Mass and Energy Units (Climate Resilient Futures)


Hypothetical Home 

A single-family, detached home has the following characteristics: 

Dimensions (40’x20’10’, as shown in the figure above)

  • 6 single-glazed, wood-framed glass windows that are each 2′ x 4′
  • The walls, ceiling and door have an R value of 4 (ft2 °F hr)/Btu
  • The ceiling has an additional 1-inch polystyrene insulation layer
  • The temperature in the home is maintained at 68°F by a natural gas-fueled heater, which runs at
  • 80% efficiency

For the problems in this assignment, we’ll work with the following assumptions:

There is no heat loss through the floor/foundation to the ground

  • The house is well-sealed and there are no leaks
  • The temperature outdoors is a constant 10°F
  • Heating costs 

1. If natural gas costs $16.28 per thousand cubic feet, how much would it cost to heat this home over your hypothetical month? 


2. How much heat would be lost through the windows, ceiling and walls if the home described above was retrofit so that: 

The walls and ceiling now have an R value of 19 (the original 1-inch polystyrene insulationlayer on the ceiling was replaced so the total value for both the walls and ceiling is now 19).

  • The windows are replaced with argon-filled, triple-glazed windows with low E coating
  • (see Table 4.2 on Page 2 of this assignment).

3. How much natural gas (in cubic feet) would be needed to heat the now-weatherized home

for a month?

4. With a natural gas cost of $16.28 per thousand cubic feet, what would be the cost to heat

the weatherized home for a month?

Heat Pumps

5. Assume that the natural gas heater in the hypothetical home is replaced by an air-source

heat pump with 300% efficiency. With 300% efficiency, the heat pump puts out 3 times as

much heat as it uses in electricity. Using the conversion factor of 3412.14 Btu = 1kwh, How

many kWh of electricity would be needed to heat the unweatherized home (described on

Page 1) over the same month? How much would this cost if electricity is $0.23 per kwh?

6. How many kWh of electricity would be needed to heat the retrofitted, weatherized home

(described in Question 2) over the same month? How much would this cost if electricity is

$0.23 per kwh?

Anatomy Question


Instructions: A&P Topic: Endocrine system

Your final project will be a 5-7 page paper, focusing on one major system (Endocrine system) we have studied this semester. You will use this system as the starting point, and then relate it to the other systems we have studied (Integumentary System, skeleton system, muscular system, nervous system, central nervous system, Peripheral Nervous System, and Autonomic Nervous System).

For example, if you choose the skeletal system, you would not only describe in your own words the major anatomy (structure) and physiology (function) of the system, but you would also talk about how the muscular system is attached and how the nervous system enervation effects skeletal movement and health, how the endocrine system regulates growth and cellular turn over, by using the special sense of sight you can direct how the skeletal system moves in space, how the circulatory system and digestive system work to bring in nutrients and remove wastes, etc.

The goal of this paper is to get you thinking about how no system is operating in isolation, rather everything works together to support the underlying principles we talked about in module one in detail and the core of this course:

  • The complementarity of structure and function.
  • The hierarchy of the structural organization.
  • Maintaining homeostasis.

You may use drawings of your own making (they can be uploaded as photos) to help with your paper (they do not count in terms of pages, however!). They do not have to be professional using colored pencils/pens and sketching is fine.

This is a project where you really can demonstrate all that you have learned with your hard work this semester!

Remember to use citations throughout the text. I am not looking for more sources than your textbook and perhaps the lab manual (WE CAN WORK AROUND THIS- I WILL USED MY TEXTBOOK BY MATCHING THE INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE). Thank you.

Reference (textbook): Marieb, I.N. & Hoehn, K.N. (2019). Human anatomy & physiology (11th ed.). Pearson.

Sustainability Question


Module 7 Assignment – Due

Objective: Analyze the relationship between water conflicts and the prevalence of drought in the Middle East and Africa using the Water Conflict Map and supplemental research.


