Learning Styles Assessments & Write Up

Question Description

Please choose two (2) of the online learning style assessments posted. Complete the assessments to obtain your preferred learning style. Note (or print) the results turn in to receive credit (5 points). Provide a brief (1 to 2 paragraphs) summary of your results. Were they what you expected? Did they differ using different tools? Do you think they accurately reflect your preferred style of learning? What can you do with this information?

http://www.engr.ncsu.edu/learningstyles/ilsweb.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/learning-styles.shtml (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

http://www.vark-learn.com/english/page.asp?p=questionnaire (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

https://www.edutopia.org/multiple-intelligences-assessment (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Some Rubric (20.0 pts)

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterionUse the write up to address the questions in the assignment description.

Leadership Style Interview for a Company’s Newsletter

Question Description

Select someone in a leadership position at your organization or at a local company where you might seek employment. This individual could be a director, manager, supervisor, or CEO of the organization.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word profile of the individual that you interviewed for your company’s newsletter, and include the following:

Identify the individual and their position within the company, and briefly describe the organization.

Interpret the individual’s leadership style based on the Five-Factor personality model, and offer one or more examples of the management and leadership roles of this individual.

Explain one incident where this individual had to solve a difficult problem or situation because things did not go as planned.

Describe the lessons that she/he learned from being able to problem solve, even when what she/he had been taught did not work.

Format your profile in the form of a newsletter (the final format may vary depending upon the company’s style; please feel free to use either the provided template or to check the Internet or Microsoft® Word for additional newsletter templates).

Submit your assignment.

Addressing issues with homelessness

Question Description

Given the following learning objective: Decision Theory and Sensitivity Analysis in Operations Research. Please Review the articles listed below and provide a response to the following discussion topic:

How could we optimize Urban planning to address issues with homelessness?


Please write a paraphrased 3 page summary, with cites and references from at least 4 peer reviewed journal articles. These can be found either in the library or by selecting the pdf link to the right of your http://scholar.google.com search. Provide cites and references for each of your discussion responses.

Nursing research about a transitional nursing topic

Question Description

Students this project will allow you to formulate and hypothetically develop your own research project. The purpose of this project is for the student to complete all the different steps necessary to implement a nursing research project. This project will be subdivided into 4 different papers that will be submitted throughout the entire semester. The final paper will be the combination of the four areas. Please see separate file items for each phase specific instructions. Again follow APA style mandates.Paper will be submit it via turn it in; ONLY 10 SIMILARITY WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Phase 1 is the planning stage of a research project, students are to prepare a 5-6 page paper identifying a specific topic that you would like to investigates and relates to transitional nursing. You will provide a brief introduction of the situation utilizing published nursing research articles to support your statement. This paper will also include:

1-Introduction to the Problem

2-Clearly Identify the Problem

3-Significance of the problem to Nursing

4-Purpose of the research

5-Research questions

6-Master’s Essentials that aligned with your topic

Chapter 18 presented special risk management issues with Blue Wood Chocolates, and chapter 19 presented various financial risks at Kilgore Custom Milling. If Blue Wood Chocolate and Kilgore Custom Milling are to develop a risk management framework, who sh

Question Description

Chapter 18 presented special risk management issues with Blue Wood Chocolates, and chapter 19 presented various financial risks at Kilgore Custom Milling. If Blue Wood Chocolate and Kilgore Custom Milling are to develop a risk management framework, who should lead the process at each company? Should a Chief Risk Officer (CRO) be appointed? If so, to whom should he/she report and have access to? How could smaller companies without the resources for a dedicated CRO deal with ERM? What is the role for the board in such a process?

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

A) Create a new thread. As indicated above, if Blue Wood Chocolate and Kilgore Custom Milling are to develop a risk management framework, who should lead the process at each company? Should a Chief Risk Officer (CRO) be appointed? If so, to whom should he/she report and have access to? How could smaller companies without the resources for a dedicated CRO deal with ERM? What is the role for the board in such a process?

college education

Question Description

Essay 1. Please submit an essay of approximately 350 words describing the strategies you have used, or plan to use in the coming year, to cut the costs of your college education. How do you intend to finance your education while trying to minimize your debt?

