Social interactions soc 350

Question Description

Social interactions include a large number of behaviors and usually are divided into five categories. Please identify, define and discuss the 5 types of social interaction.

Your response and DQ answers should be at least 200 – 250 words in length.

I want u to write

Question Description

Social interactions include a large number of behaviors and usually are divided into five categories. Please identify, define and discuss the 5 types of social interaction.

Your response and DQ answers should be at least 200 – 250 words in length.

Research Paper (5 Pages)

Question Description

Write me a research paper, 5 pages.

-Should be written academically
-Should be written without plagiarism (less than 10% Better if 0%)
-Must be good in English (grammar etc.)

I will provide sample, guidelines and sources.

Please bid if you are good in writting

write paragraph 250 words using simple English words about your favorite travel destination.

Question Description

please help to write paragraph of 250 words using simple English words as ( beginner level) about favorite travel destination. ( Turkey)

( please note that copying and past from the internet not accept)

the paragraph should br 0‰ plagiarism

just adjust and write more information in my notes under the future use slides ​/Discuss future technology as it pertains to the 4 bullets we have listed

Question Description

Discuss future technology as it pertains to the 4 bullets we have listed. For instance, “greeting and identifying customers”…perhaps mention this could be implemented in the hotel industry or the travel industry or even the banking industry, etc.

Book analysis Questioning Empowerment: Working with Women in Honduras

Question Description

I want a book analysis done on Questioning Empowerment: Working with Women in Honduras

You can get the outline is from online sources but make sure you make proper citations to parts you use.

300-500 words will be fine.

APA format

Introduction of an empirical research paper

Question Description

Please set up a topic of the research paper (I will give you a guideline of how to choose a topic). Since this is a data(statistics) analysis research paper, you will need a lot of data and data model analysis.

Supply Chain management case

Question Description

In the file, there is an article followed by requirements. The length can be as long as you need. (approximately 5-6 page total)

Please notice that, at the end, where shows case 3&4 substitution need to be done as well.

International finance case

Question Description


I need help developing 8-10 slides powerPoints that answer provided questions about “EMIRATES AIRLINE: A BILLION-DOLLAR SUKUK-BOND ISSUE” case

Please provide in the note section what to say exactly in each slide.

Please find attached the case and the questions to be answered

CRM 102 intro to criminal justice

Question Description

Answer one of the six questions on page 269.

One to one and half pages, not required to be APA compliant. No title page needed. No references required. Your opinion. Double space and indent paragraphs.

Textbook Title: Essentials of Criminal Justice (2019)