Exploring Water Conflicts and Drought

Navigate to the Water Conflict Map.

If you’re struggling to use the map, use the help function.

Focus on the Middle East and Africa regions.

Activate the “Highlight Areas Experiencing Drought” filter (shown below). If this isn’t showing anything, go to “Add Datasets” and activate “24-month SPI Anomaly (Long-term)” under Water. It will provide you the drought and flooding information. This will enable you to answer the following.

  1. Question: What patterns or correlations do you observe, especially regarding how conflict relates to drought? Describe your observations in a paragraph of at least four sentences.

  • Identifying Trends and Further Research

Examine the incidence of water conflicts within the regions since the year 2000 here.

  • Independently, conduct research to understand the prevalence of drought and its locations in the Middle East and Africa since 2000.

Question: How do the trends in drought and lack of water access correlate with the rise in water conflicts over the years? Write a four-sentence paragraph detailing your findings. Ensure that you provide evidence for your claims using in-text citations and list your sources at the end in APA format.

  • Submission Guidelines:
  • Your assignment should be typed using a readable font, size 12. Submit your assignment as a PDF. Do not upload your written portion in the text box. Points will be taken.
  • Make sure to back up your observations and analyses with specific data and findings from the Water Conflict Map and your independent research.

Remember to correctly use in-text citations when referencing external sources, and provide a reference list in APA format at the end of your assignment.

Science Question


Students will be responsible for writing a research paper on their approved pathology. The primary objective of this assignment is to research evidence-based physical therapy treatment for the pathology. Students will share that knowledge with their classmates. The course objectives linked to this assignment are:

17. Explain the role and benefit of physical therapy in the medical management of musculoskeletal and neurological pathologies.

18. Discuss the interactions of the medical, therapy, and family members of the health care team in the lifespan management of patient populations presented.

24. Complete the L.I.R.N evidence-based practice assignment by writing a review of a peer-reviewed journal article related to physical therapy treatment of patient conditions in the body systems covered in this course.

1 day ago

Students will research information on their approved pathology. Students must include at minimum the following information.

1. Define the pathology.

2. Briefly describe the etiology, signs and symptoms, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and prognosis.

3. What does the pathology “look like”?

4. According to evidence-based practice, discuss 2-3 treatment interventions/physical therapy management beneficial for patients with the pathology.

5. Discuss progression of physical therapy treatment including modifications in interventions for effective physical therapy treatment of patients with the pathology throughout disease process

6. Discuss medical management (including medications) of the pathology and how it may affect physical therapy treatment

7. Discuss the role of the PTA in treating patients with the pathology, as well as the interactions of the health care team

8. Bibliography with at least 5 references which must include 2-3 peer reviewed journals, no more than 2 textbooks, and only 1 magazine, and information from the APTA website. All citations must be correctly cited using APA format. SABER students may access LIRN, online library, using the code 38119.

BASAL CELL CARCINOMA cancer research project


Slide 1: Name of cancer. Your name, name of course, date, instructor’s name

Slide 2: QUESTION of the cancer. What happens to the cells? What part of the body does it generally affect?
Slide 3: QUESTION of the symptoms.
Slide 4: Possible causes of the cancer. Are there environmental or health factors that can cause the cancer? If so, explain.
Can the cancer be inherited? If so, explain.
Slide 5: Prevention-What can be done to prevent getting this cancer?
Slide 6: Discuss how the cancer is treated? Medications? Surgery? Chemotherapy? Radiation? Nutrition? Lifestyle
Slide 7: Discuss how the cancer is diagnosed? What tests are done? Are scans done with MRI, CAT scan, PET scan, X-
ray, or ultrasound machines?
Slide 8: Statistics-How many and what type of people are likely to have this type of cancer? Is it more common in a
certain group of people? If so, what group of people and why? How common is it? Survival rate? Death rate?
Slide 9: Application of Research -What new information did you learn from your research? How do you plan to use this
new information?
Slide 10: Works Cited Page View link on how to cite information using MLA format…
Do not copy & paste information from the internet. Please summarize the information using your own words and cite where you got the
information from for each slide (include in-text citations). Your midterm project will be submitted using Turnitin which is an internet plagiarism
detection service. If evidence of plagiarism is detected, I will ask you to revise and resubmit your project. When you submit the project, at the
bottom of the submission screen, you will see the following statement: “I agree to the tool’s End-User License Agreement. This assignment
submission is my own, original work.”