Essay 2. Please submit an essay of approximately 350 words describing your relationship with the union and the labor movement. In what ways has it personally affected your life and your family’s life?

  • Because this is a union scholarship, we are looking for your own knowledge of unions and the labor movement. Although it may be included, please do not simply recite typical labor history. Write about personal stories and experiences. Many applicants may not be union members, but are the children or spouses of union members. Talk with union family members (parents, spouses, grandparents, etc.) and ask them about their experiences in the union. Relate personal stories and experiences on how being in a union has made a difference in their life and your life.

Gun Issue Research

Question Description

Conduct independent research on a gun-related topic

  • Submit a report of your findings
    • at least 2 single-spaced pages in length
  • Your assignment is to include the following information:
    • Detailed description of your topic
    • History, why it’s important, how it ties to sustainability/this course, who it impacts, etc
    • Discussion on at least 3 issues associated with that topic
    • One sustainability issue (problem) associated with that topic.
    • One specific reason this issue (problem) is important as it relates to business
    • At least 2 possible solutions to the issue and
    • Your opinion and why you feel that way
  • You may select a specific issue of your choice. If you need a little help, here are some ideas:
    • Companies that have cut off association with the NRA
    • Should teachers have guns in schools
    • How the NRA funnels money to our politicians
    • Rulings of the Supreme Court
    • Communities impacted by mass shootings
    • Restrictions on types of guns and/or gun modification devices (bump stocks, etc)
    • Issues with the ATF’s databases/record keeping

Human Resources Development

Question Description

For the Discussion Postings, I look to see if you made at least one post to each question (that is posted by me, the instructor) by the due date and time. These are always due Thursday night by midnight. In your response I look to see if you describe the theory or practice in question. Not just bullet point but also describe it so I know what it is your are referencing. If you do that you will have met my expectations and will receive a score in the mid 80s range, that is in the 8.3 to 8.7 range out of 10 points possible. If you have done that and related that to your own experience; i.e., how your company does it; you will score in the upper 80s to possibly the low 90s. That is in the 8.8-9.2 range. If you do that and recommend and suggest how your company could do it better you will score in the mid 90s to upper 90s, which is 9.3 to 10.00.

Diet Defense Paper: Human Nutrition APA Style

Question Description

For this paper, you must pick one ‘diet’ and define it, then defend why you would or would not recommend this way of eating for the average person. Examples include: Weight Watchers, Keto, Low Fat, Vegan, Gluten Free, Nutrisystem, Slim-Fast, Atkins, Paleo, Mediterranean, etc.

1 page minimum: describe, in detail, the parameters of the diet. How it works, what the requirements are, why one might choose to use or might need to use this diet.

2 page minimum: Pick a side and defend it! Yes, this diet is a GOOD idea, or no this is a BAD idea and why you feel that way–and any resources that support your stance.

For a total of 3 pages minimum in the BODY of the paper.

Full APA Style is required. 12 point font, Times New Roman, Double Spaced. Please be sure to use a Title Page, Abstract, Reference Page, etc. These pages DO NOT count towards the page minimums.

Book: Williams Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy by Nix 15th Ed.

Rubric: attached in files.

Close reading to Chap.5 in second section of MANHATTAN TRANSFER

Question Description

Please closely analyze this chapter.

The passage you pick will relate to a theme or topic that interests you, and in your analysis, you will explore how the language used contributes to this overarching theme, has a certain effect on the reader, or adds depth to the meaning of the text, etc

You may also use your analysis to offer an alternate interpretation of the text at hand. You can also discuss a passage from a text in relation to an earlier text we’ve read (or even a text from another class).

You don’t need to include an introduction. Be as specific and detailed as you can. Avoid repeating readings of the text discussed in class. Bring in hard copies.

The passage(s) you closely analyze are to be selected by you. Please refrain from searching “important quotes” as the analysis needs to be your own. (Please keep in mind that copying and/or paraphrasing an analysis from an online source is considered plagiarism and will lead to failure in the course.)