2nd part of work

Question Description

  1. Read M. Lee (2006) p477-482 “Environmental Harm as a Market Failure”
  2. Read B. Andrew (2008)
  3. Watch a short video explain externality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuJ4E1UMk3c
  4. Watch video “Tragedy of Commons” https://drive.google.com/open?id=1t4auSQzZreTmpH7d…

This week, we’ve spent our time examining a set of research designs – experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental designs – that allow us to investigate the relationships between things. Key among those relationships are causal relationships– relationships in which change in some independent variable causes change in a dependent variable. For schools and practitioners, this question – whether or not something we do causes change in an outcome we care about – is of critical importance.

For your exit ticket this week, summarize and explain, in 3-4 paragraphs, the extent to which each of the designs we’ve talked about – experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental – allow us to make claims about cause and effect. As you do so, be sure to draw upon and reference our class readings and resources.

2 questions

Question Description

Please use bad grammar and not big word becasue this person just learned english! Read chapter 4 in the textbook and the articles. 3-4 paragraphs

This week, you read both Creswell and Ercikan & Roth. Creswell gives us something of a traditional setup- describing both “quantitative,””qualitative,” and “mixed method” research designs, each of which fit (more or less) under the research paradigms we discussed earlier in the week.

Ercikan & Roth, however, complicate a seemingly simple (and widely held) perception of how the tools that we can use as researchers work. For your exit ticket this week, I’d like you to respond to a few prompts:

1.) First, summarize Ercikan & Roth’s argument – how do they evolve our understanding of how we think about, pursue, and interpret research?

2.) Do you think that Ercikan & Roth’s model is useful for how we think about using research in educational practice? Why, or why not?

Security Architecture & Design (ISOL-536-01) – First Bi-Term – week6 – q2

Question Description

In this week’s reading we looked at accounts, identity, authentication, and account recovery. There is an old adage that says, “You can never be too safe. When it comes to the digital world, it’s very true. Cyber hackers and hijackers are lurking everywhere to steal digital information. And while it’s a piece of cake for them to get passwords and other sensitive information, for the rest of us, keeping track of login information is a hassle especially since everything needs its own password. It’s too much and eventually passwords get forgotten.

The week’s reading mentioned various methods of approach to account recovery. In your own words state what approach(s) you believe are the best approaches for account recovery, and how you would apply the approach in an enterprise setting. Please state your answer in a 1-2 page paper in APA format. Include citations and sources in APA style.

Unit 1 Peer Review 2 Students?

Question Description

Investigate the library and Internet for information about virtualtechnologies and how these technologies can help organizations achievetheir business goals. Complete the following:

  • From your research, select and describe at least 3 virtual technologies.
  • For each selected technology, describe at least 3 benefits that the technology would provide to an organization.
  • Discuss how the technologies can be combined to provide further benefits to an organization.

Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2of your fellow classmates with at least a 300-word reply about theirPrimary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling andenlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider thefollowing questions:

  • What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?

Security Architecture & Design (ISOL-536-01) – First Bi-Term – week5-Discussion

Question Description

Hello Class! Please respond to BOTH of the following questions:

Question A

List and explain at least two things you can achieve by testing software for security Issues.

Question B

Each week, research a unique news story or article related to Information Security/Information Technology. Post a summary of what you learned to the discussion thread, please also provide a link to the original article. Source is your choice; however please fully cite your source.

Please respond to the initial question by day 4 and be sure to post two additional times to peers and/or instructor by day 7. The initial post by day 4 should be 75 to 150 words, but may go longer depending on the topic. If you use any source outside of your own thoughts, you should reference that source. Include solid grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling.

Security Architecture & Design (ISOL-536-01) – First Bi-Term – Discussion 4

Question Description

Defense in Depth

Hello Class! Please respond to BOTH of the following questions:

Question A

  • In your own words explain the concept of “Defense in Depth”.

Question B

Each week, research a unique news story or article related to Information Security/Information Technology. Post a summary of what you learned to the discussion thread, please also provide a link to the original article. Source is your choice; however please fully cite your source.

Please respond to the initial question by day 4 and be sure to post two additional times to peers and/or instructor by day 7. The initial post by day 4 should be 75 to 150 words, but may go longer depending on the topic. If you use any source outside of your own thoughts, you should reference that source. Include solid grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling.

Please share your “a-ha” moments from the videos and readings.

Question Description

Module 4: Forum

Please share your “a-ha” moments from the videos and readings. Provide at least two quotes with a page number. (this way your classmates can also reference back to the article and further understand the context of the quote).

Respond thoughtfully to a topic from your own experience/observation. Provide links and resources related to the topic that would be of interest to other participants. Raise a thought-provoking question related to the topic. Finally comment on at least three of your classmates’ posts, engage them in a thoughtful way.

The primary reading focus will be on the book Social Media and Music. Reflect on how the music industry and musicians use social media to promote and market music. Has the music industry drastically changed due to social media?




Week 3 Discussion – Privacy and Data Security – Question 1

Question Description

Privacy and Data Security

Hello Class! Please respond to BOTH of the following questions:

Question A

  • Why is Privacy and Data Security so important?

Question B

Each week, research a unique news story or article related to Information Security/Information Technology. Post a summary of what you learned to the discussion thread, please also provide a link to the original article. Source is your choice; however please fully cite your source.

Please respond to the initial question by day 4 and be sure to post two additional times to peers and/or instructor by day 7. The initial post by day 4 should be 75 to 150 words, but may go longer depending on the topic. If you use any source outside of your own thoughts, you should reference that source. Include solid grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling

Synthesis Paper #1

Question Description

– Design

Type of service:
Research Paper

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
2 pages

Number of sources:
2 sources

Paper detalis:

The essay shouldbe 2-page paper , and use double space. Sketch pictures chould not becounted into the words. If you use two sketches, and they account forone page. The article should be 3 pages because sketch pictures occupyone page.

the subject you choose should be in specific time period, such as Arts and Craft/Mission (1880 to1920)’s furniture.

You just need to help me find 2 2 hybrid digital/ manual sketches , andeach sketch must include notations with arrows describing the design. Ifthe picture you find does not have enough description, please add somedescription, so I can follow what you did to do the sketch again.

Critical Thinking – D1

Question Description

Read Chapter 2 and 3 :

Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2012). Critical thinking: Tools for taking charge of your learning and your life(3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. ISBN10: 013218091X ISBN13: 9780132180917

  • In Chapter 2, Paul and Elder (2012) examine the stages of critical reasoning. How would you rate your own critical reasoning as you refer to Exhibit 2.1 (Paul & Elder, p. 28)? Explain your thinking here.
  • Paul and Elder (2012) examine the three basic functions of the human mind in Chapter 3. How do the functions of feeling and wanting impact your reasoning?

Where have you successfully managed feeling and wanting to move towards higher level critical reasoning? Give concrete examples from your personal or professional life.Your document should be minimum 300 words with APA style writing and references.