Designing a Translational Research Study


Designing a Translational Research Study


In the Week 5 assignment, you created a brochure that discussed a specific behavior to increase, the current applied literature that used a specific behavior analytic theory to inform interventions to change that behavior, and the ethical considerations of intervention. For this week’s assignment, you will be using the information from our previous assignments to create your own translational study proposal.


In this assignment, you will devise a translational research study proposal using the Week 7 Translational Research Design Template [DOCX]. Your research proposal should include the following components:

Literature review: Summarize the existing literature related to your research topic including the both the EAB and applied literature citing specific gaps and how the specified theory can inform interventions that fill them.

Summarize the existing literature related to your research topic. Provide an overview of relevant theories, concepts, and empirical findings.

  1. Identify the gaps or limitations in the existing literature that your research aims to address.

Justify the need for your proposed research by highlighting how it will fill those gaps or address the limitations identified.

Discuss how the identified theory informs the intervention(s) discussed in the literature.

  1. Introduction to the Research Study.
  2. Research Problem: Clearly state the research problem or question that your study aims to address.
  3. Significance: Explain the significance of your research, including the potential contributions to theory, practice, or policy in behavior analysis.
  4. Research Objectives: Clearly state the specific objectives of your research. What do you aim to achieve through this study? Ensure that your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  5. Research Question(s) and Variables.

Research Question(s): Clearly state the research question(s) that will guide your study. Ensure they are aligned directly to the research objectives you discussed in the previous section.

Variables: Operationally define your Independent and Dependent Variables.

  1. Research Methodology.
  2. Describe the research design you will use and explain why it is appropriate for addressing your research questions. Remember that you must use a single subject method for this analysis. Group design, correlational research, or qualitative studies will not be accepted.
  3. Participant and Sampling Methods: Provide information about the target population for your study, including relevant characteristics and sampling methods. Include specific inclusion and exclusion criteria.
  4. Measures, Data Aggregation, and Visual Inspection: Describe the measurement system you will use in the study including the relevant dimension(s) of the dependent variable. Discuss how the data will be collected, how it will be aggregated, and the type of graph you will use to visually inspect the data. Finalize this section with a discussion of how you will evaluate the validity and reliability of the data.

Implementation Guidelines: Outline the step-by-step procedures you will follow to conduct your research. This should be a task analysis that a research assistant could use to guide their implementation if you were not there to provide assistance. This can be written as a narrative, but you may find that creating a numerical list would likely be easier.

Ethical Considerations.

  1. Discuss any potential ethical issues associated with your research and how you will address them.
  2. Explain how you will ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of participants, obtain informed consent, and comply with relevant ethical guidelines and regulations.Make sure to cite specific alignments from The Belmont ReporLinks to an external site., the BACB Ethical Code of Conduct
  3. Timeline and Expected Outcomes.

Provide a timeline that outlines the various stages of your research, including data collection, data analysis, and completion of the final report or thesis.

Describe the anticipated outcomes of your research. What do you expect to find based on your research questions or hypotheses?

  1. Limitations: Identify potential limitations or constraints that may affect the validity or generalizability of your findings.
  2. Additional Requirements
  3. Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  4. APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current edition APA style and formatting

References: At least five scholarly resources.

  1. Length of paper: There is no specified page limit.

Refer to the rubric to ensure you understand the grading criteria for this assignment.

Competencies Measured

  1. By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
  2. Competency 1: Evaluate research in the experimental analysis of behavior.

Summarize the existing literature related to your research topic including both the EAB and applied literature citing specific gaps and how the specified theory can inform interventions that fill them.

Competency 2: Distinguish features of experimental analysis of behavior (EAB) research from applied behavior analysis (ABA) research and identify features of translational research that bridge both types.

  1. Describe the aims of the research study including objectives, questions, and operationally defines all relevant variables of interest.

Summarize the research design methodology including target population, sampling methods, research design, and measurement system.

Create a procedural task analysis that could be used to train a research assistant to implement the procedure.

  1. Competency 4: Evaluate the core ethical requirements of behavior analytic research.
  2. Discuss the most relevant ethical considerations of the research study.
  3. Provide a theoretical timeline for the duration of the study and discusses any limitations that exist within the study.

Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.

Article Writing Question


The topic is the impact of transactional leadership on home-school communication in Chinese elementary schools.

You will complete a 4000 words literature review on a Leading Educational Change and Improvement  topic of your choice. With the assistance of your tutor, you will design a provisional title that best meets your needs and interests. You are advised to locate relevant educational leadership material (from journal articles and books/ book chapters, etc) and carry out a literature-based assignment based on a selected area of focus.

