Team Management

Question Description

As team manager, you need to appoint two new staff members in your team. Find the staff hiring and dismissing policy from the HR officer in your institution. According to the hiring criteria set up a list of questions you would ask the candidates for each of the respective positions. Clarify why you chose the questions. Add correct citing of relevant resources to substantiate your presentation.

Frazier, M., & Hearrington, D. (2017)

Chapter 1: Qualifications and expectations (13)

Chapter 2: Professional development (38 -42)

Chapter 5: Human Resources (153-156)

Chapter 6: Meeting IT staffing needs (186)

Majchrzak, A., Rice, R. E., Malhotra, A., King, N., & Ba, S. (2000). Technology adaptation: The case of a computer-supported inter-organizational virtual team. MIS quarterly, 569-600.

Whitehead, B. M., Jensen, D. F., & Boschee, F. (2003). Ch 2 25-27; Ch 3; Ch 5 (103-115); Ch 7 (156-157).

Discussion in APA format

Question Description

After reading Chapter 2 and reviewing the lecture power point (located in lectures tab), please answer the following questions. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references included in your post.

Additionally, you are expected to reply to two other students and include a reference that justifies your post. Your reply must be at least 3 paragraphs.

1. There is a wide variety of perspectives and frameworks from which to practice nursing. After reading the various framework and theories presented, which most closely matches your beliefs? Please explain why?

2. After reading the Nurse of the future: Nursing core competencies on page 84, please describe how you plan to apply these 10 core competencies into your daily Nursing practice. Please be sure to address all 10 competencies and give specific examples.

Leveraging ERM to Practice Strategic Risk Management Case

Question Description

Please review Chapter 16: Leveraging ERM to Practice Strategic Risk Management Case and provide response for following questions.

1. Do you believe that ERM will continue to evolve, and if so, how? 250 -to-300 words

2. Do believe that risk is a two-sided coin with both upside gains and downside losses? 250 -to-300 words

3. How is value measured in your organization and do you believe the ERM process can add new value? 250 -to-300 words

4. Besides risk maps and value maps, what other tools and techniques are available to manage risk and make risk-informed decisions? 250 -to-300 words

You are required to respond to the questions thoroughly, in 250 -to-300 words for each question.

Be sure to include at least three reference sources. APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed.

01.07 Macbeth: Character Disintegration Forces of Nature

Question Description

01.07 Macbeth: Character Disintegration

You will complete your character study of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth by writing about their development from thebeginning of the play to the end. Choose one of these four topics and write your response in aparagraph of eight to ten sentences (150-200 words). Make sure you incorporate evidence from the play to supportyour thinking. Write your essay below. A full credit answer will have at least 3 cited references fromthroughout the play (beginning, middle, and end).

  • Topic 1: Explore how Lady Macbeth changes over the course of the play.
  • Topic 2: Explore how Macbeth changes over the course of the play.
  • Topic 3: Examine Macbeth and Lady Macbeth before Duncan’s murder. In what ways are theyalike and different?
  • Topic 4: Examine Macbeth and Lady Macbeth after Duncan’s murder. In what ways are theyalike and different?

( JJ ) Modern Culture Life in the 1920s Discussion

Question Description

You are going back to the 1920s; you are to read Chapter 8 in the text, the lecture on modern culture, especially on the 1920s, and also view the videos on the 1920s.

You are going to transport yourself back to the 1920s and write about what life was like in the 1920s. You can focus on a variety of happenings in the 1920s and enjoy your visit back to that timeframe in our modern history.

Finally let us know which aspect of life in the 1920s you enjoy the most and then comment on ONE other student’s choice of their favorite aspect of the 1920s. Again enjoy your trip to the past.

Sex and the Media

Question Description

– Each day, Human Sexuality issues are discussed in broadcast and print media (internet, radio, magazines, etc.). Students will submit a summary of a current (within the last 3 months) and/or newsworthy issue related to human sexuality and include the following:

+ If the issue has great or little impact on college students

+ Discuss your personal opinion about the issue

+ Explain how the topic/issue relates to human sexuality by incorporating a brief discussion of at least two concepts that are discussed in the course textbook (i.e., gender roles, love and communication, sexuality, etc.). Underlinein your paper the two concepts that are discussed in the course textbook

– Please provide a citation of your media article.

– Length:Typed, 500 – 750 words (minimum and maximum, not including a reference list),

Choose and watch a television show or movie that has nursing as a main focus.

Question Description

Choose and watch a television show or movie that has nursing as a main focus. Critique the television show/movie on the basis of the image of nursing presented:

  • Was nursing portrayed realistically?
  • Was the clothing realistic?
  • Were the nurses portrayed as intelligent or educated, and how were they addressed (language) by other characters?
  • Would you recommend the television show or movie to someone interested in entering the nursing profession?

Maximum one typed double-spaced page. Limit assignment to 1-2 paragraphs.

Below is the television show or movie with a duration of 38 minutes:




One of the most important films about nursing made in the 20th Century, “Mrs. Reynolds Needs a Nurse” was written in 1963 by Dolores Little, MN, RN, a nursin…}}}

Environment and Approach Date

Question Description

Developing quality learning environments is an important consideration for any early childhood educator or caregiver. In order to effectively prepare an environment for infants and toddlers, it is important to understand how theory and application come together. As Bullard (2014) states, “examining the theorists and approaches assists us in understanding the historical and philosophical foundations for designing learning environments” (p. 10).

For this discussion post, you will describe how one of the following approaches best supports a quality learning environment. Choose one of the following approaches that interest you the most:

  1. Montessori
  2. Waldorf
  3. Vygotsky
  4. Reggio Emilia

Develop a cohesive and research-based argument in favor of the approach that interests you. Be sure to include the principles that guide your assigned approach with specific focus on learning environments, as well as how this approach compares to one of the others listed.

AOJ 206 Discussion most be more then 300 words and APA format Easy English not high words

Question Description

Watch the film “Murder on a Sunday Morning” detailing the story of Brenton Butler (available through YouTube or iTunes, to name a few).

  1. What ‘approach’ was used in the interrogation process?
  2. Discuss whether the suspect was an ’emotional’ or ‘non-emotional’ offender.
  3. Discuss the concept of ‘false confessions’ as it relates to this case. Do you believe there was a false confession involved in this case?
  4. Why do you believe the detectives never considered anyone else as a suspect in this case? Do you believe this is common?
  5. What might have made this a better process?

This section must be at least 300 words minimum. Include a word count in parenthesis at the end.

Make sure to use proper APA formatting to cite your work if applicable.

Production Screencast for Westworld Season 1

Question Description

This assignment will challenge you to discover and analyze as much as you can about the television show Westworld Season 1. Each part should be detailed with resources and well developed ideas of your own.

1. An abstract

2. Production information:

– Producer

– Director

– Writers

– Dates aired

– Cast of Characters

– Network affiliation

– Time scheduled

– Syndication

3. Marketing information:

– Nielson ratings

– Awards

– Advertisers

– Production costs, etc.

4. A conclusion

You will be graded on the completeness of your assignment (i.e. how closely it meets the criteria of the assignment), the quality of your information, and the thoroughness of your research.

Grading rubric:

clear organization

sufficient information

well developed ideas

sources indicated

logical flow of content

adequate continuity