week 3 discussion


*There will be a deduction of 5 points per day that the initial post is late. Posts are not accepted after the week closes on Sunday night.

2. Your initial post (your response to the topic) must contain a citation.  It is your ideas supported by research. Please refer to the APA Power Point in the Start Here section of the classroom for information on proper formatting. There will be a deduction of 20 points for failure to cite a source within your initial post and to provide a reference at the end of your initial post.

3. Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words and each response must be a minimum of 200 words. Please double-check your word count. Only posts that meet the word count requirements receive credit.

4. Post your word count at the end of each post. There will be a 5 point deduction for each failure to provide a word count.

5. Please address fellow students and professor by name. There will be a 5 point deduction for each failure to address by name.

6. Please use spell-check and proper grammar. Points will be deducted for each spelling and grammatical error up to 10 points for each post.

Psych Discussion Post

Due By

Cited Source In Text and Reference

Word Count

Point Value

Post 1 Initial Response is well organized, includes a citation, addresses topic, and demonstrates critical thinking


Yes – mandatory


50 points

Post 2 Response to 1st student is well organized, includes classmate’s name, addresses topic, and demonstrates critical thinking


Not required, but must cite any work used


25 points

Post 3 Response to 2nd student is well organized, includes classmate’s name, addresses topic, and demonstrates critical thinking


Not required, but must cite any work used


25 points



Exemplary (100%)


Above Average (89%)

45/ 50

Satisfactory (79%)

40/ 50

Approaches Standard (69%)

35/ 50

Needs Improvement (59%)

30/ 50

Unsatisfactory (0)

0/ 50

Initial Post (50)

Reveals mastery of the material, critical assessment, and thorough exploration of the subject matter. Demonstrates mastery of grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics, and usage and with no errors.

Reveals some mastery of the material although further exploration would have increased the value of the post; some critical assessment although portions of the material may be vague. Demonstrates proficiency of grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics, and usage with fewer than three errors

Reveals knowledge of the subject matter although more exploration is needed; some critical assessment was noted although more in-depth perspective would have enhanced the work. Understanding of grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics, and usage with fewer than five errors

May highlight what the reading material offers but does not apply further exploration of the subject matter; critical assessment is lacking. Improvement in some areas of grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics, and usage; fewer than ten errors but retains clarity throughout most of post.

Uses personal opinion only without any exploration of additional possibilities; no critical assessment is noted. Needs improvement in grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics, and usage; more than fifteen errors; errors affect clarity of post.

Unable to score because there was no engagement in the discussion.


25/25  per post

22/ 25 per post

20/ 25 per post

17/ 25 per post

15/ 25 per post

0/ 25 per post

Peer Responses (25 per post)

Promotes further discussion on the subject matter through thought-provoking peer responses; demonstrates depth of analysis of topic and peer’s post;Makes use of source support, as needed, and in proper APA format, grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics and usage with no errors

Promotes further discussion on the subject matter through meaningful comments that demonstrate understanding of topic and peer’s post. Makes use of source support, as needed, but may not fully use proper APA format, grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics and usage with fewer than three errors

Engages peers but does not promote further consideration of the material so that additional learning takes place. Uses some source support, though it may not be scholarly or in the appropriate APA format, grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics and usage with fewer than five errors.

Peer engagement does not encourage depth of academic thought or is based on personal opinion only.Uses some source support, though it may not be scholarly or in the appropriate APA format, with fewer than ten errors in grammar, spelling, mechanics and usage

Peer responses do not add substance or promote engagement in the discussion in a meaningful way; comments are superficial or off topic.Extremely limited or no source support noted; improper or missing APA format, and grammar, spelling, mechanics affect clarity

Unable to score because there was no engagement in the discussion.

Professionalism is a very serious matter in your online class at Keiser University and in the field of psychology.  Our mission is to provide you with an education that prepares you to succeed in the workplace and in graduate programs. 

Please use the following guidelines in our discussion forum and in all communication at Keiser University:

I will “listen” to others respectfully.

I recognize that online learning is devoid of physical cues that often support communication and will strive to use language that  clearly expresses my views.

I will strive to utilize language that is thoughtful, respectful, and collegial when communicating with my fellow students.

When I disagree with someone, I will critique his/her ideas in a respectful and constructive manner.

I will try to understand other people’s behaviors and perspectives rather than simply criticize them.

I will avoid stereotypes and humor that is disparaging of others.

I will avoid texting language, slang, or other non-professional communication.

Week 3 Topic:


Identity and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the authoritative, permissive and the authoritarian parenting styles.

Which did your parents use?

Do you think they used the best approach for you? 

Which of these approaches do you think is best and why? 

-Thoroughly read chapter nine in your text on this topic and pay special attention to page 253.
-You might also want to do research in Parent Effectiveness Training by Tom Gordon, Systemic Training for Effective Parenting by Don Dinkmeyer and Children: The Challenge by Rudolf Dreikurs. 

Do you think that parents do the best they know to do in parenting their children?

To post to the discussion, click on the “Week 3 Discussion” title above, then Create Thread. 

EDF1005 Teacher interview


I interviewed a veteran classroom teacher. Using the information from the interview write a two-three pages critical reflection/summary paper based on the answers the teacher gave to the questions asked during the interview.

the two-three pages critical reflection/summary paper which includes the following: Background information of the teacher interviewed.

  1. Years teaching 8 years
  2. Degree(s) earned. Masters in Education
  3. Grade levels taught. First-third grade

The teachers name is Mr.Bonhomme. He was a substitute teacher for about 5 years working with all grades in elementry. He then got his masters degree from Nova Southeastern University. I sat in his first-grade class as an observer, I had the opportunity to witness the energetic and dynamic learning environment that lays the foundation for young students’ academic journey. Here’s what I observed from his classroom:

1. Structured Routine: The classroom typically operates on a structured routine, with designated times for various activities such as morning circle time, literacy instruction, math lessons, and recess. This routine helps to provide a sense of predictability and security for the students.