report on the UV Spectrometer


Obtain information about how previous missions used the UV Spectrometer and research other similar instruments that were used in the past.

Please provide some basic information about these instruments and compare them. 

What was its purpose and function? 

What science questions were being asked that the UV Spectrometer could help answer? 

  • How was it used to accomplish this?
  • How much is this instrument going to weigh 
  • How much room does this instrument take?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of these instruments for the data you want to obtain on Iapetus?
  • Explain in detail why the UV Spectrometer be the best fit for a mission to analyse Iapetus’ equitorial ridges. Will this instrument be operational on Iapetus, considering the environmental conditions? 
  • How does the instrument work? 

What is the precision of the measurements it makes? 

What kind of resolution is possible? 

  • What are the sources of error in the measurements? 
  • How was the instrument calibrated? 
  • Did the instrument perform in the way it was expected to? 
  • Has this technology been used previously? If so, how was it improved? 
  • Has this technology been used again more recently, and if so, on which missions? 
  • You are encouraged to discuss the technical aspects in your QUESTION as long as you explain the technical aspects in your own words, or give examples of how it works in your own words. Please include any figures or diagrams that you think will be helpful describing your instrument, and provide references for any that you use.
  • What kind of data did the4 UV Spectrometer collect? 
  • How was this data sent back to Earth? 

Did the UV Spectrometer explore Iapetus? If yes, what is the environment like?

What were some of the challenges in previous missions? (Data collection? Instrument failure? Etc.) 

Pharmacology presentation on H1 receptor Agoinst and Antagonist


Hello please see the attached file for how the powerpoint should be structured , proffesrot emphasize using higlites in yellow for important information and other requirement also attached in the file.

I can provide you with a structured outline that you can use to create your presentation on H1 receptor agonists and antagonists. You can use this outline to build slides for your presentation.

Slide 1: Title Slide

Title: “H1 Receptor Agonists and Antagonists”

Subtitle: Understanding the Mechanisms and Applications

Slide 2: Introduction

  • Brief introduction to histamine and its role in the body
  • Mention of histamine receptors, with a focus on the H1 receptor

Overview of the importance of H1 receptor modulation

Slide 3: H1 Receptor: Overview

Structure and location of H1 receptors in the body

  • Physiological functions of H1 receptors
  • Importance in allergic responses and inflammation
  • Slide 4: H1 Receptor Agonists

Definition of agonists

Examples of H1 receptor agonists

Mechanism of action: How agonists stimulate H1 receptors

  • Clinical applications of H1 receptor agonists (e.g., antihistamines for allergies)
  • Slide 5: H1 Receptor Antagonists
  • Definition of antagonists

Examples of H1 receptor antagonists

Mechanism of action: How antagonists block H1 receptors

Clinical applications of H1 receptor antagonists (e.g., treatment of allergies and insomnia)

  • Slide 6: Dual-Action H1 Antagonists
  • Explanation of some antihistamines that have both anti-allergic and sedative properties
  • Pros and cons of dual-action H1 antagonists
  • Slide 7: Side Effects and Considerations

Common side effects of H1 receptor agonists and antagonists

Considerations for use, including contraindications and potential drug interactions

Slide 8: Emerging Research and Future Directions

  • Overview of current research on H1 receptors
  • Potential future developments in H1 receptor modulation
  • Slide 9: Conclusion
  • Summary of key points discussed

Emphasis on the significance of understanding H1 receptor modulation

Slide 10: References

List of references and sources used in the presentation

Option 2 has to be done




This is the fourth podcast you will be summarizing as a graded assignment (others can be summarized for extra credit). For this assignment, you may opt for one of two podcasts presented

Your summary should be between 300 and 500 words (1-1.5 page, 1.5 spaced, Times Hew Roman) and should include the main points you hear on the chosen podcast.

