Reflection Paper: Thinking Traps

Question Description

Thinking Traps Reflection Paper:

  • According to Campbell, Whitehead and Finkelstein, why does the way our brains work lead to poor decisions?
  • In what ways do these processes relate to traps? Are they “traps” in the same way as described in the other readings for this week? Provide the how, why and because for all of the traps and concepts…..

To name a few items on the rubric, you need an introduction, critical thinking through analysis, evaluation and creative thinking through recommendations.

Traps –

Anchoring trap –

The Status Quo Trap

The Sunk Cost Trap

The confirming Evidence Trap

The Framing Trap

The Overconfidence Trap

The Recallability Trap

The prudence Trap

The Outguessing Randomness Trap

Surprised-by-Surprises Trap

movie or television show with organizational themes/settings

Question Description

Students will select a movie or television show with organizational themes/settings to make an argument about organizational communication using course concepts. Each student will prepare a short essay of 1,500-2,000 words for each case study. Each case study should pose a research question, describe and analyze data, and offer a conclusion to their initial research question.

Students should compose their essay using APA formatting with an interesting introductory-paragraph, a clear thesis statement and preview, clearly-organized paragraphs of 3-5 sentences with internal summaries and transitions, and a concluding paragraph that reiterates and summarizes the thesis and main points. Written work must be proof-read. Work that does not meet the above standards will be returned to the student for revision, at a 15-point deduction.

Nursing Discussion

Question Description

After reading Chapter 5 and reviewing the lecture power point (attached below), please answer the following questions. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references included in your post.

Questions for discussion:

1. a. Discuss current factors that influence the public’s image of professional nursing? b. How can you as a nurse/student nurse, tell members of society what professional nurses do?

2. a. What advantages do women have in nursing? b. What advantages do men have in the profession? c.What are the risks of being gender exclusive?

3. a. Discuss present trends associated with the profession of Nursing. b. What do you think the profession of Nursing will look like in 10 years from now?

Change curve

Question Description


Vakola, M., Nikolaou,Attitudes towards organizational change What is the role of employees’ stress and commitment? Maria Vakola and Ioannis Nikolaou


Anastasia. (2015). Understanding the Kubler-Ross Change Curve.…

View McHarrie, H. (2015). Kübler-Ross Change Curve.

After reading and viewing the assigned resources create a thread that provides your insights on the following.

Compare and contrast the assigned readings, your chosen article, and the assigned videos in the context of global change management.Analyze suggested methodologies of the authors and speakers to the advancement and improvement of global change initiatives.

Reply to at least two of your classmates’ posts with a brief response of approximately 50-100 words by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. PST

The New Deal

Question Description

For the initial post, pick two (2) of the following (any program and/or act of the New Deal):



Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)

Public Works Administration (PWA)

Civil Works Administration (CWA)

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Farm Security Administration (FSA)

Emergency Banking Relief Act

Economy Act

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

Tennessee Valley Authority Act (TVA)

National Employment System Act (Wagner-Peyser Act)

Home Owners Loan Act

National Industrial Recovery Act (NIA)

Glass-Steagall Act (Banking Act)

Securities & Exchange Act

Emergency Relief Appropriation Act

Resettlement Administration (RA)

Rural Electrification Administration (REA)

National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)

Social Security Act

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

  • Consider workers, immigrants, and African Americans. Explain how minorities were represented by the New Deal.
  • Analyze to what extent you think that the New Deal effectively ended the Great Depression and restored the economy.

*One APA citation with reference*

Mass Tourism

Question Description

For this discussion, please answer the following:

  • Do you think it’s ‘too late’ for Venice to correct their mass tourism? Why/why not?
  • Discuss one new solution (i.e. not mentioned in one of the videos) you feel could be helpful for Venice officials to help mitigate some of the issues they are having with mass tourism.
  • Do you think mass tourism is sustainable in the long-term? Why/why not?
  • Should local governments be available to keep tourists out? For example, if your dream was to visit the redwood forests in California and you were told you could not visit, how would you feel about that? To whom do natural resource mass tourism sites actually belong?

Need Help in Cloud Computing Course PowerPoint presentation about virtualization Assignment

Question Description

When moving to the cloud, in the real world, someone may ask you, what is virtualization?

For this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation about virtualization. At a minimum, discuss what is virtualization and virtualization security. Make sure you cite five scholarly articles .

No Plagiarism , if Plagiarized will ask for refund.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign. Be sure to properly cite any material from other sources.

Required Text Book

Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture by Thomas Erl, Ricardo Puttini, Zaigham Mahmood, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 9780133387520.

Recommended Reading:

  • Yeluri, Raghu., & Castro-Leon, Enrique. Building the Infrastructure for Cloud Security Gendron Michael. Business Intelligence and the Cloud
  • Chandrasekaran, K. Essentials of Cloud Computing
  • Newcombe, Lee. Securing Cloud Services, A pragmatic approach to security

short answer for exclusion

Question Description

There are four questions.The reading resources are in the files. The answer should according to the articles just find some example from the reading. It likes short answer 3-4 sentences for each question will be good.- What is exclusion?

Should find the definition from the article,”Introduction to powers of exclusion: land dilemmas in Southeast Asia” and add some opinion.- What are the pros and cons of exclusion? (mention at least 2 pros and 3 cons)

Should explain each pros and cons

– Mention at least 5 ways in which business practices are done differently in the Global South.

Mention 5 ways and explain

– In what way does land exclusion in the Global South impede the development of socially responsible business?

i need a help in writing a personal profile about a book

Question Description

Two-page, double-spaced limit. After reading the “Born to Build” book and taking the assessment, you will have a better understanding your personality characteristics, as they pertain engaging in the design of a business.

((Write about your talents and how they fit your foreseen career path. In your paper, make sure you include an explanation of the kinds of people you will need in your team to succeed.))

Your grade will not be affected by the number of superior talents identified on your assessment, but rather the insights you gained about each talent. Mind your spelling, grammar, and writing style.



i will give you an access to the book ( born to build )

Make sure to answer the discussion question CLEARLY AND IN DETAILS

Question Description

Discuss common themes across the assigned journal articles relative to public health preparedness from the emergency and disaster healthcare perspective.

Journal Articles

1. Howard Champion, et al. The State of US Trauma Systems: Public Perceptions Versus Reality?Implications for US Response to Terrorism and Mass Casualty Events.s1072751506013184.pdf

2. The Future of Emergency Care in the United States: The Institute of Medicine Subcommittee on Prehospital Emergency Medical Services.11629_EXS.pdf

3. Institute of Medicine. The Future of Emergency Care in the United States Health System.IOM Future of Emergency Care.pdf

4. Jon Mark Hirshon, et al. Emergency Medicine and the Health of the Public: The Critical Role of Emergency Departments in US Public Health. ED public health relationship