2. Engaging Instruction: Mr. Bonhomme engaged in a variety of teaching strategies to keep the young learners engaged and interested. This included interactive read-aloud sessions, hands-on activities, educational games, and group discussions.

3. Literacy Development: A significant focus is placed on literacy development, including reading, writing, and phonics instruction. Students are often seen practicing their letter recognition, phonemic awareness, and sight word fluency through activities like guided reading groups and writing workshops.

4. Mathematics Exploration: Mathematics instruction in this first grade class often involves hands-on manipulatives and visual aids to help students grasp foundational concepts such as addition, subtraction, number sense, and basic geometry. Mr. Bonhomme frequently used games and activities to make math learning enjoyable and accessible.

5. Social and Emotional Learning: Mr. Bonhomme prioritize the social and emotional well-being of their students, fostering a positive classroom community where kindness, empathy, and respect are valued. Students engage in activities to develop important social skills such as sharing, taking turns, and conflict resolution.

6. Individualized Support: Mr.Bonhomme recognized and accommodated the diverse learning needs of his students by providing individualized support and differentiation. This may involve small group instruction, one-on-one guidance, or modified assignments to ensure that each student is challenged and supported appropriately.

7. Creativity and Exploration: This First-grade classroom is often filled with creativity and exploration, with opportunities for students to express themselves through art, music, and imaginative play. Mr.Bonhomme encouraged curiosity and critical thinking skills through open-ended activities and projects.

Overall, a first-grade classroom is a vibrant and nurturing environment where students are actively engaged in their learning journey, supported by dedicated teachers who inspire a love for learning and exploration.


  1. Name some ways that a student in a group can show you s/he has mastered a concept? Teaching others, asking thoughtful questions, and critically analyzing information
  2. In which curriculum areas are you particularly strong? Language arts and science
  3. If you were asked to obtain professional development in one area of the curriculum, which area would you choose? Math
  4. What are some of the ways that you present materials to students such as in social science? Lecture, discussion, visual aids and interactive online platforms.
  5. What four key components do you believe you must include in a lesson plan? Learning objectives, instructional materials and resources, instructional strategies and activities and assessment and evaluation


  1. How you accommodate the different learning styles of the students in your classes? He tries to involve all types of learning styles in the majority of his lessons.


  1. How do you get students to do what you want them to do? Describe your system of classroom management. He uses a traffic light chart. Red light is for bad behaviors, yellow light is for moderate behavior and green light is for good behavior.
  2. In your opinion, who should be responsible for the discipline in the school? Primarily it should be the teacher but it should also come from home. A lot of what this students see at home bleeds into how they act at school.
  3. If a student is disrupting your classroom, what steps would you take to solve this problem? Give them verbal warnings, then a note home and if that doesn’t work he would have them removed from the class.


  1. How do you update parents about the progress of their child? Depending what it is, if testing we can sit and look at the data. Show them the charts and showing them the levels and where the child fits. Meetings are the best way to show.
  2. In your opinion, how effective are parent conferences in solving student problems? To some extent, some parents come quite often. If they take the advice given such as work on specific subjects and how to work on them you see the students progress.
  3. What would you tell a parent who complained about his/her child not having enough homework? He would let the parent know because depending the student and amount of classes. He primarily uses I-ready but he rather give less and see where they are at and then add more if he deems fit.


  1. Why did you want to teach? I was a substitute teacher and seeing the results from the students I subbed from the FCAT it showed my contribution made a difference in some of those kids and it made me feel happy.
  2. What is wrong with education today? What is right? Based on his environment, is lack of parent involvement. They give teachers too many tasks and not enough resources. They give him students in many different levels and it’s hard for him to teach them all when they are not in the same learning level.


  1. What kind of students do you like to work with? What type of students could you teach most effectively? Students that are engaged and respectful. Low-level kids are not exempt as long as they are open to learning.

biology homework


For the final assignment for the Community Health Project, you will be creating a fact sheet based on your research from Human Health and Physiology and Identifying Risk Factors and Solutions.

The idea behind creating a fact sheet is to inform the general public about an issue. Specifically, your target audience will be the residents of the community that you identified as being particularly vulnerable to poor health outcomes. You should assume that your audience will have a limited scientific background. You will be writing from the perspective of your medical specialty (but do not write in 1st person – see the example on this page), but your goal is to make the science that you researched understandable to a general audience while including the sources from your background research.  

Assignment Requirements

While your final fact sheet will contain graphics, this assignment is just asking you to submit the text and your graph. As you are writing each section of your fact sheet, please use the third person (do not use I/we) and think about considering how the elements fit together to create a fact sheet with good flow — it should proceed logically. Address each of the prompts below:

An introduction

In a brief paragraph, identify the health condition that you are focusing on and explain how the solution could improve health outcomes for your focal community (This information should come from Identifying Risk Factors and Solutions.).

How does this solution address the risk factor that you identified? How would this reduce the prevalence of the health condition?

An overview of the health condition 

  • Summarize what residents in your focal community should know about the physiology of the health condition.

How does the risk factor increase someone’s chance of developing the health condition? 

Focus on the risk factor that your solution targets.

  • Be specific and provide details about the physiological connection between the risk factor and the health condition.

What steps can residents take to reduce their risk of developing the health condition?

  • A bullet point list of key facts, including:
  • The statistics for the risk factors related to the health condition, as relevant to your focal community. (Refer back to Identifying Risk Factors and Solutions if necessary.)

The % of adults in your focal community that exhibits the health condition. 