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you have grasped and understood an aspect of the EQ948 module and that you can engage material critically. Therefore, your choice of material should be related to the broad thematic areas covered in the module content. You achieve this by:

Identifying and area of the module that got you more interested in or an area that best meets your professional needs and that you want to learn more about (topic) (e.g instructional leadership or diversity and leadership). 

Designing a review question that defines what you would like to learn more on. This review question can be turned into a title for your assignment (title) (e.g Understanding the effect of  instructional leadership on student outcomes in Chinese secondary schools) 

Formulating sub-questions (2-3) that help you answer / address the main review question. 

  • Selecting the literature you will review. This may or may not be an area related to your dissertation (If your degree is MA ELM, you are advised to select an area related to your dissertation). 
  • Analysing the material that you have sourced (guided by your review question) from online academic sources 
  • Synthesising this material into a coherently written review of the literature Assignment stages
  • You are not expected to start on your assignment until at least after Week 8. This is to give you an opportunity to get full content of the module and make an informed choice. 
  • Guidelines: 
  • 1. Fill in an assignment proposal form and address the following:

Identify your topic and focus

Identify a clear set of guiding (research) questions

Provide an indicate bibliography of the sources to be consulted

  • 2. Prepare a presentation based on your assignment ideas.
  • 3. You will be given an opportunity to present your ideas and receive some feedback. After this you can start your full literature search.
  • 4. You will be given an opportunity for a one-to-one tutorial with the tutor. These tutorials will be offered between Weeks 9-10.

5. You will have another opportunity to submit an assignment outline at a later stage (2-3 pages) for further feedback. This should be an overview of the whole assignment or a  section that you particularly need to be supported on. 

6. You will submit your assignment on Tabula on 6 February 2024

Assignment structure

This structure is for guidance only. If you can justify using a different structure, please do so, but make sure to discuss this with your tutor during the tutorial). The word counts are provided just 

for guidance


Provide a descriptive title for your assignment.

Introduction (about 500 words c.10%) 

State the purpose of the assignment

State the rationale of the review (why you are doing it; why it is important and why now).

Set out your objectives or research questions clearly and in full sentences / statements. 

(you can use these RQs as themes to structure your assignment.

Include a paragraph on methodology (i.e how you sourced the literature)

Main body

  • Provide a critical review of relevant literature (critique, compare and contrast writings/views). 
  • Write thematically, not author-by-author, and present a range of alternative perspectives. Indicate where authors disagree and explain why this might be so. 
  • You synthesise by integrating the findings of several papers. Do not simply summarize  one paper at a time, but synthesize the findings by determining where there is agreement among papers versus where there are contrasting findings, etc.

This section can be divided into several sub-headings

  • Conclusion (500 words c.10%)

Provide a brief conclusion by summarising the key issues in your own words, linking to the purpose of your review. 

Summarise the main gaps and what needs to be done in future research to understand the topic. • Do not continue the discussion here

  • Do not introduce new literature here

Reflect on the achievement of aims of the review (your assignment)

  • References (not included in word count)
  • You need to include a full list of the references cited in the assignment, in alphabetical order by surname, and including full details as per referencing convention (eg. Harvard style). 
  • Where you refer to texts within your assignment, paraphrase and use the author-date system, e.g. (Bush, 2016). Where direct quotations are used they must be indicated with inverted commas and accompanied by a page number, e.g. “School principals can only influence student outcomes indirectly” (Leithwood, 2008, p. 123). Quotations that are longer than three lines must be indented in their own paragraphs with full reference as above. Although quotations are good to use, paraphrasing more demonstrates better understanding and facilitates better knowledge internalisation.

Use of newspaper articles/websites is permitted if used to show context or viewpoints, but not to substantiate scholarly arguments.

Final Draft


Make sure the Final Draft is in essay form and not outline form.

Paper 1 is autobiographical. In 4 pages, you will describe your life using either one of the suggested metaphors, or your own metaphor if you like. Ask yourself this: How does the metaphor define you? What aspects of it are similar to you? How does it describe you, or what does it say about you? You can tell stories if you like. You can let me know a lot about you, or just a little about you. The vast majority of this paper is up to you.

Remember that your goal with this paper is to define yourself, but also explain your choice. With that in mind, all of your body paragraphs should support your decision. That is, every body paragraph should tell me another way in which you resemble your chosen metaphor, or at least support another body paragraph’s claims toward that end.

You can choose from one of the offered metaphors, or create one of your own. The paper will be graded on grammatical correctness and on your ability to support your points through your body paragraphs.

This paper aligns with the 2nd, 4th, and 5th SLO’s.

Possible metaphors:

A first-water diamond,

An empty spool,

Bits of broken glass,

Lengths of string,

A key to a door long since crumbled away,

A rusty knife-blade,

Old shoes saved for a road that never was and never will be,

A nail bent under the weight of things too heavy for any nail,

A dried flower or two still a little fragrant ,

A cloud drifting on the wind,

A Flower growing in concrete,

An Iceberg adrift in the sea,

Sunglasses on a blind person,

A broken backspace key,

An empty bed,

A shattered vase,

A dollhouse,

A sunflower, looking at the sky,

A circular ladder,

Kanye West.

