I need to do a Research Poster Project

Question Description

hey. Hwy I have this assignment and as you see there’s two file guide for this project.

the poster guideline file explain you about what you should do. The other file is the rubric to see all the requirements are met.

powerpoint presentation about Antiseptics

Question Description

presentation about Antiseptics

Be sure that you use MS Powerpoint for your presentation.

Any other type of presentation slides will not open in Canvas and cannot be graded. A resubmission will be late and will result in a 5 point reduction.

Bio1104 Final Paper Modern Technology and Scientific Tools in Biology

Question Description

The professor needs the essay in APA style with a References page from Pubmedia on the topic ( Modern Technology and Scientific Tools in Biology ) , I need this paper to be 7 pages including the reference page.

Easy One Good Paragraph

Question Description

The following video shows how acid rains have caused environmental damages in Britain. Share your opinion on the environmental impacts of the industrialized United States and the world at large.

Link To Video :

The 2 worksheets. One is about the respiratory .and other one is about lamb pluck dissection worksheets

Question Description

Lamb pluck dissection:

a pluck usually includes the trachea, heart and lungs

as you watch the video write down 10 NEW things you learned about the respiratory system. Number them 1-10 and return.

Video link: https://youtu.be/tMDCHIP78g0

respiratory function worksheet:

Finish the worksheets.

I need help to complete short report for General Chemistry II experiment 32

Question Description

The experiment name is Galvanic Cells, theNernst Equation. The data will be provided for the lab and you should write one sentence hypothesis, calculation, and one paragraph conclusion, in which you state the final result and error analysis.

Which of the molecule(s) will have an odd‑numbered molecular ion / value?

Question Description

Which of the molecule(s) will have an odd‑numbered molecular ion / value?

Note: Please check the attached pdf file for 5 questions. Two of which are 50 percent solved.

Biology very simple assignment

Question Description

All you need to do is watch a ten minute video and answer 6 questions

and you have until Sunday to do it

Natural Selection and the Rock Pocket Mouse — HHMI BioInteractive Video (Links to an external site.)

Astronomy assignment

Question Description

this is astronomy short answer assignment. I attached files that you need.

You’ll need the lab, 2 pieces of graphing paper, a metric ruler, and a protractor. If you don’t have a protractor, I’ve included one you can print off.

Physical Science Energy and the environment

Question Description

I have a test in the 9:30-10:45 am East time tomorrow morning, I put a study guide below and I will give u more material when u take this task. Only take it if u conference to do.