IC Communications

Question Description

Answer the following assignment questions as completely as possible.

Please include the exact question in the submission


Essay 1

Briefly describe one culture to which you belong; how did you learn or come to understand the behaviors of this culture, which presumably you have adopted? What aspect of this culture do you think “outsiders” find most difficult to understand or appreciate? (250 words)

Essay 2

How do you think your personal or professional life will affect your present or future contact with individuals from other cultures? (250 words)

Essay 3

Try to remember a folktale, proverb, or religious story from our childhood. Write an essay about how the information you learned has influenced you and how you see your culture and other cultures. (250 words)

fiction response essay. “Cathedral by Raymond Carver”

Question Description

Respond to the following prompt in a 3-5 page fiction response essay. The essay should be in MLA format, make use of support from the story (using quotation, summary and/or paraphrase) and should include citations in-text and on a Works Cited page.

Remember to avoid summarizing a story – instead, focus on answering the question(s) and explaining why the quotes and passages you’ve chosen are significant. You do not need to consult research or outside sources for this paper.


How do symbols support and establish the theme in the story? What symbols are significant and how does each create or reinforce the story’s central theme?

story is Cathedral By Raymond Carver (1981)

link to pdf: http://www.giuliotortello.it/ebook/cathedral.pdf

Evaluation and Reflection paper

Question Description

Write a self-analysis paper (2 pages min.) and please discuss the following:

  • What have you learned about your learning style? How do you identify strategies for helping tutees with different learning preferences?
  • What have you learned about yourself in this class?
  • What have you learned about the tutoring process? Do you see yourself as an expert learner in your subject manner?
  • In which areas of your life are you a novice? How does learning in that area compare to learning in your area of tutoring?
  • As a tutor, what are your strengths and what areas could you improve upon?
  • After viewing yourself on video during the mock tutoring sessions, what was your reaction? How was your experience in the role as a tutee and observer?


Question Description

1. I’d like to hear from you what YOU think the top 10 movies of all time should be. List them out 1-10.

2. Next to each movie explain why you think it should be in the top 10. It’s ok to look up what experts say are the top 10 films of all time. You may agree or you may not. I want to know what you think. I want to know WHY you think the movies you chose should be in the top 10. Next to each one you list give a brief explanation as to why you included it and it’s significance. Everyone’s lists may be very different and that’s ok!

3.Share with us YOUR 10 favorite movies.

A project completion memo

Question Description

  1. A project completion memo. This is a brief memo (no more than two pages) to me that describes
  1. An evaluation rubric pasted in the bottom of your project completion memo


  • Choose an original 750-1000-word document you previously created for school, work or another context to revise, edit, and redesign.
  • Address all of the required content for the project completion memo; it should be in the 500-750 word range.
  • If you use pre-existing templates (commercial or open source) be sure to significantly modify them for this assignment.
    • Create your own template for the memo
    • Develop an original page layout for the revised document

The paper is attached

* Need Comments (opinion,agreement,anything) to write down each of them “​

Question Description

  • Two students designated in the “News Manager Duty Roster” will be posting management and leadership related articles here on Tuesday and two more students will do the same on Thursday of the same week. Post issues such as legal and ethical involving local companies. Propose socially responsible solutions to the issues.
  • At class the following Tuesday, the class will vote on which of the four articles to discuss face-to-face.
  • All students are encouraged to make thoughtful comments for both the Online Forum and the Classroom Discussions.
  • All posts will be reviewed and all in-class comments will be observed and scored by your peers using the rubric posted in the Blackboard folder “Duty Rosters.

* Need Comments to write down each of them “

Answer questions

Question Description

Question: 1

After reviewing the current computer software platforms and trends, describe how you would apply three external sources for software.Pick one of those sources to apply to your past, current, or desired work/professional environment.What benefits would your work or professional environment gain from this external source?What potential drawbacks can you see if this external resource was implemented?

Question 2:

Define big data and describe the technologies for managing and analyzing it. Share with the class any technologies you have personally utilized or experienced in previous jobs or projects. How would or have you used big data to obtain key information? If you have used technologies to obtain key information, what information did you collect?

Please be sure to cite all sources MLA.

Writing a blog

Question Description

It’s little research on a technology advancement related to your major and write a ‘blog’about it –name the web page ‘blog.html’. Use a minimum of quoted materials. The blog should include:

▪800-1000 words (**not including any quoted or copied/pasted content**). You can blog on 2 articles to meet the word count, if needed.

▪A working link to the article

▪A summary of the article in your own words

▪Your thoughts about the article and how it impacts your major / career / chosen field, in your own words

▪A working link back to your resume page

The paper should about my major which is Accounting

There are some samples about the blog in the attachments

Let me know if you need any clarification

Discussion 7 Information

Question Description

Go to page 144 of your recommended textbook and familiarize yourself with the CASE STUDY 6-2 tagged “The case of Extreme Scientists.” You can thereafter discuss and give answers to the following questions based on the case study:

1. How would you describe the architecture Dr. Schadt uses to do his research?

2. What are the risks Dr. Schadt faces by using Amazon for his supercomputing? What are the benefits?

3. If you were advising a company trying to make a decision about using cloud computing for key business applications, what would you advise and why?

Reference: Pearlson, K., Saunders, C., Galletta, D. Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach, 6th Edition. Burlington, MA. Wiley, 2016

550 words

apa format

Need someone to create 2 perfect short cover letters for two jobs

Question Description

Create two cover letters based off my resume.

1st job description

Great Atmosphere. Great Potential. Great Fun! Southeast Clips!

Be the face and voice of our brand by providing exceptional customer service to our clients and guests. The Receptionist position will be responsible for greeting each customer with a smile and assisting with making their experience feel personal and memorable.

What we offer:

  • Competitive Compensation
  • Training and Development
  • Recognition & More!

Start your journey with Southeast Clips as a Salon Receptionist today!

2nd job

Is a bare waxing studio. A wax studio. The job consist of being a receptionist.

Include how I am interested in spa environments and willing to work to help make men and women feel good about their bodies and stuff.