Cell Metabolism



In this assignment, you will review scenarios and answer the corresponding questions. You will need to apply the concepts related to the three cell energy systems. 

Assignment Instructions

Review the three (3) cellular energy systems presented in the course videos and interactive learning activity. 

Immediate (Phosphocreatine-ATP system) 

  1. Short-term (Anaerobic glycolysis) 

Long-term (Aerobic glycolysis, KREBS Cycle, Electron Transport Chain) 

Read the scenarios.  

Choose two of the scenarios and complete the tasks. Include the following in your assignment report.  

Determine which energy system is used during each activity throughout the story. 

QUESTION of the energy system for each activity in the chosen scenarios. Include the fuel for the system and an overview of how the system produces ATP.  

QUESTION of why that energy system is activated for each activity. 

Describe why this system is used and how it works to provide ATP.

  1. Notes

Do not include/rewrite the questions in the assignment.

Your submission must have a Turnitin similarity score of less than 15%

Scenario 1: Joe

The alarm clock goes off and Joe wakes up. He is lying in bed wondering what to do today. Suddenly he hears a scream coming from outside his apartment. He bolts out of bed, throws on his robe, and runs outside to see what is going on. He is outside in a few seconds (activity #1). His adrenaline is pumping as he looks around to see who is screaming. He stands motionless and carefully listens to attempt to determine the origin of the scream. He sees his neighbor in the parking lot who says he also heard the scream. Joe’s neighbor says he thinks the scream came from the apartment building on the other side of the parking lot. They both jog across the parking lot and reach the building on the far end in about 2 minutes (activity #2). They stand still and listen for a few minutes and hear the scream again. They knock on the apartment door. No answer. They knock harder until an elderly lady comes to the door. In the background, the TV is blaring a horror movie. Relieved, they slowly walk back to their apartments (activity #3).

Scenario 2: Jane

Jane decides to go to the gym. She enters the gym and sees her friend Joan riding an exercise bike. She thinks this is a good place to start so she gets on the bike next to Joan and starts to pedal vigorously. After about 2 minutes she gets tired and stops to rest (activity #1). She then sees her friend Jon lifting weights. She walks over to the weight area and picks up a 25lb barbell—too heavy so she quickly puts it down (activity #2). She is feeling very tired today and tries the treadmill. She gets on a treadmill and finds her second wind and walks at a brisk rate for 30 minutes (activity #3).

Scenario 3: Jed

  • Jed is a top athlete and a little extreme. He gets up one morning to do his usual workout. He starts with a fast sprint running at maximal speed for about 10 seconds (activity #1). He then takes a slow walk around the block to cool down. He gets home and decides to do some weight work so he does 3 sets of 10 bench presses and completes each series in about 2.5 minutes (activity #2). His wife yells “will you stop it and help me get the kids ready for school.” Jed pretends not to hear and goes back out for a 3-mile run—peace, and quiet (activity #3).

Biology Forum


Questions for group discussion:

Draw the cell on the right (note that the letters indicate the gene and alleles present in each chromosome, show those letters on every drawing) as it goes from the G1 phase, to the S phase, G2 and then every phase in meiosis. Indicate the main things that happen to its chromosomes at each stage (label: sister chromatids, homologous chromosomes, Meiosis I, Meiosis II, identify which cells are haploid and which are diploid). Draw it in paper and upload a photo or scan, post it as an image not as a file to the discussion post (use the image icon to upload).
Cell with four chromosomes. Two of the chromosomes are long and the other two are short. 
Long chromosomes:
First long chromosome has alleles A (uppercase) and b (lowercase) . Second long chromosome has alleles a (lowercase) and b (lowercase). 
Of the short chromosomes: one has allele r (lowercase) and the other chromosome has allele R (uppercase). image link

Based on the diagram you drew above: A) Which events are unique to meiosis. B) The main purpose of sexual reproduction is to produce genetic variation in the offspring. Explain at least 3 ways in which meiosis promotes genetic variation. C) Explain which events in meiosis are responsible for the principle on segregation and which events are responsible for the principle of independent assortment.

  1. Given what you have learned about the principle of independent assortment and how meiosis induces variation in the genetic composition of gametes, discuss the following: Some plants can reproduce asexually (by mitosis they produce structures that can break apart from the parent plant and sprout as an independent plant with the same genetic composition as the parent plant) and sexually (by meiosis, ultimately producing male and female gametes). However, many plants can do self-fertilization (male and female gametes from the same parent plant fertilize to form a zygote). Do you think that the offspring created through self-fertilization are genetic clones of the parent, just as it occurs during asexual reproduction? Explain your choice.

