Module 4 Assignment 2 C for W

Question Description

Write a memo that outlines the parts of a business plan. Explain why each part is important.

Your message should be written in a memo format. This file should be “ready to print” and should include traditional memo headers but should not include extraneous information at the top of the document (your name, my name, class name, etc).

Submission Format

Use the following format when naming your file: your First Initial and Last Name with the Assignment Name.

Example: JDoeModule1Assignment.docx

Topic Selection

Question Description

It is time to identify an environmental controversy that is of interest to you.

You might find it useful to read your local newspaper, browsethrough your textbook, or search online for an environmentalcontroversy that you wish to research throughout the rest of thecourse. Once you have determined an issue, write a brief, 1 paragraphdescription of the issue and why you feel strongly about it. Once yourinstructor has approved this topic you may begin your research.

“Form and Content of Not-for-Profit Financial Statements”

Question Description

“Form and Content of Not-for-Profit Financial Statements” Please respond to the following:

    • Identify and research one (1) not-for-profit organization and provide the Web link to the most recent financial report of the organization. The organization identified should include business and investment activities.
    • Contrast the treatment of business type activities in the financial report of the not-for-profit entities and governments.
    • Identify one (1) significant difference in accounting for investments by the not-for-profit and the for profit business.

Physical Fitness

Question Description

Maintaining physical fitness depends on eating healthy and incorporating exercise into our lives. Your assessment this week was on healthy eating. This TedTalk discusses why some people find it harder to exercise.

Why do some people find it harder to exercise? How much does your mental outlook regarding exercise affect your ability to exercise? Describe the “Keep you eye on the prize” philosophy that Emily Balcetis discusses and does it work?

Power Point Presentation: Security Breach in Uber in Late 2016

Question Description

Topic: Security Breach in Uber in Late 2016.

Need to touch these points:

  • Describe the incident
  • Provide Specifics about the incident.
  • What data or information was impacted?
  • Describe threat modeling techniques which could have assisted in the mitigation of breach.
  • How can the organization be better postured for future attacks?


  • Need 15 Slides (Exclude Title and References Page)
  • Need 5 APA References
  • Need Notes for Each and Every Slide
  • No plagiarism please

Note: No Paragraphed content in slides (Only in notes)

Sensational and perception discussion 5

Question Description

  • Explain the adaptive role of pain. Describe the role pain plays in our daily lives. What do you think would happen if you could not sense pain?
  • Is there a difference between the immediate pain signal and the signal that occurs after some injury? Explain. What causes each type of pain?
  • Do you think that we seek to eliminate pain too often? Are there cases where experiencing prolonged pain can lead to an increase in pain sensitivity? Explain.

Create a strategic marketing plan in Sport Recreation Management

Question Description

Develop a strategic marketing plan for a start-up organization related to Sport Recreation Management. The sport organization may be small sport business, sport apparel company, fitness center, community recreation league, professional sport franchise, professional sport league, non-profit sport organization, or any other sport start-up. Your written marketing plan should be 5-6 pages in length, double spaced 12 points Times New Roman type with 1 in. margins (left, right, top and bottom), excluding exhibits, appendices, and references.

120 word minimum; no plagiarism; discussion board

Question Description

Talent Management”

  • Review exhibit 12.2 and identify one strategic human resource management activity.
    • Recommend and explain one (1) approach to address the needs of a multi-generational workforce in executing the activity.
    • Provide support for your recommendation.
  • Determine one (1) significant challenge for management related to diversity.
  • Suggest one (1) diversity initiative that management may use to either minimize or overcome this challenge.
  • Respond to the post of at least one of your peers.


please answer the following question

Question Description

With increasing globalization, the products available to consumers in this country could

be manufactured in many different places in the world. This raises concerns about safety, maintenance

and parts availability, and requires the development of international standards. Please describe the

importance of international standards associated with air conditioners, heat pumps and refrigerators,

namely those standards related to thermodynamics such as the safe operating pressure and

environmental quality of the coolant. Write two paragraphs (half page single-spaced) and cite two web-

based references.

Karthik BE dis – I need a discussion on the below topic

Question Description

Student must read the week’s chapter and article and explain the impact of private equity firm acquisition of manufacturing and retail firms.

Use at least two (2) academically reviewed journal articles as research for your response

Reading Assignment

500 words, APA format and min of 2 references