Women clincial d3



During one of my clinical experiences as a nurse practitioner, a female client presented with signs and symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis. The client was hesitant when I first mentioned the diagnosis. Calmly, I tried to talk to her about it. I discussed all the available treatment options to gain her consent. In addition, I established a rapport and created a conducive environment for the client to open up to me and discuss her sexual history (McCuistion et al., 2021). While she explained, I actively listened, making a client-centered and holistic approach essential to nursing care. To clear her doubts, I referred her for differential tests that included candidiasis and trichomoniasis vaginalis. She was satisfied at the end of her visit because I could develop a tailored care plan for her and engaged her in a health promotion strategy.

Challenges and Successes

A significant challenge was navigating the trauma associated with reproductive health diseases. Initially, the client was not willing to open up about her sexual history, which made it challenging for me to tailor a care plan. Due to the stigma associated with these diseases, healthcare providers should ensure that they provide a nonjudgemental and supportive environment characterized by active listening skills and affirmation of clients to develop trust. A notable success was the rapport we finally built that enabled me to tailor a care plan and educate the client about BV and how to handle it.


Signs and Symptoms (S&S)

According to the patient, she was experiencing a greyish vaginal discharge, fish smell, and itching. On examination, whiff test odor and a PH higher than 4.5 were present (Kairy & Garg, 2023).

Differential Tests

Differential Diagnosis: Bacterial Vaginosis

Rationale: The symptoms presented concur with Amsel’s odor, discharge, and high PH (more than 4.5), which indicates bacterial vaginosis (Kairys & Garg, 2023).

Differential Diagnosis: Vulvovaginal Candidiasis

Rationale: Vulvovaginal candidiasis is characterized by a cottage cheese discharge with high Ph but lacks fish odor. Also, upon examination, microscopic yeast would further differentiate it (Jeanmonod et al., 2023).

Differential Diagnosis: Trichomoniasis

Rationale: Like the two diseases mentioned above, trichomoniasis presents with high ph, vaginal discharge but lacks the fish odor. Upon examination, motile trichomonads are present (Schumann & Plasner, 2023).

Plan of Care

Metronidazole, an antibiotic that has shown effectiveness against pathogenic bacteria for Bacterial Vaginosis, is prescribed to remove the patient’s distressing symptoms like fishy odor and abnormal discharge (Coudray & Madhivanan, 2020). Furthermore, eliminating the infection with such focused therapy helps in restoring balance in vaginal microbiota, thus significantly helping to eliminate Bacterial Vaginosis and ensure its prevention.

Health Promotion Intervention

I insisted on condom use and having one sexual partner to minimize the risks of developing other infections, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea (Kairy & Garg, 2023). Also, the approach will reduce pregnancy complications that BV might cause. Besides, I advised the client to maintain optimal vaginal microbiome by using probiotics.

Clinical Learning

The clinical experience underscored the importance of reproductive health education among patients. Also, it reinforced the significance of destigmatizing these illnesses. Accurate diagnosis and treatment were made possible by clinical guidelines such as those from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Plan of Care and Research Guideline

CDC approves metronidazole as a first-line pharmacological treatment for BV (Coudray & Madhivanan, 2020). In addition, insistence on health promotion strategies concurs with global health organizations’ mandates that advocate for and advance reproductive health among women

This week’s clinical gave me the chance to evaluate, diagnose, and manage the patients with diverse health ailments or issues. I had a patient who was 44 years old and of African American descent with a uterine fibroid history. In this case, the major challenge posed by the patient was her worry and fear over how fibroid would affect her fertility and quality of life. As reported by Angioni, D’Alterio & Daniilidis (2021), fibroids may block the fallopian tubes and disrupt gamete transport that leads to infertility; thus, creating alarming fears in the patient’s mind. My success in this interaction was based on true collaboration through the teamwork of other health care providers, patients, and family to provide patient-centered and comprehensive education.

The patient had a long and heavy menstrual flow during the last four days. She reported chronic pain in the pelvic area which was especially painful during sex and menstruation. In this visit, the patient admitted to experiencing shortness of breath in addition to generalized weakness and tiredness. These symptoms could be attributed to her long and heavy menorrhagia, suggesting a potential iron-deficiency anemia that necessitated a workup and treatment (Mansour, Hofmann, & Gemzell-Danielsson, 2021). Apart from the uterine fibroids, the medical history of the patient was notable for pulmonary emboli and deep venous thrombosis. Both her social history and family history were not contributory.

Upon initial evaluation, the patient appeared appropriately dressed, with signs of fatigue and distress. Her vital signs include a BP of 122/78mmHg, Pulse of 98/min, RR of 20/min, Temp of 98.6oF, BMI of 28.4, and pain of 5/10. Palpitation of the lower abdomen revealed enlarged uterus with irregular contours, and pelvic exam revealed palpable masses that were indicative of the presence of fibroids within the uterus (Ahmad et al., 2023). Consequently, we consulted Gynecology and a diagnosis of multiple large fibroids was made after a transvaginal ultrasound exam. The core differential diagnoses that were considered included adenomyosis and endometrial polyps.

Based on the presumptive diagnosis of multiple large fibroids, a hysterectomy was recommended. However, the patient’s hemoglobin level of 3.8 g/dL during this visit was too low for surgery. Consequently, the physician started the patient on Lupron to help with the cessation of hemorrhage from uterine fibroids. She was started on iron sucrose 200mg intravenously daily and given darbepoetin alpha 25mcg intravenously every week. This treatment plan was based on the recommendations by Angioni, D’Alterio & Daniilidis (2021) that uterine fibroids is treated with medications that target hormones controlling the menstrual cycle. The medications target such symptoms as pelvic pressure and heavy menstrual bleeding, and work to shrink fibroids and not get rid of them.

In conclusion, the clinical experience for this week provided another opportunity to assess, diagnose, and manage patients presenting with different health conditions and problems, including uterine fibroids. In the case of the 44-year-old patient, the health promotion intervention that was addressed entailed education about lifestyle alterations, an iron-rich healthy diet, and supplementary regular exercise and stress management to improve the patient’s general wellness during recovery. The clinical experience confirmed the importance of patient education, shared decision-making, and a holistic approach to women’s health care. It emphasized that constant research and knowledge of the current guidelines in obstetrics and gynecology were needed to provide client-centered care.

