Reflection on scenarios

Question Description

Reflecting on Scenarios

Review and reflect upon one of the three Scenarios presented in Chapter 2 of the Perfect Assessment System(Stiggins, 2017 p. 16-18) or develop your own workplace scenario.

  • Scenario #1: Mastery Learning and Grade Point Average
  • Scenario #2: Learning Progressions, Targets and Level of Proficiency
  • Scenario #3: Reporting Achievement Information to the Public

If you choose Scenario #1, #2 or #3, reflect in four to six paragraphs on (1) the type of assessment, (2) its purpose, (3) target and (4) method of reporting results.

  • Scenario #4: Develop your own workplace assessment scenario

If you choose Scenario #4, reflect in four to six paragraphs on (1) the type of assessment, (2) its purpose, (3) target, (4) method or reporting results and (5) the likely outcome of the scenario.

Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research.

quiz over chapter

Question Description

  • Of the four models for collaborative writing (cooperative, sequential, functional, or integrated), which do you prefer when working with a group? Name and define it.
  • Provide one detail you learned from the Chapter 3 video lecture.
  • Produce a simple document in Google Docs and send me the link here:
  • List three “Proven ways of being a team player”:
  • List three examples of practical advice for collaborative writing:
  • What steps did you take this week to plan ahead for the group project due next week?(possible examples: emailed the group an introduction to myself; “ a list of questions we need to figure out together to move forward; “ a suggested strategy for dividing up the work; “ a suggested date for looking at each other’s drafts next week; “ a doodle poll for possible meeting times)

Virtual Team Challenges

Question Description

Question: Virtual Team Challenges

  • Communications challenges
    • Policies and practices must support the work arrangements
    • Must prepare differently for meetings
    • Slides and other electronic material must be shared beforehand
    • Soft-spoken people are difficult to hear; managers must repeat key messages
    • Frequent communications are helpful (hard to “overcommunicate”)
  • Technology challenges
    • Provide technology and support to remote workers
    • Use high quality web conferencing applications
    • Clarify time zones for scheduling
    • Information should be available for everyone (cloud storage can help)
    • Policies and norms about use of the technology can be important
  • Diversity challenges
    • Concept of time differs throughout the world
      • Anglo-American cultures view time as a continuum (deadlines are important; many prefer not to multitask)
      • Indian cultures have a cyclical view of time (deadlines are less potent; many prefer to multitask)
    • Team diversity might need nurturing:
      • Communications differences
      • Trust building
      • Group identity formation


  • Need minimum 500 words
  • Need 3 APA References
  • No Plagiarism please

Peer-Review of Resume

Question Description

This is peer -Review someones resume, and you have to look at this resume and answer these two questions. And each questions should be 50 words.

1. Development: Does the resume show adequate development? Does it have sufficient content that is focused and prioritized? Is it too short? Can you suggest places where the writer could have added more information about a particular skill or experience, or any other content?

2. Design: Is the resume designed for easy navigation and reading/skimming? Is the resume easy to look at? Can you point out where the writer might have used more effective white space, better spacing between lines, smaller or larger fonts, or any other elements of information design we have discussed? If not, explain what works in the resume, in terms of design.

college and career advising by grade level

Question Description

the purpose of this 5 page paper is for candidates to analyze the college and career readiness needs of students during a specific age of development.(9th grade)

Based on your career plans, select a single K-12 grade level to focus on (9th grade )and identify an appropriate career development theory upon which to build a college and career advising plan. Detail what types of curriculum, lessons, activities, etc. you feel would be appropriate with this target group and, using theoretical references, explain why you feel each item is appropriate and necessary in this stage of college and career student development.

Outline of Sections

  • Explanation of grade level selected(9th grade )
  • Summary of career development theory
  • At least three ideas for college and career readiness to implement with direct connection to theoretical reference
  • Summary and recommendations for practice

Art. You most take 13 pictures in your phone not from internet please… if you cannot don’t bids

Question Description

1. Find images/objects of a variety of mediums/methods/medias in your daily life. Not from the internet. You must take photographs of the actual images/objects.

2. You must indicate in your description the Mediums and

Methods/Medias from the list below:

  • Mediums: Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Carving, Modeling, Assembling

  • Methods and Medias: kinetic, relief

After you have collected at least 18 examples, make a visual diary (tile images) of all you have found. Include this visual diary as a series of a few Instagram layout “pictures”. Please describe the Mediums or Methods and Medias that you are identifying.

3. Each “tiled image” should have a few photos, that are all describing the same visual element. Don’t have Instagram, that’s ok- you can do this on a Google Slide and then upload the pdf version of the slide image.

art 100 discussion most be 18 pictures taken from your phone not google example I can send you one example for picture and explain about the picture

Question Description

1. Find images/objects of a variety of mediums/methods/medias in your daily life. Not from the internet. You must take photographs of the actual images/objects.

2. You must indicate in your description the Mediums and

Methods/Medias from the list below:

  • Mediums: Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Carving, Modeling, Assembling

  • Methods and Medias: kinetic, relief

After you have collected at least 18 examples, make a visual diary (tile images) of all you have found. Include this visual diary as a series of a few Instagram layout “pictures”. Please describe the Mediums or Methods and Medias that you are identifying.

3. Each “tiled image” should have a few photos, that are all describing the same visual element. Don’t have Instagram, that’s ok- you can do this on a Google Slide and then upload the pdf version of the slide image.

Intro to business Law

Question Description

1. Should courts ever be able to order specific performance of a contract? Why or why not?

2. In the Lumley v. Wagner case, was it fair to prevent Wagner from performing anywhere else? Why would money damages not be sufficient in this case, or would they? Should a performer be allowed to make an “efficient breach” of contract to secure a more lucrative payday? What if a performer contracted to perform at a venue with 1,000 seats with tickets at $100 each, but breached to perform at a venue with 10,000 seats with tickets at $150 each? Couldn’t the lost profit of the first show be calculated and paid as money damages, while the performer makes much more money from the second show? Would that serve public policy? Why or why not?

200 words discussion post – Discuss why it is important to get broad involvement of internal constituents in the Strategy Formulation Phase.

Question Description

Module 4 – Broad Involvement of Internal Constituents

5 Points

[Learning Objectives Assessed: 1b, 1d, 2b, 5a]

Discuss why it is important to get broad involvement of internal constituents in the Strategy Formulation Phase.

  • Your post should be 175-250 words.
  • Review the Discussion Grading Rubric
  • You will not be able to see any posts by other students until you make your original post.
  • Support your post by citing one reference (other than the text).
  • Cite paraphrased information but do not use quotes for this assignment.
  • Submit your original post by Thursday before 12am midnight (EST).
  • Respond to at least two (2) other students’ original post by Sunday before 12am midnight (EST).
  • In addition to your replies on other students’ posts, you should also respond to any student who posts to your original post and to any of my questions.

Work on focusing the project by further investigation of the countries you have chosen. Add details about the economy, exchange rates, and foreign market.​

Question Description

Activity 1 Team Share and Discuss

In teams discuss the information you found on your initial investigation of several possible locations for the overseas business. Discuss what factors you found will help to narrow down the locations and why. Each member decides on a country for their business expansion. (or teams may choose to work together and choose three countries)

Activity 2 Exchange rates and the foreign exchange market

Based on what you learned about exchange rates, figure the current exchange rate for the countries you investigated.

For more help take a look at the video, How Exchange Rate Works

Decide what effect this will have on your decisions.

Activity 3 Project:

Work on focusing the project by further investigation of the countries you have chosen. Add details about the economy, exchange rates, and foreign market.