can you please help with that assignment thank you

Question Description

The assignment is to write a 1500 word book review on the following textbooks.

  1. Lethal Violence and Human Behavior: Death in the Stream

The Book Reviews must be typed in the APA format, double spaced, using New Times Roman 12 point font. Answer the following questions in detail.

  1. Title and Author of the Book
  2. How does the story begin
  1. What is the story about?
  2. Who are the characters?
  3. Where does the story take place?
  4. How does this textbook apply to real life applications
  5. Do the events described make you think this could happen to you or people you know?
  6. How does the story end?
  7. Why do you think this book was written?
  8. What did you learn by reading the book?
  9. What is your opinion about the book?
  10. Should these textbooks be required reading for all students?

need help with 2 discussion questions about Organizational behaviour

Question Description

1)Consider the leadership concepts and theories you were introduced to inChapter 12 (Leadership). Discuss a leadership theory, or theories, thatappeals to you and that you feel could enhance your leadership skills and abilities.


Students are to read Case 2 “Barry’s Peer Becomes His Boss” – at the end of Chapter 13 (Power and Politcs) in the textbook.

  1. Should Barry complain about his treatment? To whom? If he does complain, what power tactics should Barry use?
  2. Studies have shown those prone to complaining or “whining” tend tohave less power in an organization. Do you think whining leads todiminished power and influence, or the other way around?
  3. Do you think Barry should look for another job? Why or why not?

link to the book :…

Cultural Competence Continuum Rationale

Question Description

In 500-750 words, write an essay that addresses the following:

  1. Discuss your own placement on the cultural competencecontinuum in relation to the controversial issue you chose to writeabout in this course.
  2. Reflect on what factors throughoutyour life resulted in your place on the continuum.
  3. Reflecton where you would like to be on the continuum to be an effectiveeducator who respects individuals with differing personal and familybackgrounds, and who has various skills, abilities, perspectives,talents and interests, including any steps you could take to helpyou get to that point.
  4. Conclude by describing the effectthe controversial issue you have chosen may have on you as a futureteacher, and on your future students. Offer potential solutions forthe issues you identified that you could implement in your futureclassroom.

components required to successfully conceive a complex set of inter-operable processes and implementable procedures and structural elements

Question Description

Q1: In order to interpret the Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM) diagram. It is recommended that we start from the outside of the diagram.

Briefly name three (3) components required to successfully conceive a complex set of inter-operable processes and implementable procedures and structural elements.

Q2: In chapter seven (7), we have learned from “The Path to Information Value” that Seventy percent of managers and executives say data are “extremely important” for creating competitive advantage.

In addition, it is implied by the authors that, “The key, of course, is knowing which data matter, who within a company needs them, and finding ways to get that data into users’ hands.”

Looking at the Economist Intelligence Unit report, identify the three (3) phases that led to the yard’s rebirth.

200 WORDS – Design two specific processes that you can use to encourage strategic thinking in your HCO. Compare how these different processes offer this encouragement.

Question Description


Design two specific processes that you can use to encourage strategic thinking in your HCO. Compare how these different processes offer this encouragement.

  • Your post should be 175-250 words.
  • Review the Discussion Grading Rubric
  • You will not be able to see any posts by other students until you make your original post.
  • Support your post by citing one reference (other than the text).
  • Cite paraphrased information but do not use quotes for this assignment.
  • Submit your original post by Monday before 12am midnight (EST).
  • Respond to at least two (2) other students’ original post by Wednesday before 12am midnight (EST).
  • In addition to your replies on other students’ posts, you should also respond to any student who posts to your original post and to any of my questions.

Arguments and Meaning in Social Issues

Question Description

Using the concepts learned through the readings and lecture pages, select one social issue that particularly interests you. Now find a newspaper editorial on the subject and construct an outline of an argument made on the subject. Be sure to distinguish between an argument and an explanation. For a good example of how you might approach this, see page 46ff of van Cleave (2016).

What are the main conclusions? Premises? What premises are missing? What is their conclusion? Using external scholarly sources, can you determine if the argument is sound? (Refer to Van Cleave, 2016, Chapter 1.) Is the argument inductive, deductive, or a mixture of both? You should employ the principle of charity to understand the argument at hand.

4-5 pages, APA format

Armstrong vs Glass Response

Question Description

Stephen Glass vs. Lance Armstrong Assignment

After viewing the Oprah/Armstrong interview excerpts and other material linked in the Ethical Dilemmas powerpoint, as well as the Glass 60 Minutes interview, please address the following in a minimum of 250 words

  • What similarities and differences do you find between the two situations?
  • Do you think either person is sincere in making his apologies?
  • You might want to Google Stephen Glass to see what has been going on with him since 2003.
  • You might want to watch the complete Oprah interview with Lance Armstrong and/or Google Armstrong to see what has been going on with him since 2010.
  • Please include Works Cited/Consulted if you quote or cite facts.
  • Do you think either person has or will earn redemption? Why or why not?

​Evaluate the Presidential Order that relates to strengthening cybersecurity that relates to critical infrastructure:

Question Description

Evaluate the Presidential Order that relates to strengthening cybersecurity that relates to critical infrastructure:…

Look at a real-world scenario and how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) plays into it. In the scenario, the United States will be hit by a large-scale, coordinated cyber attack organized by China. These attacks debilitate the functioning of government agencies, parts of the critical infrastructure, and commercial ventures. The IT infrastructure of several agencies are paralyzed, the electric grid in most of the country is shut down, telephone traffic is seriously limited and satellite communications are down (limiting the Department of Defense’s [DOD’s] ability to communicate with commands overseas). International commerce and financial institutions are also severely hit. Please explain how DHS should handle this situation.

Paper has to be 6-7 pages, APA format. Needs to be a Medical Ethics Topic

Question Description

Writing Assignments: Students must submit an assignment of five-to-eight pages on any topic related to medical ethics, such as abortion, the principle of double effect, physician-assisted suicide, in-vitro fertilization, the Affordable Care Act, cloning, etc., with the approval of the instructor.

The following guidelines are for writing a paper:

1.It must be typed, single-sided, double-spaced, with one inch margins and the pages numbered.

2.You may not use a type face larger than 12 point.

3.It must be formatted as a Word document.

4.Extensions will only be given for extenuating circumstances, provided that the student successfully contacts the instructor at least 24 hours before the due-date.

5.Students shall lost points for a paper containing grammatical and spelling errors.

6.It must include both a Cover Page and a Reference Page.

Help in Writing a paper

Question Description

Please read Google’s “Analytics 360” solution guide (attached). It’s a bit of an ad for Google products, but they know what they’re talking about! I’m asking you to read it because you’ll see that the language used in your textbook is the real industry jargon that’s used in the business world. It references the customer journey, aka the sales funnel. Many of you expressed an interest in learning more about creating effective ads–this guide shows you how to measure whether they’re effective or not.

After reading the guide, write a 1-page (500 words) summary of it. Use your own words, don’t copy or quote the guide. Think about why you think using Google’s two suites of products will be good for marketers…