1 page competitive analysis PR 3

Question Description

Great salespeople must have knowledge of their competitor’s strengths and weaknesses. A good

salesperson will adjust their selling strategy depending on their competitors. For Project 3, imagine

you are a salesperson for Verizon Wireless and have been asked by your manager to do a competitive

analysis on competitors Sprint and AT&T. Make a list of 10 parameters that can be used to compare

Verizon, Sprint and AT&T. Create a competitive analysis grid comparing the three companies. For


Please Answer Questions

Question Description

1. How would you define interpersonal skills? As abstract ideas? As interactive processes?
2. Do you feel interpersonal skills are a necessary component of teamwork? Why or why not?
3. Describe a situation in which you used interpersonal skills to influence outcomes.
4. Describe an instance when you joined an existing team. Describe the team you joined. What actions did you take to become acclimated with the team? What did the team do to make you feel welcome?

US History

Question Description

As we studied in class, the civil rights movement in the United States was successful, bringing monumenmtal victory for the African American with passage of 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Civil Rights Act. With these Acts, the African Americans were finally given the same rights as the whites Americans were at least in the legal sense. Discuss how this was achieved and also state what role Martin Luther King Jr. took in this success.

150-200 words

Write a 2 pages research paper,and a presentation slide

Question Description

You will choose a real organism,and write an 2 pages research paper which based on it‘s two different evolutionary adaptational cycles. You should add some images to support your idea.

And then choose one of evolutionary permutations to make a presentation slides with images (need citations). I will make a 5 minute presentation base on the presentation slides and paper.

PLEASE kindly check the requirements , and make sure the essay and slide achieved the requirements.

Thank you so much!

Breakeven calculation

Question Description

  1. Assume that Percy has selected Finland as the best location to begin his international expansion. Now, Percy begins to put costs together. He forecasted 7,000 fireplaces per year. Calculate the breakeven points for the three countries. Should Percy still go with Finland or should he select another country? If the forecast was 5,000 should Percy ignore the weighted factor model? Explain why or why not.
    Finland $550,000.00 $180.00
    Germany $450,000.00 $200.00
    United Kingdom $400,000.00 $220.00

answering 4 easy questions

Question Description

fter submitting your Textual Evaluation to USF Writes for feedback, complete the reading and upload your answers to the following questions:

  1. How did you collaborate in ways that advanced your learning and the learning of others?
  2. How did your attitude impact your product and the learning of others?
    How did you respond when comprehension did not come easily and when you wanted to give up?
  3. What did you recognize as a strength and what can you do to develop specific competencies?

Part 8 and FINAL

Question Description

Why does Simon Sinek believe that service is such and important attribute in organizations and to people?

Describe how shared hardships help to create cohesive teams.

Final book summary. Minimum 300 words.

Reflecting on the ideas in this book; summarize three major concepts you feel are the most impactful and discuss why?

Information and knowledge are wonderful, but useless if not used in some form. How do you plan to use these ideas in your lives/careers? If not, explain why.

Data Science & Big Data Analy

Question Description

Organizations are often challenged with what to protect and to what extent. Many companies are still having a difficult time in protecting their data in digital format

and defining what constitutes sensitive and non-confidential data, and how to share the data within the company and with the public.

Describe technology’s impact on data security and ethics in data analytics. Use APA-style references wherever necessary to support your discussion.

Discussion Length (word count): At least 250 words with no Plagiarism.

security architecture and design

Question Description

Research and develop a MS Word document of at least 2000 word that:

1) Discusses a comparison of various Biometric Access Tools or Biometric IT Safeguards

2) The paper must include the background/history of the tools, their uses and applications. Compare at least three (3) different tools.

3) Discuss your thoughts on other places that you would uses these tools.

Any safe assign match above 40% will receive a reduction in grade. Any late submission will be awarded a zero.



PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT, Journal writing of 1-2 pages I will pay 15$ the journal is about SCOR model

Question Description

Using the materials presented by the Guest Speaker Mr. David Burton on Nov 21st, 2019, write a comprehensive journal. The journal should cover on: What is SCOR model? What is the significance of SCOR model? How is it related to supplier performance evaluation? How do you think we can strengthen supply chain resilience by using SCOR model?

The max number of pages should be 3 pages. Down the SCOR app and read it through before writing this journal