What stakeholders do

Question Description

Hi please read the description thoroughly and see the questions below to help you better understand what you are going to do.

This assignment asks you to learn more about your stakeholders by reading news articles about them and the activities they do to improve their communities.

You will:

  1. Read TWO (2) news articles about your activities that one or both of your stakeholder organizations have done.
  2. Reflect on the activities in the news articles any way you like. Maximum word count 150 words.

If you need help reflecting, then think about these questions. To be clear, these are optional questions.

  • How are these activities improving/not improving their communities?
  • How could you sponsor similar activities on the USF campus?
  • Why do you think that organizations do these activities?

JEWISH HISTORY: Compare Greek and Roman rule during the Second Temple period. How were they similar/different? How did each empire relate to its Jewish population? Cite examples from at least two different sources.

Question Description

Get very detailed with the paper and remember the class is for JEWISH history, so speaking about judaism and such in between would be helpful for a good grade. Read rubric below.

The essay will be worth a total of 10 points, or 10% of your final grade. The essay must be at least 1,000 words (plus or minus 10%, so 900-1100 words), not including footnotes and a bibliography page.Essays should be formatted in 12-point font and double-spaced. As noted in the syllabus, you are required to use Chicago style format. Please refer to the links on the Home page if you need assistance with the Chicago style format. Essays must be submitted on Canvas as a word document (.doc or .docx), under the Assignments tab.

6.3 Discussion: Global Labor Regulations

Question Description

In this discussion activity, address the following items in your primary, original posting:

  • Within Activity 6.1, the ICAO reading provided you with a brief overview of significant industry and regulatory developments in air transportation. This reading is largely focused on the promotion of ICAO’s influence on economic policy guidance within the aviation industry, stressing the importance of involving all of the stakeholders worldwide. With this in mind, discuss the importance of involving all company stakeholders in business decisions. Identify the aviation authorities’ roles in law and legislation. Furthermore, address cooperation among competitive authorities and alliances and the impact thereof on aviation maintenance operations.
  • Include at least one appropriate, accurately documented in-text citation from the textbook and any other source of your choosing from the Hunt Library or Internet.

Write a cover letter and Thank-you-letter of job posting

Question Description

Cover Letter: This should be tailored to the specific job/internship you chose. Address the letter to the person who posted the ad and if there is not a name listed, see if you can contact the company to find the name of the appropriate person. The content should not repeat what is contained in the resume and must identify the specific job for which you are applying, highlight the qualifications that make you a good candidate for the position, and contain a request for an opportunity to be interviewed.

Thank-You Letter: This should be tailored to the interview that you had with the hiring manager of your position. The letter should highlight your top qualification for the position of interest, but not a restatement of your resume.

​ Chapter 57 The Patient with a Disability Discussion

Question Description

Chapter 57 The Patient with a Disability Discussion


Your patient today is an 85 year old woman. She is 5′ 3″, weighs 120 lbs. and has osteoarthritis of the knees and hips. Recently she fell at home and although she incurred no injuries, she is very apprehensive about her dental hygiene appointment today because she does not want to fall again. Her daughter accompanies her mother to the dental office. Her daughter uses the office wheelchair to bring her mother back to the treatment room. Should you treat the patient in the wheelchair or dental chair? If you think she needs transferred, which method should be used?

Remember: All posts and responses should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, be substantial, and reflect critical thinking.

The Integrated Classroom and the Role of the Educator

Question Description

The Integrated Classroom and the Role of the Educator

Prepare a webpage covering content on the integrated classroom and the role of the educator. Your content should draw from knowledge you have acquired throughout this course, and focus on the role of social learning in the context of professional development and training.

Visit https://wordpress.com/ to create a web page to organize and present your information.

Discuss the importance of creating a social learning environment within an organization. Analyze and demonstrate an effective strategy for creating a social learning environment within an organization using social media tools.


Consider the following content as you create your webpage. You may reuse and adapt content and reflection from previous assignments in this course.

  • Social Learning:

Unit II Assignment 2 pages please follow the description, also a page uploaded

Question Description

You have been recently promoted to lead a new division of Company XYZ. This company is known for its team-orientedatmosphere, and your boss has raved about some of your natural leadership qualities. Your first task is to assemble thebest team possible from the potential candidates found below. An explanation of the skills–motivation matrix can be foundon p. 39 in your textbook. Read each description, and provide the following information in a two- to three-page doublespaced document:1. Classify each team member into one of the four matrix areas.2. Discuss the recommended action for each employee depending on his/her classification.3. Distinguish if your role as the leader will be a facilitator, coach, or a combination of the two.4. Examine which team competencies would benefit from shared leadership

Make sure to answer the little questions in details

Question Description

Keep in mind that My background is in EMS (paramedic)

  • Start your personal self reflection this week with your opinions related to your experiences working in groups that worked and groups that didn’t work as well. How did you respond? Are you the go-getter, or more of a lounger? Does your introversion make it difficult to put forth your own unique ideas, or does your extroversion force the conversation to your personal way of thinking? Can you honestly consider another point of view?Have you dedicated nine to fifteen hours each week to this class? Have you intellectually applied your best effort to the tasks thus far assigned? What strategies and tactics will you continue? Which need to be modified? What is your new plan?

Proposal, The religious conflict in northern Nigeria, Africa

Question Description

This assignment is intended to allow you to explore an area of personal interest through a

geographic perspective.

You need to choose an

African Country,

Paper Proposal:

Your proposal should be a 1 page long description of what you hope your final paper will

contain. Your proposal should include (and will be graded on):

1. A title (reflecting the geographic concepts) of your paper

2. A description of the country and topic you choose

3. Which sources will you use

4. Readability, grammar, length, writing requirements

Your proposal needs to be one full page and in an essay format

Writing Requirements

Both the proposal and paper must be typed using a readable font of

12 point and double

spaced with standard one-inch margins

Topic:The religious conflict in northern Nigeria, Africa

ENG004 Read the paragraph and write an essay answering the writing topic question

Question Description

The attachments are the essay that you need to read first in order to answer the writing topic question.

The writing topic question is: According to Turkle, what is the problem with our growing reliance on technological communication in our personal and professional lives? Do you agree with her? Be sure to support your position with specific evidence; this evidence may be taken from your personal experience, or your observations.

When writing my essay please follow these rules!!!! :

I. Introduction: -Author’s name, Title -Directed summary -Thesis

II. Body: -Example 1 -Example 2 -Example 3 (IMPORTANT: All the examples must be detailed and make sure your examples fit your thesis and connect your examples to your thesis)

III. Conclusion: -Restate thesis -Restate main points -Done