200 words discussion post – Discuss why it is important to get broad involvement of internal constituents in the Strategy Formulation Phase.

Question Description

Module 4 – Broad Involvement of Internal Constituents

5 Points

[Learning Objectives Assessed: 1b, 1d, 2b, 5a]

Discuss why it is important to get broad involvement of internal constituents in the Strategy Formulation Phase.

  • Your post should be 175-250 words.
  • Review the Discussion Grading Rubric
  • You will not be able to see any posts by other students until you make your original post.
  • Support your post by citing one reference (other than the text).
  • Cite paraphrased information but do not use quotes for this assignment.
  • Submit your original post by Thursday before 12am midnight (EST).
  • Respond to at least two (2) other students’ original post by Sunday before 12am midnight (EST).
  • In addition to your replies on other students’ posts, you should also respond to any student who posts to your original post and to any of my questions.

Analyzing and Visualizing Data – Residency Session

Question Description

Topic: Visits to Physician Office

Review the data scientist resume sample provided in this folder. Select and discuss 2 components of the data scientist resume that relates to your future or current job.

Section 1: Discuss Topic Background (Citations are required)

Section 2: Data Analysis (R Studio – R language – Library: mosaic)

•Describe the fields of the dataset. •Discuss the Min, Max, Median, and Mean of the continuous fields. •Discuss any missing data elements.

Section 3: Data Visualizations (R Studio – R language – Library: ggplot2)

•Provided Graphs: Bar Plot, Box Plot, Scatter Plot, and Histogram

•Findings: What story is presented in the visualizations?

Section 4: Discuss Findings (Citations are required)

•Compare (Similar) •Articles that Support Information Section 5: Reference List

•At least 8 References (4 must be scholarly peer-reviewed articles)

Watch these two videos and summarize the points they make

Question Description

This week we will continue our discussion in chapter 4 regarding civil liberties. One of the things we have touched on a few times in class already has to do with the Second Amendment. It has been in the new a lot lately, especially after the two mass shootings in Texas and Ohio.

Here is your assignment:

Watch this video that has quotes from former SCOTUS justice John Paul Stevens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grBHZqC7c4U

Read this response to what Justice Stevens wrote: https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/28/opinions/john-paul-stevens-has-second-amendment-wrong-levy-opinion/index.html

Here is your assignment:

-Summarize the two links.

-Analyze the pros and cons of both sides of the issue.

-Which argument do you find more compelling and why?

-Find two scholarly sources to backup your argument.

Complete this assignment and post in the Drop Box prior to the deadline.

choose one aspect of Texas expenditures and analyze it in detail.

Question Description

Analyze the state of Texas’ expenditures. Please review your state site. Next, choose one aspect of expenditures and analyze it in detail.

As an example, see the Ohio Office of Budget and Management (OMB) website (http://obm.ohio.gov/Budget/ ).

The Volcker Alliance has assembled in the following link a valuable set of tools for achieving a greater understanding of the budget process and state government finances. This guide serves as a convenient repository of connections to budget and financial information for state governments in general and for each state. It is posted as the State Budget Sources at https://www.volckeralliance.org/publications/state-budget-sources.

Include an introductory paragraph, a body and a conclusion.

4 pages double-spaced pages with one-inch margins in any normal font. You are required to incorporate at least three SCHOLARLY secondary sources in your response.

250 words ​ CATEGORICAL VERSUS BLOCK funding essay

Question Description

For this discussion, consider the following:

  • You apply for federal help in funding a program aimed at improving minority health care in your area. The program serves people of all ages who are suffering from specified ailments, but has a means testing eligibility requirement that limits aid based on income level. Investigate which type of grant funding, categorical or block, would be better for this program, and provide resources to substantiate you choice.

Use this unit’s readings to inform your discussion.


Use your Social Policy and Social Programs text to complete the following:

  • Read Chapter 7, “How Do We Pay for Social Welfare Policies and Programs?” pages 139–157. Chambers, D. E., & Bonk, J. F. (2013). Social policy and social programs: A method for the practical public policy analyst (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

his (in description ) the 1920th

Question Description

This is the first discussion assignment for the second half of the class. You are going back to the 1920s; you are to read , the lecture on modern culture, especially on the 1920s, and also view the videos on the 1920s.

You are going to transport yourself back to the 1920s and write about what life was like in the 1920s. You can focus on a variety of happenings in the 1920s and enjoy your visit back to that timeframe in our modern history.

Finally let us know which aspect of life in the 1920s you enjoy the most and then comment on ONE other student’s choice of their favorite aspect of the 1920s. Again enjoy your trip to the past.

law and ethics in healthcare

Question Description

The first two chapters in the text book describe the basic principles of morality, law, and ethics in health care environment. Every day the news is filled with headlines that address legal and ethical dilemmas. Students are to identify current health care or management related articles that pose legal and/or ethical issues. Articles can be found on the internet, newspapers, or magazines. Review the article, write a 1-2 page paper addressing legal and ethical issues on the chosen topic, and post it online for review by other students.

Possible topics: Right to die, stem cell research, assisted suicide, faulty medical devices, genetic engineering, unauthorized disclosure of medical information.

Paper format: Written material should be typed in a 12-point font. Be sure to include a list of references at the end of paper.

Describe the detail and aesthetic study of Nasca Drum

Question Description


Identify basic information and research,

Cultural appraisal: Where does this culture belong, and whether this Nasca drum has been used elsewhere. What is this for.

Detailed description: Describe in detail the pattern, color, shape, size on the drum, whether it is similar on other items. What do these patterns mean?

What is the material of this drum, where is the material and how it is obtained.

What kind of technology is used to make this drum? What resources or materials are needed to make it. What is the production process? Does this production technique have a name?

What is the function of this drum and what does it stand for?

Describe the aesthetic characteristics of this drum, such as what the drum gives you and why. You can refer to other items of the same generation.

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

Question Description

Please prepare a paper addressing the following questions. While specific answers to each question are not required, these questions are a guide to the elements in your paper. They should all be considered

1: Was Dave’s decision table a legitimate way to make an entrepreneurial decision?

2: Do you think the factors adequately relate to a decision between being an entrepreneuror accepting the corporate position?3: What factors do you think should not have been included? Why?

4: What additional factors do you think should have been included? Why?

5: Do you think a decision making table is a valuable tool? If not, why not?

6: What would you have decided if you were Dave given only the information in the decisionmaking table?

7: What are some characteristics possessed by entrepreneurs which were included in thiscase study?

Food Insecurity

Question Description

  1. Choose a country in the 2019 Global Report on Food Crises (Review each other’s posts and each student choose a different country). Review the drivers of food insecurity for your selected country and provide an overview.
  2. Choose one of the drivers and discuss method(s) for addressing this driver. Be realistic in your approach and remember to think about linkages to the drivers that could be addressed.

The term “driver” is discussed in the article and is essentially the underlying cause(s) of food insecurity. For example, conflict is a major driver of food security around the world. Linkages to this particular driver cultural, geographic, or political. The idea is to discuss the root causes and associate factors that drive and perpetuate food insecurity.

******Note, I would like to choose Ukraine

******APA format