A bar graph

  • Create a bar graph comparing the prevalence of the health condition in your focal community to three other communities. (Use the data provided in Human Health and Physiology.)
  • Be sure to properly label the x- and y-axes!

A community solution 

City Plants

Los Angeles Neighborhood Land TrustLinks to an external site.

How could residents support this organization, program, or movement?

  • References cited 
  • Remember to cite all information sources fully, including in-text citations and a properly formatted reference list at the end, for full credit. Please make sure that your sources are credible and that you properly cite all sources. 

You can use any citation style you would like (MLA, APA, etc.). Here is PCC’s guide to APA style.

Required – Incorporating Feedback

  • What instructor feedback have you received on previous parts of the project, if any? 

How have you addressed or incorporated this feedback? Be specific and explain how you can use this feedback to improve your final fact sheet.

  • Example Fact Sheet
  • Remember, for this assignment, you are just submitting the text and graph. No graphics are necessary! This example fact sheet is just to provide an example of how the information fits together.



if you would like to see anything in more detail. You can also view the text as a Canvas page.

  • Peer Review

Upon completion of this assignment, you will be assigned two peer reviews to complete. This is an opportunity for you to see what others have been working on and for everyone to receive constructive feedback on their fact sheet before submitting the final version next week. Please review the assignment directions and the rubric first and then give written comments to your peers. Choose at least two of the prompts below to formulate your comments for each of your peers.

  • What are two things you think they communicated in their fact sheet really well?

What is one place they used a source or the data in their fact sheet that worked really well?

  • What is one place they might be able to strengthen their fact sheet by making better or different use of a source or the data? 

Make one or two general suggestions for how they could strengthen their fact sheet. This could be to add material, reorganize a paragraph or sentence, clarify language, or make any other changes to increase clarity.

Suggest corrections to any grammatical issues in the text or formatting issues with the graph.

Helpful Resources

How do I upload a file as an assignment submission in Canvas?

How do I know if a source is credible?

How do I submit a peer review to an assignment?Links to an external site.

Ten Days that shook the world



1. What was a function of the peasant commune that I mentioned? 

2. What does “emancipation” mean in the context of this lecture? 

3. Based on what I told you about the peasant mir, if you were a farmer in a peasant commune, would you want to improve your land every year? 

4. if you were the head of the village assembly in charge of sending villagers to the Russian army, who would you send? 

5. What are the basic elements of Marxism that I discussed in the lecture? 

6. What were some of the different political parties based on Marxism that I discussed, and how did the Bolsheviks manage to take credit for the revolution in the end?


Discussion board 

How does this film portray war? What are some examples of images or scenes that back up your perspective? Consider the point of view that the film is coming from: the party that won the war is now in power and has a certain amount of say in the art that gets made about it. How might that influence the film’s portrayal of the war/revolution?

Respond to this in 3 sentences, agreeing or disagreeing. 

The film October: Ten Days That Shook the World by Sergei Einstein, focuses on portraying war as a relentless force that pushes the working class to revolution. This is the perspective that the movie has showing the Bolshevik victory. In the film we can see the cost of life in many casualties and food shortages, this lead for the workers to protest. Scenes of the workers complaining and the growing discontent showcase how this anger within the people give birth to revolutionary ideas. 

During the film Kerensky the leader of the provisional government is portrayed as a very comical this tries to show and undermine his character, because the situation in which they were managing the war was inadequate. They show how the Bolsheviks rose and took advantage of the government lack of order, and so promised peace and relate to the working class. Since this film producers were Soviets, they are proud in emphasizing revolution and winning against their oppressors. The storming of the Winter Palace is a big turning point of the revolution when the working class unifies, at this moment we can see the strength and the determination of the proletariat.

Even though the film doesn’t grand battles, its focus is on showing the everyday struggles of the people under the weight of war. After all the main key points to acknowledge are that because of the war the drive of the revolution was ignited. The Bolshevik victory is the overall win and represent that the war is now over and so is the misery of the working class. The film manages to showcase war as a factor to criticize and diminish the old regime and commemorate the new one.

Revise one of your discussion posts into a 3-5 page double-spaced 12-pt font essay. Make sure to cite some of your classmates’ points from the discussion board, either to bolster your claims or to provide a counter point. Use as much material from class as you want.

Toussaint Louverture and Napoleon were alike as they shared similarities. Toussaint and Napoleon both led successful revolutions; I would consider both revolutions as archetypal. Both leaders fought against inequality and injustice. 

There were social, economic, and political issues in both places at the time. There was high taxation on the majority of the poor population, kings had the divine right  to rule and the third estate had no representation in France. On the other hand, there was slavery and oppression on the island of Saint Domingue. Both leaders were successful in leading revolutions that brought about periods of change. Other nations were inspired by the success of these revolts. Saint Domingue/ Haiti became the world’s first republic whereas The French Revolution led to the fall of monarchy.

In my opinion the statement “A lot of people didn’t know what freedom was supposed to look like. No one had really even theorized or imagined this before.” is logical as people had been conditioned to the environment of slavery. Saint Domingue was the sugar capital of the world, they relied on slavery to produce sugar for trade. For many years, people had been working on plantations and carrying on duties for the whites; that was the only life they knew. The people of Saint Domingue were not used to having rights, so they had no idea what it would be like. Jean Claude Martineau, a historian, even said it was dangerous because the country was based on slavery.

