paper discussion

Question Description

in this geology course we used Essentials of Geology 6 ed by Marshak

write a 2-3 page (typed, double-spaced) paper discussing the geologic focus of the book (shown below ).In your discussion, combine what you have learned from the book with what you havelearned in class to demonstrate your understanding of the topics. Your paper mustrepresent your own thoughts, written in your own words

book name : Assembling California by John McPhee

just withe 600 words write anything will use in Industrial Electronics for the Solar Cooker in the file upload

Question Description

Industrial Electronics. In 600 to 1000 words (via Microsoft Word Count), provide me with a report addressing the following topics:

1- The research and their academic field of study.

2- A broad description of their research topic.

3- The content that you would apply from Industrial Electronics to enhance their research efforts.

4- How would you integrate this knowledge into their research project.

write each ? in at least 90 words keep in mind this are interview ? so answer them as if you are trying to get a job

Question Description

1) what is your great failure and what did you learn from it. even though its a failure tell a store and how you still made it work

2) how do you explain your gap in employment

3)when was you most satisfied in your job

4)what did you like least about your job

5) describe a time you did not get alone with co-worker

?6) what motivates you

7)how would your friend describe you

8) do you have any ?

six steps

Question Description

write a six step evaluation of the heart attack data in the story used in Writing 2, using the exact margin of error calculations (appendix, p. 185 in the textbook).

Your evaluation should, like Writing 2, include a full six step evaluation and also two diagrams: one for the study design and one for the data. You do not need to do the 7th step reflection as asked for in the main Writing 2 assignment.

week 2 dicussion post

Question Description

Read the Case 1 EEOC Case at the end of Chapter 4 and in your initial post answer the questions using the chapter readings and three scholarly journal references from outside sources. Be sure to integrate a Christian worldview discussion of equal employment opportunity into your answer. Please write this initial post with 400 – 500 word count with 3 scholarly reference and in text citation and biblical scriputral using APA format paper.

Bathtub curve

Question Description

Explain the “bathtub curve” as it relates to availability. See picture attached

  • What is meant by Software Defined Compute (SDC)? List its advantages and disadvantages.

It is SDC when virtualized a compute function and abstracted from the hardware its built on, which will create an operation that can be controlled and managed through a central interface and that allows to sees all computing resources as a one element.

find the pros and cons for SDC

250 word Reflection

Question Description

In this reflection, please describe the most important thing you havelearned from participating in this module and explain why you think it’simportant. Remember that the overarching purpose of this class is to(1) help you learn how to think, solve problems, and view the worldaround you like an engineer, and (2) help you understand how thisengineering worldview is different from the worldview in your primaryarea of education.

The files attached go over the materials we covered

​- personal statement،2- research statement, and 3- writing samples do

Question Description

– personal statement،2- research statement, and 3- writing samples do not meet the requirements. Your personal statement should explain your goals and motivations for entering the program as well as some of your background. The research statement should directly state what topics or ideas you hope to research while in the program and focus on. The three writing samples should be papers that used research to support your claims and are technology related.

You are a music writer writing an article about music and music critics. This article will be published in a famous magazine with the goal of showing readers the importance of writing about art in general and music specifically

Question Description

Your article must include the following topics:

1) Pick two music critics from the lists below: one from Classical Music and one from Popular Music.

2) Find and read three articles by each of the two critics you choose. Document your articles in your Final Draft in a “Works Cited” page according to MLA style.

3) Listen to the music discussed in those articles and identify ways in which each music critic approaches his subject.

Sampling and Data Collection in Research Paper

Question Description

Review Ch. 5 & 7 of Applied Social Research.… chapter 5… chapter 7

Complete the Sampling and Data Collection in Research Paper.



What difficulties have you faced with creating research problems? What strategies can you use to avoid to difficulties?

Explain the concept of sampling in research. How can you avoid bias when selecting samples for human services research?