A jar of jelly-beans

A compass

A tiny dancer spinning in a music box

A pretty doll on a shelf

A songbird in a cage

An old purse with new money

A loaf of bread rising with yeast

A shadow

An ant

An original Volkswagon Bug

Here’s the rubric:

A This paper demonstrates mastery of argumentation. It displays the author’s ability to persuade an unbiased but rhetorically educated audience through very effective use of rhetorical elements. The paper was turned in on time, was of full length, includes a Works Cited page, conforms to standard MLA formatting, and includes only minimal formatting or grammatical issues. The sources used exist only to further the author’s argument, and are properly cited and sparsely quoted. The author displays a strong understanding of how to appeal to Ethos, Pathos, Logos, and Kairos, as well as the Rhetorical Strategies necessary to evoke them. In short, the student has written a rhetorically effective argument,

B This paper, while effective, may have shortcomings keeping it from an A. Formatting or grammatical errors may be keeping this from an A grade. If the paper is no more than half-a-page too short, is missing a Works Cited page, has regular formatting or grammatical issues, or was turned in late, it cannot receive a higher grade than a B. Multiple errors in the aforementioned regards may take the grade down even further. Overuse of sources to pad out a paper, or relying on the arguments of one’s sources rather than one’s own arguments may also hurt the grade. Additionally, a failure to effectively construct proper Syllogisms that force the reader to accept each point can keep the aper from receiving an A.

C This paper has presented an ineffective argument. A weakness in Ethos, Pathos, Logos, or Kairos (based on either a failed Rhetorical Strategy or a complete lack of appeal) would make a rhetorically educated audience not want to (or be required to) agree with the author’s main claim. Additionally, while a paper could present an effective argument, other issues could keep it from receiving a higher grade. If the paper is less than a full page short but greater than half-a-page, or was turned in more than a day late, it cannot receive a grade higher than a C. Lastly, if the paper has multiple examples of the following—is missing a Works Cited page, or has significant formatting or grammatical issues, or does not conform to standard MLA formatting—it cannot receive a grade higher than a C.

D The paper is entirely summary, is greater than a page too short, or includes many-to-all of the issues mentioned in the previous entries: formatting and grammatical issues, missing a Works Cited page, late, and not conforming to MLA format. If the paper was turned in more than two days after the cut-off point, it cannot receive a higher grade than a D.

F The paper is less than half the length required, or was not turned in within four days of the cut-off point. This could also be applied to a paper that has evidence of plagiarism or academic dishonesty in general. This could also be applied to a paper that is unrelated to the actual prompt. 

Computer literacy


In this final week of TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro, you work on a series of lab simulations to practice and learn about programming and cybersecurity concepts. This knowledge builds your foundational understanding of computer and digital technologies you will need in this course, in your studies, and in your career.

Prior to beginning this assignment, complete the following labs in Chapter 10 of the TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro course:

10.2.13 Recognize Social Engineering Exploits 1

10.2.15 Recognize Social Engineering Exploits 2

For this assignment, consider how you can benefit from the knowledge gained from working through these labs. This assignment is worth 4% of your course grade.

In this assignment,

Include screenshots of the “Score Lab” screen for the labs this week.

  • Discuss how these skills are relevant and useful in your life and in your potential career path.
  • The Programming and Cybersecurity Labs assignment

must be 150 words in length.

must utilize academic voice. Review the Academic VoiceLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance. 

Review resources from the Writing CenterLinks to an external site. for help on your written assignment

  • Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that wi
  • Throughout this course, you have been exposed to the knowledge and skills required for achieving computer and digital literacy in the 21st century.

The TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro course provided an overview of foundational concepts related to computer hardware and software, networking, databases, programming, information systems, and data security. The TestOut Office Pro course provided an innovative and effective way to practice using Microsoft Office applications and learn the basics of computer technology. The labs allowed you to practice the basic skills you need to become proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. You have also learned about the latest trends in IT, as well as possible tech-related careers.

For this assignment, you will reflect on what you have learned throughout this course and what skills you have acquired. Additionally, you will reflect on the latest technology trends needed to stay relevant in today’s job market. The final paper is worth 6% of your course grade.

Review this Sample Reflective WritingLinks to an external site. from the Writing Center.

Reflect on the applications, tools, and skills you have developed throughout this course.

Reflect on which technology trends you foresee being in demand in the near future.

Download the TEC100 Course ReflectionDownload TEC100 Course Reflectiontemplate.