ENG130 Post University Unit 2 Literature and Composition


  • unit 2 Overview

    Unit 2 Overview
    An open book with scenery on over the pages that lines up with the background of a lake and mountains with a person in the center. A place belongs forever to whoever claims it hardest, remembers it most obsessively, wrenches it from itself, shapes it, renders it, loves it so radically that he remakes it in his own image.”
    ~ Joan Didion

    Setting as a literary device is often mistaken for the place in which a story transpires. However, setting can be so much more. When an author ponders about setting, he/she also needs to consider the time, place, and era in which the story is set, the mood and atmosphere of the surroundings, and the weather conditions the characters will have to battle. What would the story of The Titanic be if the waters were not remote and icy? Would the battle of the sexes in Pride and Prejudice be as relevant in the 1990s, and would the desperateness of The Martian have any impact if not on a remote and isolated planet?

    All of these things must be considered when analyzing the setting in any piece of literature. Pay close attention to all of these aspects of setting when reading during this unit. This form of active reading will certainly help in your response writing.

    • Identify ethical considerations for the use of AI-generated content.
    • Analyze how setting affects a story’s characters and events.
    • Read, view, and engage with Readings and Resources.
    • Actively participate in the Unit 2 Discussion.
    • Complete and submit the Unit 2 Assignment – The Impact of Setting on Narrative and Reader Experience.
  • Item

    Readings and Resources

    Readings and Resources

    Topic One: Setting as a Literary Device

    Even though we are all reading the same texts, our views and experiences can be poignantly varied because of our own experiences. Think about what your experiences bring to these stories and poems as you read them. Enjoy!Kirszner, L. G., & Mandell, S. R. (2024). Portable literature: Reading, reacting, writing (10th ed.). Cengage Learning US.

    • Chapter 11: “The Secret Lion” by Alberto Alvaro Rios
      • pages 222-226
    • Chapter 26: “Theme for English B” by Langston Hughes
      • page 726
    • Chapter 26: “Bucharest” by Harriet Levin Millan
      • page 731
    • Chapter 32: Fences by August Wilson
      • pages 1221-1234
      • Read Cultural Context, Setting, The Play, and Act 1 Scene 1

    This interactive course was created to assist you in your mastery of setting.

    Topic Two: Academic Integrity: Plagiarism, Citations, and Generative Artificial Intelligence

    Plagiarism has likely been reviewed in each of your courses up until now. A good portion of plagiarism occurs because the writer does not understand the parameters and formatting of quotes, paraphrases, and researched information. Further, Artificial Intelligence Modeling Software can be an excellent research tool if you understand how to use it properly and its limitations. You should have begun the course by reading the announcement that discusses plagiarism. Please also be sure to read the University Policy on Academic Integrity linked in this course’s left-hand menu under University Policies. Post University created this interactive presentation to give you insights into using Generative AI in your coursework and how to utilize it best.

    Topic Three: Critical Thinking

    Critical Thinking skills build confidence and enable you to efficiently gather knowledge, quickly process information, and intelligently analyze data.

    How can evidence be presented for maximum effectiveness in arguments? Simply laying it all out is not always enough, but hiding parts of it is not the answer, either. This program begins by illustrating the meaning and significance of evidence and the presentation of evidence in numbers, percentages, rates, and over time. An argument against zoos then allows viewers to evaluate how evidence is used to support the arguments.

    Supplemental Resources:

    To achieve a deeper understanding of the literary device of setting.
    The article offers tips and advice to authors on establishing a setting in a literary narrative. The author reflects on the disorienting impact of the Internet and social media on society. Topics discussed include finding a key detail in order to evoke further details, appealing to many senses, and establishing the relationship between character and setting.

    The setting of children’s books has probably been given less prominence than their plots or characters, yet, as Rosie Webb Joel shows in this thought-provoking essay, setting can be crucial in influencing children’s responses and understanding of what they read.

    This article offers tips and advice to authors on the development of setting in literary works. The author reflects on traveling to the locations in the story, traveling as a means to develop plot, and basing a fictional location on an actual site. Other topics include describing sensory details within action sequences, checking references for accuracy, and research on the Internet.

  • Discussion Board

    Unit 2 DB: AI Generated Content – Unraveling the Ethical Dilemma

    Unit 2 DB: AI Generated Content – Unraveling the Ethical DilemmaIn academia and various professional fields, the concept of AI-Generated Content has sparked debates about the boundaries of originality and intellectual integrity. For this discussion, let us delve into the complexities of AI-generated Content and creative expression.

    • What are the main ethical challenges posed by AI-generated content?
    • Consider issues related to plagiarism, copyright infringement, and ownership of the generated works when providing your response.

    In response to your peers: discuss whether or not you feel AI-generated content may devalue human creativity and artistic expression. Why or why not? This is just a Discussion Broad assignment.

Gc Discussion 1


topic: Discuss how the concept of “health” has changed overtime. Discuss how the concept has evolved to include wellness, illness, and overall well-being. How has health promotion changed over time? Why is it important that nurses implement health promotion interventions based on evidence-based practice?

example 1 (Erin)

The concept of health has evolved significantly over time, reflecting changes in society, culture, science, and medicine. In the early 19th century, infectious diseases were widespread and challenging to contain primarily because of the lack of proper sanitation methods, including insufficient drinking water disinfection and improper removal of human waste. During this time, health was viewed in basic terms as disease-free (Falkner, 2022). In the past, health was often defined narrowly regarding the absence of disease. However, the modern understanding of health is more holistic, encompassing physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. There has been a growing recognition of the importance of preventive care in maintaining health. This includes strategies such as vaccinations, screenings, healthy lifestyle promotion, and early intervention. There is a growing recognition that factors such as income, education, housing, and access to healthcare significantly impact health outcomes. This has led to a greater emphasis on addressing social determinants of health to improve overall health and reduce health disparities.

Within the last three decades, though, there has been increased awareness of the importance of developing holistic and coordinated approaches for enhancing well-being (Squires and London, 2021, pg. 100). Health promotion has evolved significantly over time, reflecting changes in our understanding of health and the factors that influence it. In the past, health promotion efforts often focused on changing individual behaviors. However, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of addressing the social, economic, and environmental determinants of health at the population level. There has been an increasing emphasis on using evidence-based practices in health promotion, drawing on research and data to inform decision-making and program development. Technology has also played an increasingly important role in health promotion, using digital tools, mobile apps, and social media to reach and engage individuals in health promotion efforts.