For full credit, please include:

  1. Three key points;
  2. Something that is a novelty for you:
  3. The short, take-home message:

3) Your personal take on this podcast

Option 1: Crabs All the Way Down

Podcost link: Crabs All the Way Down. Radiolab E

The entire podcast is divided into two stories. Though initially they seem to be unrelated, they are shown to be connected at the end of story #2. Your focus should be mostly on story #2 (which discusses convergent evolution, odaptive radiation) but should bring in the lesson learned from the first story. Please summarize it as such.

Rodiolab summary:

This week we examine one of nature’s most humble creations: crabs. Turns out when you look closely at these little scuttlers, things get surprisingly existential – about how to come into being.
Option 2: The Mosquitoes are Winning (

Podcost link option 2: The Masauitoes Are Winning | The Daily

The Daily summory:

For decades, the world seemed to be winning the war against mosquitoes and tamping down the deadly diseases they carried. But in the past few years, progress has not only stalled, it has reversed. Stephanie Nolen, who covers global health for The Times, explains how the mosquito has once again gained the upper hand in the fight.

Stewardship Project


Personal Stewardship Project

Title of Your project


In 3-4 paragraph): Introduces the broad topic/ issue connected to your behavior change (e.g., climate change, plastic pollution, habitat loss, endangered species). Share information about why this is a problem,  how the behaviors of humans impact this issue, and ways to reduce the impact. This section should include your background research and why you picked the topic.


In 1-2 paragraphs: Describe your behavioral change activity.  Include a QUESTION of how you measured your change.


In 2-3 paragraphs: Report the results of your actions, including a comparison of your pre and post-data. In addition to explaining your results in words, you should include a chart, table, or infographic. Also, calculate the total impact of your behavior (i.e., I reduced my carbon dioxide emissions to x tons, and I saved 300 liters of water). 

Community Engagement 

In 1 paragraph: Share your community engagement pieces (i.e., links or screenshots to social media). Using evidence from the psychological literature, what technique did you use in your messaging? Include information on who you shared your project with, how you shared it, and what their reaction was. 


In 2-3 paragraphs: Reflect on what you learned during this project. How likely are you going to continue this behavior? Why or why not? What are some strategies to make it more sustainable? How would you encourage more people to participate in this behavior? Support your reflections with sources. 

Answering questions from a podcast


RADIOLAB Podcast “Henrietta’s Tumor”  HeLa Assignment (2024)

In this course you will learn a lot about cells, and histology. Here is a link to an amazing Radiolab Podcast “Henrietta’s Tumor(Click on link to access podcast. You must have internet access to do this) that demonstrates the “real world” application of the knowledge gained. Additionally, you can watch the following videos where you can learn how cell cultures are prepared and see actual HeLa cells under magnification.

You can learn more about cell cultures through a much more modern video here

This video uses animations and talks about the HeLa cells in detail

Completely answer all questions below. Your grade will be based on how complete and correct your answers are.

1.Who was Henrietta Lacks?

2.What type of tissue did her cancer cells originate from?

3.Why were her cells of interest to researchers? Which cells did they take?

4.What specifically did Henrietta die of and at what age?

5.When did researchers take cell samples from Henrietta?

6.How does the inability of HeLa cells to undergo apoptosis affect their growth?

7.Why have HeLa cells been important for researching polio and other conditions?

8.What problem did HeLa cells eventually cause for cell biologists?

9.When did Henrietta’s family learn about her cells’ importance? Did they understand their significance? Was her family treated ethically?

10. What agreement did Henrietta’s family reach with the medical community in 2023?