You will be using this template to write your final paper. It is already formatted in APA Style (7th edition). Just be sure to fill in the title page with your information and add in your paragraphs under the section headings.

In your two- to three-page paper,

IT Fundamentals Pro Reflection

  • Describe your experience with the TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro course content.

What did you think about the TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro course?

What did you like best?

Which topics were confusing or difficult to understand?

List at least three skills you gained through completing the TestOut IT Fundamentals Proresources, multimedia, labs, and quizzes.

Describe how you can use these information technology skills in your current or future career goals.

Office Pro Reflection

Describe your experience with the TestOut Office Pro course content.

What did you think about the Office Procourse?

Which application (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, or Access) did you enjoy learning about the most? Which application was the most difficult to use?

List at least three skills you gained through reviewing the Office Pro resources and labs.

Describe how you can use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Access in your current or future career goals.

Live Learning Reflection

Describe your experience with the Live Learning session (Did you attend/not attend a VR or Zoom session, or view a session recording?).

Explain why VR is or is not an important technology in the business world. Did you come up with ideas about how VR technology may be used to benefit the future.

Explain your thoughts on privacy and security in Virtual Reality settings and why it is important.

Key Technology Trends Reflection

Describe at least three technology trends that you feel will greatly impact the future job market.

Explain why it is important to stay current with information technology trends.

Submit your completed TEC100 Course Reflection to Waypoint.

The Course Reflection final paper

must include a separate title page with the following:

title of paper in bold font

Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.

student’s name

name of institution (the University of Arizona Global Campus)

course name and number

  • instructor’s name

[Art History] Annotated Bibliography


Students are not required to write a research paper for this class. Instead, you must select one of the artists discussed in lecture and research this figure as though you planned to write an essay about them. You will then present this research in the form of an annotated bibliography.  The objective of this assignment is for students to prioritize and analyze the research process, rather than a final essay. 

This bibliography will consist of ten sources, which, when pulled together, give the reader a sense of the scholarship about your particular figure.  At least TWO should be physical books that you obtain through the library or Inter-Library Loan (ILL). They should represent a range of literature: exhibition catalogues, scholarly books or monographs, interviews, journal articles, and others. These can be about a specific work, the artist more generally, about the period in which they worked, or specific themes or subjects. You will want to find a balance between all of these.

Your bibliography should begin with a paragraph characterizing the literature on this artist more generally; is it vast or limited? What are the primary languages in which it is published? Was most of the literature published during a certain period, or have there been different moments when it has received scholarly attention?  Following that, you will write an entry for each source you consulted in your research. They should be approximately 150 words long and should describe and summarize the publication.

Your final bibliography should conform to the following style guidelines (this will factor into your grade)

  • The assignment should follow the following outline:

Title: Annotated Bibliography on [Artist’s Name]

Introduction (about 200 words): Provide a brief overview of the scholarly landscape surrounding the chosen artist. Discuss whether the literature is extensive or limited, the primary languages of publication, periods of scholarly attention, and any notable themes or aspects that have received focus.

Annotated Bibliography Entries (10 entries, each approximately 150 words):

Book (Physical):

Author, A. (Year). Title of the Book. Publisher.

Describe and summarize 

Book (Physical):

  1. Author, B. (Year). Title of the Second Book. Publisher.

Describe and summarize 

  • Journal Article:

Author, C. (Year). “Title of the Article.” Journal Name, volume(issue), page range.

  • Describe and summarize 
  1. Interview:

Interviewee, D. (Year). Interviewed by Author E. Title of the Interview. Publication Source.

  • Describe and summarize 

Exhibition Catalogue:

  • Editor, F. (Year). Title of the Catalogue. Exhibition Venue.
  1. Describe and summarize 

Online Article:

  • Author G. (Year). “Title of the Online Article.” Website Name. URL.

Describe and summarize 

  • Monograph:
  1. Author, H. (Year). Title of the Monograph. Publisher.

Describe and summarize 

  • Biography:

Author I. (Year). Artist’s Name: A Biography. Publisher.

  • Describe and summarize 
  1. Secondary Source:

Author J. (Year). Title of the Secondary Source. Publisher.

  • Describe and summarize 

Critical Review:

  • Author K. (Year). “Title of the Review.” Journal Name, volume(issue), page range.
  1. Describe and summarize 

Conclusion (about 150 words): Summarize the main findings from the annotated bibliography and highlight the key contributions each source makes to your understanding of the chosen artist.

  • ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-

The artist I chose is Alfredo Jaar.

  • —————————————————-
  1. What types of publications are not appropriate?
    The texts in your bibliography should all be scholarly in nature, rather than popular or trade focused.
    This is something you will need to evaluate as you begin assembling a list. Generally, the following
    publications are not appropriate for an annotated bibliography:
    Blogs, travel articles,Youtube videos, encyclopedia entries, exhibition reviews, social media posts, gallery
    pages, individual works of art. Sometimes an artist will maintain their own website.You will have to
    determine whether or not it is appropriate for the bibliography by considering some of the previously
    listed criteria.

