I have a chem test that needs to be taken for me

Question Description

chem text that needs to be take for me it is Chapter 11 Make up Test on Schoology (Distance Learning) it is a makeup test. You can either put the answers on a separate sheet of paper or on the actual do

Subject: Sociology, Socialization Discussion

Question Description

Question: Childhood is changing. We have entered into an era of intensive marketing to children. Please provide three potential effects that this new advertising and marketing to children has on their lives. (Consuming Kids)

Video attached: Consuming kids: The Commercialization of Childhood.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJtX0Xj77qw

I have another assignment for you, please provide quality work

Question Description

When a gun was used to fire a bullet of mass 5g it was found to have a recoil velocity of 3m/s when a bullet left, it barrel at a speed of 600km/h.

(i) Why does a gun recoil when it is fired?

Group Project – Reproductive Ethics

Question Description

My part of the project covers Surrogacy

Form of the Presentation

1. Define the topic you are discussing- Surrogacy

2. Facts about your topic

3. What are the Pros and Cons

4. Opposing Arguments + Rebuttal the Argument

5. At least two questions

Measuring weather elements

Question Description

I am looking for a tutor to do my meteorology lab exercise. I need to fill in the blanks for the questions using my lab guide provided in the attachment. Please fill out the work and scan it back if possible.

Write short paragraphs

Question Description

1. Write 3 short paragraphs about the given topics and give an example in each paragraphs.

– Wavelength

– Orbitals

– Bohr (discoveries)

2. Write a short paragraph about what you learned about what the three topics.

its short questions 8 multiple choose and 3 wringing questions they are so short about Diffusion/Osmosis/ Membranes

Question Description

its short questions 8 multiple choose and 3 wringing questions they are so short about Diffusion/Osmosis/ Membranes i will attach to you the questions if you need any thing else let me know i have many materials that can help u

Growth rate equation

Question Description

Discussion post:

The growth rate equation is (birth rate + immigration)-(death rate + emigration). Provide at least two factors that affect the population size based off the equation above, and explain how these factors impact the size of the population.

University second year Physics Lab. Bid only if you have expertise on Physics.

Question Description

one hour Physics Lab, I will provide my student account. and you need to do a handwritten answer and submit it online.

if the score will lower 75% I will withdraw the question.

So only bid if you have confidence with you Physics.

Exercise 8 – Plasma membrane,

Question Description

Exercise 8 – Plasma membrane, ALL ANSWERS I SCANNED TO YOU by JPEG, some of them are incorrect and some of them are missing you need to complete the missing question and correct some answers as much as you can.