Classmate to refer to 

George Washington, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Toussaint Louverture lived during similar historical periods and were involved in their nations’ revolutions. Haiti gained independence mainly due to the efforts of Toussaint Louverture, who organized the revolution against French colonial rule. His figure shows his struggle against colonial oppression and slavery. The French Revolution brought fame to Napoleon Bonaparte, a politician and military leader from France. Having a profound effect on European history. During the American Revolution, George Washington played a significant role as the country’s first president. As one of the founding fathers, he was instrumental in establishing the United States and is well-honored. These three individuals were well-known in various settings and areas during the revolution. While Napoleon concentrated on extending French dominance through military conquests throughout Europe, Toussaint concentrated on the Haitian Revolution against slavery. And Washington on the American battle for independence. Each significantly influenced the history of the countries and areas they called home. But Toussaint was different from Napoleon and Washington because he was a former slave who fought for the abolition of slavery and the establishment of an independent Haiti and climbed to positions in both military and political power during the Haitian Revolution.

Response to discussion


The Renaissance period from 1300-1600  was a period of change for socialism and the Institute of Industrialism. The rebirth of man and civilization during the period was astonishing. One of the most significant changes was the antiquity of painting. Before the Renaissance, portraits, and paintings were flat with thick outlines, which made the subject unrealistic.

During the Renaissance, Italian-born Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci (1452 – 1519).was considered the polymath of his time. His activities in science, engineering, sculpting, and painting were at the high point of his life. Leonardo was tasked with painting a portrait of a Florentine merchant named Francesco Del Gioconda. Francesco wanted a painting of his wife done by da Vinci. The `portrait painted is now referred to as the Mona Lisa. It took Leonardo three years to complete this painting. It was one of the first paintings done in a three-dimensional form with a natural backdrop.

The Golden Era was one of excitement for literary writers. The writing of poems and entertaining plays brought on the publishing of books to be read by the noble and commoner. William Shakespeare (1564-1616). Was a poet and considered a genius of his time. England was under the rule of Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603). Shakespeare produced Tragedies, comedies, romances, poems, and historical plays. His works are considered one of the most significant writings in English literature. We now see the change from ancient Rome, where the only writers were Scholars and those with minimal education were allowed to take any notation of any recording. The real significant change for the Renaissance was that it was no longer required to document laws and theological decrees as written by a group ofdecemvirs established in 451 BCE.

The creation of the printing press in Europe by Johannes Gutenberg from Mainz, Germany, in 1455 encouraged authors to write in their local vernacular rather than in Greek or Latin classical languages, widening the reading audience and promoting the spread of Renaissance ideas. Gutenberg printed the Gutenberg Bible. It is believed his actions of empowerment promoted literacy to the people of Europe. Literature should no longer be only read by kings, counts, and nobles. The era of the open mindset and wisdom has evolved.

During this period, a social reform of weaponry was introduced to the Europeans—the art of developing gunpowder from the Chinese through the trading of goods by the Muslims—in the suggested period of 1320 CE. Cannons became relatively common among the armies. The active spears and swords no longer met the need for military dominance. This advancement of warfare through cannons has taken its place.

Another rebirth came to light with the demise of feudalism. Peasants revolted in 1381, led by Wat Tyler of England. This uprising involved peasant farmers revolting and rebelling against the landowners and inducing fear in them, thus establishing a relationship that ended the feudal order under the reign of England’s King Richard II. The same actions took place in France in the 14th century. French peasants also engaged in an uprising known as Jacques. The protesters killed hundreds of noblemen under the reign of the French King John II. After two months, the revolt was suppressed. King Richard (1137-1453), at the age of fifteen, introduced the Magna Carta. The Canterbury Archbishop  Stephen Langton drafted this act to acquire peace between the rebel groups. Neither side honored the treaty, and it ended up being annulled by Pope Innocent III in 1213.

The 14th century also brought on the Bubonic plague. During the period of 1347, a third to a half of the population was killed by this disease. Another name given to the plague was the Black Death. (1347-1894). Originating in China, it was spread through the Mongol tribes into Europe by fleas on black rats on commercial ships. These ships supplied goods for trade in many Mediterranean ports.

Under these circumstances, with all the deaths of many people, the demand for laborers was needed. This opened—the door for peasants and landowners to negotiate higher wages for farmers that were met through supply and demand.

Bradon Larson 

The Renaissance was a time period that would revolutionize to the modern world from the medieval times from approximately 1300-1600. “It  marks  the  revival  of  Greco-Roman  culture,  a  movement  that  spread  from  its  birthplace  in  Florence,  Italy,  to  all  parts  of  the  European  West.” (Fiero, 2021, p 177). Although the start of the Renaissance had an imaginable future, it started off with warfare and devastating plagues. The beginning of the Renaissance came the rise of the middle class. A new ideal that would be the foundation of new products, expert labor, and increased trade. Not only did the Renaissance the change the social normalities but also create a new style of art and music. “Imagination and diversity characterized fourteenth-century mu-sic, which composers of that era self-consciously labeled the ars nova (“new art”). (Fiero, 2021, p 184). Although the creation of new art came in the Renaissance, they never changed what art is, rather they created new techniques and discovered new ideas. Although this re-birth in society brought a new structure to social normalities they based it off of the classic Greek and Latin ideals. “Renaissance humanists advocated the recovery and uncensored study of the entire body of Greek and Latin manuscripts and the  self-conscious imitation of Classical art and architecture. They regarded Classical authority not exclusively as a means of clarifying Christian truths, but as the basis for a new appraisal of the role of the individual in the world order.” (Fiero, 2021, p 187). All in all the Renaissance was a time period that revolutionized the world and created the foundation for the modern world, using new and old philosophy while creating a new world. 

parenting Applied Final Project Part 1: Create Your Parenting Case Study Topic



Using the planning table provided below, you will create a case study on a parenting topic of interest to you. Throughout the course you will conduct research on this topic, culminating in a Parenting Action Plan that proposes solutions to resolve your case.

Step 1: Select a scenario that may be a cause for concern in parents.

You may use the list below or identify a scenario of your own with the permission of the instructor. Write your scenario of interest into the planning table provided below.