Nurses must implement health promotion interventions based on evidence-based practice for several reasons: effectiveness, safety, efficiency, patient-centered care, and continual improvement. This is essential for ensuring nurses provide high-quality, safe, and effective care tailored to individuals’ needs and preferences.

Falkner, A. (2022). Health Promotion: Health and Wellness Across the Continuum (2nd ed.). Grand Canyon University

Squires, V., & London, C. (2021). The Okanagan Charter: Evolution of Health Promotion in Canadian Higher Education. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 51(3), 100–114.

Example 2  (Renet)

The concept of “health” has undergone significant evolution over time, shifting from a narrow focus on the absence of disease to a broader, more holistic understanding that includes physical, mental, and social well-being. Historically, health was perceived primarily as the absence of illness or injury, with medical interventions focused on treating specific ailments. Over time, this perspective expanded to encompass a more comprehensive view that not only addresses illness but also emphasizes wellness and overall well-being. This shift reflects a growing recognition of the complex interplay between various factors that influence health, including lifestyle choices, environmental conditions, and social determinants (Salmon, 2022). The evolution of the health concept has led to the inclusion of wellness and well-being, emphasizing the importance of preventive care, healthy lifestyles, and mental health. Wellness refers to the proactive pursuit of activities, choices, and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health. It encompasses the idea that individuals can take deliberate actions to improve their health and well-being, beyond simply avoiding sickness. This broader understanding of health recognizes the importance of mental and emotional well-being, social connectedness, and physical fitness as integral components of overall health.
Health promotion has changed over time to reflect this comprehensive view of health. It has shifted from focusing solely on disease prevention to encouraging positive health behaviors and creating healthy environments. Health promotion now includes a wide range of activities aimed at improving the well-being of individuals and communities, such as public health campaigns, community development initiatives, and policies to reduce health disparities. The importance of implementing health promotion interventions based on evidence-based practice cannot be overstated. Nurses play a crucial role in health promotion, and their actions need to be informed by the best available evidence to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of health interventions (Edelman & Kudzma, 2021). Evidence-based practice in health promotion enables nurses to use research findings to guide their strategies, ensuring that interventions are grounded in scientific evidence and have been proven to improve health outcomes. This approach enhances the quality of care, contributes to better patient outcomes, and ensures that resources are used effectively in promoting health and preventing illness. The reliance on evidence-based practice in health promotion reflects a commitment to professionalism, accountability, and continuous improvement in healthcare.
Edelman, C., & Kudzma, E. C. (2021). Health promotion throughout the life span-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=znJAEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1
Salmon, J. W. (2022). Defining health and reorganizing medicine. Alternative medicines, 252-288. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003294900-10/defining-health-reorganizing-medicine-warren-salmon

Example 3 (Melinda)

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) from 1948, the definition of health is defined as “A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” A health history of no co-morbidities in today’s society seems exceptionally unfathomable. In terms of past understanding of health, more people may have been considered “unhealthy” had medical resources been available then. Health has now began to include how individuals are including healthy habits into their lifestyle, are they often coming down with a sickness? Do they recover quickly? Health also includes how is the individual functioning while performing their daily habits and do they feel good. Health promotion has changed over time as now it does not just focus individually. It’s a promotion of doing good for the whole community. “The practical implementation of health promotion will improve the performance of health systems and strengthen their capacity to improve population health and reduce health inequities, both of which are key to realization of achieving health for all” (Barry M. M. (2021). I think this statement speaks volumes as it states very clearly, the broader we focus on doing good for the majority, the better we can be for our community and help more achieve optimal health. Implementing health promotion off of evidence-based practice allows nurses to provide their patient’s and community members with most up to date information, allowing for over-all well being.



ouchstone 1.1: Engage with a Work of Research

ASSIGNMENT: For this essay, you will select one of the articles provided below and engage in a 2-3 page summary and response dialogue with the source (not including cover pages, headings, reference lists, or reflection questions). This will involve providing a detailed summary of the source’s argument and responding to that argument with your position based on the information provided in the source. 

Article Option 1: “The Recess Debate: A Disjuncture between Educational Policy and Scientific Research”
Article Option 2: “Sugar in School Breakfasts: A School District’s Perspective”

Sample Touchstone

In order to foster learning and growth, all work you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a Plagiarism Detected alert. Review Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines for more about plagiarism and the Plagiarism Detected alert. For guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review Ethical Standards and Appropriate Use of AI.

A. Assignment Guidelines

DIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines. Refer to the Sample Touchstone for additional guidance on structure, formatting, and citation.

1. Article Summary

? Have you introduced the title of the article and the author by name?? Have you communicated the source’s purpose?? Have you included all of the source’s main points, using page-numbered citations as you paraphrase?? Have you restated the source’s argument mostly in your own words, with at least two direct quotations included, too?

2. Article Response

? Have you provided your perspective on the source’s argument?? Have you used at least two specific, quoted examples cited examples with page numbers from the source to illustrate why you either agree or disagree with the argument?

3. Reflection

? Have you answered all reflection questions including specific and concrete examples that provide thoughtful insight in all responses?
? Are your answers included on a separate page below the main assignment?

B. Reflection Questions

DIRECTIONS: Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions. 

What ideas originally came to mind when you first read through the article? Did your initial response to the article change after reading it for a second time? (3-4 sentences)

How does paying attention to the way you respond to a source help you formulate your stance on a topic? (2-3 sentences)

C. Rubric

Advanced (100%)Proficient (85%)Acceptable (75%)Needs Improvement (50%)Non-Performance (0%)

Source Summary (15 points)

Summarize the main argument of a research source.Provides a complete and accurate summary of the article’s contextual information, main purpose, and argument mostly in your own words, with at least two cited, key direct quotations.Provides an accurate summary of the article’s contextual information, main purpose, and argument mostly in your own words, with at least two cited, key direct quotations.Provides an accurate summary of article and contextual information, but may be missing one cited, key quotation.Provides an incomplete summary of the article’s contextual information, main purpose, and argument and/or is missing both cited, key quotations.Does not provide a complete and accurate summary of the article’s main purpose and argument in your own words, with at least two cited, key direct quotations.

Source Response (15 points)

Articulate a response to the argument presented in a research source.

