Learning Goals: The following questions may assist you in formulating your specific learning goals.
Question Description
Learning Goals: Thefollowing questions may assist you in formulating your specific learning
1. What new skills do I wantto acquire during this role practicum?(meaning while in clinical doing my preceptorship)
2. What pathological healthstates do I want to learn more about?
3. Which medications do Iwant to learn more about?
4. What health promotionskills do I want to practice or perfect?
5. What new technologiesand/or equipment do I want to become more proficient at
6. What knowledge do I wantto learn this quarter?
7. What methods of managinga nursing unit or a cohort of patients can I learn from
my preceptor?
8. Is there a specificnursing role I want to concentrate upon, such as teacher,
caregiver, leader,counselor, etc?
9. Are there particular datacollection skills I want to further develop?
10. Are there particularemotions/attitudes/feelings that I would like to work on
improving (e.g. becomingless judgmental and more respectful toward …)?
11. What other things do Iwant to learn in the role practicum?