List of Scenarios

  • Sleeping arrangements for newborn
  • Immunizations for children
  • Bedwetting
  • Breastfeeding older children
  • Special needs, such as:
  • Down syndrome or other genetic disorder
  • Learning disabilities
  • Autism
  • Attention deficit with hyperactivity disorder
  • Physical-motor disability
  • Language delay, speech, related issues
  • Teen pregnancy
  • Alcohol and substance abuse in teens
  • Relationship problems in teens, dating, inappropriate, and/or risk-taking behavior
  • Mental health issues (e.g. depression, anxiety, psychotic disorders)
  • Behavioral issues in younger children
  • Behavioral issues in teens
  • Parental conflict and argument
  • Military deployment
  • Grandparents raising grandchildren
  • Adoption/foster parenting
  • Racial and cultural issues in parenting -Tiger moms, immigrant children, LGBTQ, biracial identity, religion
  • Older child parenting and emerging adulthood (age 18-21)
  • Use of media-cellphones, tablets, etc.
  • Impact of domestic violence
  • Bullying, cyberbullying
  • Stepfamilies
  • Impact of divorce
  • Choosing daycare, preschool
  • Healthy diet, eating disorders
  • College/postsecondary readiness

Step 2: Select an age group to which the scenario applies.

After picking your scenario, select an age group (see planning table below) that you would be interested in learning more about. For example, if you are interested in “choosing daycare” as a topic, are you interested in daycare for infants, toddlers, or school-aged children? Note that your scenario may not make sense for some age groups. For example, you probably would not be interested in learning about daycare options for an 18-year-old.

Step 3: Select a socioeconomic status for your scenario.

Determine whether your scenario will apply to a family of lower, middle or upper socioeconomic status (SES) (see planning table below). SES can profoundly impact access to resources which, in turn, can impact outcomes. It is important to know what services are available and who can access them.

Step 4: Family composition.

Using the planning table below, identify at least two details about the composition of the family. Who is living in the home? How many generations live in the home? What is the marital status of the parents? Are there siblings? Family composition can be a source of strength as well as a source of stress. Use this section to flesh out the details of the family in your scenario.

Step 5: Identify the type of issue in your scenario.

Use the planning table to identify the type of issue(s) present in your scenario. Check all that you think could apply. This will help you to figure out where you can find information on your topic. For example, if you are dealing with a topic like behavioral issues that emerge in a child after military deployment of a parent, you might start looking for research in psychology journals that deal with military families, like “Military Family Therapy.”

Step 6: Identify possible sites of impact for addressing your scenario.

Using the planning table, identify possible sites of impact for your scenario. For example, if you are interested in “choosing daycare,” you would probably select “daycare” as a site of impact, but you might also select “home” if you are interested in how daycare impacts behavior in the home. You might also select “school,” if you think the quality of daycare has an impact on academic performance.

Step 7: Identify potential solutions to address your scenario.

Using the planning table, check off the potential solution(s) that could form the basis of your parenting action plan.

Instructions: Choose and write down your topic and ideas about: The topic/title, why you think it is important, and where you think you will look for resources.

Use the Planning Table below to create your chosen topic. Each section of the table below may be used to narrow down the specifics of your research paper. Each section will help to get you thinking about the aspects of your action plan. In the example below, the sections of the table appear in parenthesis to exemplify how these sections relate to your topic choice. Please note that these sections form a part of the final paper write up, and as such can be used while writing up your final paper.

AFP Part 1: Planning Table


(write your chosen

scenario below)


  • Birth-3 yrs
  • 3-10 yrs
  • 10-13 yrs
  • 14-18 yrs
  • 18-21 yrs


  • lower
  • middle
  • upper


(include at least 2 of these details)

  • Parental involvement?
  • Single, married, divorced?
  • Siblings?
  • Who is living in the home?
  • Employment status of parents?
  • Other?


  • Schoolwork or Homework Issue
  • Behavioral Issue
  • Social Issue
  • Physical/Emotional Issue
  • Other:________


  • Home
  • School
  • Daycare
  • Parent Workplace
  • Public Spaces (e.g. playground, retail, grocery store, etc.)
  • Other:__________


  • Home Plan
  • School Strategy
  • Community Support Groups
  • Behavioral Health Plan
  • Medical/Health Plan
  • Special Programs/Supports
  • Other:_______

STEP 8: Crafting your parenting case study.

Write a parenting case study that incorporates all of the information in the planning table (Steps 1-6). Your case study should be 1-2 paragraphs in length. You may want to add details now or as your research progresses to make your case study more interesting.


The current case study involves a child with significant learning disabilities who is 8 years old and from a middle-class socioeconomic status background. The child has a 10-year-old sister with no known learning disabilities or behavioral issues. Parents recently separated, but both parents are actively involved with the children. A parenting action plan will be developed to address the child’s problems with schoolwork. I will discuss the case in the context of home and school (i.e. sites of impact), providing solutions that may include a home plan to address the parental separation as well as special programs in school and community supports (i.e. potential solutions).

EWRT2 Critical Reading, Writing and Thinking


Research Project Essay Directions


For this assignment, you will write a research project of at least 1500 words on a topic of your choice.


Fictional: Look at a fictional movie, TV episode, music video, or piece of media and do a close analysis of the “monster/villain” 

Historical: Look at a real-life dictator, serial killer, scientist, social network, etc. and do an analysis of the coverage of the person. 

Scientific: Look at modern science e.g. cloning, Crispr, genetic modification etc. and decide whether that type of science is creating modern heroes or monsters.

Current events: Do a deep dive on a current event like border control, politics, make-up, sports, and analyize whether your topic is helping society or harming it? 