Constructs a thoughtful and academically appropriate response to the source, including accurately identified, quoted, and cited samples from the source that relate to the response.Constructs an academically appropriate response to the source, including accurately identified, quoted, and cited samples from the source that relate to the response.Constructs an academically appropriate response to the source, but may be missing one quoted and cited sample. Samples are accurately identified and cited.Constructs an appropriate response to the source, but does not include quoted and/or accurately cited samples that relate to the response.Does not construct an academically appropriate response to the source, does not include quoted or cited samples from the source that relate to the response, and/or samples are inaccurately identified and cited.

Organization (5 points)

Exhibit competent organizational writing techniques.

Includes all of the required components of a summary and response essay, including an introduction with an engaging summary of the source’s argument, and body paragraphs containing a detailed and thoughtful response to the argument.Includes all of the required components of a summary and response essay, including an introduction with a summary of the source’s argument, and body paragraphs containing a response to the argument.Includes nearly all of the required components of summary and response essay; however, one component is missing.Includes most of the required components of a summary and response essay, but is lacking two components; sequences ideas and paragraphs such that the connections between ideas (within and between paragraphs) are sometimes unclear and the reader may have difficulty following the progression of the essay.Lacks several or all of the components of a summary and response essay; sequences ideas and paragraphs such that the connections between ideas (within and between paragraphs) are often unclear and the reader has difficulty following the progression of the essay.

Style (5 points)

Establish a consistent, informative tone and make thoughtful stylistic choices.

Demonstrates thoughtful and effective word choices, avoids redundancy and imprecise language, and uses a wide variety of sentence structures.Demonstrates effective word choices, primarily avoids redundancy and imprecise language, and uses a variety of sentence structures.Demonstrates generally effective style choices, but may include occasional redundancies, imprecise language, poor word choice, and/or repetitive sentence structures.Frequently includes poor word choices, redundancies, imprecise language, and/or repetitive sentence structures.Consistently demonstrates poor word choices, redundancies, imprecise language, and/or repetitive sentence structures.

Conventions (5 points)

Follow conventions for standard written English. 

There are only a few, if any, negligible errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.There are occasional minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.There are some significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.There are frequent significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.There are consistent significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.

Reflection (5 points)

Answer reflection questions thoroughly and thoughtfully.

Demonstrates thoughtful reflection; consistently includes specific and concrete examples that provide thoughtful insight in all responses, following or exceeding response length guidelines.Demonstrates thoughtful reflection; includes multiple specific and concrete examples that provide thoughtful insight, following response length guidelines.Primarily demonstrates thoughtful reflection, but some responses are lacking in detail or insight; primarily follows response length guidelines.Shows limited reflection; the majority of responses are lacking in detail or insight, with some questions left unanswered or falling short of response length guidelines.No reflection responses are present.

ED6504 Week 8 Leadership Theories in Higher Education Practice



This assignment has two parts. For Part 1, you will interview a higher education leader and analyze their responses through the lens of leadership theory. You will also ask them to identify an equity challenge they are focused on in their work, and analyze their approach to that challenge using one of the frames (Gallos & Bolman, 2021). 

For Part 2 of this assignment you will write a scholarly paper. In this scholarly paper, you will summarize the findings from your interview, analyze the leader’s responses through the lens of leadership theory, identify a leadership theory that most closely aligns with this leader’s philosophy, and conclude the paper by comparing their approach to leadership with your own views on effective leadership. 


Part 1: The Interview

Conduct an interview with the higher education leader you identified during Week 1 of this course. (Ideally, the interview should be conducted by the end of Week 6 so you have adequate time to write your paper.) The higher education leader you choose can be a leader at any level of administration (for example, director, dean, department chair, vice president). You can interview someone at your own institution, a college/university where you hope to work someday, your alma mater. You might also consider a classmate in one of your Capella courses who serves as a higher education leader. 

This interview should be conducted in real-time by phone, video, or face-to-face. In preparation for your interview, design questions to identify the leadership theory that best relates to the leader you interview. It may be helpful to send the questions to your leader in advance, so they have time to reflect on these questions before you meet with them.

As you are conducting the interview, pay close attention to how the leader’s responses demonstrate various aspects of the leadership theories we have studied.

Use any combination of the following suggested interview questions and your own questions. Be sure to review the paper sections before you conduct your interview to be sure you gather adequate data to effectively write your paper.

General and Organizational Structure:

Tell me about your position and the department/division you lead.

Where does your department fit within the organizational structure of the college/university?

Would you be willing to share an institutional/department organizational chart with me?

Leadership Theory:

What is your highest priority as a leader? 

  • How would you describe your leadership approach/philosophy?
  • When you need to lead you team to achieve a shared goal, how do you do that?
  • How do you motivate those you lead?

How do you generally make important or strategic decisions?

Do you see yourself as a manager or a leader? Explain why.

  • What is your approach to projects that need input from others?
  • Institutional/Department Culture:
  • What are the most important values of your institution/department?
  • What are the beliefs in your institution about student success? Student learning? Equity? 
  • What are some important traditions, stories, or symbols in your department/institution?
  • Do specific ceremonies, annual meetings, or the like play a role in your institution/department?
  • Equity Minded Practice:

What is a diversity/equity/inclusion challenge or project that you are currently focused on? How do you approach this work? 

Part 2: The Paper

  • Write a 5–8 page paper in which you.
  • Analyze how the words and behaviors demonstrated by a leader during an interview align with key principles of a specific leadership theory.
  • Analyze the organizational culture in which the leader works. Explain who the leader reports to and the department/division in which the leader works.
  • Analyze the institutional culture in which the leader works with an explanation of the values, beliefs, and traditions of the institution or department. 

Describe a diversity, equity, or inclusion challenge the leader is currently working on and the leader’s approach to this challenge. 

Explain how your own beliefs, values, and leadership approach differ or align with this leader’s.

  • In each of these sections, be sure to include quotes, as appropriate, from the interview. Cite these quotes according to APA guideline for personal communication.

Support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant and credible evidence by properly citing, referencing, and paraphrasing the scholarly literature using APA format for all citations.

Format your paper using the following sections:

Introduction: Introduce the key sections of your paper. 

Higher Education Leader: Identify the position of the leader whom you interviewed and describe their job.

