exhibits should not exceed two pages). The write-up should be professionally done, with arguments or points made in a logical flow. You can use prose or bullet-point format, but key arguments should be articulated clearly and concisely.

Defining Theories and Social Process

Question Description

  • Define life course theory and compare it to the propensity and trajectory theories. Give one example or more. Your response must be at least 75 words in length
  • Define instrumental and structural theories as part of the institution of socialization. Explain why theorists continue a debate of rich versus poor families and individuals with respect to laws and punishment. Your response must be at least 75 words in length.
  • There are several institutions of socialization that influence the social process in one’s life. Choose three and describe how each institution relates to social process theory and why those three can be an important influence in one’s life. Your response must be at least 200 words in length.