A) When predicting the phenotype of the offspring from a dihybrid cross, why is it so important that each gene is located in a different chromosome? B) You crossed a tall plant that produces purple flowers with a short plant that also produces purple flowers. Assume tall and purple flower are dominant traits. The 2165 offspring were: 100% tall plants, ¾ of the plants produced purple flowers and the remaining 1/4 of the plants produced white flowers. What were the possible genotypes of the parents???

For the pedigree on the right, individuals affected with the genetic condition are indicated by the shaded symbols. A) Based on this pedigree, what type of inheritance does this genetic condition have (dominant, recessive, sex-linked)? Explain. B) What is the genotype of the parents? C) What makes an allele dominant or recessive? mod6_discussion Q5.jpg image link

Mendel was very lucky to study traits that follow simple hereditary rules. We now know that there are multiple factors that can interfere with the expected Mendelian ratios. A) Explain 3 genetic mechanisms that can prevent Mendel’s results from being observed and B) give an example of each.

report on uranus



  1. Where is the location?

What previous missions/spacecraft have explored this location?

What was the objective of the missions exploring there or was it frontier exploration?

  • Gradations:
  • Excellent [11-12pts]: Contains evidence for answering all 3 prompts with each meeting high standards.
  • Data [12pts]:


What types of instruments have been used to collect data about this location?

  • What kind of data has been collected (samples, pictures, measurements)?

What is the data going to be used for (i.e. learning about geology, mapping certain aspects of the surface, doing atmospheric science, etc.)?

  1. Gradations:

Excellent [11-12pts]: Contains evidence for answering all 3 prompts with each meeting high standards.

Phenomenon [18pts]:

  • Prompts:
  • What phenomena have been observed?
  • What makes this location special in regards to observed phenomena?

What aspects of this location are unique in the solar system, or archetypical?

What are the important discoveries that have been associated with this location?

  • Gradations:

Excellent [16-18pts]: Contains evidence for answering all 4 prompts with each meeting high standards.

  1. Processes [18pts]:


What processes have been suggested to explain why the observed features and phenomena occur?

  • What aspects of this location have helped build better understanding of these processes?
  • Where else in the solar system do these processes occur (or have been speculated to occur)?
  • Gradations:
  • Excellent [16-18pts]: Contains evidence for answering all 3 prompts with each meeting high standards.

Future study [18pts]:


  • What questions remain unanswered?

What competing theories are there?

  1. What evidence has been provided as support for each theory?

What new evidence will help resolve disputes and answer the remaining questions?


  • Excellent [16-18pts]: Contains evidence for answering 3 out of 4 prompts with each meeting high standards.
  • Clarity [24 pts]: The ease that the reader understands the information in the report. Use of
  • figures, equations, charts (which should all have captions) can greatly improve clarity and

complement the Questions and explanations that are provided in the text of the report.


  • Contains at least 2 visual items such as figures / drawings / graphs / charts

Each visual item is labeled, includes a caption, and is referenced in the text with additional Question

  1. The information contained in the report is highly organized


Excellent [20-24pts]: Contains all 3 criteria with all 3 meeting high standards.

  • Proper use of citation [12 pts]: All text should be written in your own words, and citations
  • should be provided to indicate the sources of information following APA 7 guidelines. A separate page of references used should be included at the end of your report. In the very rare case that highly technical, or complex, information cannot be paraphrased without significant degradation of the meaning, then it becomes appropriate to use quotations. These should be placed around any significant amounts of text (long phrases or sentences) that are identical to those in the cited reference. Otherwise, any information that was paraphrased in your own words needs to include the citation immediately following it.
  • Bibliography [6pts]: You should have at least 3 primary sources, with 4-6 usually being adequate, and having more than 10 would probably be a bit excessive. You can find documents on the NASA website, Wikipedia, web searches, or using google scholar.
  • please don’t use Ai and please paraphrase. Please try and utilise the these sources below + other sources you find and cite using APA 7. Include photos that you see fit. 

– attached is an example 🙂






Geology of the National Parks


Q1. Use the correct ONE WORD geologic term to identify the particular type of unconformity this man is pointing to with his hands:

Q2.Question (10 points): In the area below use a word or phrase to answer each of the 3 questions about these rocks in the Grand Canyon NP.

