Help for my homework

Question Description

This assignment for Computer Since #2

This allows you to address the skills gap. What is a project you are excited

about doing because it will help you get where you want to be? What are
your weekly goals that will help you get there? Even if your feelings about
your project change over the semester, I want you to lay out a project you
are willing to stick with for the entire semester. And I want you to lay out
what you plan to complete every week of the semester. This is a good time
to work through the S.M.A.R.T goals worksheet. Please be sure to document
what you are doing related to this project. You will use the web sites you
visit as part of your citations and literature review later. You will do a 1
minute presentation on your project in class
• (30 points) Write 2-3 paragraphs discussing what you want to go do.
Discuss the project outcomes, the skills you will need, and other ideas
you have related to the project.
• (10 points) Write a one paragraph project description
• (10 points) Describe your project in a single sentence
• (10 points) Write an outline of your final code, or the basic outline of
the basic structure of the work you plan to do.
• (10 points) What is your project title?
• (15 points) What are your big three project goals (5 points per goal)
• (20 points) Describe templates or guides you will be using for reference
on your quest.
• (5 points) Week 6 project deliverable: What are you going to have
completed this week? How do you know you have it done?
• (5 points) Week 7 project deliverable
• (5 points) Week 8 project deliverable
• (5 points) Week 9 project deliverable

  • (5 points) Week 10 project deliverable
    • (5 points) Week 11 project deliverable
    • (5 points) Week 12 project deliverable
    • (5 points) Week 13 project deliverable
    • (5 points) Week 14 project deliverable
  • Link to smart goals: (Links to an external site.).pdf

    Example of a Semester Project Description: (Links to an external site.)

    PenPal Discussion SPN1121 – Discussion 1

    Question Description

    Pen-Pal 1 – lesson 7

    Available before Sunday, September 22, 2019 11:30 PM EDT.

    Must post first.


    1. Refer back to what you’ve learned in your VHL Central Portales lessons.

    2. Go to the Pen-Pal 1 Discussion Topic, and post a new thread:

    Your pen-pal is coming to visit you and is interested in finding out about your everyday life. Write an e-mail to your pen-pal describing your daily routine, your likes and dislikes. Your email should include at least 4 reflexive verbs and 2 verbs like “gustar”. This post should be at least 6 sentences.

    3. Return to the Pen-Pal 1 Discussion Topic after you’ve completed step 2, and post a reply to one of your classmates’ new threads in which you:

    Find a classmate’s initial post that does not have any replies yet. Post a question to another classmate about his/her daily routine.

    4. Return to your initial thread (from step 2) in the Pen-Pal 1 Discussion Topic, and read the question posted to you on your thread by a classmate. Then, post a reply to this question in which you:

    Respond to the question of another classmate using full sentence.

    Refer to the Pen-Pal 1 Discussion assignment page for detailed instructions and grading information.

    Here is the suggested routines

    Wake up at 5:30. Get My son ready for school and myself. I then drop him off at school and then head to Dunkin donut for my morning coffee. I hate being late because If I am late for anyone of these activities, I will be late overall for work. I reach work by 8:30 and leave at 5:30. I rush to get my son before 6:00 p.m. and then head home to cook. On the weekend, I take my son for breakfast and then we go to the park. After the park, I work on my online classes and laundry. On sunday, we prepare for the week all over again.

    JRN 4401 Writing

    Question Description

    Choose one or two situation(s) and/or “groups” to address. This assignment must be in essay format. Your essay should be a minimum of 1,000 words.

    Use your book to help you with this assignment. Use key terms from the chapters we have read so far, and you may read ahead, as well. is a Troy University official student-run on-line radio station. It “broadcasts” from noon until midnight weekdays (central time). It needs to raise about $200 a month to meet its expenses, license fees, etc. This puts it in competition for advertising dollars with every other media outlet in Pike County, including the Troy Messenger, Troy Cablevision Channel 52, and WTBF-AM (1947) and WTBF-FM (1997), the only commercial stations in Pike County.

    WTBF-AM is a “local” station, playing primarily to the Troy population of approx. 15,000 and to a lesser extent, Pike County, with about the same number or residents.

    WTBF-FM is an “oldies” station, with older demographics (35-65), and is more local than most but also carries news and information to appeal to the entire Wiregrass, which their signal covers well.

    Troy Messenger is the only local newspaper, and it is published five days a week. They skip Monday and Sunday.

    Group One is managing What do we play in order to attract our core audience, how much are commercials, and what can we do to promote it?

    Group Two gets to be the new owners of WTBF-AM/FM. How do we maintain the current level of service and profit against this new upstart? What do we play and why? How do we promote? What do we charge?

    Group Three gets to be the new owners of the Troy Messenger.