What am I supposed to write in the annotation?

  • There are many ways to describe and summarize a scholarly publications. There are also many criteria
    that can be used to judge such a text. Below are some of the questions that I often ask myself:
    1. When and where was the text published? Who is the publisher?
    2. Who is the author? Have they written extensively about this artist? Are they an established scholar or just starting
    out? What is their profession? For what type of audience is the work written? Exhibition goers? Specialists in
    Brazilian Art? Architectural historians?
    3. In what language is it published? Does this language dominate the literature?
    4. What is the publication about? The artist’s entire life? A specific body of work?
    5. Are there any special or unique features about the material? Does it have an exceptionally good chronology? Or
    does it offer more color images than any other book?
    6. How does it relate to the rest of the literature – that you described in the introduction, or in your other
    7. What are the strengths, weaknesses or biases in the material?

To reiterate, although the artist you choose will be the topic that holds all of the publications in the
bibliography together, your objects of study are the publications written about the artist.
YOU are not actually writing about the artist, but about the books that already exist. Think of the
publication as your “work of art.”

  • I also uploaded examples of the Introduction paragraph.

ECE 499 Senior Capstone



Literature Review- Part 2: Full Summary (Bullying)

For this week’s assignment, you will read and summarize significant research related to the approved topic for your capstone study. This review should be based on the resources from your annotated bibliography, as well as any new resources you have found since. Based on your assessment and reflection of the annotated bibliography list you provided last week, some of the references might not be useful; therefore, do not include those sources in your literature review for this week’s assignment. Only focus on legitimate and valuable leads that provide substance and benefits directly related to expanding and deepening your understanding of the approved topic that you want to investigate fully over the next seven weeks of this course.

The review should not be a disjointed collection of individual summaries, but instead it should be one single summary of all the research on the topic. Pick 5-7 of the best resources you have collected, either from your annotated bibliography or other research efforts, and read every one thoroughly. Then, write a holistic, seamless review of the research on your approved topic. In other words, what have others discovered about your topic? Literature reviews should comprise the following elements (

  • An overview of the subject, issue or theory under consideration, along with the objectives of the literature review
  • Division of works under review into categories (e.g. those in support of a particular position, those against, and those offering alternative theses entirely)
  • Explanation of how each work is similar to and how it varies from the others
  • Conclusions as to which pieces are best considered in their argument, are most convincing of their opinions, and make the greatest contribution to the understanding and development of their area of research

The literature review should be 1500-2000 words and should follow APA writing style. Clearly label the sections of your paper so that the instructor knows exactly what topics you are addressing in your discussion. The title page and references page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Only credible, peer-reviewed, scholarly resources should be used.Assignment:

Procedures and Evaluations Plan

Describe how you plan to use your time over the next month (Modules 4-7 of this course) to investigate and gather information related to your project. This could involve interviews, observations, surveys, phone calls, review of critical documents, etc. Explain what you will do to learn more about the problem you are trying to solve and how you plan on becoming an expert on both this topic and the setting in which the problem you want to solve exists. This usually involves learning everything you can about the people, culture, policies, procedures, demographics, programs, strengths, and weaknesses of the context.

Your plan should be 1000-1250 words in length, with the title page and reference page not counting towards the minimum word amount. You can include tables, but your plan should follow the APA writing style. Clearly label the sections of your paper so that the instructor knows exactly what topics you are addressing in your discussion.

Over the next four weeks, you will be completing the Project Investigation phase of the capstone project. Therefore, you need to describe your plan for how you will spend your time over the next month, on a daily basis in order to achieve the goals you describe in your Topic Proposal in Module 1. Provide a step-by-step analysis of how you intend to meet your goals, including resources you will need, where you intend to find them, and an estimated timeline of how long each step will take. This is a very important section of your proposal. Describe in detail exactly what you will achieve and investigate in relation to your capstone topic for every day over the next four weeks. You literally need to label the days of your plan (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3… Day 28). Outline what deliverables will be targeted each week. A deliverable is a tangible product (e.g., locate and read the district’s Mission Statement, review the school’s Curriculum Map, evaluate the school’s Safety and Security Plan, etc.). This represents your work plan and schedule of deliverables. By knowing which deliverables, you need to collect, you will know what you need to gather and accomplish each week. The plan should be thoughtful, laser-focused, detailed, and scaffolded so that earlier pieces and deliverables support later pieces.

Explain how your project is to be evaluated. Is your educational organization going to evaluate it? How? Community evaluation? What specifically will make your project a success, both to you and to others? In relation to the evaluation of your project by outsiders, describe who, what, when, where and how.