1) Start with the oldest layer – Layer A:

1. What is the name of this formation in the Grand Canyon?

2. What type of rock is this: igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary?

3. What is the name of the other rock type (but not shown in this picture) that is associated with Layer A in the Grand Canyon?

4. What type of rock is this second rock unit: igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary?

5. Using the Geologic Time Scale (Lec 3 & Lec. 6), in what geologic time Period did both of these rock types form?

2) Next, write 2 short sentences to describe the 2 primary events what happened between Layer A and Layer B. How much time does this represent?

3) Finally, answer these questions about the younger Layer B:

1. What is the name of this formation in the Grand Canyon?

2. What type of rock is this: igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary?

3. Using the Geologic Time Scale (Lec 3 & Lec 6), in which geologic time Period did

Layer B form?

Q3. In the area below write 3 paragraphs with a total of at least 18-20 lines of text using well-formed, complex sentences that describe the significance of this feature for the science of geology. The answers for this question come directly from the slides in Lecture 2 and Lecture 6. Do not use online sources, including Al, to answer these questions.

Paragraph 1 = 15 points. Relate this feature to relative dating techniques, that were used prior to radiometric dating to determine the sequence of geologic events shown in this

Image. This first paragraph must include and define all the relevant Principles of Relative Dating seen in this image.

1. (A) Start by listing and defining all the Principles of Relative Dating that relate to the formation of Layer A.

(B). Next, describe the complete sequence of events for the formation of Layer A, starting with the probable original rock type for Layer A (refer to Lec. 6). Include how Layer A is associated with the second rock type of the same age (but not shown in this image).

2. Describe the 2 primary events that occurred between Layer A and Layer B. What is the time interval between Layer A and Layer B?

3. Next for Layer B describe the complete sequence of events to explain how it formed.

Paragraph #2 = 5 points: Describe basic information about Radiometric Dating techniques, including how ions decay and timing of decay. How are radiometric dates used

with relative dating? What information does radiometric dating provide about the age of the Earth?

Paragraph #3 = 5 points: Do you believe it is necessary to know the absolute radiometric dates to determine the sequence of events in this image? Why or why not? If you see

these relationships in another location, what will be your interpretation for the events that caused such relationships in that location?

Ad Lib & Ethogram Observational Studies


Lab Breakdown Video:

In this lab, students will observe primates. They will conduct an ad lib study and create an ethogram. Instructors may choose to assign this lab along with the “Primate Behavior Lab: Part II,” in which students use the ethogram they create in this lab while conducting scan sampling and continuous focal animal sampling.

Collecting Data in an Online Lab Class

For our online class you will be practicing the following instructions either using a primate webcam at a zoo or by observing a group of humans using this particular technique. 


Conduct an ad lib observation of one species of primate to look for patterns of behavior you have read about.  Then provide an Ethogram of the primate species


Collect your observations of a group of primates via one of the zoo webcams linked below. If you aren’t able to access the webcams, you may observe a group of humans. If you observe humans, use the same procedures and pretend you don’t understand why they might be doing things, only describe what they are doing with out any interpretation. Create an ethogram of the behaviors you observed.

Chattanooga Zoo TamarinsLinks to an external site.

Detroit Zoo Japanese MacaquesLinks to an external site.

Houston Zoo ChimpanzeesLinks to an external site.

PIN Common MarmosetsLinks to an external site.

Reid Park Zoo LemursLinks to an external site.

San Diego Zoo BaboonsLinks to an external site.

San Diego Zoo OrangutansLinks to an external site.


  • 1. Ad lib data:

Review one of the previous pages on: Ad Lib Studies

On any piece of paper you have handy (8 1/2 x 11 notebook paper or printer paper is best), write the common and scientific names of the species you have selected, as well as the number and types of individuals (how many primates, females, males and children). You may need to browse on the zoo website to find the needed information. Write everything you see happening in the enclosure for a period of 30 minutes (make sure you review the example on the Ad lib study page). Do not rewrite or type up your notes. Use additional sheets of paper if needed. Write down what happens, who does it, and when. Submit a photo or several photos, or a scanned version, of the actual notes you wrote at the zoo. You can take the photo with your phone or any other tech you have available. 