    Group Four gets to start a new TV station in Pike County.

    You will be a part of any group (you choose). And you can choose up to two situations (groups) to address. You can also just address one—that’s entirely up to you.

    EDU 330: Class Divide and Invisible Knapsack (wk6)

    Question Description

    A Class Divided and the Invisible Knapsack Review

    Imagine that your principal has come to you and stated that the district is interested in hosting a professional development workshop for educators to help them broaden their cultural competence, improve their family-teacher relationships, and enhance educational experiences for all students. The district is proposing using the materials from “A Class Divided” and “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” for the workshop. Both of these resources are dated, but are often used in schools to introduce faculty to social justice issues that affect educators.

    Your principal has asked you to submit a 500-750 word persuasive essay either in support of or against the use of the material in these resources. In your essay, include specific examples that discuss whether the materials could be used to help individuals broaden their cultural competence, build stronger relationships, and create more relevant educational experiences. If you argue that the materials should not be used, offer reputable alternatives for your principal to consider. Be sure to include links and descriptions of the alternative resources.

    Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

    This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

    You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

    Read Chapters 6 and 8.


    Explore the Teaching for Change website.


    Read “The Average Child,” by Buscemi, located on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign website.


    Read pages 28-34 in “For Cultural Competence: Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions Needed to Embrace Diversity,” by Williams, located on the Virginia Department of Education website.


    Watch A Class Divided,” located on the Films on Demand website.


    Read “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack,” by McIntosh, located on the DeAnza College website.


    Write a cover letter

    Question Description

    Write a cover letter for a job. Resume is attached below and job offer is copied into text directly below:

    The City of Redmond is a thriving, culturally diverse community and home to over 62,000 residents. Redmond is the hub to an array of commerce and industry ranging from technology, aerospace and gaming to biomedical and innovation start-ups.

    The Parks and Recreation Department is responding to the growing needs of the City. The fast-paced nature of our municipality drives innovation and efficiency. The successful candidate will possess strong values that align with the City’s values, which include being welcoming, having integrity, showing accountability, and demonstrating a commitment to service. Additionally, the ideal candidate should find satisfaction in providing exceptional customer service, and thrive in a collaborative, high-volume work environment.

    Please review the Recreation Program Administrator classification description for more information about the knowledge, skills, abilities, working conditions, and physical requirements.


    This position is full-time working Monday through Friday, with weekend and evening hours as needed.

    The Parks and Recreation Department is recruiting for a dynamic professional for our Sports and Fitness Program Administrator. This position manages and develops comprehensive sports and fitness programming for youth and adults, and oversees the field rental program, a beachfront lifeguard program, and is a key member of the Recreation Division’s Leadership Team.

    Essential Functions:

    • Manage and develop sports and fitness programming for all ages, in alignment with our cost of service methodology.
    • Maintain a productive relationship with local schools to effectively share space.
    • Utilize sponsorships, partnerships, and volunteers to maximize programming.
    • Manage a seasonal beachfront lifeguard program.
    • Oversee field rental program, including prioritizing use and maximizing space at our sports fields.
    • Provide leadership and professional development opportunities for team of three FTE’s.
    • Serve on the Departments Leadership Team.


    Education and Experience:

    • Bachelor’s degree in recreation administration, sport management, leisure studies or related field.
    • Four (4) years progressively responsible experience in a management/supervisory level position.
    • Equivalent combinations of education and experience.

    Week 2- Incorporating Curriculum in the Classroom

    Question Description

    As you complete the assigned readings for the first section of the course (Weeks 1 and 2), you have become familiar with teachers and learners in PK-12 classrooms.

    For this week’s assignment, select a content area that you are interested in and with which you are familiar. Imagine that after completing your doctoral degree, you have become a consultant for a school district. New teachers in the content area you selected need advice regarding best teaching practices for the unique learners in their classrooms. They have to write and implement curriculum in their classrooms and need your guidance.

    You are having your first meeting with the new teachers and need to prepare a presentation. Be sure to address the following in your presentation:

    1. Describe your chosen content area, grade range, and background on student learning needs for which the teachers are writing their curriculum
    2. How will you use homework to help support and deliver the curriculum?
    3. How will you differentiate instruction?
    4. How will you address different learning styles?
    5. Include any additional information you deem relevant to the presentation.

    For your presentation, you can use PowerPoint or Prezi.

    If your presentation is audio-based and there are no notes slides, include a document which includes all of your speaking points and content. Tip: Think of the presentation as something you are physically presenting to a group.

    Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes are comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.

    Length: 7-10 slides (with a separate reference slide)

    References: Support your presentation with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.