  • Institutional Culture: Describe and analyze the institutional culture in which the leader whom you interviewed works, using the five windows developed by Levin (2000) to assess the institutional culture. Explain the values, beliefs and traditions of the organization/department. Cite Levin (2000) and Gallos and Bolman (2021) in your analysis.
  • Organizational Structure: Describe and analyze the organizational structure of the department and institution in which the leader whom you interviewed works. Clearly explain the position the leader reports to, the department/division they are in, and so forth. Cite Gallos and Bolman (2021) related to the structural frame.
  • Leadership Theories: Identify one leadership theory you believe this leader demonstrates. Analyze their leadership approach through the lens of this theory, using specific quotes from the leader you interviewed (with citation) in your analysis. Identify specific elements of the leadership theory and explain how the leader demonstrated this principle/strategy. Cite Northouse (2022) in your analysis.
  • Equity Challenge: Describe a diversity, equity, or inclusion challenge the leader is currently working on. Explain the leader’s approach to this using quotes (with citations) as appropriate from the leader. Cite McNair et al. (2021) in your analysis.
  • Reflection: Reflect on the leader’s approach. Explain how your own beliefs, values, and leadership theory differ or align with this leader’s approach, citing the literature in your reflection. You may use first person in this section of the paper only.  

Reference: Include a reference list with references for each of the sources cited in your paper. For help finding sources, see the Higher Education & Adult EdLinks to an external site. tab of the Education Library Research GuideLinks to an external site. or Finding Academic Sources for Education Literature ReviewsLinks to an external site.. You can also contact Library HelpLinks to an external site., as needed.

In addition to your course readings, consider using scholarly articles from the Capella library to support each of the theories you summarize. Cite all resources, including course readings, in accordance with current edition APA guidelines.

What can be done better to protect student athletes dealing with name, image, and likeness?


This project will consist of two parts:

  • Research Proposal (Part 1): To complete a research proposal, you will need to identify an issue, gather sources that address that issue, and read and analyze those sources to reach an informed understanding of the issue. In the proposal, you will discuss how these sources informed that stance you will take on the issue. You will also discuss how these sources can be used to establish your ethos (credibility) in Project 3 to help move your audience into action. Through this process, you will be a better informed rhetor. You will write this research proposal and turn it in before you compose the Statement of Purpose and Design Plan.

The following sections should be included for the Research Proposal:

  1. Introduction:
    1. This should be a brief paragraph that introduces background information about your topic and contains a thesis that states the problem and gives several potential solutions that you will help to work toward with your research.
  2. Problem statement:
    1. This should be more detailed than the introduction and should explain, with more depth, why this advocacy issue is important, how prevalent/relevant it is in society, how it relates to you personally, and how people are trying to approach solving/helping the issue.
  3. Objectives:
    1. This should be where you should explicitly state your projects’ purpose, target audience, and goals.
  4. Literature review:
    1. This section should be where you discuss the sources related to your topic. The goal of the literature review is to show the current discussion and actions that are being formed on your advocacy issue. A literature review might also talk about common designs, tones, terms, etc. that are used to advocate for this issue on existing websites. A literature review should use direct quotes and evidence (photos welcome) to provide the information about your advocacy issue. It should be a minimum of 4-5 robust paragraphs that give information about your topic using the sources you found.
  5. Methods:
    1. This section will describe how you are going to achieve the goals of your advocacy project. (For this section you will briefly write about the creation of your website and why a website is a good genre to use to get your message out). Do not explain the design of the website here, just explain the site’s purpose and goals.
  6. Works Cited:
    1. This should be a separate page attached to your proposal that cites, in MLA, all of the resources you used in the proposal.
  • Design Plan (Part 2): In the first half of this essay, you will identify your purpose (or goal), your intended audience, and the context of your situation. You will explain the exigence (problem) you’re responding to, and you will propose how your chosen audience can help solve this problem. You will use the research you conducted in your research proposal to help elaborate your exigence, context, audience, and goal. For the Design Plan section of this essay, you’ll elaborate on your rhetorical composing strategies (such as ethos, logos, pathos, cultural knowledge, bodily experience, and identification). You will discuss how you specifically plan to use those strategies to move your audience into action. You will also discuss the medium of the website and how this digital medium will best reach your audience. Finally, you’ll discuss the arrangement and design of your website. You will elaborate on how each section of your website achieves a certain goal in order to move your audience into your intended action. You will use this Design Plan to connect how your strategies, medium, and arrangement will connect between your purpose, audience, and context.

The following sections should be included for the Design Plan:

  1. Introduction
  • Briefly describe your advocacy topic to provide context for your reader (two sentences at the most for now).
  • Clearly identify the purpose and goal of your advocacy project webpage. What are you trying to achieve with this genre of a webpage? What action are you trying to move your target audience (your primary AND secondary audiences) to take when they visit your webpage?
  • You should explicitly connect the 2-3 solutions you proposed in your Research Proposal thesis statement to your QUESTION of the goal of your webpage. For example, if one of the solutions you mentioned in your RP is to raise awareness, that should be reflected in the goal of your website. 
  1. (More) Context of your Advocacy Topic 
  • What are the historical and current dimensions around your advocacy topic? What is happening? 
  • Based on the research you conducted for your Research Proposal, what types of people are involved in this conversation already? (Look at the authors of your sources or populations that your sources discuss.) 
  • Explain how any other information you’ve learned while researching your advocacy topic has shaped your understanding of the context. (For instance, has this issue been going on for longer or less time than you previously thought?)
  1. Audience 
  • Explain your target audiences (which must be a primary AND secondary audience).
  • Why are your primary and secondary audiences integral to your project? In other words, why are they the best groups of people to target to achieve your goals? 
  • What do you know about this audience after conducting research for your RP? 
  • What knowledge are you hoping for your audiences to gain after visiting your webpage?
  1. Strategies/Arrangement
  • This will be the heart of the paper. The medium of the webpage (or any medium used to communicate) will directly shape your message. Detail at least five (5) rhetorical strategies, appeals, OR choices that you are going to use on your webpage to persuade your target audiences to take action. Just as you rhetorically analyzed a rhetor in Project 1, you are now in a rhetorical situation and must employ these types of strategies. Answer the following questions in a paragraph for each (5 paragraphs required total):
    • Why did you select this strategy, appeal, or choice? Why is it rhetorically effective considering your audience and the goal of your advocacy webpage? 
    • How will you achieve the strategy, appeal, or choice? Will you use text, images, or videos, evidence, or other examples? Please directly cite the images or photos you may use. What research or information from your RP will you use to help you? 
    • How does the strategy directly link back to your goal of the webpage and your proposed solution(s)? 
  1. Conclusion: Describe the arrangement of your webpage.
  • How many pages will you have? What will those pages be? What information will be included under each one?
  • What color scheme will you use? Why?  

public speaking (topic :- Informative Speech)


Touchstone 3: Informative Speech

ASSIGNMENT: For this Touchstone, you will deliver a 5–7 minute informative speech on a topic of your choice. The speech can be for any context, but it must be informative. Below is a list of example informative speech topics for your reference.