2. Review Developing an Ethogram: After you collect your ad lib notes, complete the table on the Week Download Week2 Ad Lib Ethogram.docx Download 2 Ad Lib Ethogram.docxworksheet listing and describing the behaviors you observed for your species. Please open this in Word or Google docs and type your work into the table. Save it and upload it back into the assignment along with the photos of your ad lib notes.

Florida Springs powerpoint


The Florida Springs seem to be in the news quite a bit, mainly due to the challenges faced in overcoming pressures from development, pollution, and human activities. The springs have been around for thousands of years and have an interesting and varied history. Humans have valued them for many reasons over many years and are still valued today as an important natural freshwater resource.

Research and read articles, books, etc., for this assignment about Florida Springs. You can use any reputable peer-reviewed source; be sure to include proper references using APA standards. Concentrate on the environmental aspects of the springs and bring attention to problem areas, but do not neglect any social, business, and/or political overlap. Consider the freshwater resource aspects as well.

Complete a project in one of the following formats, but regardless of the format chosen, remember that the intended audience is the general public:

  1. Develop a written brochure: It can be any number of designs (e.g., tri-fold Word file), but must be written and produced as a Public Service Announcement. At a minimum, all the criteria below must be fully addressed in the brochure. Graphics are accepted if properly referenced, but the most important information with respect to grading is the narrative material and the organization of the information.
  2. Film a short video commercial: One to two minutes long following an introduction and produced as either a Public Service Announcement or a news media reporting story. At a minimum, all the criteria below must be fully addressed in the video. Use only yourself as the narrator and do not include other people in the video. Use video format/software generally available and provided with PC or MAC operating systems (e.g., MP4, MPEG, MOV, WMV, SWF or FLV). Remember, the instructor must be able to open the video file and view it for a grade.
  3. Draft a PowerPoint Presentation: 10 to 15 slides long; at a minimum, all criteria below must be fully addressed. Graphics are accepted if properly referenced, but the most important information with respect to grading is the narrative material and the organization of the presentation.

Address the following criteria at a minimum:

  1. Course name, student name, module number, and date.
  2. Choose an example of a Florida Spring and briefly describe it as a freshwater resource and what it has been used for.
  3. Report the federal and state government rules or regulations that apply to Florida Springs, their protections, their use, and any oversight.
  4. Name the government agencies that have authority over the Florida Springs and describe their involvement.
  5. Report and briefly explain at least two major environmental concerns related to the Florida Springs and one freshwater resource issue.
  6. Explain the human activities that negatively impact Florida Springs.
  7. Report on what is being done to protect the Florida Springs and the costs involved.
  8. Propose at least one further action that could be taken to protect the Florida Springs.

Research and pamphlet outline


Educational pamphlet outline for patient living with asthma (MLA style) and a one page research paper (APA style).

Research Paper (APA style) 

Education Plan for living with Asthma (with Graphics Team)

Discharge Planning


Write a one-page paper briefly discussing the following:

3.1 List the duties and responsibilities of the discharge planning coordinator, team members, patient, and family in the discharge process.

3.2 Describe the process of identifying patients that require home care equipment and services.

3.3 Discuss the process in determining the matching of the patient with proper reimbursement.

3.4 Describe the criteria and process used to determine the home care provider (vendor).

3.5 Identify situations of “conflict of interest”

3.6 Discuss the different organizations that are used as home care providers.

3.7 Identify common problems and their solutions encountered by the discharge planner.

Pamphlet (MLA style)

I. Collaborative Partnership with Graphic Design Team (4 points)

  A. Graphic Design Responsibilities

     1. Creation of visually appealing media materials

     2. Incorporation of engaging graphics and design elements

  B. Respiratory Team Responsibilities

     1. Content creation with relevant knowledge on Asthma

     2. Correlation of benefits of quitting smoking with a specific disease process

II. Highlight the Benefits of Topic (4 points)

  A. Program Benefits

      1. List 5 benefits of following the program or education on both pamphlet or media and written document






     2. Identify a specific disease process and explain how patients benefit from quitting smoking

Specific disease process:

III. Define Purpose of the Program (10 points)

  A. Clearly Stated Program Objective

     1. Clearly articulate the program objective on both pamphlet and written document

Program Objective:

     2. Ensure clarity in conveying the purpose of the education program

IV. Explaining the Therapy Plan (4 points)

  A. Therapy Plan Explanation

     1. Clear explanation of the therapy plan on both pamphlet and written document

     2. Ensure understanding of the proposed therapy for living with asthma 

V. Goals and Desired Outcomes (4 points)

  A. Clear Articulation of Goals

     1. List 5 goals and desired outcomes on both documents






     2. Emphasize non-reversible outcomes and provide coping mechanisms

VI. Optimal Therapeutic Outcomes (4 points)

  A. Clearly Stated Outcomes

     1. Clearly state 5 optimal therapeutic outcomes on both documents






     2. Ensure clarity in articulating the expected positive results of the cessation program

VII. Counseling Patient and Family Information (5 points)

  A. Comprehensive Counseling Information

     1. Provide counseling information and resources on both documents

How can patients seek help?

