Current Event on “Global Cooperation”

Question Description

Search the internet for an article about a current event going on in the world that involves global cooperation.

Answer must be no smaller than 1 page.

Source the article used. Must use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

POS210: Gun Control and its governmental Perspectives

Question Description

Write a short 2 page paper each on how:

Libertarian (2 page)

Conservatives (2 pages)

Socialist (2 pages)

Modern liberals (2 pages)

Approach Gun Control.

Therefore, you need to have a total of 8 pages.

Test taking strategy

Question Description

Read the following article and discuss with your peers. What strategies have you used or what strategies do you plan to use on the upcoming test for the week?

13 Tips for Prepping for Your Next Test

“Religion and Human Rights in the News” Reports – Women’s Rights

Question Description

300 words

simple writing

write a summary of a recent news story which is relevant to the topic being addressed. which is Women’s Rights

write a short analysis of the role you see religion playing in the news story.

Ethics questions

Question Description

answer few ethics essay questions like 1 paragraph or 2 for each question and send each one of them as soon as your done with each question and work on next question. I’ll send the questions soon.


Question Description

Read the Personality Theory Paper, and follow the instructions to complete the assignment.

Cite all sources used including the movie, (No assignmments will be accepted in this course without references and citations).

Submit your assignment.

Microsoft Word & PowerPoint Assignment

Question Description

I have uploaded Question related “Microsoft Word & PowerPoint Assignment”. Inside the file attached there are 5 questions. Answer them all.

*** I have uploaded file named “5 Questions”.

Capital punishment

Question Description

All the instructions are down below REFERENCE PAGE NEEDED not included in the number of pages I will still need 5 pages, feel free to ask me questions if needed. This must be done on time

question below

Question Description

read 2 company essay then Provide a minimum 250 word conclusion telling your audience why you choose to work in your chosen company. Provide solid reasons for your choice. (upload your written work in the dropbox)

help with disscussion question

Question Description

Choose one of the following scenarios, give three (3) examples of customer privacy data elements, and then discuss how the concepts of confidentiality, integrity, and availability relate to each.

  • A healthcare provider
  • A banking institution
  • A nationwide retailer
  • An educational institution