fix what is ruined.

Question Description

Can you fix the last lab u did? the one I refunded? make it simple.

make the procedures first as a b c d

then the safety in one page.

and make the steps in D shorter.

+ name all the elements on safety first then say their safety steps?

disaster management

Question Description

Recovery is an essential part of disaster management. However, it is not well supported. I am an elected official that sees far more value in response assets than recovery needs. Change my mind on the need for recovery.

What role does community and economic development play in recovery?

biology assignment

Question Description

Due in Week 10 and worth 30 points

Fill out the DEMOGRAPHICS LAB WORKSHEET and submit.

correction essay//lab essay chemistry

Question Description

i need to correction. this calculation or analysis method may something wrong.

im not sure this is correct or not. please check calculation overall and my lab method is logic or not.

if it need to revise. please revise.

don’t have time. please help me…

thank you.

what are stem cells?

Question Description

Research the moral and ethical debate regarding stem cell technologies. What is a pluripotent stem cell? Why are them important? Is it possible to create them?

Respond with a cited response using APA formatting

Must use at least 2 scholarly sources

answer does not need to exceed a paragraph

writing correction needed

Question Description

This is a file of 5 pages. I need some one to correct them and focus on grammar mistakes, word choices, and other serious mistakes. But please do not use very academic words and the writing should be,at least, in whole 5 pages after correction.

Need help with College Seminar (due in four hours)

Question Description

A quick 1 page essay on a plan for personal and professional success.

Quick details.

I am an Economics major

Currently attend community college

Plan to transfer to a 4 year college

Planning on becoming an investment banker

Want to obtain a certificate in coding to complete Economics degree

Biology assig 7

Question Description

Using data from the New York Times Changing Forest website, explain how forests are impacted by climate change and how forests themselves may offset aspects of climate change. Be specific in your examples.

Your response should be at least 100 words in length.

Biology lab

Question Description

Pre-Lab Questions

  • Would you expect endangered species to be more frequently generalists or specialists? Explain your answer.
  • How does temperature affect water availability in an ecosystem?
  • Choose a species and describe some adaptations that species developed that allow them to survive in their native habitat.

Seeds Research Bio LAB answer the following questions

Question Description

Seeds Research Bio LAB

just see the attach and answer the following questions

  1. What is a seed, and why do plants produce seeds?
  2. What is germination?
  3. What conditions are typically required for seed germination?
  4. Identify the parts of a seed by labelling the diagram below.
  5. and 6.