4.3 Issue, Reason(s), and Conclusion Discussion

Question Description

Issues, Reasons, & Conclusions Discussion

View the following Taco Bell Commercial

Copyright: YouTube Video

Issue is clearly stated: Why doesn’t Taco Bell have Fries?

  • But could you find a clear conclusion or clear reasons?

For this discussion you will do the following:

  • View a commercial of your choice
  • state which commercial was viewed and upload commercial
  • Identify if you were able to find a clear issue, conclusion, and reasons.
  • If you were not able to find reasons formulate possible “good reasons” to buy the product.

This task sensitizes us to what a reason is, because so many commercials provide no explicit reasons.

Writing a scene based on a painting.

Question Description

Choose a “masterpiece” painting with at least three figures in it. The definition of a masterpiece is deliberately vague, but seek out the wise counsel that generations of art critics, historians, and the culture at large have to offer in this regard

Imagine a dramatic situation depicted in the moment captured by the painting.

Write a short (3-4 page) scene that leads up to that moment. The scene must include at least one reversal (see also peripeteia), and can include entrances and exits of other characters as long as the final image matches the painting. Do not go overboard with descriptive stage directions; your dialogue and action should motivate the final image, not your italics.

You’ll have exactly 12 minutes from beginning of rehearsal until “opening night.”

just reflection

Question Description

Reflection #2: Click Here to Submit

In this assignment, please write a 2-3 paragraph response addressing the following:

Think carefully about your experience with Project #1. Where do you feel your strengths were with this kind of writing? Is there any aspect of academic, analytical writing you may need to improve on? Why is it important to have a good understanding of writing in this kind of setting?

Be sure that your reflection is thorough, accurate, and complete. Use textual support from our course materials to support your points. Revise, edit, and proofread your work before submitting. Please submit your assignment to Blackboard as a MS Word document or PDF. I cannot accept assignments typed directly in the submission box or those submitted as Pages documents.

Research on Operational Excellence

Question Description

APA format is required.References should be listed immediately after the question that is being answered.Each question lists a minimum number of unique scholarly references; the textbook is considered one unique reference (per question) regardless of how many times it is used.All references should be from the years 2009 to present day.

Review the rubric that will be used to evaluate this paper.

  • What do operations managers do? Use at least three unique references. Length: 4-5 paragraphs.
  • What configuration should a supply network have? Use at least three unique references. Length: 4-5 paragraphs.
  • What is strategy and operations strategy? Use at least three unique references. Length: 4-5 paragraphs.
  • What are the basic layout types used in operations? Use at least three unique references. Length: 4-5 paragraphs.

Ethics Week 2 Discussion 1: Utilitarianism 200 words total

Question Description

If the primary goal of utilitarianism is to generate the greatest good for the greatest number, a secondary goal is to minimize suffering.

-Using at least one quote from one of the required readings, discuss the ways in which these two principles are consistent or inconsistent with each other.

-If you think they are consistent, provide a real or imagined example that illustrates this consistency.

-If you think they are inconsistent, provide a real or imagined example that illustrates this inconsistency. Complete your post by discussing whether minimizing suffering is equal to, lesser than, or more important that generating the greatest good for the greatest number.

– Your discussion post must be at least 200 words total, use chapter 3 in your text to help you write your post.

Need to work on a small part of the paper 3 pages required make sure there is no plagarism

Question Description

YOU JUST NEED TO WORK ON NO.8(Contingency Plans)


Students will be assigned to small groups by the end of Week 2. Group discussion areas will be provided to facilitate interaction among group members. Along with their group, students will develop a marketing plan for a small business (either real or fictional). In Week 3, each group will submit a brief introduction (1-2 pages) for their chosen business for instructor approval. The introduction is worth 20 points. The final marketing plan, due in Week 7, is worth 180 points and should include the following sections:

1. Cover Page

2. Executive Summary

3. Target Customers

4. Unique Selling Proposition

5. Pricing and Positioning Strategy

6. Distribution Strategy

7. Promotions Strategy

8. Contingency Plans

The expected length for this assignment is 12-15 pages. APA methodology applies to this assignment.

In this paper, you will explain why a particular place is your center of the world and then try to convince your reader why they should add it to their “centers of the world” collection.

Question Description

Persuading others to embrace your center of the world

In this paper, you will explain why a particular place is your center of the world and then try to convince your reader why they should add it to their “centers of the world” collection.

In other words, you need to explain BOTH why this place is your center of the world (why is is this place special, how has it made you who you are today) AND why others should visit this place and what special lessons/insights they might learn there. The lesson(s) that others could learn there should be a kind of “breakthrough” lesson (a “green banana” moment), not something they could easily learn elsewhere.

And I will only need a outline and a First draft.

favorite song OR instrumental piece

Question Description

Write a 500 word essay about one song or instrumental piece that youenjoy. To the best of your knowledge, site the title, author, length,when was it written/recorded and what instruments/voices are present.Use any of the following talking points that may be pertinent: Is itfast or slow? Is it high or low sounding? When do you usually listen toit? Do you hear distinctive sections? What is the overall character ofthe piece? If there are words do they hold any special meaning to you?Have you heard different versions of the same song such as a liveperformance or different artist? If so how do they compare? Are specificmemories associated with the music? How does the music make you feel?When did you first hear this song/piece? Why do you like it?

write a 300 word essay

Question Description

hi i want you to write a 300 word essay personal essay information. try to make it simple and easy. APA style please

for me my name is Faisal Alazaima, 26 years old, i love watching sports mainly soccer my team is Arsenal and basketball, my major is IT and I go to school in csusb. i’m family person who have 4 nephew and nieces and I love them so much . i’m from saudi arabia I came to the states Nov 2013 i struggled learning an english for almost 2 years i studied in 3 different schools for English. I love spending time with my friends hang out or do something. I love to travel to new places I hope when I graduate to travel more.

Assume that you have been tasked by your employer to develop an incident response plan. Create a list of stakeholders for the IR planning committee. For each type of stakeholder, provide the reasons for inclusion and the unique aspects or vision that you

Question Description

Case Study: Assume that you have been tasked by your employer to develop an incident response plan. Create a list of stakeholders for the IR planning committee. For each type of stakeholder, provide the reasons for inclusion and the unique aspects or vision that you believe each of these stakeholders will bring to the committee.


Paraphrasing of content – Demonstrate that you understand the case by summarizing the case in your own words. Direct quotes should be used minimally.

Make sure to follow APA style. Please make sure your submission is 2 – 3 pages in length and meet the minimum APA formatting guidelines

1” margins on all sides, Please cite the source using APA formatting guidelines. Be sure to include at least three reference sources.