The Steps:

Pick an issue related to the broad theme of “monsters” that interest you e.g something from the class. (Completed in Module 4) 

Narrow down the topic to something you can cover in 1500+ words e.g. “Is it ethical to conduct cloning research for profit?” or “What modern fear does the monster in Squid Game represent?” (Completed in Module 4) 

Read articles and books, and watch some media clips that interest you on that topic. Make sure to get sources you agree and disagree with (Completed in Module 4) 

Put your sources on your ?? Critical Thinking Challenge #4: Source Log . You must use 8 of the Source Log sources in the Research Paper (Completed in Module 4) 

After doing a little research, develop your topic on your issue develop a hypothesis. Basically, take a stand on how your topic impacts the local community. Hint: This will turn into your thesis. (Completed in Module 5) 

This project will culminate in your research paper, presentation, or web page. (Completed in Module 5) 


Write a 1500+ argumentative analysis research project, written in response to a research question of your choice about monsters.

Project Requirements:

1. An introduction that provides context on the topic, eases the reader into your essay and has a “hook” that grabs people’s attention.

2. A thesis statement or controlling idea that takes a strong stand and is narrow enough to cover within the page limit e.g. if your umbrella topic is “The nudism movement promotes a healthy body image” you would have to narrow that down into a more focused topic that fits into that larger topic.

3. Research is a secondary concern and personal voice is first.

4. Transitional topic sentences that are clear, provocative, develop your thesis, and provide unity in your essay.

5. Body paragraphs that have a transition, a topic sentence, multiple examples, and a concluding sentence.

6. You must use 8 Sources from the Source Log in the Research Paper 

7. The Quote Sandwich model (lead-in, quote, and analysis of quote) must be used with each quote.

8. Some analysis of all your supporting examples.

9. A conclusion that offers some ideas about what can be done about the situation.

10. Strong sentences that are both grammatically correct and sophisticated.

11. MLA in-text citations and a Works Cited page are required for this paper.

For those doing the visual project follow The Visual Research Project Requirements or the Unessay Project 


o 1500+ words (about 8+ pages).THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE THE WORKS CITED PAGE!

o All drafts must be typed and double-spaced.

o Size 12 Times New Roman Font

o Have: Name, Class, Date, Assignment, and Topic in the upper left-hand corner.

o A title that is not GENERIC

o Paper MUST follow MLA format and MLA citation guidelines.

What A Successful Essay Will Have


A title specific to the topic

An attention getter

Background on the topic (please make it clear which prompt you are answering)

End with your thesis

  • Include a clearly stated thesis (your opinion your 1-2 sentence response to the essay prompt) which speaks to the “so what” of the issue and is not merely a list plan of development.
  • Body:
  • Topic sentence that is related to the thesis
  • Supporting evidence
  • Quotes from the text (Remember to cite the quotes)

Consideration of and rebuttal against the other side of the topic


DO NOT bring up a new topic

  • A suggestion of the consequences of your position for society, individuals, what you want to happen in the future, etc.
  • Works Cited:
  • Please include a Works Cited page at the end of your paper.
  • Please make sure the Works Cited page follows MLA formatting rules

Evaluation Criteria for Your Essay:I will use the following criteria to evaluate your position paper:

Have you engaged the readers’ interest at the beginning and throughout the paper?

Have you chosen an arguable position and defined it carefully (e.g. placing the issue in its historical or cultural context, citing specific instances to make the issue seem less abstract, or establishing or redefining the terms of the debate)?

  • Have you organized your paper into an introduction, body (containing several paragraphs), and conclusion?
  • Have you included at the end of the introduction a thesis statement that asserts a clear, unequivocal position on the issue you have chosen and, possibly, forecasts the stages of the argument, identifying the main reason or reasons that you will develop and support in the essay?

Have you given reasons why readers should take your position seriously?

Have you organized your reasons into a logical order (e.g. placing the strongest reason last and the second-strongest reason first, with the other reasons in the middle)?

Have you supported each reason with examples, facts, analogies, statistics, anecdotes, or quotes from authorities?

  • Have you anticipated readers’ questions and their positions on an issue, counterarguing as needed?
  • Have you signaled the move from one topic to the next using forecasting statements, transitions, topic sentences, rhetorical questions, and/or summaries explicitly?
  • Have you cited at least 8 sources in your essay, using MLA in-text (parenthetical) citation strategies correctly?

Have you integrated the sources into your essay, using signal phrases to introduce long quotations or incorporating shorter quotations into the sentences smoothly?

Have you included an MLA Works Cited at the end of your essay?

Media that has not aged well


Persuasive paper: AGING STORIES –What to do with literature & media that has not aged well

This paper requires research. The internet will be a good source but I want at least one source from the library.

We have all seen TV shows or movies and thought, well THAT didn’t age well. It might be a joke we recognize as homophobic, a comment that is mired in gendered stereotypes, or a word that makes us cringe because of its racist overtones some pieces of literature and media just do not age well.

For your persuasive paper, you will be examining pieces of media and literature that are under examination not by outside groups that want to cast an idea or identity out of public discussion, but in many cases by the production companies and publishers (sometimes even the artists themselves).

What kinds of things am I talking about?

In 2011, a scholar released an edition of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn that removed most incidents of racial slurs from the novel;

In 2020, streaming services like Hulu and Netflix removed four episodes of 30 Rock containing blackface at the request of Tina Fey;

In 2021, the Seuss estate announced it would stop printing and selling 6 Dr. Seuss titles because they included racist stereotypes;

In 2022, both Lizzo and Beyonce removed the word “spaz” from songs after disability rights organizations objected to the use of the slur;

In 2023, the estates of Agatha Christie, Ian Flemming, and Roald Dahl all authorized revisions to the language in some books that modern audiences often find offensive

In 2023, the live-action release of The Little Mermaid made minor revisions to the lyrics of “Kiss the Girl”

For this paper, I would like you to consider cases like those listed (and others you run by Maureen) for deeper consideration.