More to Explore Acitivity


Physiological Psychology

More-to-Explore Activity 2

Positive and Negative Effects of Stress

Assignment: Ted Talks

How Stress Affects Your Brain and

How to Make Stress Your Friend

QUESTION of Video 1: How Stress Affects Your Brain

“Stress isn’t always a bad thing; it can be handy for a burst of extra energy and focus, like when you’re playing a competitive sport or have to speak in public. But when it’s continuous, it actually begins to change your brain. Madhumita Murgia shows how chronic stress can affect brain size, its structure, and how it functions, right down to the level of your genes.” (Time: 4:01)

QUESTION of Video 2: How to Make Stress Your Friend

  • “Stress. It makes your heart pound, your breathing quicken, and your forehead sweat. But while stress has been made into a public health enemy, new research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to see stress as a positive and introduces us to an unsung mechanism for stress reduction: reaching out to others.” (Time: 14:17)
  • Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to introduce you to a relevant and interesting topic related to physiological psychology that expands on the content we’re covering in the text.

Knowledge: You will learn about how chronic stress can affect your brain and how thinking about stress as a positive experience can change its effects.

Skills: You will summarize information, practice writing skills, and engage in critical thinking.


Listen to the two Ted Talks and answer the following questions.

Once you have completed the worksheet, enter the answers in the More-to-Explore Activity 2 Quiz.

After you answer questions 18-22, copy and paste the questions (18-22) and answers to the appropriate discussion board.

Respond to someone else’s post on this topic. See the discussion board for details about the response.


Watch the video “How Stress Affects Your Brain” (click here to access the video or use the link provided at the bottom of the assignment). Use the information from the video and from your text (regarding the functions of the brain structures) to answer the following questions.

According to the video, what are three ways that chronic stress can affect your brain?  

What is HPA an acronym for?

3. What is the function of the HPA axis?

4.What is the main function of the amygdala?

5.How does chronic stress affect the amygdala?

6. What are the main functions of the hippocampus?

7.How does chronic stress affect the hippocampus? (Note: Not the functions of the hippocampus.)

8. What are the main functions of the prefrontal cortex?

  1. 9.How does chronic stress affect the prefrontal cortex?

10. __________ changes affect which genes are expressed without directly changing the genetic code.

  1. 11. Epigenetic changes, such as those associated with stress, can be inherited by subsequent generations.

True or False

  1. 12. According to the video, what are two ways to reduce stress?


  1. Watch the video “How to Make Stress Your Friend” (click here to access the video or use the link provided at the bottom of the assignment). Use the information from the video to answer the following questions.

13. In the video, Dr. McGonigal describes a study conducted at Harvard University where participants were told to think about their stress and the associated physiological changes, such as increased heart rate and breathing, as helpful and preparing them to meet a challenge, and then they were put through a stress task. How did thinking positively about stress affect participants’ anxiety and confidence?

14. How does stress normally affect blood vessels?

15. How did stress affect the blood vessels of participants in the Harvard study?

16. What neurohormone, which is produced in response to stress, motivates you to seek support?

17. In the last study described in the video, the researchers found that experiencing a major life stressor increased the risk of dying by 30% in general. In the group of participants who reported helping others in their community, how did a major life stressor affect their risk of dying?


  1. After you answer the questions below, copy and paste the questions (18-22) and answers to the appropriate discussion board.
  2. You will also need to respond to someone else’s post on this topic. See the discussion board for details about the response.

18. In a few sentences, what would you tell your friends about what you learned from these two videos? (Specifically talk about each video.)

19. What activities do you engage in to reduce stress?

20. Name one or more things that you will commit to doing three times in the next week to reduce your stress.

21. Name one thing that you will commit to doing to help others in the next week?


How Stress Affects Your Brain: (4:00)

How to Make Stress Your Friend

Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier: Western Civ II


Below is an outline of what the paper is supposed to look like:


History 1020


Jakob Walter:  The Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier

This is what your essay should look like.  Have your name and the class information in the upper left-hand corner of this page.  You don’t need a cover sheet.  Have the name of the book at the top of the first page of your essay.  Be sure to use 12-pitch type, which is what this guide uses.  Be sure to double-space your text, so the lines aren’t all bunched together.  Your margins on the sides and top of every sheet of paper should be about the same as those on this sheet of paper.  Your essay should be three pages long.

Be sure to begin your essay with an introductory paragraph that explains what you are trying to do.  For this essay, you are writing about what it is like to read about an important historical event from the perspective of a low-level participant in that event.  Jakob Walter took part as a soldier in the Napoleonic Wars, most notably the disastrous invasion of Russia in 1812.  Walter was not an officer.  He had no real idea of what Napoleon’s strategic goals were and had no clear concept of what all this fighting and marching was to achieve.  (Please be sure to read the entire book, including the Introduction, the Historical Appraisal, the Letters, the Notes, etc.  Be aware that Walter did not write all this extra material.)

