Need research paper edited (should be very easy)

Question Description

I have written a paper and submitted it to my professor for editing. Some of the edits are shown in red and by the strikethroughs. To access all of the comments, the paper needs to be downloaded. If you could go through the comments and suggestions by my professor and clean up the essay. I will attach the Word document but please make sure you download it so you can view all my proffessors edits once again.


Question Description

The goal of this assignment is to summarize four of the five clinical cases discussed in Chapter 12. While you read the chapter, take notes on the child’s history, diagnostic testing results, rehabilitation/intervention methods, and the overall outcomes for the adult. Use your notes to write a summary for each of the four cases you select. Each summary will need to be a half MS Word page (double spaced; 12-point font) and will be worth 0.5 points.

13.5 Rival Causes Assignment

Question Description

  • For this assignment identify a behavior of interest (to you).

  • Search google for causes that have been proposed for that behavior.

  • Include your own analysis of causes as well.

    • including any rival causes

For Example:

  • Behavior: Depression in college students
  • Causes: Numerous causes have been proposed for depression in college students, such as . . .
  • Analysis: I agree/disagree with some of these causes, I think this is caused by . . .
    • Some rival causes could be . . .

Internship Output Assignment

Question Description

Upload either a) a 3-5 page document detailing the things you accomplished while in your internship. This must be detailed and with images, if appropriate or b) 3-5 actual products you produced in your internship (e.g., a report, a design, research, etc.)

Here is a previous report on my role and tasks. Please use this article to write about the internship. No picture is needed, it can be said that there was no photo during the internship.

I need an anotated bibliography (research) dealing with gun violence and gun control in america.

Question Description

I need at least 3 annotated bibliography dealing with gun violence and gun control in America. It has to be presented in either MLA or APA format, Must include 6-9 sentences of critique then 2-3 sentences of summary and 2-3 sentence do you agree with the and is it credible to you. I can provide the 3 articles to do it on and the guidelines to complete the assignment. I need it no later than 8pm tomorrow(Sunday)

Case Studies and Ethnography

Question Description

For this discussion, refer to the qualitative case study or ethnography research study you found in the Capella library. Use the Article Analysis Worksheet to prepare for this discussion. Briefly summarize the article (1–2 paragraphs). Discuss the following aspects of the study:

  • How large was the sample and what were their characteristics?
  • How was the data collected?
  • How was the data analyzed?
  • What were the results and how can they be utilized?
  • How does this qualitative study differ from a quantitative study?

class discussion/ budget

Question Description

Question: why budget planning is the first and important part of any business plan and business implementation?

How to Create a Project Budget – Project Management Training

After you watch the following video, discuss with classmates why it’s important to have access to all financial reports in business for making a discussion? don’t forget to cite your answers and reply two classmates’ posts.

Research paper, I have written it all, all I need is adding.

Question Description


I have already wrote my research paper which it is about ( why should engineers travel abroad). I have written 3 pages out of 4. All I need is for someone to write a strong thesis, adding more information and ideas after the quotes and to body paragraphs and a strong conclusion. I have already written 3 pages, all i need is one more. I will give you what I wrote so you could finish it

PhD questions

Question Description

Doctoral candidates should provide an authentic personal statement to each of the five following questions/prompts reflecting on their own personal interest. In the event that any outside resources are used, resources should be cited in APA format. Submissions should be a maximum of 500 words or 125 words per question/prompt. It is best to response to each prompt/question individually for clarity of the reviewer. Writing sample should be submitted in Microsoft Word format and include candidate’s name.

I need a three page paper for CRJC 304

Question Description

I need a tutor that is good at writing and follow direction of the assignment nothing more, nothing less this assignment required three or five pages, I went with a three page paper for CRJC 304, I would like my tutor that, I been dealing with and that’s Duke. I will send the information that’s needed but Duke if you think, I need more pages for this assignment. let me know thanks have a blessed beautiful day!