Type of Informative SpeechPurposeExamplesObjectTo inform an audience about something visible or tangible

The human body

An episode of The Family Guy

A car engine

Equipment for riding a horse

ProcessTo explain a series of actions or steps with a defined ending point

How the modern electoral college works

How an ice cream sandwich is made

How to drive a car

How to study for a test

EventTo discuss or describe an occurrence of importance

The Battles of Lexington and Concord

A person’s first week at college

The invention of the telephone

  • The Norman invasion of England
  • ConceptTo discuss or explain an abstract idea or notion

The origins of the universe

  • Love at first sight
  • Optical illusions

Patriotism vs. nationalism

In order to foster learning and growth, all work you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a Plagiarism Detected alert. Review Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines for more about plagiarism and the Plagiarism Detected alert. For guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review Ethical Standards and Appropriate Use of AI.

Touchstone Support Videos

Evaluating Your Sources
Maintaining Relevance and Balance

A. Directions

Step 1: Select Informative Topic/Issue

Informative Speeches: Definition and Types

Step 2: Consider Purpose, Thesis, and Audience

Identify your purpose, thesis, and audience. Imagine your audience and how you would want to convey your message to this audience. As you start to plan your speech, ask yourself the following questions:

What are you hoping to achieve with this speech?

Who will be in your audience? What do you know about them?

What is the key message of your speech?

Utilize your program resources, the internet, or a local library to find three credible sources that are relevant to your speech. As you look for sources, consider the following questions in your search to help ensure credibility:

How recent is the data or information presented in your source?

When was the source published? If the source is a website, when was the website last updated?

What does the source cover?

How well-researched and detailed is the source? How much depth is the topic covered in?

How is this content and level of detail relevant to your purpose, audience, and message?

  • How is the author qualified to speak on the topic?
  • What is the author’s purpose?
  • What biases might they have?
  • Is the information the author’s opinion alone or is it supported by cited facts?

Who funds the website or publication?

Are there items endorsed or for sale? If so, what items?

What is the reputation of the website or publication?

Refer back to the following lessons for support:

Gathering Information

Sources of Information: The Library

Sources of Information: The Internet

Evaluating Sources

Step 4: Identify Pieces of Evidence

Read through your sources to identify five pieces of evidence that support and reinforce your thesis. Be sure to use at least three different types of pieces of evidence from the following list:







Refer back to the following lessons for support:

Supporting Your Ideas

Using Examples

Using Visuals, Testimony, and Storytelling to Support Your Ideas

  • Step 5: Create Notes

Create notes or bullet points that you can refer to while presenting your speech. You should not read your speech word for word from your notes. Make sure to cite at least three sources or pieces of evidence as you deliver your speech.

  • Step 6: Use Clear Language

Ensure that the language you use is consistently clear and appropriate to the audience, which helps the audience connect with you and your topic. Explain any technical jargon you use where necessary.

Refer back to the following lessons for support:

How to Use Your Knowledge of the Audience

Mind Your Audience

Tailor Abstraction to Your Audience

Make It Memorable and Enhance Audience Understanding

  • Step 7: Practice Speech
  • Practice presenting your speech. Deliver a speech that is 5–7 minutes in length.
  • Refer back to the following lesson for support:

Best Practices in Public Speaking

Step 8: Review Rubric

  • Before filming, review the rubric to ensure that you understand how you will be evaluated.

Step 9: Film Speech

  • Film yourself presenting the speech. Be sure that you can be easily seen and heard—at minimum, your head and shoulders should be visible in your video, and you should make eye contact with your audience by directing your speech toward the camera.

Important: Be sure that your speech’s purpose, audience, and thesis are clear. If you choose, you can state this information at the beginning of your video before you begin your speech.

Refer back to the following lessons for support:


The Purpose and Thesis Statement

Step 10: Review Video

Review your video to ensure that you can be seen and heard. Refilm as needed. Your speech should be delivered in one video with no cuts or editing.

Step 11: Review Checklist and Requirements

  • Review the checklist and requirements to ensure that your Touchstone is complete.
  • Step 12: Submit
  • Upload your video using the blue button at the top of this page.
  • Refer to the checklist below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.
  • ? I have selected a speech purpose that is informative.
    ? My speech has an introduction, body, and conclusion.
    ? The introduction includes my key message (thesis).
    ? The body includes my main points and support.
    ? I have selected sources that are credible and support that is relevant.
    ? I have used language that is appropriate to my audience.
    ? The conclusion summarizes my main points and includes a call to action.
    ? I have filmed a video of myself presenting my speech.

Psychology Question


Assignment Overview

Therapists are compelled to not only understand the specific theoretical model but are required to apply the model of treatment while working with a client unit. This is what separates a therapist from a good friend who can listen and offer commonsense advice. As a therapist, you are a professional, and your hypotheses, questions, inquiries, and feedback should be grounded in theory. As a result, this assignment challenges you to clearly demonstrate your understanding of the theoretical models reviewed this week.  

To successfully meet the requirements of this assignment you will provide a summative overview of the two approaches assigned this week. You are required to provide a minimum of three foundational similarities between the two models. In doing so you should clearly offer your rationale for why you have identified said similarities. You will also provide a minimum of three differences between the two models, and again you will address your rationale for why you have identified those specific theoretical differences. You will then offer what you identify as strengths or weaknesses (a minimum of three) of either of the theoretical models in relation to couple therapy. Then you will review the vignette provided below and specify which theory you would use to work with the couple after offering a case conceptualization. You will detail your rationale (a minimum of two relevant rationales) for why you have selected one theory over the other.  