In your essay, be sure to have a paragraph or two that describes what benefit you got from reading Walter’s account of Napoleon’s campaigns.  There is no “right” or “wrong” answer to this.  The important thing is that you explain the positions you take.  If you think this was a great book that deepened your understanding of warfare in the early 1800s, it is not enough to say just that.  You need to give specific examples and talk about things that impressed you in Walter’s diary that led you to this deeper understanding.  (If you felt there was nothing of value here, you need to explain why you felt that way.)  Your task is to convince me that you have read this book and thought about it.

You may want to use a quote or two from the book.  If you do (and you don’t have to) keep the quote you use short and to the point.  Here is an example of how to quote.  “The impulse to help one another was still quite dulled.” (Walter p. 105) You, and not Jakob Walter, are the person writing this paper.  If you use blocks and blocks of quotes from Walter, you are hiding behind his words.  This essay is to show your thoughts, not Walter’s.

Have a paragraph or two about the drawbacks of reading Walter’s account of Napoleon’s campaigns.  Did his diary raise questions that you wanted answered, but the answers were not found in the diary?  How did reading his diary compare to reading a textbook?  What would you find more helpful at this stage of your college career?  As before, there are no “right” or “wrong” answers.  Present your thoughts to me in a clear and understandable way.

Include a paragraph in your paper about the Historical Appraisal and the other material in the book that was not written by Jakob Walter.  Tell whether you found this information useful or not, and explain why you think this way.

After you have discussed the pros and cons of the book, have a paragraph or two in which you tell me what you think of Jakob Walter.  Before you write this part of your paper, look at the paragraph that begins at the bottom of page 65 and ends at the top of page 66.  In it, Walter talks about judging people who are in extreme situations.  Write a paragraph that tells me what you think about Jakob Walter, and then have a paragraph that addresses the issue of how you judge people who live in historic eras of extreme crisis.  Again, I am not looking for a “right” or “wrong” answer, but I want you to show me how you think and why you came to the opinion you have.

After you have addressed all these issues, it is time for a concluding paragraph.  Here you should sum up your response to the book.  Did you like it?  Dislike it?  Briefly go over the reasons why you reached the conclusion you did and end by saying whether you would recommend that this book be used the next time 

narrated presentation


In this session, you have been considering moral-ethical dilemmas you yourself faced or that you know of that you either resolved or failed to resolve, but hopefully learned from. You may never have given much thought to ethical theory nor what ethical premises/paradigms you have unconsciously held.

You will be focusing on this case for this assignment:

Jane Doe is a nursing student at University X. Jane is in week eight of a course entitled: “Introduction to Ethics”.

For the week one discussion, Jane copied work done by her friend John Doe in the same class two months ago (with a different professor). John told Jane it was okay to use his work as John’s professor never checked any work in the class using John claimed to have earned an A on the work also.

In week two, Jane went to and paid ten dollars for a week two essay done by a student (not John Doe) who took the same course four months ago. StudentPapering promises that all its archived work is of excellent quality and cannot be detected as copied. Jane then uploaded an exact copy of the work for the week two assignment.

In week three, Jane paid a worker at ten dollars to write for Jane a brand new essay after Jane shared with the worker the essay assignment instructions.

In week four, Jane relied on her knowledge of Esperanto. She felt pressed for time and found an article by a professor from Esperanto on the week four topic. She translated Esperanto into English using Moogle Translate, and the translated text served as her week four paper.

In week five, Jane was running late again. Jane purposely uploaded a blank paper hoping that she would later claim it was an innocent mistake and not be assessed a late penalty. In a previous course on History, she had done the same (with an earlier paper from the History class rather than simply a blank) and had not seen any late penalty assessed.

In week six, Jane took work she did in a nursing course from a year ago and submitted that for her discussion posting in her current class. She simply copied and pasted the work she had labored intensively on a year ago (even though University X forbids this practice as ‘self-plagiarism’). Jane was confident her Nursing instructor never checked that work using or another method.

In week seven, Jane copied work found at ChatGPT for the paper. Jane did not use any quotation marks or other documentation to show the text was from artificial intelligence and not by Jane.

Since Jane’s Ethics professor did not check papers and posting for any issues by using or another method, the professor graded all of Jane’s work unaware of Jane’s actions throughout the weeks of the class. Jane feels her actions are morally justified both because her economic situation requires her to work too much to devote time to school (although other students are well-off enough to have such time) and her religion forbids cheating, but Jane ignores her religion’s teachings.


