Assessment of Infant and Toddlers

Question Description

3. Assessment of Infant and Toddlers

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Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to explore and analyze different types of formal and informal assessments used with preschoolers and primary-grade teachers.


  1. Conduct an interview with a preschool teacher and a primary-grade teacher. Find out what kinds of standardized tests are administered in the classroom and what types of informal assessment strategies the teacher uses.
  2. Transcribe your interviews in a word document.
  3. Then, reflect on the following questions: 1. What did you find out after your exploration? 2. What puzzles/questions do you have in reference to the results of the interviews? 3. What else would you like to explore?
  4. Include all the above information in the same word document and post it to the discussion board. Make sure to provide feedback using the Dialogue Toolkit Rubric.

6-2 Journal: Personality Tests

Question Description


For this assignment, you will take a personality test, the IPIP-NEO (International Personality Item Pool Representation of the NEO PI-R).

First, take either the original or short version of the IPIP-NEO. (My results are attached, I took the short version)

Next, review the results provided from the MMPI-2 and MCMI-III in the Sample Personality Results Report. (attached)

Finally, in your response, reflect on the experience of taking the IPIP-NEO. Consider the following questions in your reflection:

  • What do you think is the usefulness of knowing the results from the IPIP-NEO?
  • Did you agree with the results?
  • How would you feel if you received the feedback from the Sample Personality Results Report?
  • How do you think these results could inform treatment?

To complete this assignment, review the Module Six Journal Guidelines and Rubric document.

Week 6 Assignment- Writing

Question Description

FEEDBACK Journal Attached

Assignment: Feedback Journal Reflection

In Week 2 through Week 5, you kept a FeedbackJournal where you tracked the comments, corrections, and suggestions youhave received on your writing. For this Assignment, you reflect on thisfeedback. While reviewing your Feedback Journal, take time to celebrateyour growth as a writer, and be sure to note the areas that needadditional practice.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review your Feedback Journal to assess your progress.

By Day 7

Submit a 1- to 2-page reflection in which you comprehensively respond to the following:

  • What have you learned about yourself based on the Feedback Journal?
  • What is your goal for Graduate Writing II? (Review your Feedback Journal for patterns and identify at least one specific goal.)
  • Why is this goal important to you at this point in your program?

Submission and Grading Information

AI research Paper

Question Description

Write a 3 page paper, using IEEE paper template, related to articles about AI.

Need to be related to previous work.


  • Read the guidelines and sample papers that I provided
  • List and read at least 10 papers on the topic that you chose. You can include the five papers from Assignment 1. Note that for a complete survey paper, you need to read and include at least 30-40 papers. And the length of the paper is usually 10-12 pages in IEEE paper template.
  • Write a 2-4 page paper using IEEE paper template that I provided to describe the main contribution of these papers. You should write with your own words.
  • Get to know how to add references (refer to the sample papers) and add references in your paper whenever and wherever needed.

Given in Attached:

Previous work, sample papers

Discussions questions of the week

Question Description

DQ one :Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty. Discuss at least one way that the nursing profession is currently working toward a resolution of this problem. In replies to peers, offer different examples of how the nursing shortage has been addressed in your state, community, or specialty area.

DQ two:Explain how health care reform has helped shift the focus from a disease-oriented health care system to one of wellness and prevention. Discuss ways in which health care will continue this trend and explain the role of nursing in supporting and facilitating this shift. In replies to peers, provide an example of wellness and prevention initiatives your organization or specialty area has in place.

Community health nurses practice in a variety of settings

Question Description


Community health nurses practice in a variety of settings. Choose one of the following CH settings, and describe what you have learned about the setting and the role(s) of the nurse in that setting (see Nies & McEwen, 2019, Chapters 30-34). Please do not choose school nursing for this discussion because your paper is on school nursing.

• Correctional nursing

Home health nursing

Hospice nursing

Next study levels of prevention in this week’s lesson (primary, secondary, and tertiary). Note that the term primary is used differently than in normal conversation.

• Describe one of the levels of prevention, and discuss how a community health nurse (CHN) in the setting you discussed can implement this level of prevention.

Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2019). Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier.

I need help at writting Diverse and Cultural Environments Paper.

Question Description

write a 3-4-page about Saudi Arabia, APA, (not including the cover page nor the reference page) paper identifying some problematic situations that might occur for a multicultural or bicultural person.

Writing Scenario: You and your family have received a promotion and will be transferring to another country to run the operations in that country. As the GM, general manager, you will be moving to a country that speaks a different language, different cultural norms, and is a “developing country”. What coping strategies might a person/family need to effectively deal with such situations?

A discussion of the diversity and global perspectives is provided in the text. Please utilize resources from your text and other sources to enhance and aid your paper. Upload the paper to the provided link in the Lesson Folder menu selection in Blackboard.

Business Innovation in Marketing

Question Description

I will upload the supported materials needed in for this task.

Propose an individual plan in two paragraphs.

  • Include personal characteristics to best explain your talents, behaviors, and worldview — consider the opportunities around you and available to you for
    • Name your strengths. Top 5 strengths finders. What do these mean to you?
    • Your abilities/aptitudes –what talents did you identify with in the assessment results?
    • What you value/what is your purpose?
    • What did you find this term are your passions and interests?
    • Do you have an overall world view you discovered?
  • Refer to your answers from course Activities
  • Look at resources in Canvas Module on The Individual

A successful answer to this question will include at least one page. Students should report where the content for the answer was retrieved. Use APA citations and references as sources for information. (SLO 2.1)

Brand Strategy and Marketing Communication

Question Description

Develop a minimum 650-word branding strategy and marketing communication plan in Microsoft® Word. This document should address at least 5 elements of the Situational Analysis and the Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies (modified below) sections of the marketing plan (from the Situational Analysis and the Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies lists below). The five elements you select should only come from the options provided below.

You must include a measurement of customer loyalty and retention in your strategy document. You may include more than the minimum to provide clarity and coherence to your document.

  • Situational Analysis:
  • Vision , Mission, Strategic objectives, Values
  • Strengths/Weaknesses
  • Competitor’s Strengths/Weaknesses
  • Market Segments
  • Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies:
  • Creating a Brand Image
  • Maintaining Brand Image
  • Branding Concerns
  • Promotion/Integrated Marketing Communication
  • Advertising Strategy/Objectives
  • Push and Pull
  • Media Strategy
  • Advertising Execution
  • Public Relations/Strategies

Note: Charts/graphs/tables do not count toward the word count.

Plastics Discussion

Question Description

For this discussion, please answer the following:

  • What are 2 things that concern you most about the global use of plastics?
  • What is your opinion about major companies banning plastic straws? Plastic straws are only account for about .03% of the plastic in the ocean. Do you think this is a good way to help the current situation, or do you feel that these companies may have an ulterior motive for the ban?
  • Why do you think companies aren’t doing more to address the larger issues in the ocean such as finishing nets, plastic bottles and plastic bags?
  • Do the materials covered this week motivate you to change your behavior/habits around the use of plastic? If so, how? If not, why not?………