Using the language of the theory you have selected, you will develop and share a minimum of five questions you would ask the couple unit that would help the couple moved closer towards their goal. In addition, you will clearly articulate the rationale for each question you present. You will specify a minimum of three theory-specific interventions while working with the couple identified in the vignette. You will share your rationale for why you have selected each specific intervention and clearly articulate how the intervention will benefit the couple. 


Marissa and Maria have been married for six years but have known each other for more than 20 years, as they met while serving in Iraq. Marissa is 46 years old, and Maria is 44 years of age. They have 3 children and are both retired from the military. Marissa has chosen not to work at this time, but volunteers some of her time at the local shelter for women and children. Maria currently works in marketing. Both Marissa and Maria identify as Americans of Mexican ancestry. 

While working with Marissa and Maria in couples therapy, they share with you the struggles that they have been experiencing for many years and this is the 1st time that they reached out for assistance. Marissa shares her inability to fall asleep on a regular basis. She talked about recalling vivid situations she had experienced in Iraq to include an attack that almost killed Maria. She shared that those dreams have become more recurrent over the last year and she finds herself unable to get past the memory. Marissa states that losing Maria frightens her and she finds herself constantly anxious around the idea of not having Maria with her as she continues to raise their children.  

Maria shares that many of nights she has had to wake Marissa up and reassure her that she is okay. She continued to say that Marissa is now less patient with the children and loud noises startle her. In addition, Maria shares that she is losing patience with Marissa given that she shared that same experience but has worked through it enough that the aftermath does not affect their relationship and family. Maria clearly indicates her love for Marissa but shares that she sometimes gets frustrated because they are struggling to simply communicate with one another. 

Marissa acknowledges that the challenges she is currently experiencing are creating an issue for their relationship and for their family and she wants to find a way to work through her past experiences.  

Sample Paper Structure: It is recommended that you use the titles below as subheadings in your reflective analysis.


In this section, you should clearly introduce your paper and share what you plan to address in the pages ahead.  

Theory 1: Summative overview 

In this section, you should provide a summative overview of one of the theories assigned for you to review this week. The summative overview should be in your words but please make sure to cite your sources accordingly if you paraphrase or decide to directly quote from the text. 

Theory 2: Summative overview 

In this section, you should provide a summative overview of the other theory assigned for you to review this week. The summative overview should be in your words but please make sure to cite your sources accordingly if you paraphrase or decide to directly quote from the text. 

Similarities between both theories 

In this section, you should discuss the similarities between both theories to include your rationale (a minimum of three). 

Differences between both theories 

In this section, you should discuss the differences between both theories to include your rationale (a minimum of three). 

Analysis of theories in relation to couple therapy 

In this section, you will analyze both theories and offer strengths and weaknesses of the theories in relation to couple therapy. 

Theory selection based on the vignette 

In this section, you offer a case conceptualization demonstrating your clinical understanding of the presented information. You will then identify the theory you have selected to use to address the challenges presented by the couple identified within the vignette. Please include your rationale (a minimum of two) as to why you have selected one theory over the other. 

Theory-based questions and rationale 

In the section, you will share a minimum of five theory-based questions that would benefit the couple. Your rationale for each question should be articulated. 

Theory specific interventions and rationale 

In the section, you will share a minimum of three theory-specific interventions that would benefit the couple. Your rationale for each intervention should be articulated. 


In this section, you should provide a summary of the information you have detailed in this assignment.

write a research question


Touchstone 1.2: Write a Research Question, Thesis, and Outline

ASSIGNMENT: Following the Topic Selection Guidelines below, choose an argumentative topic to research. This will be your topic throughout the entire course (excluding Touchstone 3.1), so the activities required for this assignment will provide the foundation for your future Touchstones. The topic for an argumentative research paper must be an arguable topic, meaning that it involves a stance that advocates for a concrete course of action and at least three supporting reasons which are defensible with credible sources. Additionally, it must take a stance that someone could hypothetically disagree with. You will need to take a firm position on the topic and use evidence and logic to support the position. Touchstone 1.2 includes a research question, a working thesis, a detailed outline, and a reflection on this pre-writing process. 

Sample Touchstone 1.2

In order to foster learning and growth, all work you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a Plagiarism Detected alert. Review Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines for more about plagiarism and the Plagiarism Detected alert. For guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review Ethical Standards and Appropriate Use of AI.

A. Topic Selection Guidelines

DIRECTIONS: You may choose any topic you wish as long as the stance is arguable and the supporting reasons are defensible with evidence. Your topic should be current, appropriate for an academic context and should have a focus suitable for a 6-8 page essay.

In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back with a 0, and you will be given one attempt to redo the Touchstone. 


1. Rather than ending at age eighteen, compulsory education in the United States should be lifelong in order to improve civic engagement, teach new skills, and stave off cognitive decline, thus extending life expectancies.

2. Local governments, businesses, and property owners should replace conventional grass lawns with clover lawns in order to create habitat for pollinators, save water, and reduce maintenance, which will also lower carbon emissions.

3. Colleges and universities should prioritize academic freedom for students because sensitive discussions on difficult topics are necessary for students to learn, confidence in their own expertise is essential to teachers being effective, and students should be prepared to be exposed to many different opinions.

B. Research Guidelines

DIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines. Refer to the Sample Touchstone for additional guidance on structure, formatting, and citation.

1. Research Question and Working Thesis

Keep in mind: The research question and working thesis are the driving force behind your research and eventual argument. 

? Your research question should be a single sentence, framed as a question.
? Your working thesis should be a single focused sentence, framed as an actionable statement that takes a clear position on the research question and includes three main supporting points for holding that position.
? Include your research question followed by your working thesis.

2. Detailed Outline

Keep in mind: Your detailed outline provides a map of the argumentative research essay that you will write in Touchstone 3.2, including your key claims and the sources that support them. You might not have all seven required sources yet, and that is fine, but at least three are required. (As a heads up, the next unit will focus on sources and will require them all to be credible and mostly peer-reviewed.) The outline is a way to organize your essay and determine which areas (e.g. your sub-points) will require researched evidence as support. 