The work you are writing on has or might be eliminated/altered because of a decision made by the publisher or the producer of the work (so not a school board pulling Maus because upset parents). I am asking you to look at these works because these are people and companies that legally can alter the work and because it doesn’t take a lot of mental energy to say, “Don’t ban Maus.”)

  • The change is centered on language or an image in the book, so you can write on the lyric change in “Kiss the Girl” for this paper, but the casting choices that caused some people to throw a tantrum would be a topic better handled in the research paper, which will be on adaptations.

You may select a specific work (Huck Finn, It Happened on Mulberry Street, Death on the Nile) or a cluster of related works (all of the Ian Flemming re-issues, all of the 30 Rock episodes removed from streaming by Fey’s request, all six of the Dr. Seuss titles that the estate “retired”). However, I will want concrete examples from the works which can be found through research (so you do not have to read both the old and new versions of every Roald Dahl book).

  • It is perfectly okay to decide some things should go out of print or have their language altered authors revise their work if it makes their writing more effective. The question before you is whether the original texts are effective, if they could use a bit of help to be more effective for this generation, or if that piece of media or literature needs to fade into the sunset. I want your considered opinion after you have researched and viewed things from all sides deciding to change some words in some Agatha Christie novels is not canceling Christie as a person. Not all published works stand the test of time, so if you decide its time is past, that’s your argument. This is not an assignment where I have an answer I want you to give and you have to guess it This is about balancing different viewpoints and coming to your best answer.


In this assignment, I will be looking for the following components (they can be in this order, but that is not the only way they can be presented):

An overview/summary of the materials under consideration, including date and place of publication.

A detailed explanation of the problematic language of images (put words you personally would not use in quotation marks it will give you distance while letting you include problematic language; for example, Dahl describes characters as “fat” and “ugly.”

  • A discussion of the historic context AND movements or changes that have occurred between the time of original publication or transmission and when the alterations were proposed.
  • A review of positions supporting and opposing making the changes (if everyone agrees with one position, it’s not a good topic for a persuasive paper).
  • Your considered opinion on whether to revise, not revise, or just let the text fade away

How effectively the paper takes a position based on careful and expressed reasoning.

Use of research to locate specific details to support all claims.

Logical and cohesive structure in the paper including all of the elements in the assignment.

Academic tone (you can use contractions, the word “I” to describe your personal experiences with the material, and the singular they but avoid the “you” and put words that seem non-academic or that you would not use in your personal vocabulary in quotation marks. Include attributions like, According to the Seuss estate… and never just have a quotation in your paper that is not attached to an attribution or an introduction)

Good use of edited style to eliminate repetition and vary sentence lengths, types, and word choice.

Run the “darn” spellcheck.

Communications Question


For the mission students will be describing a current area of expertise and the associated knowledge and skills that comprise this expertise. The essay will present a specific non-technical skill that is key to an effective expert in this domain identified in the provided resource. The essay is expected to be 5-7 pages not including front matter or the reference page but can be longer if needed to cover the  given content. The paper must include the following sections with the listed headings to help unfold a clear storyline and convey the content organized with the GPS model. Cite within the text using APA style in-text citations and a reference page that includes all the items cited within the text
GPS organization for Content

General: Define your chosen domain

G1-Define Domain in which you will be an expert

G2-Give context to clarify understanding of your guiding question

G3-Explain a possible scenario that requires your expertise

Particular: Describe and distinguish the components of expertise for the chosen scenario within the domain

P1 Academic Knowledge

P2-Practical Knowledge

P3-Technical Skills

P4-NonTechnical Skills

Specific: Illustrate how 1 non-technical skill is essential to effective expertise within the chosen domain in the given scenario

S1.Explain more fully the chosen non-technical skill

S2 explain how it is used by experts in the given scenario to apply expertise

S3 Provide example

Please note the above outline maps the GPS generally. You will need to make choices and write an effective essay to make the content clear and understandable to convey your central message completely and persuasively. Be sure to have research and cite using APA format throughout especially when presenting concepts related to your chosen domain and scenario since those concepts are not general knowledge.

Essay Sections

               You are asked to use essay format to convey your central message about being an effective expert able to apply expertise in a given scenario. You are able to choose these but they must be aligned with the course materials and be accurate as well as cited with citations. The following sections must be present in the essay to unfold the GPS content effectively.

1. Introduction

       Begin the essay with a brief QUESTION of your area of expertise. This will most likely relate to your major and/or a future career path you will follow. However, you may decide to choose a different domain to illustrate your expertise. It is typically helpful to narrow the domain rather than say engineering or computer science. Describing your domain as circuit design or cyber-security will make the following sections easier to describe.

After this provide a guiding question that leads us to the specific concept or skill you choose to describe in the specific section of the essay. You will most likely need to write this last. The guiding question may take the form of “In this essay I will explore how {Chosen non-technical skill} is a key non-technical skill for experts in {your domain} when applying their expertise in {scenario}” For example, you might write, ““In this essay I will explore how communication is a key non-technical skill for experts in project management when applying their expertise running small teams on job sites. Of course, the wording will change as you select the specifics and describe them fully.

End this section with a written QUESTION of the remain essay to describe the flow that briefly explains each section and the key point or core message covered in each section. Please be sure to cite the information that describes your domain and the type of works experts do within that area.

2. Understanding the Scenario

       This section has you expand the basic QUESTION of the domain to provide any needed terms or general knowledge needed to understand the filed you are writing about. It must also contain the general QUESTION of the scenario in which the particular and specific skills will be seen.