    Your presentation should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

    Week 1 – Assignment: Identify a Connection Between a Theory and Practice

    Question Description


    For this task, acknowledging the diversity of students today, identify one particular challenge that interests you as it relates to today’s students in PK-12 classrooms. Your reading from Chapter 1 discusses several types of students from cultural differences, learning styles, disabilities, and whether or not English is their first language. Keep these in mind for your paper this week.

    Your assignment is to write a paper in which you analyze one of the three major learning theories: constructivism, behaviorism, or cognitivism. Then, explore why learning theory is at the core of effective models of teaching. Include the following in your paper:

    1. Offer an overview using a chart or narrative format of your chosen theory. The overview should include the definition and general implications of the theory;
    2. Identify at least one prominent theorist associated with your chosen theory and describe the contributions of that theorist;
    3. Explain how that theory is relevant or important in education and offer at least two examples of teaching approaches associated with your chosen theory.
    4. Identify a particular area of student diversity (e.g., English Language Learners, gifted and talented, special education, disabilities, homeless) and then analyze the implications of the theory for a certain teaching practice as it relates to the type of student diversity you identified.

    Length: 3-4 pages, not including title and reference pages

    References: Include a minimum of 2 scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included. You may find it helpful to visit the Curriculum and Teaching LibGuide.

    Your written assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

    can we generalize? discussion

    Question Description

    Please Understand that if you take this assignment, you will need to take another that I post on Friday about the same papers … that other assignment you will get paid separately and the same as this and will only be about 4 paragraphs. It just makes it easier and sound the same to the professor if just one person writes it. I cant see the assignment until Friday but I know it is about this. only use the resources provided. this is for a foreign student, so the english can be very bad. do not use huge words!!! also 4 to 5 sentences per paragraph will work. and 2-3 paragraphs

      • Read all 4 overview papers
    • Read Murnane & Willett (Chapt. 3), Chapter 8 in Creswell (focusing on pages 158-177), and te bottom of page 203- top of page 204 in Creswell

    This week, we’ll be examining a set of research designs – experiments, quasi-experiments, and non-experimental designs – that make use of quantitative methods and data to examine relationships. In education, for example, we might want to know the relationship between our use of a practice and student outcomes (like test scores!). Put simply, we’re chasing one of the key questions driving education research: “what works?”

    Ideally, we’d like to generalize the answer to that question – “what works” – to a broad population, so that it can help us to make important decisions about things like education policy. Which, of course, raises an interesting question:

    • Can we really produce “generalizable” knowledge in education research? Do you think it’s possible to use our tools to generate answers to questions that apply across our wide variety of schools? Or – as some critics claim – is the nature of the educational enterprise too dependent on context?

    As always, try to have your first post (2-3 paragraphs)

    Radio news stories

    Question Description

    You are to turn in two typed radio news stories. One must be a reader story and one must be a wrap. Each story is worth 25 points. You are to find two separate newspaper articles from a current issue of the Tropolitan, the Troy Messenger, the Montgomery Advertiser, or the Dothan Eagle, and re-write those for broadcast.

    Upload your assignment here as either a Word document or a PDF. Your news stories must be double-spaced and typed in all capital letters.

    You must write your stories in proper radio style, as we have discussed in this class. Put the title at the top of each story (example: Restaurant Fire.) Your lead sentences must be written in present, present-perfect, or future tense. Points will automatically be counted off for writing your lead sentences in past tense. In addition, your story must answer the Who, What, When, Where, Why questions. You must introduce the quote before the actuality and have a tag in your story after the actuality. Do not write, “Had this to say.” For example:


    Restaurant Fire










    : 13





    Read the following article and in a paragraph or 2 discuss how you the concepts apply

    Question Description

    Leadership Post 5 – The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning

    Read the following article and in a paragraph or 2 discuss how you the concepts apply to leading an arts organization.

    After posting your discussion pose a question to one of your peers.

    student KH:

    Within an arts organization, I would venture to say that most times there are boundaries set before a project has become. The strategy is set, and the artists are confined to its parameters. The article states that planners should make their contribution around strategy-making process rather than inside it”. When thinking about an ideal like this, makes me think that linking a fantastic, inspiring idea to one component of the strategy is a better way to go about it than trying to fit a subpar project within the strategy.

    Later in the article it is said about strategic planning that, “the world is supposed to hold still while a plan is being developed and then stay on the predicted course while that plan is being implemented”. I am extremely pleased with the article for being up this, amount other fallacies of strategic planning because it often times gets a bad rep. When looking at this fallacy, (as if it were true), with correspondences to fitting a project within the parameters of strategic planning, I would say that art needs to defy both of these concepts. Artists should be able to make art however and whenever they want. However, within the arts organization it is logical that there is a manager that after the art/creative side has been made and done, the manager looks at what is feasible. Having strategic, soft outlines for artist is smart but creating a box for them to fit in is not.