Now that you have had an opportunity to explore ethics formally, create a reflective assessment of your learning experience and the collaborations you engaged in throughout this session. You will submit both of the following:

A written reflection

An oral presentation using a PowerPoint narrated slide show.

For the written reflection, address Jane Doe’s and respond to the following:

Articulate again your moral theory from week eight discussion (You can revise it if you wish). What two ethical theories best apply to it? Why those two?

Apply to Jane Doe’s case your personal moral philosophy as developed in week eight discussion and now. Use it to determine if what Jane Doe did was ethical or unethical per your own moral philosophy.

Propose a course of social action and a solution by using the ethics of egoism, utilitarianism, the “veil of ignorance” method, deontological principles, and/or a theory of justice to deal with students like  Jane. Consider social values such as those concerning ways of life while appraising the interests of diverse populations (for instance, those of differing religions and economic status).

  • For the oral presentation, briefly summarize your feelings about taking a course in Ethics and explore your process of transformation in this course.
  • Discuss your experiences of the course, your beginnings, and where you are now. Consider your interaction in discussions.

Should health care workers be required to take a course in Ethics? Why or why not


  • Writing Requirements
  • Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins

Double spaced

12-point Times New Roman font

  • Title page
  • References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)

Writing Project #1: The Food Blog Post


Write your blogpost.

You will create a blog post like one that you might encounter in a food blog. Often, such blogs will be themed; their posts may center around, for example, healthy eating, baking on a budget, meal prepping, or dorm-friendly cooking. For this assignment, imagine that your post, too, is part of a themed blog—one that centers around teaching about culture through food—one dish at a time. Thus, your blog post should include three key pieces:

The Personal Introduction: an informative and engaging introduction that primes the reader to learn about culture through food. Specifically, your introduction should make clear how the dish has personal significance to you, but also broader cultural significance. Your introduction should also give readers a sense of how the blog is organized, making it easy for readers to navigate the text.

The Body Paragraphs: In these paragraphs, you’ll do the majority of the educating work! You’re teaching your audience about the dish. While your Personal Introduction made clear how the dish matters to you, your body paragraphs should make clear how the dish matters to others. Your body paragraphs may be organized how you see fit, but they should include the following information:

Key information about the dish: Tell your readers some of the most important information about the dish–including, especially, the ingredients it is typically made of and who typically eats it.

The cultural significance of the dish: Tell your readers why this dish matters. What makes it unique and/or important to more than just you?

  • The Works Cited: a list of four (4) or more credible sources that you cited in your blog post that goes at the very end of your project. (Imagine that your readers want to follow your research trail to learn more about your food/dish).

Use what you learned in “Big Idea #1: Writing Is Multimodal” and “Explore – Principles of Design and Multimodality” to make sure your blog post is visually effective.In your blog post, you will need to effectively incorporate three (3) or more images. Your images, according to the rubric, should be “illustrative.” An “illustrative” image actually helps readers understand something–as opposed to a decorative image, which only adds embellishment. For example, an image of an apple pie on a picnic table can help readers imagine the cozy contexts in which the dish is eaten. It can even persuade readers to cook an apple pie for themselves, if the dish looks delicious enough! A clip-art image of a pie, though, doesn’t do all that much to really help the readers understand where the dish is often eaten. An image of the kitchen set-up in a college dorm, for instance, can showcase the cooking constraints of college dorm culture. An image of the football field, though, may be less illustrative. In short: think of “illustrative images” as support or evidence.

It is 1,000+ words in length.

It includes (in both the text and in the Works Cited section) a minimum of four (4) sources. Note: you may cite any readings assigned in the course–but they do not count towards your minimum source count; all citations represent genuine attempts at proper formatting.

It incorporates a minimum of three (3) images.

  • It includes meaningful discussion of the dish’s personal and broader significance.

Impress upon readers why the dish and/or its ingredients matter–to you, as well as in a broader cultural context. Ensure that this significance is explicitly and consistently expressed in the blog post.

It carefully and thoughtfully incorporates of research.

Draw upon clearly credible sources to support your claims about the dish (and/or its ingredients). When incorporating sources, your post should use language and in-text citations to clearly distinguish between your ideas and the ideas you learned from other sources. Sources are documented in a properly formatted  Works Cited page, as well as in properly formatted in-text citations.

It effectively integrates of visual design principles.

Your blog post should follow principles of visual design. Choices about color, contrast, space, and balance should be appropriate to the content of the blog post. They should enable readers to easily navigate the document. Images should be consistently illustrative, working to help readers more easily understand your blog post.

Its structure is purposeful, sensible, and easy-to-follow

  • Group topics into cohesive units and signal how ideas are related to each other (e.g., through topic sentences and transitional phrases).
  • Its language is situationally appropriate.

Word choice should be appropriate to a general audience. Write concisely and without undue repetition. Tone should be both informative and engaging.