3. Components of Expertise

       This section must present a QUESTION of the four main components of expertise related to the domain you described in the introduction: academic knowledge, Practical knowledge, technical skills and non-technical skills. For each of these describe and distinguish the elements of each major component. There is no exact correct answer since you need to construct the collection of knowledge and skills that fit together to describe the expertise you need in the given scenario. You can create sub-sections for each or just write this as a continuous set of paragraphs.

·Academic Knowledge

·Practical Knowledge

·Technical Skills

·Non-Technical Skills

This section should provide a transition to the specific non-technical skill you want to examine in the specific section. Normally the easiest one to discuss is communication but you are welcome to choose any of the ones listed in the linked resources provided here: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/non-technical-skills

4. Examining the Elements of My Non-technical Skill

`        Illustrate how 1 non-technical skill is essential to effective expertise within the chosen domain in the given scenario

·Explain more fully the chosen non-technical skill

·Explain how it is used by experts in the given scenario to apply expertise

·Provide example

This will be the most personally focused section since you need to connect your choice of a non-technical skill to the major domain and chosen scenario. This also requires you to connect the general ideas to specific examples so you can effectively convey the ideas of your learning and credentials, experience in practical situations as well as the technical skills to the larger non-technical abilities you are arguing for as a key aspect of your expertise.

5. Conclusion

Explain how the nontechnical skill ties back to having expertise in the given field and contributes to being seen as an expert in the described scenario. End with a clear take away for the audience connected to your core message 

touchstone 5- persuasive speech- please write speech based on submitted file- Use that file for speech


Touchstone 5: Persuasive Speech Revision

ASSIGNMENT: For this Touchstone, you will utilize the outline you submitted for Touchstone 4 and deliver a 5–7 minute persuasive speech that incorporates feedback and other tips and strategies you’ve learned throughout the course.

In order to foster learning and growth, all work you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a Plagiarism Detected alert. Review Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines for more about plagiarism and the Plagiarism Detected alert. For guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review Ethical Standards and Appropriate Use of AI.

Touchstone Support Videos

Choosing the Right Language
Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety
Using Your Voice
Communicating Nonverbally
Filming Your Speech

A. Directions

Step 1: Review Outline

Review the outline of the persuasive speech that you delivered in Unit 4 as well as the feedback that you have received. Your speech should include an introduction, body, conclusion, and transitions.

The introduction should contain your key message.

The body should cover your main topics and support to back up your main points. Make sure that all information, evidence, and persuasive strategies (ethos, pathos, and/or logos) are relevant and from credible sources.

The conclusion should summarize your main points and repeat your thesis.

The transition should help you shift from one topic to another.

Refer to the following lessons for support:

Components of a Speech

Choosing the Main Points

Highlighting the Main Points

Ordering the Main Points

The Preparation Outline

The Speaking and Rough Draft Outlines

The Role of the Introduction

Establishing Credibility: Topic, Thesis, and Main Points

Introducing the Topic, Thesis, and Main Points

The Role and Use of Transitions

The Role of the Conclusion

Step 2: Incorporate Visual Aid

Think of an effective way to incorporate at least one visual aid that will be relevant to your purpose and message and will enhance your speech.

Refer to the following lessons for support:

Using Visual Aids

Create notes or bullet points that you can refer to while presenting your speech. You should not read your speech word-for-word from your notes. Make sure to cite any sources you have used as you deliver your speech.

Refer to the following lessons for support:

Step 4: Use Clear Language

  • Ensure that the language you use is consistently clear and appropriate to the audience, which helps the audience connect with you and your topic. Explain any technical jargon you use where necessary.

Refer back to the following lesson for support:

Mind Your Audience

Make It Memorable and Enhance Audience Understanding

  • Step 5: Practice Speech

Practice presenting your speech, focusing on your voice, your nonverbal communication, and your use of one or more visual aids. Aim for a speech 5–7 minutes in length.

  • Refer to the following lessons for support:

Best Practices in Public Speaking

Using Your Voice: Volume and Rate

Using Your Voice: Articulation, Pronunciation, Dialect, and Vocal Variety

Eye Contact, Facial Expression, Movement, and Gesture

Step 6: Review Rubric

  • Before filming, review the rubric to ensure that you understand how you will be evaluated.

Step 7: Film Speech

Film yourself presenting the speech. Be sure that you can be easily seen and heard—at minimum, your head and shoulders should be visible in your video, and you should make eye contact with your audience by directing your speech toward the camera.

Important: Be sure that your speech’s purpose, audience, and thesis are clear. If you choose, you can state this information at the beginning of your video before you begin your speech.

Refer back to the following lessons for support:


The Purpose and Thesis Statement

Step 8: Review Video

  • Review your video, be sure that you can be easily seen and heard, and that you have directed your speech to the camera. Refilm as needed. Your speech should be delivered in one video with no cuts or editing.

Step 9: Review Checklist and Requirements

  • Review the checklist and requirements to ensure that your Touchstone is complete.

Step 10: Submit

  • Upload your video using the blue button at the top of this page.

Refer to the checklist below throughout the recording process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.

  • ? I have reviewed my Touchstone 4 outline.
    ? I have read all of the feedback that I received on my Touchstone 4 outline.
    ? I have incorporated the feedback to improve my speech.
    ? My speech includes the following components: introduction, body (main points), conclusion, and transitions.
    ? I incorporated at least one visual aid in my speech.
    ? I have selected sources that are credible and support that is relevant.
    ? I have used language that is appropriate to my audience.
    ? I have filmed a video of myself presenting my speech.
    ? The video of my speech is 5–7 minutes in length.
    ? I have reviewed the video and I can be easily heard and seen.
    ? In my speech, I am focused on connecting with the audience, only looking at my notes occasionally.
    ? I have adhered to all the requirements.
    ? I have read through the rubric and I understand how my Touchstone will be evaluated.