write for politics

Question Description

Remember all posts must consist of two paragraphs that are 4-5 sentences each. Failure to follow instructions will result in a 0. In addition, when posting, click on weekly discussion topic and click “create thread”. Finally, in order to receive full credit, you must respond to at least one other student post. Responses should be thoughtful and insightful. Comments like “I agree” will not count.

As we learned in the Lesson 2 Module, there are stark differences between Realism and Liberalism. Utilizing President Bush and President Obama, please determine if they operated their foreign policy as a realist or idealist. Point to specific policies in order to determine whether they fall into the realist category or the liberalism category.

write at least 2 full thoughtful paragraphs

own words

no plagarism

with report

choose one of those videos to answer the questions;

Question Description

choose one of those videos to answer the questions;




  1. Choose one of the pieces from this unit’s listening.
  2. Pick one that stands out to you and briefly (1-2 sentences) explain why this particular piece “caught your ear.”
  3. What are the piece’s unique characteristics? BE SPECIFIC and use your textbook as your reference! This should be the main part of your mini-essay. This is not opinion – these are facts that you have researched.
  4. Cite your sources (Links to an external site.) – including your textbook. Points deducted for not citing references. You may use MLA format. (Links to an external site.)
  5. Response should be one-two paragraphs. Use full sentences, no abbreviations, and check your spelling for full credit.

read the following

Question Description

The issue of global warming is receiving considerable attention these days. Write an essay (no less than 1 page, single-line space, times new roman font, 11 point) with at least three references on the subject of global warning. Explain what is meant by the term global waning and discuss objectively the scientific evidence that is cited as the basis for the argument that global waning is occurring. Determine the respective contributions to the electric power provided to customers by the electric utility serving your locale attributable to coal, natural gas, oil, biomass, nuclear power, wind power and solar power, and summarize your findings in a pie chart. For each type of contribution to the electric power, evaluate its effect on global waning.


hrm630 Week #2 Discussion#2

Question Description

Prior to beginning this discussion, read 5 Recruiting Trends for 2016 (Links to an external site.). As human resource professionals, you will utilize a variety of recruitment channels such as employee referral programs, social media, resume databases, third-party recruiters, job boards, university career services, and so forth. Create a brief recruiting plan identifying at least four recruiting sources for your current place of employment (or an organization with which you are familiar). Discuss the pros and cons of each of your recommendations. Recommend which of the four recruitment channels should get top priority.

Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words. Support your recommendations with at least two credible sources. The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources

Psychology on classical conditioning

Question Description

1. Give an example of classical conditioning in your life: identify the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, the neutral stimulus and explain the acquisition period to the conditioned stimulus that resulted in a conditioned response.

2. Describe an example of something you learned through operant conditioning-be specific and define in your example the type of consequence involved in this learning.

3. Research has proven that electronics are distracting in a classroom. Give one example that supports that theory and give an example of how modern technology in the hands of students is helpful to learning and retaining information.

4. Make up a mnemonic for something you have learned in any of the chapters you have read in this class. You can do it as a story, poem, Â acronym, jingle, rap song, etc.

history discusssion

Question Description

In your educated opinion, what was the greatest, singular factor in the thirteen British colonies declaring their independence and creating the United States republic?

Make sure to focus on one point and explain why you feel it was such a large influence. Only use textbook information. Chapters 4 and 5 have the most information to consider, but you can perhaps find something pertinent in the first three.

I do not want you to google or use the internet. I want to hear what you think. Copying or summarizing an internet source does nothing. I do not grade you on how ‘correct’ I think you are. Instead, I examine how well you back it up.

Grade breakdown:

A: 45-50 – well-reasoned and explained response and reply

Textbook link for chapter 3,4 and 5 https://cnx.org/contents/p7ovuIkl@9.19:ZC7sZcO-@10/4-1-Charles-II-and-the-Restoration-Colonies

Mental health promotion is a broad domain that includes the biopsychosocial and spiritual dimensions of the lifespan. Mental health and well-being are encompassed in all aspects of an individual’s life and must be addressed at many levels to ensure qual

Question Description

Unfolding Case Study

Tim is a registered nurse working in a busy tertiary general hospital in Australia. As part of

Tim’s patient load, he will often care for consumers diagnosed with mental illness or admitted with

both physical and mental health issues. Tim knows that physical illness and mental illness can be

linked and will always ensure he provides holistic nursing care to all his patients.

Question 1: Mental health promotion is a broad domain that includes the biopsychosocial and

spiritual dimensions of the lifespan. Mental health and well-being are encompassed in all aspects of

an individual’s life and must be addressed at many levels to ensure quality of life (physical and

mental health) and social wellbeing. Discuss this statement and provide rationale for your answer.

Details questions on pdf

ENG2206 at least 250 words

Question Description

To Read: El Saadawi, “In Camera” p. 1003-1014 (Vol. F)Al-Shaykh, “The Women’s Swimming Pool” p. 1077-1083 (Vol. F)

Yan, “The Old Gun” p. 1100-1110 (Vol. F) Thiep, “The General Retires” p. 1118-1133 (Vol. F)

To Complete:Each of the stories this week involves children, whether they are younger, like in Al-Shaykh’s “The Woman’s Swimming Pool,” or in the other stories where we read about adult children. Using at least three specific examples from three of the four stories on the schedule for this week, what do these stories tell us about what we learn or absorb as children or what a parent/child relationship can be like?

Discussion at least 250 words. It needs to find the text yourself and write your own point of view. Please complete at the specified time.

*​Project 1: Growth Projection Analysis/ 2 Discussion question sets

Question Description

*Project 1: Growth Projection Analysis

You have gained an understanding of BallotOnline’s current IT issues and policies and potential SLA-related gaps in the existing IT policy. Now, you will consider the future or expected growth of BallotOnline’s IT systems.

In growth projection analysis, historical data is combined with research on market and industry trends to predict growth and forecast future requirements. To get you started, Sophia has emailed you the BallotOnline infrastructure over the last five years.

In your forecast, Sophia has recommended that you incorporate an additional 10 percent year-over-year growth for the new projects.

Write a one-page report and submit it to the dropbox below for feedback. This will later become part of the final Cloud Adoption Policy Addendum.

*2 Discussion question sets

value of a software contract

Question Description

This week we will discuss the role of contracts. From a purely IT perspective, what do you think the value of a software contract is? (Focus on only one of the software contract types mentioned in the textbook: Shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browserwrap, or EULA. This needs to be your own work.

I expect 300-400 words. This does NOT need to be in APA format. This is not a formal paper for an academic submission. If you insist on using APA format, then I will expect citations and all the other aspects of an APA paper, and I will grade accordingly. The value of the submission to your grade will remain the same.

You will need to create a post before you can see what others have posted in this forum.