? Headings: one for each paragraph with a brief label of the paragraph’s controlling idea(s).
? An introduction, at least five body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
? Introduction includes your working thesis.
? Body paragraphs should each have their own unique title and key points.
? At least one body paragraph is devoted to addressing counterarguments.
? Conclusion includes notes on your final thoughts.
? Subheadings: two to five for each paragraph, below each heading, indicating key points that support the controlling idea
? Sources: one to three for each paragraph, as relevant, indicating the support for the key points. Do not over-rely on any single source.
? For each source, include the author’s name and the idea or information relevant to your argument (e.g. “Lappé (2017) on mono-cropping corn/soy and production”). Link with a website if it is available.

3. Reflection

? Have you displayed a clear understanding of the research activities?
? Have you answered all reflection questions including specific and concrete examples that provide thoughtful insight in all responses?
? Are your answers included on a separate page below the main assignment?

C. Reflection Questions

DIRECTIONS: Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions. 

Learning to conduct research is important because it is a skill you will use both in academia and in your professional life. It improves critical thinking and empowers you to find information for yourself. Consider the process of researching as a whole. What was the most challenging aspect of the process for you? (2-3 sentences)

The working thesis statement is a proposed answer to your research question. It should clearly identify an arguable topic and take a position on one side of that topic. Analyze the effectiveness of your working thesis statement. (3-4 sentences)

A detailed outline is an effective tool for laying out the progression of an argument. It allows you to consider the arrangement and organization of your ideas, as well as choose places to incorporate outside source materials. Review your detailed outline and summarize the argument you’ve presented. (3-4 sentences)

You will use the same topic on three of the remaining Touchstones in this course. What kind of feedback would be helpful for you? What are specific questions you might have as you go deeper into the research process? (2-3 sentences)

Philosophy Question


Rene Descartes and Betrand Russel their focus on Epistemology

Use these 3 sources only for the paper. No outside sources, and tie the paper to at least one popular film, book, event, or t.v. series to tie the Philosophers’ theories to contemporary issues, e.g., the movie Pay it Forward for Mill’s Utilitarianism, or 7 Pounds for Kant’s Categorical Imperative. (The Good Place and the Matrix have been used too much. Do not use them.)

The 3 sources to are attached and need to be the only sources used throughout the paper. Please cite exact quotes with page and paragraph numbers where the direct quote was found. 1500-2500 words.

For the final assignment of this course, you are asked to research, think about, and write about two philosophers we have studied during the course.

Choose one philosopher whose ideas, theories, and methods of argumentation and methods of reasoning in relation to a particular philosophical issue you (personally) find to be strong; and

Choose one philosopher whose whose ideas, theories, and methods of argumentation and methods of reasoning in relation to a particular philosophical issue you (personally) find to be weak.

Study them again, in more depth. Choose an aspect of their teachings to focus in on, such as Descartes on Doubt, Aristotle on Happiness, or Sartre on Freedom. In your paper, thoroughly summarize and explain the two Philosophers’ theory, with careful citations. Then explain why you find the theories of one, but not the other, to be strong. Give a clear argument or rationale for your position!

You must evaluate the two chosen Philosophers’ theories themselves, on their own terms, and determine whether you personally think they put forth a good argument. DO NOT state whether or not you agree with them. Mere agreement or disagreement does not meet the required level of critical thinking. State who did their job better, and why.

Summarize a central theory of your chosen two Philosophers’ theory in your own words. Use direct quotes with page numbers. Then go on to explain your own position about the strength and weakness of their theory, in a strong first person voice.

Your project should cite at least three (3) sources from course content and be 1500-2500 words. Use the first-person voice when describing why you find the theories strong or weak. Give the paper your own unique stamp of originality. Take ownership of the entire process and the opinions you present.

Refer at length to at least one popular film, book, event, or t.v. series to tie the Philosophers’ theories to contemporary issues, e.g., the movie Pay it Forward for Mill’s Utilitarianism, or 7 Pounds for Kant’s Categorical Imperative. (The Good Place and the Matrix have been used too much. Do not use them.)

NOTE: Artificial Intelligence-based resources* are pretty good at generating general essays on the Philosophers. They’re also halfway decent at suggesting opinions that could be formed about the topic at hand. But they are terrible at describing, for example, what’s going on at your workplace and how you wish Immanuel Kant were there to help iron it out, or how you felt when you watched your favorite Black Mirror episode, or what you think Jean-Paul Sartre would say about the Ethics of climate activism.

For this assignment, first choose two Philosophers such as Descartes and Russell, and an area such as Epistemology. Then identify a current event, situation or film that involves the area, such as Inception (found on this IMDB list: Poll – Films that Play with the Concept of Reality But remember, The Matrix is not eligible.) Review your two Philosophers’ theories in the Recommended Reading, draft up a quick summary in your own words with several key quotes (record the page numbers so you don’t have to go back and find them later). Then go on to bring in your specific example. You can transition with something to the effect of, “One of my favorite films ever is Memento (Summit Entertainment, 2000). In it, Leonard Shelby (the main character) experiences: ………. In studying Descartes and Russell, while both Philosophers’ theories can be applied to the movie, I find Russell’s arguments about knowledge of reality much more convincing. I think that what he says about knowledge by acquaintance applies perfectly to the storyline of Memento in this way: …….. (The Problems of Philosophy, 1912, p 25) It is a much more convincing line of reasoning than Descartes’ theory ‘Cogito ergo sum,’ Decartes’ attempt to prove that nothing except the self can be known with any certainty fall short. Here is why I think that: …….. (Descartes, 1640, p 78)

You are not asked to focus on which Philosopher you agree with the most; only focus on which one you think gave better arguments for the points being made, and which one did not – as it relates to, in this case, the Epistemology questions that arise in the movie Memento.

There isn’t time to research everything the Philosophers taught, so be selective in what you include. No padding your paper with tons of biographical information about them. If you do decide to refer briefly to their personal lives or the year they spent in a cave, etc., cite the page number! No information that isn’t considered “common knowledge” is allowed to be included in your paper without a citation. The only exception is when you are summarizing the plot of a film, book, new item or t.v. series. One initial citation is sufficient for that type of thing.

Remember, provide thorough internal documentation of your sources, including specific and accurate page numbers as well as a References or Works Cited section at the end. Retrieval dates are mandatory, including for PDFs, just like you’ve done in your other homework assignments. Always credit information, concepts, and knowldge that you did not previously possess! NO external sources* allowed without prior approval. *Including — but not limited to: Course Hero, Chegg, quizlet, and OpenAI or related.

Use only the course materials (exact excerpts) in your Final Paper.