     2. Clearly explain counseling criteria in the written document

VIII. Include Both a Pamphlet Handout and a Written Explanation (10 points)

  A. Professional Presentation

     1. Ensure both documents have a professional presentation with advanced formatting

     2. Maintain consistency in design elements and avoid spelling/grammatical errors

IX. Cite Any References (5 points)

  A. Standard Format Citations

     1. Include references in MLA formatting on media

     2. Use superscript references numerically on the pamphlet media

     3. Ensure all factual statements are properly referenced

     4. Respiratory student report will use APA formatting

Topic: Asthma 

Program Objective:

Goals of Program:

Summary of Topic:

Resources where patients can seek additional help:

1. List 5 goals and desired outcomes of program






2. Clearly state 5 optimal therapeutic outcomes on both documents






Harper University PSY 228 Research methods


1. Our second assignment has us investigating a developmental psychopathology

2. Developmental psychology is the study of the way individuals develop over the course of the life-span.

3. A psychopathology focuses on how and when psychological disorders/concerns develop and how they affect the outcome or totality of the life. Some of the disorders studied include abuse, autism, attentional and learning disabilities, reactive attachment disorder, trauma, ( a variety of trauma concerns), sleep disorders, substance use and abuse, anxiety, phobias, and depression, prenatal exposure to a specific teratogen, suicide, eating disorders, psychotic disorders to name a few.

4. We want to consider the diagnosed disorder/concern. What is in place to offer assistance or support for the individual and their family?


1. Select the psychopathology.

2. Select a developmental stage, for example: newborn, infant, early childhood, middle/late childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle-adulthood, later adulthood…

3. Enter the word scholarly and your information from above into your search bar

4. The article must be current, within the last 4 years

5. NOTE+If you search Google Scholarly you may locate an article to discuss. Please consider writing down the title of the article and author name, or cut and paste into the information into the search bar at the Harper Library. Please don’t pay for an article.


Once you find your article and read through it and answer the following questions. Please do not rewrite the questions. Number your responses.

1. Discuss what the authors were investigating…3-4 sentences or more…found in the introduction section

2. Explore and report the aim or purpose of their study and state which method of research is being employed? Is this a case study, correlation study, cross-sectional study, longitudinal study, experimental design,  3-4 sentences or more found in the introduction section

3. Discuss what the researchers were expecting to show/find?   3-4 sentences or more found in the introduction section

4. Discuss their hypothesis?   1-2 sentences or more found at the end of the introduction section

5. Who were their study participants? How were the participants selected for the study? Did they receive any benefit for participation?   6-8 sentences or more found in the methods section

6. Detail what was expected of them? Were they in a treatment group? Did they complete interviews, surveys, in-depth/clinical interviews, standardized tests, what did they do? Name the types of measures used. For example, if the researchers used the HADS, Hospital Anxiety, and Depression Scale, explain that. This information is found in the methods section 8-10 sentences or more

7. Discuss the outcome of the study and explain what the researchers would state that they might do differently in the future or what future research should consider.  Found in the discussion section.  6 plus sentences or more

If you would like to comment on the statistical applications mentioned in the results section, please do so.

Lab – Anthro


Reflection Questions

1. Observe each sample for coagulation. Based on what you see…

a. What blood type does Individual #1 have? What is/are the possible genotype(s)

for Individual #1?

b. What blood type does Individual #2 have? What is/are the possible genotype(s)

for Individual #2?

c. What blood type does Individual #3 have? What is/are the possible genotype(s)

for Individual #3?

2. Suppose that the three samples are from two parents and their child.

a. Which individuals are the parents? Which individual is the child? How do you


b. What genotype must each individual have for this scenario to be possible?

c. Draw a Punnett square using the parents’ genotypes. Circle the genotype that

belongs to the child that you have blood typed.

d. What is the percent chance that these two parents would have a child with this

blood type?

