Presidential town hall talk

Question Description

I’m doing just Taxes, talk about how corporations doing taxes and how corporations are taxed , would you keep the tax the same if yes then you gotta give good reasons why it should it stay the same and if not then give good reasons and how will it better…etc ,Soo basically imagine you in presidential debate or whatever and I have links that you can use, 3-4slides

This is my final exam presentation

please respond to the following post.

Question Description

please respond to the following post with a long paragraph add citations and references.

My topic is Primary care shortage.

Dissemination of EBP and research, such as presenting results at a conference or writing an article for a journal, is an important part of professional practice. Identify one professional journal and one nursing or health care conference where you might present your project. Discuss why each of your choices is the best option for you to disseminate your new knowledge.

Inferential Statistics

Question Description

For this discussion, refer to the other article you found in the Capella library. The article should be a research report on a quantitative research study in a topic area of interest to you. Use the Article Analysis Worksheet to prepare for this discussion. Briefly summarize the article (1–2 paragraphs). Discuss the data-analysis procedures, addressing each of the following issues:

  • How was the data analyzed?
  • What statistical procedures were used?
  • What were the results?
  • Did the analysis confirm the hypothesis or hypotheses?

Case study

Question Description

Read the mini case, Project Management at MM (pp. 324-327).

Submit a Word document with answers to questions one and three on page 327. Your answer to question one should be about one page long. Your answer to question three should be about two pages long.

Your Word document must:

  • Use APA level one headings to separate your answers to questions one and three.
  • Comply with the APA and writing standards for this course
  • Have three scholarly sources, not including our textbook.

Read the Two articles and answer the questions

Question Description

Read the two answers and answer the questions

  • Discuss GE’s change in strategic management of its human capital; do you agree with their revised approach to evaluating their personnel?
  • In general, should employees be ranked against one another when it comes to evaluating performance and considering their future progress in the firm?
  • What are the challenges firms face in ensuring that their leadership, human resource management and governance structures positively influence their strategy implementation and engaged behavior?

2 pages should be good

DQ14 Nurse Role and Scope APA Format

Question Description

After reading Chapter 14 and reviewing the lecture powerpoint (located in lectures tab), please answer the following questions. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references (APA) included in your post.

1. What signs might alert you to a potential professional boundary violation or crossing?

2. Contrast the terms terminal sedation , rational suicide, and physician-assisted suicide.

3. Identify at least 3 moral dilemmas that occur during end-of life care and decision making.


IT-305 Wireshark Home scan Assignment? Follow the direction bellow!

Question Description

Scan your home network with Wireshark, take screenshot of the some of traffic, then open one of the packets and describe what you see. Tell me what the device/site the traffic is coming from and going to and describe what protocols are being used. Take a screenshot of the packet you are describing and be sure to expand everything in the middle window so I can see what you are describing.

It should be just 1 page!

primary resource essay

Question Description

only use this resource

the essay need to answer: What is its purpose? What werethe circumstances of its creation? What is it saying to its audience? Andwhat are its implications in the context of the creation of interiors). Your understanding, what have you learned? Give some examples of works to support your point of view, Youressay must be a work of criticism and interpretation (informed, sustained andsubstantiated).

the examples and quote must from this resource

Discussion 1 page

Question Description

Religious Perspectives (Links to an external site.)

A Biblical Perspective on the Death Penalty (Links to an external site.)

Christians and Capital Punishment (Links to an external site.)

Discuss and analyze both pro and anti death penalty arguments from a religious perspective (any religion). Do you feel the religion of your choosing provides a stronger argument for or against capital punishment? Explain.

Phenomenology and Grounded Theory

Question Description

For this discussion, refer to the qualitative phenomenology or grounded theory research study you found in the Capella library. Use the Article Analysis Worksheet to prepare for this discussion. Briefly summarize the article (1–2 paragraphs). Discuss the following aspects of the study:

  • How large was the sample and what were their characteristics?
  • How was the data collected?
  • How was the data analyzed?
  • What were the results and how can they be utilized?
  • How does this qualitative study differ from a quantitative study?…