3. There is one blood type not represented in these samples.

a. What blood type is it?

b. What would you predict would happen if you added Anti-A serum to this type of


c. What would you predict would happen if you added Anti-B serum to this type of


d. Why is the genotype that codes for this blood type considered “codominant”?

Type O blood produces both anti-A and anti-B antibodies, so it will not coagulate with Anti-A or Anti-B Serum.

Lab Kit Materials

Labeled test tubes or small containers:

Individual #1 Blood Sample

Individual #2 Blood Sample

Individual #3 Blood Sample

Anti-A Serum

Anti-B Serum

Five eyedroppers or pipettes

Permanent marker

Six toothpicks or stirrers

Blood Typing Test Plate laminated or placed in a plastic sheet protector

Preparation Steps:

Each student will prepare the following supplies:

Labeled test tubes or small containers (small clear glass will work fine):

Individual #1: Dyed vinegar (this will simulate Type A blood)

Individual #2: Dyed milk (this will simulate Type B blood)

Individual #3: Dyed water (this will simulate Type O blood)

Anti-A Serum: Milk

Anti-B Serum: Vinegar

Five eyedroppers or pipettes

Permanent marker

Six toothpicks or stirrers

Blood Typing Test Plate (attached) laminated or placed in a plastic sheet protector (1 per group)

Student worksheets

Students will stir each sample using a different toothpick for each of the six samples.

Students will observe each sample to see if it has coagulated (agglutinated) or not, and determine the three individuals’ blood types based on the results

Step-by-Step Instructions (Please follow carefully)

Using a different toothpick for each of the six samples, stir each sample.

Observe each sample to see if it has coagulated (agglutinated) or not.

4. Is ABO considered a “Mendelian Trait”?

a. What is “Mendelian genetics”? How would you identify a trait that follows a

pattern of Mendelian genetics? Review the section “Mendelian Genetics” in

Chapter 3 to help you.

b. How does the ABO blood type system follow the rules of Mendelian Inheritance?

c. In what ways is the ABO blood type system more complex than the pea plant

traits that Mendel observed?

complete the labs following all instructions


Lab 4 Enzymes

Hide Assignment Information


Turnitin™ enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.


Concepts Explored: enzymes, substrates, enzyme reaction rates, and factors affecting enzyme activity.

Experiment: In this set of laboratory exercises, you will study the effect of three different factors (enzyme concentration, temperature, pH) on enzyme rate. This activity will require about two hours.

Please log in to the TableTop Science website, follow the directions for Lab 4 Enzymes, and submit the completed activity form in this assignment folder by the due date posted in the syllabus. Remember to take the required snapshots (screenshots) of your results. 

Creating Graphs Using Excel

You are encouraged to use Excel to create the graphs required for the labs 4 and 8 assignments. The ability to create graphs is a useful skill to have!

All UMGC students have access to Excel. See this page for information: https://www.umgc.edu/help/help-article-base.html?k… 


There are many good Excel Tutorials online, especially on YouTube, that you can use if you need help creating graphs.  

Here is one suggestion (may be slightly different depending on the version used you can stop at minute 4:30 equation for trend line not needed): How to make a scientific graph in Excel   

Microsoft Office 365 Training site, click on Excel, and Charts:  https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/training?redir… 

A Few Tips: 

Scatter plots or bar graphs work well for the data you need to plot in labs 4 and 8. 

Before you start, think about how you want the graph to look. Make sure your graph provides enough information so that the reader can understand the data presented just by looking at the graph. 

The independent variable should always be on the x-axis and the dependent variable should always be on the y-axis. 

Label the x and y axis, include the units of measure.   

Include a descriptive title for your graph.   

You are required to create graphs in this lab assignment. 

The originality of your lab assignment will be checked with Turnitin. Please review the originality report, and if needed, submit a revised assignment before the submission deadline. 

Important Information about Copyright and Academic Dishonesty

All lab content is copyright protected and may NOT be posted or shared outside of this UMGC classroom (with the sole exception of Turnitin®). Posting of lab copyrighted materials elsewhere is a violation of copyright law and the TableTop Science lab software agreement.

All content in this course is copyright protected and may NOT be posted or shared outside of this UMGC classroom (with the sole exception of Turnitin®). Posting of UMGC copyrighted materials elsewhere is a violation of UMGC’s Policy 190.00 on Intellectual Property.